1.1 Formulate and record possible outline project specifications
1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of project selection
1.3 Produce a specification for the agreed project
1.4 Produce an appropriate project plan for the agreed project
2.1 Match resources efficiently to the project
2.2 Undertake the proposed project in accordance with the agreed specification
2.3 Organise, analyse and interpret relevant outcomes
3.1 Use appropriate project evaluation techniques
3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original project specification
3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration
4.1 Produce a record of all project procedures used
4.2 Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the project to an audience.?
This report focuses on building up the learner’s criterion for taking up a project and work accordingly to scoop out the best he/she can get from the project and also deliver it to the other members involved in it. The foundation of a learner for taking up a project and work relevantly stands out as a very complicated procedure, the expected outcomes that we need may not be as favorable as he/she expects and there may be some feud amongst the other members that can also cause some problem regarding the accomplishment of the possible outcome, we are putting forward some remedies that can keep a check on this kind of problems.
The learners are provided with units assignments, units which help them in the fields of decision making, giving solution to many problems that may arise during the procedure and also enhance the communication skills, which helps them in making a better commune during the making of the project so that they can work diligently as well as efficiently by engraving a general idea taken from all the heads working under the same project (Prigg and Mackenzie, 2002). So there remains a mutual understanding and a common expectancy for the outcomes regarding the project. The learner also needs to setup some steps regarding the completion of the project under the entitled time span, because the deadline criterion must be of utter importance.
The learner also needs to implement some plans, regarding the job division and completion amongst the members for more relevant and efficient outcomes, and also needs to design the project procedure and product being derived from the project and need to present that in the form of all the possible outcomes that we can get by working on the allotted project and should also be headed by reports and results proving the efficiency of the product that we expect after completion of the project.
Formulation of the project
In this report we may present some assessment criterion needed for the learner to get the entire outcome of the learning process that he/she goes under, and also reinstate his/herself according the mistakes that cull out after the assessment process that is carried out to get the most favorable outcomes from the project itself. The assessment procedure also favors the learner in many ways regarding, decision making, solution for all problems that may arise during the project making procedure, tune up the basic commune that is needed for mutual understanding and involvement of all the heads working on the project, because the most common and puny feuds may cause a critical threat to the allotted deadline for the project (Kerzner, 2001). The deadline is a thing of highest priority during the making of the project because the product obtained after the completion is needed under a certain time roof and a certain shift from it may cause a serious issue that may lead to unwanted outcomes and may further extend to cancellation. Some of the assessment procedures that are inculcated are listed below as a reference for developing better learning eligibility.
1.1 The project and its specification
For the designing of this project we have to devise a prototype model on which the mainframe of the organization will be based on and the establishment of a social network in the organizations working protocols can be embarked so that the organization could face the advancement in the technology of social interaction.
For the engagement of the new technology we must provide a prototype model in order to make the organization interested in building up their network.
I am considering the social networking site build up for a football club and its organization so for that we must ensure, to embark the felicitation of the new social networking facility into the organization and its proper functioning and for that reason the prototype model should be presented before the investors who have provided the funds for the endorsement of the project and for that reason the presenting of the prototype must be feasible enough to lure them to hull onto the new idea of the social network and process the interaction facility according to it, the idea of the prototype must be according to the developers concerns of playing the ball according to the needs of the organization and the different types of the implementations are stated below.
1.1 The project and its specification
The areas of the implementation process must be identified and the needs of the users along with the needs of the football club staffs should be segregated (Kruse and Keil, 2000). So the developer has every ease of working on the mainframe and present a feasible mainframe for proper functioning.
Design Department
The design department implements the elements that have been identified after the analyzing process has been done and the areas of work are identified along the needs of the users and the authorities of the football club, the design headed by the developer implements all the changes.
Built prototype
The final prototype of the developer is further judged upon by the critique bard and the critiques the find out the flaws in the prototype and the implements the changes that should be made in order to provide a better prototypic model which is again sent for analyzing.
The Critique prototype
The built prototype is judged by a group of individuals, who judge the networking software according to the needs of the users and then decide whether the project contains all the stuffs necessary for the proper implementation and the send it for further analyzing.
The changes made in the prototypic model made by the critique present are further implemented in the build model and the final coding procedure is done according to the changes made in the final model and then the prototype is sent for further testing.
The testing procedure checks the features of the prototype according to the needs of the organization and the users who will be using the networking site for the conversation and the interaction process that the organization is expecting to embark by using this model.
Then comes the final process that is the operation, the operation final reveals the facts that are optimum enough to serve the purpose of the organization (Eberts, 2002). The further implementation of the project is decided according to the operational behavior of the prototype and so the operation reveals the facts for further consideration of the project.
Name- Suggested by the developer or the organization
Reason of the Project- Why the project is being implemented in the working mainframe
Users- The members and the administrative officials
Period of the project- 1 year
Funds provided- The investors and the sponsors.
Features- Social network facility
To who is the project addressed- The manager or the chairman
Assessment Criteria
Project designer and developer- The developer of the project
The objectives for the project selection would depend upon the providing the officials and the users of the network with the optimum amount of information required for maintaining the working conditions of the club and its organizational facilities and for that the project needs to be selected according to the needs of the users endorsed in the project’s mainframe.
The specification for the agreed project is mentioned above in the topic where we have to go through certain objectives in order to main proper implementation of the project that is
Name- the name of the prototype
Reason of the Project- for which organization and what function
Users- staffs and the members
Period of the project- 1year or more
Funds provided- by the authorities
Features-what functions would be performed
To whom is the project addressed- the manager of the organization or the chairman
Project designer and developer- person assigned to develop the project.
These are the specifications that are originally decided by the developer along with the organizational heads for the proper implementation of the new social network that is being developed to make the interaction between the club and its members more easy and accessible, accessible in the sense the users and the members would be able to gain a full insight of the club and the organizational facilities without involving with the individuals appointed for the particular operation (Deeprose, 2002).
Figure: The project planning needed for the implementation of the project.
2.1 Match the resources efficiently
The matching of the resources of the project efficiently to the project and for that reason the developer should lay all his concern on the parameter of the project and the needs of the organization for this project because the objectives of the project not considered then the implementation of the project would become haywire.
The developer should carve out all the requirements of the organization and the members of the network and after getting that information the project designer would be able to portray the project according to the needs of the organization and the users who will be using the mainframe (Croci, 2006).
The network would allow the organization to scoop out some possible outcomes for the use of the network in the form of better communication of the organization with its members and the proper implementation of functions for the working processes after assessing the possible outcomes from the mainframe network, and the analyzing and interpretation of that data is gained from there and then the outcomes are finally organized.
Efficient Resource Allocation
3.1 Evaluation techniques
After the implementation of the project the developer should learn from the flaws that the project is imposing on the network and then apply the project specification according to the needs of the organization after removing all those flaws and following some quick action plans for the proper engagement of the project.
The results that we obtain from the final implementation of the project should be taken into account and further implementation of the project design should be carried on after discarding the flaws in the project and for that the interpretation and the analyzing of the project is highly necessary to get the results according to the original specifications (Lock, 2004)..
The areas that will need more work and consideration to match up with the original design specification should be found and the further improvements that could be made in the areas should be recommended to the developer so that the project carries out the functions according to the original specifications.
4.1 Produce the record for all the project procedures
The proper use of the media tools in the network plan of the social mainframe that the football club is planning to install in the premises of the working process of the club’s working mainframe is needed to endure all the new working procedures that the club is willing to undertake with the help of the network designer and the designer is planning to implement these effects in the form of the webpage that he/she is planning to implement in the working stricture of the mainframe and for that the mainframe must provide all the interaction activities required to properly communicate with the officials and the users of the mainframe and for that to carry on in a smooth way, the developer should allow the organization to keep record of all data being exchanged on the mainframe and the objectives and functions shared on the mainframe and for that the developer should make all the ways possible enough to keep a active record of the procedures of the network mainframe.
The developer should devise certain measures to present the objective of the social networking site of the football club to the considered audience by the organization and embrace proper use of social and other electronic media to communicate better with the organization’s future objectives of the social networking plan and for that the designer should present the audience with the user interface of the social network by telling them how to register themselves on the site and how to communicate with the members of the organization or with the fellow users and for that the developer should produce the user interface to be as friendly possible to the users and then present it to the audience by considering all the advantages (Cleland, 1999). the disadvantages along with the project and for that the projec6 designer should segregate the advantages and the disadvantages of the project after the implementation of the prototype and should minimize the disadvantages as far as possible before presenting it to the audience.
Project Evaluation Techniques
The topics inculcated in this report are highly fragile, if any of the step or procedure undertaken goes astray, the outcomes may come as rework in disguise and this may lead to cancellation of the project. Now for the learner, he/she should keep all the above stated steps in mind for proper learning because project Implementation and in all the cases, the Evaluation severely depends of the learner, and so for that highly segregated and intensely worked out project plan should be undertaken to accomplish the project under the given time span and in accordance with the given original specifications, as all the processes that are involved are very transparent to the unit heads, and they can analyze and project for most probable errors, if there isn’t any error it is always a big accomplishment but if they can find out any error, it can pose a threat to the group, the unit heads can desire for an entire procedure to be changed or even an entire process and that may cause some serious deadline problems.
In respect of the above mention case study as well as the discussion, it is concluded that the project implementation and evaluation is depending on some other factors of the business model or system. The future prospect of the project will be always define or discussed by the help of the better plans or ideas. The evolution and the implementation of the projects are always depending on the other factors like operational strategy, project management, design and many others. The evaluation and implementation of the project is also dependable on the design of the project. The design as well as the structure of the project is depending how the project will work. The implementation and evaluation of the project as well as future prospect of the project or the business model is depending. The designing of the business model as well as the project is the most important point because the evaluation and the implement, the economy of the organization will increases or decreases.
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