- A proposed title of your study;
This should provide the key words associated with the project. Avoid titles that are very broad (e.g. health care in the West Midlands) or very lengthy. Examples of project titles have included:
- Sustainable management of tannery hair waste through composting
- Viewpoints: The interpretation of anomalous experiences
- Occupational identity changes in later life
- Millennial and postmillennial London in British fiction
- A brief description overview of the research areayou are expecting your study to make contributions to;
It is sensible to have an opening paragraph that summarizes the proposed research. It will indicate the general area of study and may give a brief indication of why you think this research is timely. Part of this may briefly cover your own interest and experience in this area of study
A proposed title of your study
The title of this project is profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE: A qualitative analysis of the Implications of Artificial Intelligence.
Profiling and artificial intelligence are highly practiced in the existing scenario for their safety and security. In current times, people highly eliminate the information based security with machine-based information because of the threat of data piracy. However, it is established in the existing scenario for the safety with the security. In the earlier period, people highly eliminate information-based security along with machine-based information because of the threat of data piracy (Budnitz, Rogner, and Shihab-Eldin, 2018). However, it is built in current times because information trend continues to grow and society has been forced for building new and intimate familiarities with the data-driven system and algorithm. In UAE, the artificial agent acts for decision making and devices that aids for algorithm learning procedure, automation, and drive the data. It also entails the system for the advanced cognitive system, online suggestion and also supports in the safety and security of the people (Ahmed, 2017).
This study will be beneficial for gaining the awareness that profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. It would also lead to increase the knowledge about the ways of profiling and artificial intelligence in improving the safety and security of people in UAE. It also focuses on the advancements and contributions of Artificial Intelligence in profiling (Kashwani, and Nielsen, 2017).
The main aim of the proposed study is to address the role of profiling in enhancing the safety and security in UAE.
The given below objectives would be practiced for attaining the key aim of this investigation:
RO1: To explore the conceptual understanding about the profiling and artificial intelligence in the safety and security of people in UAE
RO2: To identify the roles of profiling in improving the safety and security of people in UAE
RO3: To discuss the advancements and contributions of Artificial Intelligence in profiling
As per the view of Meshkati et al. (2016), profiling and artificial intelligence is stable transaction from storage tower implementations to utility of function in across of several industries as a type of artificial general intelligence competencies. It is related to different products and services and application that maintain end-users. This transformation would have an intense impact on the security, safety, and privacy of the company and customers. It is also evaluated that uses of artificial intelligence are growing in across of different sector and it is associated with safety, security, and privacy of people.
A brief description overview of the research area
(Sources: Nguyen, 2016).
In opposed to this, Pathirage and Al-Khaili (2016) stated that the AI-powered technique is used to perform the particular repetitive task with efficiency. The key reason for practicing profiling and AI is that it could remove the error of an individual from the tasks and aids to accomplish the appropriate result. Moreover, such a tool could be performed 24*7 hours as compared to the involvement of humans. Therefore, they eliminate the need for managing a different group of teams in a day and night shifts to work on particular tasks. For example, profiling and AI-powered chat support could answer the uncertainties of customers and provides help to visitors in each minute of the day and improves the revenue of the company.
In the view of Jakhu and Chen (2018), people are engaged to learn artificial intelligence associated with machines as it would aid to deal with the difficult equations and creates the critical tasks on their own. Therefore, the outcome created may generate the reliable outcome instead involving the human participation. This high truthfulness develops indispensable to deal in several sectors particularly, owing to the criticality of tasks. In addition, robots are superior with regards to resolving the major concerns like avoiding data theft in UAE.
According to Theophilus et al. (2018), AI practices are contributing to profiling such as storage of customer data and their experiences. It aids to retain the customers at long terms and also helps to increase customer loyalty. It is analyzed that AI practices machine learning algorithms like deep learning with neural networks to learn the innovative profiling things in UAE. This approach may eliminate the need to write new code at each time as an individual needs to learn more innovating things of profiling.
In contrast to this, Meshkati and Tabibzadeh (2016) the key advantage of practicing artificial intelligence powered machines is to manage the profiling the work. It also aids to gather a large quantity of information related to performance. This data can be processed to collect the deep perception about the process with qualitative assessment hence; people can keep the safety and security in profiling.
According to Newman Isaacs and Constantin (2016), people should use software that is easier to use and smarter that could be effective to improve safety and security in UAE. It can also provide the digital integration to insert AI from the key of edge. It would also make competent to people for real-time evaluation. It illustrates the capability to perform smart intake, pivoting, shifting, splitting and rapid data backbiting. An individual should identify the AI machines that combine the needs with objectives. For instance, when an individual is performing smart data wrangling then they may require verifying everything that they have attained. It can lead to identifying the resources to complete the task. Moreover, an individual can also generate the app for introducing and calling the rest limitations.
Rationale for your proposed study
In opposed to this, Alqahtani et al. (2015) illustrated that people should focus on the vertically-oriented approach and customize to the area. They can also involve different components to deal with the AI based concern. It can also focus on different features of AI to determine safety and security. It can also support to comprehend the profiling of customers and aids in understanding attributes preferred by consumers.
With regards to the business of UAE, Memon (2017) recommended that a corporation should understand the business concern that needs to resolve. In such a manner, AI should be implemented in the business procedure to identify the concern. There are some case studies which would support for understanding the positive and negative aspect for leveraging the technology in an effective way. This technology would have highly persuaded the business process with respect to measuring the safety and security of people in UAE.
Interpretivism philosophy of research will be practiced in this research study because interpretivism philosophy would facilitate the research scholar to evaluate the views and opinion of the research participants in an effective manner. This philosophy would also assist the research scholar to achieve the reliable outcome related to AI (artificial intelligence) and its implications to enhance safety and security in UAE. Interpretivism philosophy plays an imperative role in the accumulation of reliable facts about research dilemma. In contrast to this, due to subjective nature of this research study, positivism and realism philosophies of research would not be practiced by the researcher (Butti Al Shamsi, et. al., 2018).
This investigation is subjective in nature and due to this reason; inductive research approach would be executed by the research scholar as compared to a deductive approach. This research approach enables the researcher to gain theoretical knowledge of the current research matter. Research scholar could enhance the trustworthiness and validity of the research outcome by implementing this research approach. Inductive research approach would facilitate the researcher to determine AI (artificial intelligence) and its implications to enhance the safety and security in UAE. On the other hand, in this research study, there is no need of making a hypothesis for responding to research questions (Alders, et. al., 2018).
Qualitative research design would be used by the investigator due to its exploratory nature. This research design offers a full image of expectations to the research scholar through a research project. Further, this research design facilitates the investigator to evaluate the individual’s behavior and components that affecting behavior. Under this investigation, an investigator would keep the objectivity and try to conduct a precise measurement for attaining the reliable research outcome (Faour-Klingbeil, and Todd, 2018).
An aim of your study
Causal type of research would be executed by the research scholar for evaluating the effects and causes of the relationship between profiling and AI (artificial intelligence), and safety and security in UAE. This type of research delivers appropriate data related to research matter. It also supports the research scholar for accumulating the real and valid facts associated with profiling and AI (artificial intelligence) and its implications to enhance the safety and security in UAE (Najaf, et. al., 2017).
In this investigation, an investigator will use case study associated with Profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. By using this approach, an investigator would be competent to assess the previous phenomenon related to research concern. Moreover, a case study is practiced for assessing the particular research concern within the edge of a company. In this investigation, a descriptive case study is practiced by an investigator to evaluate the key concern related to this investigation (Alders, et. al., 2018).
In contrast to this, a literature review is practiced by an investigator to attain the aim and objectives of the investigation. Through the literature review, an investigator will use different secondary sources like textbooks, journal articles, online sites, and offline articles for obtaining deep knowledge about the Profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. This strategy would be beneficial for obtaining a reliable and valid outcome. These strategies would enable an investigator for increasing the trustworthiness of investigation result (Butti Al Shamsi, et. al., 2018).
Research scholar would utilize a non-probability sampling technique in this research study due to the subjective nature of this investigation. Under this sampling technique, the investigator would choose sample group as per their own views and opinion. Investigator would practice their personal opinion for selecting the group of the sample for obtaining the aim and objectives of the research. Consequently, the purposive sampling method of non-probability sampling would be practiced by the research scholar. In purposive sampling method, research scholar assumes that he/she could acquire the representative sampling with the help of their good judgment which will consume minimum time and money (Najaf, et. al., 2017).
In this research study, the researcher would use secondary data collection method as this method assist to attain the valid and appropriate research outcome. There are certain online and offline sources that support to gather secondary data such as authentic websites, annual reports, journals, and articles. This method is imperative as it provides accurate facts and data in minimum cost and time. The trustworthy and consistent outcome could be achieved by incorporation of this data into LR (literature review) (Faour-Klingbeil and Todd, 2018).
Objectives of your study
In the process of research, a research will face a certain issue that may negatively affect the outcome of research. In this way, money, access to data and time are key constraints that can restrict the research with respect to collecting the valuable and reliable outcome. In this research, the minimum time is required to conduct the research might negatively influence the whole research study with regards to collecting the adequate amount of data via different sources related to Profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. In addition, money is another limitation that could negatively influence the researcher to conduct genuine research in this area. Because of less funding, a researcher will be unable to go towards the several sorts of data resources and also unable for acquiring the data from authentic sources (Araújo, 2015). This could also create an edge for the reliability and validity of research among people of UAE.
Under this investigation, an investigator could face certain ethical concerns like privacy, in-text citation, and plagiarism. Therefore, the researcher would use privacy act to maintain the privacy of respondents. Moreover, in each paragraph, an investigator would provide a proper in-text citation for gaining the reliability of investigation. The researcher will collect the peer-reviewed articles for conducting the research ethically. By using this, a researcher will be proficient to capture the secondary data in-depth associated with Profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. It is effective for the researcher to keep the authenticity of information effectively (Athawale, 2015). Moreover, a researcher has instructed the approach related to privacy like privacy data would not be revealed after and during the research study.
There are some risk related to this research like peer-reviewed articles, authentic case studies, and fake result that can influence the outcome of the investigation and generates the difficulty in accomplishing the aim and objectives of research (Hatzivasilis, Papaefstathiou, and Manifavas, 2017).
This research will support the researcher to create the depth knowledge about the Profiling as an integral to enhance safety and security in UAE. This investigation would be beneficial for gaining an understanding of the roles of profiling in improving the safety and security of people in UAE. It would be also supportive of gaining knowledge about the advancements and contributions of Artificial Intelligence in profiling.
Under this investigation, there are certain limitations and risks that could directly influence the outcome of the investigation. Therefore, an investigator should emphasize on the strategy for eliminating it. Moreover, a researcher can use more than 3 case studies to collect information regarding the investigation in the upcoming times. It can also use more secondary sources in the further investigation to capture more reliable and feasible results (Plant, and Authority, 2015).
Review of relevant literature
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