Various Forms of Energy and their Impact on Environment
Energy management and planning is a long and complex process that includes various activities such as energy production, energy consumption, distribution of energy, and storage of energy worldwide. There are various forms of energy available for human beings all over the globe according to their usage (Calvillo, Sanchez, & Villar, 2016). Some of the major energy that is frequently used in every corner of the world are chemical energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy, thermal energy and nuclear energy. All these different kinds of energy have their unique role in the production and consumption process. Moreover, all these forms of energy impact the environment or climate worldwide and with their capacity. Energy management and planning include major decisions to control these energies' usage and reduce the impact on the climate of these forms of energies worldwide. For example, energy experts or leaders worldwide are making a lot of efforts to reduce the negative impact on the climate of these forms of energy by shifting to renewable sources of energy such as solar power, geothermal heat and electrical energy (Capehart, Kennedy, & Turner, 2020). The energy sector in the United States of America is distributed among various forms such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear and renewable energy. In the USA, the energy produced from all these forms has different proportions according to availability and accessibility (Lee et al., 2020). This essay will outline the impact of the engineering activities on the environment. Also, the essay will reflect on the critical aspect related to the energy management and its related policy upon different nations. Solutions, recommendations and the findings from the retrieved data will also be analysed.
As the United States of America is one of the most developed nations globally, it acquires advanced technologies to manage all forms of energy. Also, it exports a large amount of these energies to other developing nations. Due to the negative impacts of all these forms of energy on the environment, The United States of America is working towards increasing the usage of renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal heat and videos of sustainable methods (Lee et al., 2020). Among all these forms, the highest share of energy is contributed by petroleum that is 35%, followed by natural gas (34%), coal (10%), nuclear power (9%) and renewable energy (12%) (Capehart, Kennedy & Turner, 2020).
Fig.1: Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy
(Source: Sahoo & Sahoo 2022)
This supply and demand of energy in any country in the world impacts a lot on its economy and the livelihood of the general public of the nation. As the use of energy is very high in the day-to-day use of all the people in the country, it plays a significant role in the growth and development of the people and the country. The supply of energy is the amount of that particular form of energy brought into the market of that country. The demand for a particular form of energy Is the quantity demanded by the consumers and the industries in the country for a particular period. For example, different measurements are used to measure the number of different forms of energy (Wei et al., 2022). As for measuring the quantity of electrical energy, the number of kilowatt-hours is used, and for measuring the quantity of natural gas, the number of cubic feet of gas is measured. As the United States of America is one of the most developed countries in the world, it does not only export the different forms of energy but is also a large nation where the people consume the energy. In the United States of America, the consumption of energy is on a very large basis according to the country's development and population. According to the data for 2020, there were five major domains identified that consumed the most of the energy of the United States of America (Sani et al., 2022). These five major domains were transportation, industrial, residential, commercial and electrical power.
Energy Sector Distribution in the United States of America
Moreover, according to the data from the year 1950 to the year 2020, it is analyzed that the consumption of energy in the United States of America is by some major sources available (Lee et al., 2020). The five major sources are identified and analyzed from this particular data: renewable resources, nuclear energy, petroleum, natural gas, and energy produced from coal. Among these five major energy resources available in the United States of America, the energy source of natural gas is the highest produced form of energy in the country. The production of natural gas in the country is followed by petroleum, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources (Lee et al., 2020). From the data observed in recent years, it is analyzed that the United States of America is increasing the share of production of renewable energy sources by innovating new methods of technology such as creating solar farms (Popp at al., 2021). In today's trend worldwide, the usage of renewable sources of energy is increasing in almost every nation globally, and the United States of America is trying to dominate the advanced technology to produce these renewable sources of energy with the minimum cost possible. In the greenhouse theory it is mentioned that the normal condition of the environment is achieved when the warming of troposphere system happens and the cooling of the stratosphere system happens. These changes in the environment are responsible for improving the climatic conditions in the environment.
According to the current trends of energy resources in the United States of America and the other nations, there are three major largest energy sources available in the region for consumption. These three major energy sources are mostly consumed in the United States of America oil, natural gas and coal. Currently, in the United States of America, an average of about 18.19 million barrels of petroleum is consumed by the people birthday in the region (Lee et al., 2020). It is being forecasted according to the data that the quantity consumed will be increased two around 20 million barrels per day till the year of 2035 (Dranka, Ferreira, & Vaz, 2021). Also, if we take a look at other nations in the world, currently, there are the top five countries in the world that are the largest consumer of petroleum products worldwide. As earlier mentioned, the largest consumer of petroleum products globally is the United States of America, holding a share of about 21% worldwide. In consuming the petroleum products and their related energy sources, other top four countries are China, with 13.9%, followed by India 5%, Japan 3.8%, and Russia 3.6%, respectively (Lee et al., 2020).
Various kinds of economic factors such as price, income, supply, demand, government policies, and consumer choices affect the prices of these forms of energy and their availability in the country (Li, Wang, & Wang, 2021). In the United States of America, all these factors contribute to the changing of the prices of these forms of energy frequently, which directly affects the lives of the people and the economy's growth. For example, during the management of energy in the country, the United States of America provides various subsidies to the general public (Lee et al., 2020). The burden of higher prices should not affect people's lives. As the United States of America is both a producer and consumer of various forms of energy, it contributes to changing these prices according to the market conditions and availability. The economical factors of income of the people and the prices of these energy sources affect the country's growth concerning the energy resources available. For example, suppose there is a rise in an individual's income, in that case, the consumption of one commodity or services increases and the consumption of other commodities and services may decrease according to the tastes and preferences of that individual (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021). As the income of an individual affects the consumption of the energy sources in the country, That is why the management of energy is required for the equal distribution of energy sources in the nation. Similarly, another economy can factor in the price, and consumers' choices concerning the products of energy sources in the country as the price of petroleum products or natural gas fluctuate daily. The consumption of those particular products increases or decreases the consumer's market choices.
Major Energy Sources
The supply and demand of energy in the United States of America impacts the economy and development of the country as a whole (Wang et al., 2021). The factors related to this supply and demand of energy in the country affect the climate and the environment in the people's surroundings most in a negative manner. The demand and supply of energy in the United States of America impact a lot on these social-economic factors of the nation, which are directly related to the people and the economy of the country (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021). These social-economic factors of the country are responsible for the economic growth and development of the nation with its most effectivity. The demand and the supply of energy impact the economy captivity and the social activities that the government controls for the betterment and upliftment of its citizens (Dalmastro & Gargiulo, 2020). For example, the United States of America government is promoting the usage of electronic vehicles among the people to improve the condition of the environment and reduce the environmental health risk among these citizens. Also, there are various kinds of social campaigns and activities conducted by the government among the people to raise awareness about the reduction of carbon emissions into the environment and improve the condition of their surroundings (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021). There are various social impacts of the demand in the supply of energy in the United States of America, such as improvement of the health of the people, advancement of technologies that are used in these forms of energy and creating opportunities for people to work in the sector for generating employment (Gan et al., 2002). The impact of energy supply on the economies and environment in the world creates a situation of Bio-thermostat. Bio-thermostat is a harmful condition in the environment under which the temperatures rise at a rapid rate along with the levels of Carbon-di-oxide gas in the environment. As the demand and supply of energy are increasing day by day worldwide, it is creating many opportunities for the people of the United States of America to work more in the energy sector and introduce innovative ways for extracting energy from natural resources. Other social factors that are impacted by the demand and supply of energy in the United States of America are the improvement in the lifestyle of the people, improvement in the climatic conditions of the country and increasing the level of education and awareness among the people. In the economy of the United States of America, the demand and supply of energy also impact the lives of plants and animals in the ecosystem, resulting in an imbalance in the environment (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021).
Fig.2: Bio-thermostat
(Source: Cookey & Sigah, 2020)
The outcome from these effects is air, water, and land pollution. Other than the social impacts of the demand and supply of energy in the country, there are various economical impacts on the United States of America (Si et al., 2020). The increase in the usage of renewable energy sources such as solar power is boosting the economy of the United States of America and helping to reduce carbon emissions into the environment and in the world. For example, the United States of America government is providing a lot of subsidies and production-linked incentives to the industries that are ready to manufacture electronic vehicles and lithium-ion batteries. All these steps taken by the government of the United States of America create many opportunities for the people to increase their income and have a better employment rate in the country (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021).
Energy Consumption and Production in the United States of America
Another economic impact of this supply and demand of energy in the United States of America is the increase in the cash flow and foreign direct investments in the country from other nations. The government of the United States of America is providing a lot of opportunities and schemes for promoting the electronic vehicles and its industry. Various other private players and countries are investing huge amounts in these projects as the result of the same (Cook, 2021). Foreign direct investment plays a significant role in the growth of a country's economy as advanced technology is made available to all the country's citizens. The employment rate is increased when the opportunities are evident (Al-Ghussain et al., 2021). Also, another positive economic and environmental impact of the demand and supply of energy in the United States of America is that it will be a lot cheaper than the other means of energy. For example, by these methods, the government of the United States of America will be able to make available these renewable sources of energy at a cheaper cost than the conventional sources of energy to its citizens. This method will directly help increase the income of households in the country as their expenditures are reduced by providing newer sources of energy in the country (Cook, 2021).
The United States of America government is introducing various kinds of policies and strategies to overcome the challenges that come why is the usage of conventional or non-renewable sources of energy (Ahmad & Zang, 2020). The northern herbal sources of energy produce a lot of carbon emissions into the environment that affects the other industries and the health of the people in the country. One of the major strategies introduced by the United States of America government to reduce the impact of the demanding supply of energy in the environment is allocating a fund of $250 billion for public health due to the pollutants in the environment (Cook, 2021). Under this policy, the citizens of the United States of America who are affected due to the pollution in the environment will be provided medical treatment by the government free of cost. Another important policy that the government of the United States of America has introduced is related to the promotion of the production of electronic vehicles and increment in the usage of these vehicles in the market (Cook, 2021). For this particular purpose, the country's government provides a huge amount of subsidies to the private players (Li et al., 2020). They are ready to manufacture lithium-ion batteries and electronic vehicles in the United States of America markets. Also, the government is providing various kinds of incentives on the production of solar panels to raise awareness among the people and increase the usage of these products among the people in the country.
Fig.3: Energy Management
(Source: Lee et al., 2020)
Moreover, the government of the United States of America has announced that till the year 2015, this country will become a net-zero carbon emission country in the world (Cook, 2021). By this particular announcement, the government means that the number of carbon emissions released in the environment by the industries in the United States of America will be equal to the absorption of these carbon emissions from the environment (Jiang, Kang, & Liu, 2020). As the next zero carbon emissions till 2015 is a long-term goal, the government of the United States of America has also announced a short-term goal that is the year 2013 the carbon emissions in the environment will be reduced by approximately 50% from now onwards (Cook, 2021). Another solution that the government has come up with is to promote research and development in the energy sector of the United States of America to introduce advanced technology in the market. These innovative ways or advanced technology introduced in the market of the United States of America will be able to reduce the cost of energy consumption of the people. It will also be able to reduce the pollutants in the environment. For example, the government is planning to install solar panel roofs on most households in the United States of America and replace conventional vehicles with electronic vehicles as soon as possible (Matsuo, Yanagisawa, & Yamashita, 2013).
Renewable Energy and Technology Innovation
It is also observed that the energy supply makes a significant impact on a country's economy and people's lives. The fluctuation of prices and availability of all the forms of energy affects all the people's incomes and expenses in the country. The equal distribution of energy among the people and the industries in the country solves the problem of wastage of energy in the area. The excessive usage of energy by the people gives rise to the various kinds of pollution in the region, such as air, water and land pollution. Due to this reason and for protecting the environment, the governments of the respective countries are trying to shift towards renewable energy sources such as solar panels. For this purpose, the governments are introducing policies and strategies related to protecting the environment in the country. The policies and strategies include increasing the production of electronic vehicles by providing incentives to the manufacturers.
Moreover, the government is increasing its expenditure on the research and development budget to innovate efficient ways to produce and consume energy in the world. The discussion also analyzed the Bio-thermostat condition in the environment that negatively impacts the lives of the people. The discussion provided a clear understanding of how the environment's normal conditions are achieved by implementing the greenhouse theory. The efficient methods of production of energy help to reduce the expenditure of the people and increase the income of the individuals in the country. As technology is becoming more advanced, it is possible to build more efficient ways of using energy resources all around the globe.
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