Critical Discussion
Describe about the Inclusive Pedagogy of Politics?
The methods of the training which incorporates the learning styles and the dynamic practices, varied resources of the assessment and also the content which are multicultural with the basic goals of doing the promotion of the student academic success as well as the cultural, physical and the social well being. In this module it will examine the range of the context in which the learning of the research takes place. It also introduces the concept and the principles which are provided with the opportunity how the teacher can helps the students so that they can overcome the problem which they are facing in doing the reading, listening, writing etc. In this context it also gives the suggestion and the solution which the teacher needs to follow to solve the problem what the students are facing (Arden and Kecht, 1993).
In this part it critically discusses the some of the points which are related to students and also give some of the solution which will help the students to overcome the mentioned problems. Some of the problems are listed below:
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
- Following directions
- Taking tests
- Moving about the classroom
- Talking support the arguments with the examples from the own practices
Reading mainly is a cognitive process which is complex in nature of decoding the symbols so that it can construct and also derive the meaning. In the today’s society reading becomes one of the fundamental of the function. It also becomes more important for the success of the children. Reading cannot be controlled by one or more than one interpretations. Reading cannot follow any of the concrete laws. It promotes the exploration of the texts during the interpretation. Reader uses many of the strategies so that it can assist with the help of decoding of the symbols into the sound and also the visual representations of the speech and the comprehension. There is other type of the reading which is not on the speech basis. It is mainly based on the writing system such as representation or the notation (Bacon and Handley, 2014). The importances of the reading for the children are listed below:
- Excellence on the basis of the academic
- Basic skills of the speech
- The basic way to read the book
- Developing the better communication skills
- Developing the thinking of the logical skills
- To enhance the more discipline and the concentration
- Helps in the acclamation of the new experiences
The problem what the student face in doing the reading is known as dyslexia. Dyslexia is mainly a complex language problem. It is mainly deals with the way how the brain works without the vision. It also involves of not being able to break the word down with the sound that makes it up and also the children not being able to write and also thinks about the sound to make it up. They also face the problem in translating the language to the thought and also thought to the language. Commonly dyslexia is one of the most common disabilities of the learning. Some of the symptoms of the dyslexia are:
- Poor ability of the drawing.
- Getting difficult of putting the thoughts on the paper.
- Reversal of the letter or word when writing
- Understanding or the remembering difficulty
The children mainly face this problem due to the immaturity in the development of the brain and due to this the children get the spatial confusion and also get confuses between the pairs of the letters.
The roles of the teacher in preventing the problem of the dyslexia are given below (Barry et al., 2012):
It is very serious that the teachers have the better understanding of the complexities in the reading process and also the skill which needs to implement all the components of the instruction of the effective learning. To help the children in this type of the problem the teacher needs to do some of the basic task which includes in improving the encouragement of the children so that they can use their knowledge and also helps them by providing the needed information which they are lack age of the context which helps in understanding the text. Dong the help of the children in such a way that they can ask and also answer the question which helps them to improve the clarification and also confirm the ideas so that it can helps in exploring the new ideas. Teacher also provides some of the direct instruction so that it can promote the comprehension, fluency and the decoding of the information in the mind of the student. The teacher sometimes needs to answer the children’s queries and also properly monitoring of the performance. The teacher also needs to make the proper link between the writing and the reading instruction so that it helps the students in recognizing the interconnected processes so that it makes the improvement in the other.
Teacher plays the one of the important role in doing the help of the children so that it can develop and also they can also maintain the positive attitude in improving the literacy and also the learning. Teacher also uses some of the complex cognitive policy so that they can improve the demonstration of the passion for doing the reading, they also acts as the best model readers in the case of the students. Teachers also have the knowledge how the children perceive their own ability as the reader and also give them support so that the children can develop the positive self attitude by providing the enough time to perceive the reading task. Teacher also needs to provide some of the opportunities so that the children can take part for the teamwork, social interaction and also the discussion. Teacher also needs to improve the focus of the children so that they can increase the level of the personal satisfaction and also achieving the goals which is different in the individual child. Teacher also makes the student learning some of the meaning things by taking the account the interest, needs of the children and also the age.
Teacher needs to do some of the basic observation and also the assessment which varies from the children to the children. To do this type of the assessment the teacher use varieties of the assessment tools which includes running records, doing the self reflection, informal reading and also doing the special conference. They also use some of the assessment data so that the teacher can determine both the current strength and the weakness of the students. The teacher also needs to do the continually updating of the teaching strategies so that it can match the student’s growth. They also needs to give the proper attention to the very single students who are risking the reading failure and also needs to seek the support of the timely intervention when it becomes clear the classroom instruction. To improve the students mind satisfaction the teacher needs to provide some of the meaningful feedback of the children improvement by providing the marks and also doing the celebration of the children success and also let them to know where and also the what type of the improvement is needed (Bonifacci et al., 2013).
There are enormous numbers of the children who are intelligent and only have the capabilities of listening the conversation but they are basically unable to transfer their thoughts on the paper. The writing difficulties are getting more common among the children and also can stalk out from the varieties of the attention and the learning issues. This type of the problem who the students are facing is known as dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is mainly the condition which impacts the causes of the trouble facing by the written expression. Some of the children facing the problem with dysgraphia are just of holding the pencil and also the organizing of the letters which seems very difficult to them. Some of the symptoms which state the problem of the dysgraphia includes the poor structure of the words, habit of the mixing of the upper and the lower case of the letters, the improper way of holding the pencil and also showing some of the disinterest in doing the drawing and the writing, etc.
To improve the problem of the dysgraphia the teacher also needs to take some of the drastic steps which are listed below:
Children facing with the problem of the dysgraphia are getting easily distracted by the sounds of the environment. So the noisy room creates the unfavorable effects in to the writing experiences of the students. So to improve the writing skill of the students the creation of the positive environment is the basic key. If the environment is quite it makes the students feels more ease and also the students can give more focus to improve the writing problems of the students. The teacher also needs to take some of the special treatment of these types of the children they needs to sit with the children specially when they writing and also required to provide the positive feedback about the improvement of the work and the teacher also needs to do one of the important things which is comparing the one child with the others.
The children who have this type of problem in writing also tried to avoid the practicing of the writing so the teacher encourage the students by adopting the positive approach and also encourage them so that they enjoy the writing. In this approach it includes planning, writing of the draft, checking of the errors and also the rewriting. The teacher also can encourage the students by drawing etc so that it can make the whole session more interactive (Weekes, 2012).
The teacher needs to make the students feel that the writing is not the difficult task and also needs to engage the children in the various activities of the writing. To encourage the children in writing the parents also needs to play some of the important role by suggesting the children to write the experience of the travelling of the holiday so that they can document their whole trip. This is also acts an important opportunity for the children to get the encouragement of the writing.
The children who are facing the difficulty in the writing also can benefited by using the modern technology specially computers. Now days there are the availability of the some of the software tools which are specially designed for the students who are facing the problem of the dysgraphia. This interactive software includes some of the approach of the games and the fun activities.
To improve the writing of the children the teacher can schedule some of the time so that the students can practice of doing the writing and if the students do get agree of doing the practice of the writing the teacher also sometimes needs to improve the process of convincing the children so that the children can easily get ready for doing the writing.
The common cause of the listening problem of the students which they are facing more commonly is the auditory processing disorder. Some of the signs of the issues what the children are facing includes that the children constantly misses the given direction and also needs to repeat the direction. Sometimes it also seems that the children having this problem does not hear at the first time and also get distracted very easily and also its becomes hard for paying attention when anybody talk to them. To improve this type of the problem of the students the teacher also pays some of the vital role which is given below (Srader, 2014):
To improve the acoustic nature of the classroom the teacher needs to make the environment of the classroom more free from the background noise and also needs to prevent the outside sound comes to the room so that the class room remain more free from the sound. The teacher also needs to look after the distance of the sound from the children so that they get the proper sound. Because if the distance of the sound gets more the students cannot get the clear sound which also can lead to the listening issues of the children. The teacher also needs to keep notice that the sound does not occur the reverberation of the sound. If the sound gets echoed the students get more puzzled by the occurrence of the different types of the sound (Weekes, 2012).
Teacher also keeps remaining the constant notice with the children who are facing this type of the problem. Teacher also needs to make the children mostly on the first row of the class so that the children cannot get easily influences by the other children. This seating arrangement of the children also enhance the children to improve the ability of the children so that the children can give the full acknowledge to the sound and also improve the paying of the attention. This also helps the children so that they can make the sense of the sound which they are listening. The teacher also needs to improve that much quality among the students so that they can have that much ability to do the filtration of the sound which is important and which is not. The teacher also helps the students in doing the figure out of the languages and the speech (Wolvin, 2012).
To this type of the children it’s not get easy to get the sentence if anybody speak in more speed so the teacher needs to speak slowly so that the students gets that much time to get the meaning of the sentence. This also improves the listening skills of the children because if the children get the meaning of the sentence they can get attracted to the listening. The teacher also needs to provide some of the written instructions so that the children can easily get what they are listening and also gets easy to capture the given information which are being educated in the classroom study (Zhou et al., 2012).
To improve the listening skills of the children along with the teacher the parents also needs to take part actively in which that the parents needs to talk with the children all the time so that in having the conversation they also gets the habit of talking and also gets the habit of listening. Teacher as well as the parents also needs to arrange the interactive session of storytelling in such a way that anybody only tells the half of the story and the other needs to conclude the story in this process the listening, thinking ability also gets improved. Make the whole session more interactive with the availability of both the visual and the audio so that the children can get more interest. Teacher also needs to make the session of the storytelling interactive with the basic interactive question and answer session in which after the whole story the teacher ask the children some of the question regarding the story and who will able to give the answer are rewarded. Teacher always needs to try to gain the eye contact with the children and sometimes needs to ask the children to repeat the exact sentence what they are telling (Fedesco, 2014).
In this problem the children are facing the problem in focusing and the sustaining of the attention. In this it seems that the children are getting the complete understanding of the things and also even the write down of the directions but it all turns out in the wrong assignment which is executed incorrectly. In this the children only hear the one of the four parts of the things which may cause the problem (Chang, Choi and Chung, 2014). To improve this type of the problem the teacher needs to take some of the important measures which are given below:
It is very needed to establish the eye contact with the students for the teacher so that they cannot get diverted from understanding and the following of the direction. Sometimes it is needed to pause in delivering the sentence so that the students get the proper meaning of the sentences and if necessary the teacher needs breaks up the sentence and also discuss the proper meaning of the sentence (Thibaut et al., 2014).
While giving the direction to the children the teacher needs to make some of the interactive by using some of the visual interactive methods so that the students seeks the attention without diverting to the other things and the teacher also needs to impress the students so that they can make the assignment of the different things which are related to the study (Chang, Choi and Chung, 2014).
In the taking of the tests the students also face some of the basic problems which are given below (Zilberberg et al., 2014):
In this the teacher helps the students doing the proper identification of the problem areas and also how to improve that area by enhancing the skills of the students and also reduce the level of the examination stress. This also acts as the first step to do the determination of the difficulty areas of the students.
Children in most of the cases are unaware of the whole idea of the study and also that which part they needs to prepare for the tests. So to determine this level of the awareness of the child’s level the teacher needs to check some of the major issues which are to arrange the review session for the children so that they can identify the problem areas and also get the proper solution in that areas and the teacher also needs to look after the proper planning of the study to get in a systematic way. Next, the teacher also needs to do the proper assessment of all the attention, focus and the listening skills.
Grading system of the test have the both the positive and the negative side. In analyzing the positive side of the grading it creates the whole feedback of the knowledge of the students through which the teacher can do the analyze about the merit level of the students. By considering the negative side of the feedback sometimes this grading system causes the negative impacts on the children mind if the grade of the two students is compared with each other’s (Weekes, 2012).
In doing the constant motion in the class room some of the students may face the problem of the attention deficit order. The children facing this type of the problem make the movement in the class room more than the eight times which are excessive in nature. This is also known as the hyper active behavior which is mainly caused by the brain based biological disorder (Classroom Discourse, 2014).
If there is the time provided for doing the distinguish between the some of the lessons but the children who are facing that type of the problem can still find the time is short for doing the assessment. So the teacher needs to help the students to make some of the measures so that they can get the proper ideas about the thing in the given time (Gurkaynak, n.d.).
The teacher needs to make the student understand and also needs to make the habit of seating in the one particular place so that the environment of the class and also the attention of the other students not get towards the another things (Gürkan and Iandoli, 2014).
There are some of the students who do the work in a good way if they are allowed to do the movement in the whole class room. Children are not having the focus if they are not allowed to do the movement in the class room. Teacher needs to do give the proper attention so that the children can get the habit of seating in the one place and do the whole assessment (Imani and Habil, 2012).
Parents and the teacher both needs to play some of the important role to improve the condition of the children. They also needs to help the children in such a way that the children can grow the habit of seating or standing in the one place for some time on their own which is not be by force (Cohen, 1984).
In some of the arguments the teacher gives some of the lectures which are regarding the matters of the discussion by using the good premises which are both relevant and true in regarding the study. The teacher also makes to ensure that after the lecture it also gives the good support of the whole conclusion and also needs to do the whole check of the full things and the students also needs to do some of the jot down of the main points regarding the main topics and also the relevant aspects (Zhou et al., 2012). So that the whole lecture is stored and also use in the future if it is needed for the future studies. The teacher also needs to make sure that the students are jotting the all about the argument, conclusion and the deduction of the study. Teacher also notice that the students are avoiding the logical types of the fallacies which are both irrelevant and the illegitimate in nature comparing the study in which there is the lack age of the evidence for giving the support of the claim. Teacher also needs to notice that the students who are jotting down the important points of the study have the proper and the meaningful logic (Gurkaynak, n.d.).
In this part by concluding the above study it gives the proper and the full knowledge and also critical analysis in which the teacher helps the students so that they can overcome the problems which leads in the reading, learning, writing, following direction, taking tests, moving about the classroom and also the taking the support of the arguments also by citing the problem. It also includes how the teacher also takes some of the drastic measure so that the children who are facing these types of the problem can get freed and can get the proper cure from the problem.
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