1. Demonstrate the ability to relate to academic theory to the work environment and recognise the contribution of practice to the development of theory.
2. Confidently apply work related skills in a professional context.
3. Demonstrate a critical approach to evaluation techniques and reflective practice.
4. Produce a career and personal development plan to support their level 6 studies and entry to graduate employment.
Reflection as a Learning Tool
The aim of this report is to put emphasis on the reflection of my own professional context. I have reflected on the experiences and knowledge those I had gained during the PPDI module and tried to explain my personal development. This report presents a thorough explanation on how the PPDI module helped me in changing my behaviour and supported me in taking better decision-making. I had tried to implement the learning in the practical life and produce an effective and efficient output through the utilization of these practices. I have explained how the practices related to the PPDI helped me in thinking the critical and bright sides for the certain course of action. I had been practicing the range of methodologies and activities learned during the PPDI module and tried to implement them in an effective and efficient manner. The mapping, diaries and other activities helped me in identifying the various course of action related to the situation and their respective consequences in future. Following report highlights the results of the practices of PPDI module learning in real life.
I identified that reflection can be used as a development tool for ourselves in manner to be ahead in the in the race of the real world as I was informed that the science behind the reflection has been compelling. It is a considerable factor that we learn many lessons from our mistakes and experiences however; researches have been made on this concern and results suggest that learning cannot be gathered without thinking and discussing about the experiences to themselves about what was the meaning of the learning (Baldwin 2016). Asking questions about the aspects of the learning to themselves can help in gathering the knowledge and learn the learnings for long term. It is also helpful in learning deeper through looking in the matter from different perspectives and bringing challenge in front of the world. I learnt about the principle of reflection namely ‘the progress principle’ that was helpful for me in understanding how effective can be the small decision making and how can be linked with the inner work life’s critical elements. An individual’s motivation can be boosted through involving him or her in meaningful work despite of having either small or big wins or decision-making in the real life (Adamson and Dewar 2015). I get to know that reflecting on the personal achievements in the real life can be suitable and effective way of learning that can be helpful in boosting the motivation and allowing to gather knowledge much positively.
PPDI Module Learnings and Their Practical Implementation
Following are the three main things those I get to know during my pPDI courses:
Planning and negotiation learnings: I learnt how to plan for any event, or project through consideration of many aspects that could be helpful in leading the planning in an effective and efficient manner and motivate the individual in front of me (Eyler and Giles 2014). I learnt how to consider the different facts and utilize them for the further implementation.
Managing teams: I learnt how to lead an effective communication with the team members, manage them in an effective and efficient, and motivate them towards the objective and goal subjected for them (Taylor 2017). I understand that listening before speaking can be the most crucial factor for the deployment of an effective communication with the individual whom I am talking.
Managing personal development: I learnt how to manage the personal development at the work place and in the real world. Personal development can be helpful in effective in managing the overall development of the organization (Macintyre 2016). I acquired the behaviour of the self-confidence and learnt how to manage it and transform in my own development and being a responsible person at the workplace and in real life.
Yes, it was completely opposite than I had thought to live in the real world. I was not very confident about how to develop my own personality in the society that helped me in feeling that I am alive and a part of the society. I believed I have developed my self-confidence and I can deal with most of the problems in the real world (Stocker, Burmester and Allen 2014). I now know how to communicate and how to manage my personality in the society. I learnt how to differentiate between the knowledge areas and which sector does not have any output or response on my real world. It changed my thoughts and behaviour, now I like to go deeper in the topic whether, it is a conversation or any real life challenge.
Yes, I gathered many knowledge through reflecting on my own activities utilizing the reflective model. I learned how to tackle with the daily problems and solve them through applying reflective models of thinking and taking actions after considering the aspects. I learnt how to react on the circumstances and identify the possible situation those could be applied in that situation. I get to know about the various models such as Gibb’s, John’s, Driscoll, and others that resulted in the enhancement of my personality behaviour (Mastrick and Vatnick 2015). It helped me in understanding the situations and asking myself the questions as explained in the models. It was also helpful for e in ensuring that I take the proper and effective decision. These models help me in understanding internalization and development of strategies and perspectives in manner to apply them in the future. I understand how to build up a repertoire in manner to draw upon the future. I get to know about differentiating between the external and internal factors of a certain situation those are capable of affecting the actions and decisions of mine (Redmond 2017). I identified the factors those should and would be affecting the course of actions and my decisions on the certain situation in the real life.
My Transformation Journey through Reflective Practices
This transformation in the thinking process will widen my scope for the course of action and will be resulting in the selection of new practices those could be helpful in taking better decision making (Bevan et al. 2015). I will be responding on the present situation considering the experiences and future consequences of the course of action. I have changed my practice from being annoyed from certain situation and drawback from making hard decisions considering all the aspects from experiences from the past and the future perspectives of the actions. I have now enabled my thoughts in a wide manner that I notice everything and consider all other aspects and consideration of the situations and their reflective action (Carbone and Brown 2017). After considering all the aspects, I stop to a decision from where everything becomes normal and harmless for every individual. Reflexive practice model enables my thought in a manner that the first thought raised considering what is happening and what is all about the situation. Thereafter I find the options that provides me various options and thereafter I took action on the situation and if it is harmless, I leave that as it was (Broadhead 2018). There are so many questions those start playing with my mind whenever, I look into some matter and I will keep it going in future, as the outputs of these practices are very positive. I can define reflective practice as a wide range and varieties of questions; those could be asked for the better and effective decision making on the certain topic at certain situation.
Based on the facts highlighted in the above report, it can be concluded that the reflective practice helped in enhancing my personality in an effective and efficient manner. I learnt about the various course of actions, and their circumstances identification on a certain point of cause. The above report presented the facts thast can be helpful in understanding why learning through reflection has been important for me, and how much it could affect positively to my personal development. I have reflected how the reflective practice and learning helped me enhancing my life living. I have also explained my major learnings, those I had gained during the PPDI module and reflected upon it describing about my reflective practices. I have also explained about the differences between my previous knowledge areas and the knowledge I gained from the PPDI. I have also reflected how it has changed my life through helping me in enhancing the skills related to personal development. I have also explained how these knowledge and practice will change my life living and will be improving the decision-making skills and select the best consequences of the action those I will be taking considering all the aspects.
The purpose of this report is to critically evaluate the reflective models based on the one-week event and I have chosen the Vitreous cycle of reflection part 2 as the week for demonstrating the knowledge that I have gained until now. I have used the experiences and knowledge gained in the PPDI module in the reflection presented in this report (Brookfield 2017). I had learnt the various reflective models those could be implemented in the reflective action on the actions in future situations. I was familiar with the various model’s that includes Dewey’s five stage model, Boud’s Triangular representation, Agryis and Schon Reflective Theory Model 1978, Kolb’s Learning Cycle 1984, and Gibb’s Reflective cycle, among which I found the Gibb’s cycle more interesting. This models were helpful in learning through reflective practices and reflection and I have formed the Gibb’s cycle for the delivery of this report.
I had used the Gibb’s model that can be described as theoretical model, which can be used by us as in the reflective writing for the assignments. Professor Graham Gibbs had created the model that consist of six main phases in a closed loop that includes the following (Beech, MC Gill and Brockblank 2017). “Action plan If it arose again what would you do?, Descripiton What happened?, Feelings What were you thinking and feeling?, Evaluation What was good and bad about the experience?, Analysis What sense can you make of the situation?, and Conclusion What else could you have done?.” The confusing parts were the conclusion, analysis, and evaluation that could be a complex matter while writing the reflection, however, this week made me clear with the objectives (Amaro and Duarte 2015).
The event was a scenario of the restaurant where every individual had to play the role of the assistant chef and I was told that I am keen to introduce my dish but fear the head chef. This was the moment, when I completely get involved in the class however, my initial reaction was what is going on this is not relevant to my studies and what will be the outcome of this classes. I had to make a choice what should I do as I am keen to introduce my new dish and now, I will have to take a decision that will be beneficial for everyone considering my benefits too (Agarwal et al. 2015). This make me understand how tough can be the situations for some instances.
No. I did not had these feelings before as we were about to indulge in a scenario that was somewhat failure to me and I could relate the scene with my personal life. I want to do new and innovative practices but fears of falling back and that always draw me back from my goals (Fomburn, Ponji and Newburry 2015). The feeling was recognisable I wanted to be indulge more in the class and I was listening the choices everyone was making and stating in the class. I wanted to bring up my approach very badly and I expressed that before making the dish, I will go to the head chef and tell him the recipe. He will must understand the taste and would allow me to bring up with the new dish. Before stating these I searched for the answers of the questions learnt in the PPDI that resulted me in this approach as the best as per the situation.
I get to know that for a single action there are the possibilities of many consequences however, choosing the best course of action through considering all the aspects can be better and effective approach. I performed the Gibb’s model that resulted in a conclusion and finding a conclusion was the best feeling as in most of the cases in such situation, I does not reach at a point (Wagner et al. 2018). It was the best feeling after the outcome as the model helped in reaching at the conclusion in very easy manner and it could be an effective and efficient approach towards making better decision-making.
These feelings are valid as I will be feeling such situations in future and applying the Gibb’s model will be helpful for me in at-least reaching at a conclusion and move towards that objective rather than leaving behind the topic. These feelings are valid as it is necessary to be consistent in taking and choosing the right course of action in manner to be confident in future and take proper decisions in the various situation of the real life (Afthanorhan 2014). This will be helpful in securing personal development through considering the best approach for the decision-making. The individuals in front of me were drowning me for the action that I wanted to do, and it was the correct time to take some good decisions.
I would to have conversation with my head at the first and even if there is no door left for executing my action, I will have to communicate with the heads as after the Gibb’s model practice, it seems to be the best course of action. It will not only help me but, the individuals working with me will also be beneficial as there will be some course of action taken by the heads that will alternatively result in the better good for us (McCabe, Li and Chen 2016). My first approach would be to convince my leader for making the right decision that is according to me ask him or her to think from my place. This will be beneficial for every individual stuck in this scenario.
I guess the outcome will be same however, the thinking scope will be either widen or shorten but the conclusion would be the same course of action. Different models might resulted on the single choice of talking to my head however, Gibb’s model allow me to move forward and talk to the heads of the project in manner to ensure my safety (Baeten and Simons 2014). Other might have resulted in agreeing that the head is right and we cannot present new dish to the consumer as if it fails, it might affect the reputation of the organization. Thus, the Gibb’s model was chosen as the best model and it had resulted in making the better decision-making and allows me to take action according to my will.
Learning through reflection has been very effective for me as now I can stand against the situations like this and possibly solve the issues in better and effective way. I could use the simple technique of questioning myself and predicting a course of action that is best suitable according to the situation considering the positive benefits for every individual (Young et al. 2017). It will be helpful in future to tackle against such incidents and make an effective and efficient decision making for the scenario. Considering benefits above all should not be the motto for the course of action, as it should be affecting positively to others involved in the same scenario. This should be made considering all the aspects and individuals in future and I am looking forward to face the situations like this.
Based on the facts stated in the above report, it can be concluded that I get to know about the different reflective models those could be utilized in the real life for the accomplishment of better and effective decision-making. This will be helpful in bringing out the circumstances, where I could stuck in future and cannot find a correct path to come out with the best-suited and proper solution. I can be confident that in future, such situations will not be bothering at all for me and I can easily find a way to eliminate these problems. The above report presented the Gibb’s model that I had used for coping up with the problem in the restaurant scenario that was expected to be the better and effective on reaching at a decision (Peterson et al. 2017). I have also expressed my feeling before entering the class, during the course, and after the class as it found be effectively better for me and for my confidence level. I have expressed why my feelings were valid and how these could reflect in much better and effective way in future considering every course of action as per the phases in the Gibb’s model. I am looking forward to practice the model in future in the real world will try to implement it in effective and efficient manner to bring out the best decision that could be made.
Strengths |
Opportunities |
I can adopt the environment of learning, acquire the knowledge and learning in short time, and at single chance. I never leave any topic behind as I note down every important concerns of the class I keep record of the learnings I can develop a better and effective communication with the individuals I cannot be easily manipulated without any evidence or practical consideration |
I can face challenges and bring out opportunities from the situations I can manipulate the lagging factors into leading pones through applying proper knowledge and learning I can implement the learning in real world whenever, there are chances I can adopt the environment and respond accordingly I can gather learning and knowledge as much possible I am keen to learn new things and practices. |
Aspirations |
Results |
Short term aspirations: learn the basics and explanations of the reflective writing and understand the effectiveness Efficiently gather the knowledge and keep notes for future Be a good reflective writer Long term aspirations: Implement the reflective models for the personal and personality development in the real world at home or at work place Effectively apply the reflective processes whenever and wherever it is needed |
I am capable of solving the situation in which some individuals might stuck and cannot bring out any solution I can effectively and efficiently reflect on the real world scenarios. I can fluently write reflection and execute reflective practices for most of the scenarios in future I can take better and effective decision-makings even in complicated situations. I can utilize the reflective models for solving the identified complicated cases |
Professional value statement
I will be looking at my past trying to explore the problems and learning those had been restricted me in accomplishing the objectives and thus, utilized those learnings for developing the plan that can be helpful in learning the weekly lectures in an efficient and effective manner. As a learner, I can easily gather the knowledge and learning at any topic and execute it in real life for the better and enhanced practice in life. I can utilize the learning and knowledge for the personal and organizational development at the work place. I will always try to learn from my past failures and make me strong for facing the obstacles in my present life. I am completely focused towards completing the weekly lectures and learning all the necessary knowledge those could be applied in my real life for the enhancement of my reflective writing and actions based on different models learnt during my academics. As a leader, I can keep the team motivated towards objectives and goals through effective and efficient communication skill. I can understand their professional and personal problems and thus, make them secure through recommending the best options for them As a manager, I can manage a big team in smooth manner and solve the typical problems in instances. |
What do I want to learn? |
What do I have to do? |
What support and resources will I need? |
How will I measure my success? |
Target date for review of results. |
New and unique topics related to my subject and that can enhance my personality |
I have to look around everywhere there is the scope of some education and learning and from where I can gather the knowledge |
I will be needing supports from the experienced individuals and the study materials collected during the weekly lectures and journals. Additional sources will also be utilized for gathering more knowledge I the context of the reflective writing |
Considering the problem solving efficiency I will evaluate how much problems I have solved using the reflective models. Whether the problem solving attitude resulting in positive manner or not can be a possible approach for measuring success. |
After 3 weeks, the results will be evaluated |
Reflective models those can contribute in my personality and writing skills and their application in real life |
Look for the scenarios that can be helpful for this execution |
Knowledge and learning of the PPDI and EVER |
Considering then decision-making approaches |
After 3 weeks, the results will be evaluated |
Personal Objectives
Short-term goals (next four months) |
I want to complete all my courses and gather knowledge as much as possible through taking notes, communication with the professors, and taking part in the classes |
Medium Term Goals (next 2 – 3 years) |
Revise the learning and develop a personality to be intelligent about the topics that I had learnt in my previous classes and reflect accordingly in the real life |
Long Term Goals (following 3 to 5 years) |
Be a superior in making better decision making, and problem solving expert through the application of the reflective writing and reflective actions |
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