Operation management refers to the process of controlling and designing the management of the company in such a way that the business activities are conducted efficiently. Through this tool the company is derived to increase the efficiency of business and provide satisfaction to the customers through their services. Under this process, an event manager needs to propose a plan and arrange the resources required for the implementation of the event. Also the manager needs to look at the factors such as risk areas, availability of resources, legal issues etc. and then work according to make the event successful (Jones 2014).
In the given case of Authentic Productions, for the purpose of raising funds for charity to orphan children, the music festival is organized in Greenwich Park, London. Further details about the event are discussed below:
It involves understanding the vision of the event which means that what is the purpose behind conduction of that event. As this music event is for raising the charity so that company identifies the prospective customers who can give funds in the event. Thus analysis the type of event is thee foremost important task under making any event successful (Burden 2012).
London is the best destination for the charitable music concert as it is capital of the country UK and people prefer music in open grounds of London. Also the company shall attract customers who are interested in music as well as charity. Choosing the city Greenwich Park will aid the company as the charity center for which the company is raising money is also situated near the park only. Therefore resulting into which the company can show the authenticity of the charity event by presenting the orphans in the event as well. Also as per the preference of people of London, they believe in doing charity for a good cause therefore if the company is organize its event in London then it will earn more amount as compared to other cities (Soprovich 2010).
After analyzing the type of the event the company needs to determine the type of the audience they want to target for the happening of prosperous event. Like, the company shall firstly identify people connected with other charitable organizations who do charity often. The company shall firstly target that audience because they can give a handful of money for charity.
Secondly the company shall identify the locality near the orphanage and invite them as well. Thirdly the company shall look for people who are blessed with children or want to adopt a child; they are the people who can feel the pain of a child. Also the company shall target only those audiences who can connect with the event and its cause (Yeoman 2012). So basically it can be said that the company shall target the audience who can feel the need of the orphans and can provide optimum money for making the vent successful. In London as per the analysis people are already interest in the charity shows and event thus by holding the show in London can help the company in achieving the objectives defined. Therefore, through emotional perspective the company shall invite them for the event so that the company can raise maximum charity out of their event (Heizer 2016).
Type of Event
Accessibility of an event includes everything that helps customer in reaching the event. In description, in an event accessibility includes location which is approachable for people, information about the event, economically approachable, and target the interested segment if the market. In the music event, the company is already organizing the event at an approachable but to approach at that place; the people need to know about the event which they will get to know through promotions. The company can do promotions by distributing pamphlets, publishing in regional newspapers and magazines and through online mode by sharing information on social media (Dickson, & Arcodia 2010).
To make the music event accessible to the target audience the company shall after selecting an approachable place, complete the pre event activities like, registration, ticking, booking etc. also the company shall provide adequate parking facility, starters meals and playing area for children. Also the company shall not hold concert at a congested place as children will also attend the concert therefore the event shall be organized in a way that it is accessible to all. As it is a music concert therefore, proper sound system shall be prearranged at the venue, along with which the sound shall not be loud or harsh; it shall not hurt the neighbors or people attending the concert (Closs, Speier, & Meacham 2011).
It is preferred that the event shall be organize on a weekend so that, more people can attend the concert. For making any event successful it is necessary for a company to build an operational plan and follow up. This plan helps the company in leading the way to make the successful and solve the problem coming in between (Mahaux, Heymans, & Saval 2011). Thus, for the music concert, the major aspects of the plan are described below:
As the company is focusing to organize the event in Greenwich Parks London, the foremost task which the company needs to do is book the park for the day, as the park is available for all people through minimum amount of ticket. Therefore, it is the best place for people to visit during weekend. Therefore, through this company earn maximum revenue for charity (Jones 2014).
Thus, company needs to firstly take permission from the royal parks management theme for holding an event in the parks. Furthermore, the company shall also need to tell their action plan to the management team of royal parks and tell them what type of event their want to hold on their property. According to the agreement the company works on the ground, also they shall take care of the property otherwise they can be hit with penalty (Getz, Andersson, & Carlsen 2010).
Target Audience
Also the company shall seek approval from people living nearby, for holding a music concert. There shall be no person having ill-health who can get affected with loud volume of the concert (Guerrero, Maas, & Hogland 2013). All the legal issue shall be fulfilled by the company so that no unseen problem comes during the event. Following licenses shall be taken while holding a music concert:
- PPL (Phonographic Performance Limited):license for playing the recorded music of a singer in the event.
- Loudspeaker license: permission shall be taken by nearby local police station for playing sound in loud volume and using speakers with limited range and bass.
- Premises license: under this licenses the company shall certify that they shall hold thee concert during the working hours only and shall not disturb the community by doing the concert in odd timings.
- Commercial tax: the company shall pay entertainment tax for holding a music concert for amusement.
- Also the company shall take approval and make sure that the money raised from such event shall be used for charitable purposes only (Battersby 2016).
Planning for the management of risk is an important aspect while planning any event. In a music concert a music event may involve many things that are:
- No harm to the property hired.
- No damage to the tools and equipment used.
- No harm to the audience attending the event.
To overcome such risk the company shall firstly identify the risks connected with the event and take preventive measures to overcome them. Under the risk control plan the company shall initially assess the degree of risk associated with a particular activity and also an emergency management plan, this plan should cover all the emergencies which can be caused during the event (Jašíková, Bureš, & Marešová 2011). Pre and post-concert plans shall also be taken into account such as, traffic management, issue regarding fraudulent selling of tickets etc. It is always better to plan before crisis; the company shall ensure safety of their audience through adequate security. The lights, sound, photography machinery shall be organized to a place away from the reach of people.
Under the company primarily identification of activities shall be made which carries high degree risk with them (Foerstl, Reuter, Hartmann, & Blome 2010).
(Source: Specialist Safety solution 2017)
Afterwards, logistic approach shall be determined to excavate the risk
Risk prioritization shall be made concerned with the consequences of first handling the risks which have high degree of occurrence (Visser, & Tolhurst 2010).
The music concert need to be thoughtful and practical while planning as their re any risk factors affected to it. Therefore to cover all the security and safety management tasks the company needs to implement a crowd management plan.
The organizers shall ask the contractors of the place for the risks concerned with the place; this can work beneficial for the company in addressing the issue related to venue (Pohl & Tolhurst 2010). Concerning the unnoticed trouble the organizer shall ensure proper entrance and exit facilities for the audience. Parking area should be segregated from the entrance and exit doors so as to avoid accidents.
As per the work and safety act the noise and vibration produced from the concerts shall not be more than the average volume. Also the sound system shall be properly checked before the concert. An assumption of number of people shall be made before managing the audience. All the resources which are needed by them shall be made available during the concert. Medical services shall be present along with playing activities or kids of audience and orphans as well. Proper communication shall be there with the team so that risk shall be managed collectively (Musgrave 2011).
Supply chain management refers to the technique through which a company supplies information, technology, and resource in the organization. in an event management company supply chain management is an important task because some to the employees work on field while others work off field thus resulting in need of resource and convey of information time to time so that organizational structure in maintain and proper flow of information and good communication exists in the organization to make the event successful (Henderson 2011).
(Source: Closs, Speier, & Meacham 2011)
The supply chain work flow in the four steps that is packaging, logistic, distribution, and consumption. Under the logistic consideration for handling the event, for pre handling the company ensures proper supply of information and tickets to the customers. Also the transportation and accommodation and other facilities shall be made accessible to them. During the course of event the organizers shall ensure proper flow of resources and all emergency services to the customers (The royal Parks 2017).
Post event the company shall determine the event outcome and perform the task of waste management and recycling. Under the concept of packaging, the theme of the event shall be considered, determine the aspect that the event is for charity therefore the organizer shall make least cost and also create a them which is likable by all that is by kids as well as elder audience. The distribution of the services shall be made only to audiences who have bought the tickets for the concerts. Also within the organization proper distribution of resource and information shall be made to increase the effectiveness of the event. Services made available to the target audience shall be made available to them also the consumer of services shall not feel bad with the services (FIVE 2017).
Corporate social responsibility refers to the commitment of the company to the government of country regarding the environmental safety and upliftment. CSR of every country depend upon they type of events and activities they perform. For the music concert, the company shall firstly decide the budget required to fulfill the CSR of the event. As the concert is being held in the royal parks thus it is the responsibility of the company to clean the mess and garbage on the ground. The company values and the values of CSR shall be in alignment as it shall be responsibility of every company to initiate green environment. Post event the company shall initiate cleanliness in the venue; also the company shall focus on involvement of others as well in the activities of CSR (Specialist safety solution 2017).
- The music concert is showcased to raise charity for the orphans, so for that the purpose the company shall focus on use of resources sustainability so that with minimum input maximum output is created for charity.
- Sustainable event management can also be green event under which the organizers specifically focuses on the holding the event with respect to concerning the environmental and social responsibility toward the community. The company shall make sure that all the activities performed by the company and their employees are in favor of the environment and do not degrade the environment (HSE 2017).
- Like, the equipment used shall not emit excess carbon which can harm the surroundings. Also they shall use facilities smartly like, framework shall be defined with respect to use of sustainable material, water and energy conservation etc. it is the social responsibility of the company to take care of the environment do all activities sustainable if they use the environment for their activities.
Operational Plan for the Music Concert
Waste management refers to the activity to using the resources precisely, monitoring the activities with maximum waste and initiating the activities like recycling and disposition of partial material used. For this purpose a site map shall be created with a view to analyze the activities attracted with waste, afterwards the company shall make action plan to initiate activities with the purpose of waste reduction. According the management shall implement those action plans and work effectively so that the resources are saving for the future.
As this is music even therefor, canteens, cafés shall be used repeatedly due to which the community can get unclean. Therefore the company can place trash bins so that people uses them and create less garbage. Post event the company shall recycle the waste and initiate greener and clean city. Waste management is also a part of the corporate social responsibility of a company. The Greenwich Park is known for its beauty therefore the organizer shall make sure that during the event no property is damaged (Yeoman 2012).
It refers to the process of controlling the production of goods and services in such a way that the customer gains highest satisfaction out of it and the company earn good revenue as well.
In the event industry, the client is the king pin of the market as all the requirement of the client shall be fulfilled in such a way that they receive what they had thought of the event. Thus as an operation manager, it is my duty to provide a pleasant experience t my client. With the help of learning I gained a concise to understand the requirement of my client and strictly amended the plans to follow them for better results. Communication is the key to solve every problem, thus I made sure that there is proper communication within the organization as well as regular information is conveyed to the client about the event (Mahaux, Heymans, & Saval 2011).
- Operation management is they study through which the manger gets their work with an ease and also achieve the efficiency in their work. To design and develop my plan, along with fulfillment of the objective to raise funds, the management also focused on the activities like, waste management, traffic and healthcare management etc.
- As an operation manager it is my duty to satisfy each and every customer and to make the event successful. Thus, these activities helped me in accomplishing the event with efficiency (Dickson, & Arcodia 2010).
- In the management the structure was defined in such a way that it shall not damage any natural resource along with use of least carbon emitting tools. Through this sustainability is attained. Also the plans focused on giving the target audience a healthy experience through the event and make them emotionally feel the core objective of the event that is to raise charity.
- There would be no event held without having any problem, so initially pre event the major problem which was faced by the management was that the music system was kaput due to which the all the activities paused because a music concert can’t be held with music system. To overcome this issue, I immediately sent some employee of the management to look for music equipment on lease, resulting to which problem was resolved within time due to effective communication within the management (Climatewave 2017).
- Another challenge faced during the event was of environmental cleanliness, the contractor strictly said that the Greenwich Park shall not get filthy due to the event. To solve this issue the management took the initiative to paste of banner of cleaner and greener city and asking people to through the garbage in bins only. Thus it can be said that with innovative and effective management all problems can be overcome.
After talking for a while with other companies of the same industry, sense of realization which I received was that an event can’t be successful without a team. Teamwork is the most important factor in an event industry, also the team needs to understand and trust their manager because it is not the manager who makes an event successful instead it is the whole team work and if leader is not capable to motivate the team then in n case the event can became successful (HSE 2017).
Licensing and Legal Issue
Thus, in the limelight of above events it can be said that for the music concert to become successful, the company needs fulfill all the legal requirement complied with the event. Also the operation manager needs to make and implement a plan through which the music event can became successful and funds can also be raised for the orphans. To strategically fulfill all the requirement of the client and the company the manager needs to focus on core project along with managerial activities like, CSR and sustainability, medical assistance, licensing etc. hence, it can be concluded that the operation manger needs to diversify its thinking skills and pay attention to all the vents happening around in order to make the music event successful.
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