The Interrelatedness of Leadership and Management
1. Leadership and management can be used interchangeably, as management helps in organizing the work in a proper way so that the goals and objectives can be achieved. The different situations that need to be solved within the organization are done by the managers, which describes that management helps people in working in a better way according to the descriptions that they have been assigned (Liu, Wang and Wayne 2015). Leadership is one of the main attributes that needs to be present among the managers so that they can help the employees in understanding their roles and strive them towards achieving the targets. The leadership quality in the managers helps in increasing the output of the employees by helping them with their performance within the company. The leaders also have to be recognizing new possibilities that will help the organization in succeeding in the near future (Northouse 2015).
The organization to be successful in the market has to have a strong leader who will efficiently manage the work of the employees so that the goals and objectives of the organization can be met within a specified time. Leadership is an art which needs to be combined with management so that it can enable them in effectively managing the work force (Popli and Rizvi 2015).
For instance, the Google office that is present in the United Kingdom has effective leaders that help in increasing the level of productivity within the organization. The managing director Mr. Ronan Harris is an effective leader who has managed the team in a synchronized manner. He has divided the entire network in to different teams so that it can help in allocating the best persons in the required fields (Liu, Wang and Wayne 2015). They look over the employees so that the work that is being done in the organization can be delivered in an organized manner. Ronan encourages the employees in being responsible for bring up new developmental strategies within the workplace so that it can help in creating better opportunities for them. He conducts open discussions with the employees so that it can help in reviewing the performance of the employees and ways in improving it (Miner 2015).
He has developed a scheme known as investing in people (IIP) program that provides better training facilities to the employees so that the productivity can be enhanced. These programs also help the managers in developing their skills so that they can guide the employees in a proper manner (Popli and Rizvi 2015). The employees are provided with flexible hours of working so that they can balance their life with work. This has provided a better service to the employees and helped in creating a better environment for the employees to work. He has also started a system known as ‘360 Degree Feedback Analysis’, which helps the employees to provide feedback directly to the leader. This help sin maintaining proper modes of communication and the messages can be passed in an unfiltered manner (Northouse 2015).
The Importance of Effective Leadership in Enhancing Employee Performance and Productivity
2. The stakeholders of Google help in influencing the strategic direction of the firm through the various policies and programs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the company. There are various stakeholders that share the common interests within the organization. Some of the significant stakeholders that help the company in its CSR activities are the users, employees, advertisers, investors, government and communities (Crane, Matten and Spence 2013).
The users are the biggest stakeholders for the company, as they do not pay the company in using its services. The company makes it a point to provide the services according to the likes of the users so that it can help in increasing the popularity of the company. The users form an integral part of the business provided by the company so that it can help in addressing the stakeholders in an effective manner (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths 2014).
The employees are in the second position of the stakeholder group for the company. The company provides CSR activities by providing the employees with better rate of compensation and rewarding the individuals who have achieved more than their monthly target. The employees are provided with innovation opportunities so that they can be capable of developing their work in an easy manner. The employees are provided with free meals and flexible hours of shift so that they can deliver the best work. The company also arranges fun games for the employees so that they do not get bored while working and sees that it has maximum participation. This helps the employees in knowing their colleagues and sharing their ideas with each other. These practices help the company in satisfying the interest level of the employees (Campopiano and De Massis 2015).
The advertisers of the company help in earning the revenues for the organization through their effective online campaigns. The advertisers are given full freedom so that they can develop the advertisements in an innovative manner, which will help in attracting the users towards the company. The investors help in increasing the profits of the company, as they are responsible in maintaining the availability of capital, which is used in the business by the company. The company takes a holistic approach in the research and development strategies, as a part of their CSR activity so that the products of the company can be developed in a profitable manner (Zhu et al. 2014).
The government also forms an important part of the stakeholder group for the company, as they help in making the business reach on a global scale. The company follows the rules and regulations that are laid down in the country where it is operating so that it does not face any legal bindings, which may lead to problems for its establishments. This ensures that the company follows the regulatory requirements that will help them in carrying their business. The company also practices charity events for the local communities regarding climate change and poverty on a global level. This helps in raising the level of awareness among the masses regarding the social issues that are taking place in the world in the recent times (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths 2014).
The Role of Stakeholders in Influencing Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
3. The diversity within the work place differs in various organizations due to the policies and regulations that are set in the different organizations according to the goals and objectives of the companies. A diverse work force within the company helps them in increasing their level of productivity and the income as well. The culture that is present within the organization contains a set of values that is shared within the organization and is reflected in the activities that are carried out in the company. The diversity that is present in the work place is also built on the beliefs and the norms that are followed within the company (Bolman and Deal 2017).
The process of mentoring the employees by the managers within the organization helps in increasing the productivity so that the company can reach its goals in an easy manner. Since most of the employees belong to different cultural backgrounds, the managers play an important part in collaborating the work force and associating them with the goals of the company so that maximum participation can be expected from the employees. Most of the companies are of the view that the diversity that is present in the work place helps in interacting between the employees so that different ideas and insights can lead to better achievements within the organization in an effective manner (Hunt, Layton and Prince 2015). The main task of the managers is to look after the discrimination that will hamper the performances of the employees, which in turn will result in low productivity (Pinjani and Palvia 2013).
The personality traits in a work force may consist of a mixture of negative and positive traits such as rude behavior of the employees, laziness in doing the work along with the honesty and intelligence with which the work is done. These traits have to be managed by the manager so that it can help the work force to work in a collaborative manner (Somech and Drach-Zahavy 2013). The managers also need to take note of the internal dimensions that creates a strong influence on the perception of the people such as sexual orientation, gender along with the ethnicity of the employees. The external dimensions on the other hand can be controlled to a certain extent such as the education of the employees, work experience and the geographical location of the employees. The managers have to understand the capability of the employees and group them effectively so that they can understand the work in a better way, which will lead to a smoother execution of the job process within the organization (Chuang, Jackson and Jiang 2016).
Most of the managers in the Google organization have a good personality, as they have been serving the company for long periods that has helped them in gaining a large amount of experience. This has helped them in creating a friendly environment within their respective teams so that it can give rise to the development of the performance and the sharing of new ideas so that the process of work can be simplified (Erez et al. 2013).
The Importance of a Diverse Workforce for Success in the Global Market
The managers have to display certain traits of uniqueness and qualities so that it can help in distinguishing them from the rest of the workforce. The managers have to possess the quality of having a better level of awareness of the outside world, which may influence the actions and the process of decision making within the company. They are aware of the changes that may help the employees in developing their careers at a later stage in their lives. The managers have to be capable to establish a long term relationship with the employees so that they can be happy with the work, which will get reflected in the level of productivity that the company will achieve (Vasilescu et al. 2015).
The managers are given their respective teams according to the level of expertise that the managers have within Google. This is done so that it can help in increasing the efficiency of the managers in helping the employees if they face any trouble within the organization. This also helps the organization as the managers’ help in mitigating the risks that are present in the team so that maximum productivity can be achieved (Schwalbe 2015).
The managers need to have a global vision of the missions and objectives that are present within the company so that the daily operations can be managed in an organized manner. The managers have to look beyond the boundaries of the daily operations that are carried out in the company so that the end objectives can be analyzed. An ideal manager needs to possess certain vision so that work force can be led towards a positive direction, which will help in the accreditation of the company (Janssens and Zanoni 2014).
Most of the managers who are appointed in Google have a vision that they want to achieve by efficiently managing the team so that it can help them. The managers of the company already have a good understanding regarding the mission and objectives of the company, which helps them in developing the employees so that they can be associated with the vision of the company as well. This will help the managers in bringing the employees together so that the team can together achieve the tasks that have been given to them (Porter 1980).
The managers need to bring in a positive attitude within the organization so that it can help in providing motivation to the work force. The diverse nature of the work force may consist of many negative features, which needs to be handled by the managers in an effective manner. This will result in increasing the flow of participation within the company, as more employees will be willing to take up the responsibility in providing the best towards the institution (Nolan 2001). There are various beliefs that are present in a culturally diverse team, which has to be managed in an effective manner by the managers so that it can help in reducing the internal conflicts, which may cause the flow of work to be slower. The managers have to treat the employees in an equal manner so that it can help in giving more importance to all the employees who belong to different cultural backgrounds so that there is no discrimination among them (Hesterly and Barney 2010).
Most of the managers working in Google bring in a positive attitude within their team, as they try to motivate the employees by conducting weekly sessions with them. This helps them in understanding the problems that the employees so that the team can help them in a joint manner. The proper distribution of work within the group help the employees in achieving the work together so that it can help in improving the level of coordination among them. This allows the team members in getting to know each other in a better way so that the level of communication can be improved within them. The managers also encourage them so that the employees work together as a team regardless of their cultural backgrounds (Dunninng and Lundan 2008).
The managers also have to maintain better contacts with various business partners along with the leaders so that they can get proper insights regarding the development of the diverse work force over a period of time. The managers with the help of wide networking coverage can get hold of relevant information so that it can help in developing the team in a positive way so that the career prospects of the employees can develop widely. The managers to be effective in nature, not only participates in the process of networking bet also understands the benefit it can provide to the employees with these networking processes (Fullop, Lilley and Linstead 2004).
Diversity can be felt in Google, as the company called Alphabet, which is the parent company, shared its report stating that the female work force had increased within the organization. The organization has a diversity department, which looks after the discrimination that might take place with regards to the daily proceedings in the work place. The data that was released by the company showed that the company had an overall employment of 31 percent that were women while the rest were men. The technology and the leadership aspect were being looked after by 20 and 25 percent of the female employees, which shows that there are still scopes of diversifying their work force. The company has been earning huge profits and the margin has increased over the recent years. This shows that the female employees are taking up the responsibility and challenging the opposite gender with respect to the work that is being carried out on a daily manner (Erez et al. 2013).
The increase in the female employees has helped Google in employing people from different backgrounds and some of the employees have women as their managers. This has helped the team in performing in a better way due to the level of closeness that they share with the managers. Most of the managers in the company are friendly and tries to solve the problems that are faced by the employees. This helps them in developing the team in a positive manner (Pinjani and Palvia 2013).
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