This assignment will provide learners the knowledge on performing academic research through the following:
- Identifying the research gap and problem statement;
- Crafting the research objectives and research questions;
- Writing the literature review;
- Developing the theoretical/conceptual framework; and
- Discussing different research methods and analyses suitable with topic chosen.
Choose a topic related to the theme “Moving towards Industrial Revolution 4.0” either in view of Quality, Project Management, Facility Management and Occupational Safety and Health. Once a suitable topic is identified, use the topic to perform the following tasks:
Task 1:
Identify the research gap based on the topic chosen. The gap should be included in the problem statement and include the reasons why such study on the topic is required. Please provide sound evidence to support the purpose of conducting the research.
Task 2:
Write out the following based on the topic selected:
- Research objectives
- Research questions
- Scope of research
- Significant of research
Task 3:
Conduct a literature review on the topic chosen. The review must include studies from past researches and other academic references, and should provide the readers with basic grasp of the knowledge. The literature review must consist of minimum 40 references. The total pages of the literature review are approximately about 8 to 10 pages excluding figures and tables (if any).
Task 4:
Develop a conceptual framework based on the theoretical framework determined from the literature review conducted in Task 3. The framework should include the variables identified for this research. Illustrate the framework and related it to the research objectives established in Task 2.
Task 5:
Produce a research design and explain the methodology chosen to conduct the research. The methodology must also include the methods selected, sampling techniques, instrument development, data collection method and data analyses.
Task 1: Identification of Gap
Project management is one of the most crucial factor that ensures the success of a project and is supporting the industrial revolution 4.0. Different tools and techniques have been made available on the subject, however, the challenge of project management and the project team amplifies when there is a communication gap between the team. The gap could be because of n number of factors and one of the prominent factor for gap can be the difference in geographical location of the employee (McCollum and Findlay 2015). The project management techniques in Malaysia is different in nature in context to Australia, India or any other country. The discussed factor is crucial because the project team have to carry diverse workforce till the completion of the project. However, to carry of the workforce is a challenge because of the workforce have to be educated in the project management techniques of the domain where the project is being assessed.
Educating the workforce in native project management technique is a challenge because of the cultural and communicational gap along with several other factors. Hence, it becomes of core prominence that the discussed challenge be assessed so that proper solution for mitigating the discussed threat could be identified. However, no proper focus in the literary work have been provided to the topic in discussion. Several researches have been conducted over the project management and role of immigrants but no proper assessment have been identified over the challenges that are associated with educating immigrants in the project management techniques. Hence, it is a gap in the literature that the proposed paper is aim at filling.
The primary objective of the proposed research work is to identify the challenges that are associated with educating the immigrants in project management techniques. However, the proposed research work will also pursue certain other secondary objectives and they have been listed below along with the primary objective of the proposed work.
- To identify the challenges that are associated with educating the immigrants in project management tool & techniques.
- To assess the need of immigrants in the project work when the local workforce can mitigate the challenges in educating workforce.
- To identify potential measures that are capable of mitigating the identified threats.
- To identify whether or not the project management team had to invest extra effort, time and resources in education of the immigrants in comparison to the local workforce.
The primary questions of the proposed research work along with the secondary research question has been listed as follow
- What are the challenges that are associated with educating the immigrants in project management techniques?
- What is the need of immigrants in the project work if the identified threats could be mitigated by hiring local labours?
- What are the potential measures to mitigate the challenges that are associated with the education of immigrants in project management tools & techniques?
- Does the project team need to invest extra resources, effort and time in educating the immigrants?
The findings from the paper will reveal the challenges that are associated with educating the immigrants in the project work. The identification will assist the readers who are facing those challenges in real life to understand the challenge and proceed with the project accordingly. The identification of the challenges will also provide the academic and other scholars to assess the challenges and accordingly find remedial measures that will assist the project team to cope up with the challenge to a better project performance. The research work is also aimed at offering some potential solutions to the identified challenge and assessing those solutions will enable the project team to mitigate the threat to an extent and further assessment on the solutions will help in determination of feasible solutions. Furthermore, the identification of the fact over why the immigrants are preferred by the local labours will also enable the project owners to make aware decision.
The findings of the paper will assist the project team to have an improved performance of the project operations which will offer a high quality for the final outcome. The identification will ease the human management in the project processes. Furthermore, the identification will also assist in the project owners to make aware decision regarding the choice of workforce. The challenges mitigating process will also be benefitted by the project team.
Task 2: Research Background
Literature review over a subject is done to identify the current status of knowledge that is available over the subject (Hart 2018). The identification of current status of knowledge enable the researcher to establish the base for research. Furthermore, it will assist in the development of both open-ended questions for qualitative data collection and closed-ended questions for quantitative data collection. Hence, the following sub-sections has presented the findings from different journal articles and have been discussed in different categories.
Title |
Findings |
Immigrants in Malaysia |
Hamid et al. (2014), in their paper have discussed the challenge that is faced by the contractors at a construction site in Malaysia. The findings from the paper revealed that the foreign workers believed that the quality of the work was dependent on the quality of the tools and techniques used at the sites and not over the skill of the foreign workforce (Kassim 2014). The identification from the paper also revealed that the foreign workforce causes domestic skill drain and increases unemployment within the country (Hasanah 2015). Another crucial identification from the research have revealed that the quality of the work also gets depleted due to the semi-skilled or unskilled immigrant workforce (Don and Lee 2014). Other identifications could also be derived from the article but are irrelevant to the study objective. Hence, the most crucial identification from the review is about the challenges for the local skill and the need for skill development in the immigrants so that the quality of work could be maintained. Other researches have also focused on the immigrants and the findings from the paper reveals that the challenges associated with the immigrants extends to multiple factors (Flores 2017). One of the crucial factor for the challenge is the cultural and communicational barrier between the project team and the foreign workforce (Arvizu and Saravia-Shore 2017). The cultural and communicational barriers prohibit the whole project team to act as one towards successful delivery of the project. Ling, Dulaimi and Chua (2012), in their paper have discussed the attitude of the foreign workers and the identification reveals that the immigrants from different locations have a different attitude (Guo 2015). For example, the Indian immigrants lack initiative attitude and their safety mindset is also low. On the contrary, their team effort and dispute resolution was high. The Chinese immigrants attempted to gain dominance by sticking as a team and not communicating with others very often (Wang, Ma and Lam 2017). The Philippian immigrants were the most accurate as immigrant workforce because of a balanced attitude (Fenroll and Kuehn 2018). Hence, the findings from the reviews above it could be stated that the cultural and communicational barriers are one of the most crucial challenge for the project management team relevant to the immigrant management. Another identification reveals that the different attitude of immigrants from different countries is also a challenge for the management team. |
Risk associated with the stakeholders due to difference in nature of projects |
The difference in the nature of project needs different skillset and the skillset is directly proportional to the country. The stakeholder associated challenge was assessed by Yang and Zou (2014), in the green construction industry and it was identified that the challenge was due to the perception, mitigation and assessment of the risk. As identified above the safety perception of the stakeholders differ and hence, it becomes crucial for the project managers to mitigate the threat of the project manager (Smiley, Emerson and Markussen 2017). Additionally, the domino effect is also a threat that may not only be injurious to the defaulter but also to other stakeholder and is a concern for the managers that is associated with the stakeholders (Liu et al. 2016). The risks that are associated with the stakeholder may lead to a major challenge and it may lead to the failure of the whole project which is undesirable (van der Linden and Jacobs 2017). The perception of the managers towards the workforce especially the foreign workforce is developed by the political, financial, elemental, external, internal, global technical and government related factors (Wrench 2016). The discussed of a country replicates the citizen of that country and the project managers see them accordingly. So, it would be justified to state that the stakeholders especially the foreign workforce exposes the project to a number of threats and the perception of the project managers towards the stakeholders also develops threat for the project (Aichberger et al. 2015). The different nature of project and the skills required for them also differs and it has been identified that the skill for a similar project differs according to the state of project (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). The green building techniques differ in Malaysia then that of Australia or US and Nepal and Bangladesh. |
The economic impact of the migrant labours |
Several researches have been conducted on the impact of the immigration and their impact on the wages of the nation (Tumen 2016). According to Hopp and Martin (2017), the surge in immigration impacts the wages in a country. The project owners are aimed to save capital and resources to the maximum possible extent and one of the ways to attain the objective is by including the immigrant workforce (Foner 2018). The domestic labour oppose the idea of lowering their wage to get a job. On the contrary, the immigrants are new to the country and wants to get themselves established and hence they accept the wage that is offered to them. It attracts the project owners towards immigrants as the workforce (McCollum and Findlay 2015). Along with saving of the money the project team also gains a better control over the foreign labours because of the latter’s perception that they have to abide by the project team’s command or they would lose their livelihood (Argent and Tonts 2015). The power and the money is the prominent reason for selection of the immigrants. The impact of excessive immigrants also impacts the economy of the nation (Kaufmann et al. 2018). The reason for the above made statement could be supported by the fact that the immigrants leads to excessive out-flow of a country’s currency adversely impact the economy (Hathroubi and Aloui 2016). The social and communal structure of the country is also impacted by a large number of immigrants (Pedrini, Bramanti and Cannatelli 2016). Hence, it would be justified to state that the immigrants are beneficial for the project owners but it is adverse for the country because it leads to unemployment, adverse impact on the economy, alters the social and communal nature of the country and multiple other factors (Clark et al. 2015). |
Lingual politics and conflicting discourses |
It has been identified that the communication gap is one of the major challenge for the project team which have a diverse workforce (Quintanliha et al. 2015). It has been identified that the immigrants prefer to stay with the group that share same lingual language. The discussed attitude has been called as the survival instinct by Albertazzi (2016). The discussed attitude of the workforce often leads to conflict and challenges at the workplace. Hence, it becomes a matter of major concern for the project manager (Benschop et al. 2015). The reason for conflict are the lingual politics and discourses. The challenges of conflict can lead to the failure of project (Saxena 2014). So avoiding the conflicting is a prior concern for the project team. Hence, the review of the literary work over the lingual politics and conflict discourse could be summarised to state that the challenges due to the lingual politics and conflict are also arisen due to a diverse workforce (Finkelstein, Truxillo, Fraccaroli and Kanfer 2015). It will be crucial for understanding the lingual challenge that needs to be mitigated. |
Immigrant’s perception |
The immigrants are human and they have their personal share of feelings toward a project and the owners. The feelings of the perception of the immigrants are driven by the racism and the view that the local workforce and the project management team holds towards their native state (Yong et al. 2017). According to Van Klingeren, Boomgaarden, Vliegenthart and De Vreese (2014), the media of the host country have shown the native labours a perception of the immigrant’s country that is not true and because of that the immigrants have to suffer at their work place. The perception of the native workforce towards the nation of the immigrant is not the only reason that formulates the perception of the immigrant towards the project team and its associates. Another one of the prominent reason is the difference between the wages of local and immigrant labours (Friberg and Midtbøen 2018). The difference in wages often leads to conflict in the project and it develops challenges for the project team (Tomaskovic-Devey, Hällsten and Avent-Holt 2015). Other issues such as change in the climate, distance from home, difference between the native country & current country and multiple similar issues are also responsible for the perception of an immigrant labour (Kim 2014; Kogan, Shen and Siegert 2018; Salmeri and Pellerone). The perception of the immigrants also acts as a catalyst for their work in a project. Hence, it is crucial for the project team to understand the perception of the immigrants before indulging them in a highly sensitive job (Olivera, Neto and Lima 2017). |
The review of the literature could be summarised to state that the immigrants does expose the project team to a number of challenges and the lack of skill they have needs to be coped up so that they could be leveraged in a project. However, the perception of the local workforce, the government policies and other barriers associated due to the geographical distance are the reasons that acts as a constraint for the project team. However, as no proper discussion have been identified over the education of immigrants in the project management so it can be stated that certain other factors may also exist. Furthermore, an assessment on the identified factor is deemed to justify the identified factors. The identified threat should be mitigated so that the project and firms can provide their contribution to the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Hence, it would be justified to state that the identified topic is gap in the literature that needs to be assessed and is also significant for taking successful steps while moving towards Industrial Revolution 4.0.
The image attached below is the conceptual framework that had been developed based on the review of the literary work. The identification has revealed that the three primary concerns that are associated with educating the immigrants in the project management techniques are the attitude of the immigrants, barriers due to geographical domain and the government policies. The attitude of the immigrants is a major concern because it differs according to the immigrants. The barriers due to geographical domain such as cultural and communicational barriers are also the challenges that have been identified. Finally, the government policies that are supportive for the local labours also defines the attitude of the immigrants and the local labours that develops challenge for the human management during project work. The image attached below reflects all the crucial factors identified and has been used to develop the conceptual framework.
Figure: Conceptual Framework
(Source: Created by Author)
Task 3: Literature Review
Outline: Secondary data can prove to be crucial for establishing the base of a research work and hence, it will be collected through review of the literary work to establish base for the research work. The findings from the secondary sources will be used for development of the questionnaire to collect quantitative data. The literary work and the findings from the quantitative data will be used for the development of the open ended question that will be used for the collection of the qualitative data. The philosophy that will be pursued by the paper is positivism and the research approach will be descriptive in nature. The population for the quantitative data will be 100 and for the qualitative it will be 20 in number. The sampling of the data will be done through random sampling while the analysis of the collected data will be done through ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) using the IBM SPSS statistical tool. MS Excel will be used for storing of the data and the questionnaire for the collection of the quantitative data will be developed in Google Forms. For the analysis of the qualitative data ground theory analysis and critical thinking will be used. Proper ethical considerations will also be given to ensure that the findings from the research are reliable in nature.
Research Philosophy: Positivism and Interpretivism are the most popularly used research philosophies for academic research works and both of them have their advantages. The interpretivism theory believes in an in-depth analysis and believes that a subject cannot be studies without interrupting its basic operations (Cowling 2016). The believes of interpretivism philosophy is more suitable for scientific works that considers only the scientific data. However, the aims of the paper cannot be pursued over scientific data alone and will have to consider the social or abstract data. The need for social or abstract data could be supported by the fact that the research aimed to study the challenges that are associated with the immigrants who are humans and humans cannot be studied without studying their social aspect. Hence, the research philosophy that had been selected for the study is positivism philosophy that accounts for both the social and scientific data (Prayag 2018). Furthermore, the believe of the discussed philosophy is that a subject can be studied without interrupting or manipulating them. Hence, it would be justified to state that the selection of positivism philosophy is suitable for the proposed research work and hence the selection.
Research Design: The design selected for the paper is descriptive in nature. The selection of the descriptive research design could be supported by the nature of the work that is proposed to be undertaken (Nardi 2018). The paper is aimed to observe the challenges that are being faced by the project management team in educating the immigrants in the project management techniques which does not aim to influence th subject or associates by any context. Additionally, the descriptive research design is the scientific natured research design that involve observation and detailing of the behaviour of the subject and its associates without influencing them (Kratochwill 2015). Hence, the compatibility between the nature of the proposed research work and the discussed research design is the most prominent reason for the selection of the descriptive research design.
Research Approach: The research approaches that are mostly adopted in an academic research are mostly classified in deductive and inductive approach (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). The inductive approach is aimed at assessing the subject and based on the findings a new theory, tool, technique or framework is developed to change or impact the subject. Hence, the discussed approach is suitable for the research works that pursue the interpretivism philosophy. On the contrary, the deductive approach is aimed at identifying the status of the subject. The identification of the subject and the factors that influence the subject does not impact the subject directly or indirectly but paves way for assessment over the subject in future (Bryman 2016). Furthermore, the aim of the paper is to deduce the challenges that are faced by the project team in educating the immigrants workforce and not at inducing techniques to mitigate the challenges. Hence, it would be justified to state that the selection of the deductive approach is justified for the proposed research work.
Data Collection: The data for the proposed research work will be collected through mixed data collection methodology and as part of the primary data collection both primary quantitative and qualitative data will be collected. The secondary data will be collected from the secondary sources such as journal articles, newspapers & magazines and other reliable sources (Bryman 2016). The selection of the secondary data could be justified by the fact that several researches have been done on the immigrants that is evident from the literature review done in the discussed paper. The secondary data will enable in understanding the attitude of immigrants and government policies along with how they develop challenges for the project team. The primary quantitative data will be collected by distributing an online questionnaire developed on Google Forms to different project management professionals and immigrants as well. The Project management professionals will include the project managers, project officials and other high designator of a project. The immigrants have been selected to understand their perception and how it develops challenges for the project team. The findings from the survey will be compared and contrasted with the findings from the secondary sources to identify patterns and facts based on which open ended questions will be developed for the collection of qualitative data. A part of the qualitative data certain project managers will be interviewed either face to face or over VoIP (Voice over IP) depending upon the comfort of the respondents (AlKhateeb 2018).
Data Sample: The sample size for the research work will be 100 for the quantitative data and for the qualitative data it will be 10. The population will be the respondents from the country where the research work is being carried out and from within them the sample size will be decided. The sampling of the population will be done based on random sampling technique. As part of the technique randomly the population will be selected.
Data Analysis: The discussed section is the most crucial because the findings of the paper will be dependent on the data analysis. Hence, proper focused should be cited on the discussed part of the research work. So, the qualitative and secondary data will be analysed using the ground theory approach that is part of the theoretical analysis along with critical thinking. The quantitative data collected will be analysed by ANOVA using the SPSS statistical tool (Cronk 2017). The selection of ANOVA testing could be justified by the fact that the discussed test enables understanding between two or more variable which will prove to be crucial for the final outcome. In the discussed test two variables are compared of which one will be independent and other will be dependent over the first. The accuracy and ease offered by SPSS is the reason for its selection for the discussed tool. Additionally, several tutorials are available over SPSS that will assist in understanding proper use of the tools and hence the selection.
Ethical Consideration: The paper will also maintain the ethical values of academic research work and as part of it the most prominent measure that will be adopted is to maintain an unbiased attitude (Bryman and Bell 2015). The author of the proposed paper will maintain an unbiased attitude till the completion of the proposed task and will also avoid any data manipulation. Proper citation will also be provided to the source from where the data have been collected. As part of the data collection the author will add an information sheet with the questionnaire to ensure that the respondents are aware about the research aim and are willingly participant in the cause (Hartas 2015). The author will also ensure that the data collected be only be used for academic purpose and no commercial use of the data is done. To maintain the privacy of the respondents their data will be limited to the author only and will be extended to no other individual(s). Other ethical considerations that are applicable on an academic research will also be considered.
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