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Different antenna, such as yagi, horn, and cellular antennas.

Research any three different wireless network protocols.

Review of two research papers provided.

Antenna Analysis

The following assignment had been developed for the analysis of the wireless technologies and the support and development of the operations. The report would comprise of the analysis of the probable information development of the wireless technology innovation with the passage of time. The report would comprise of analysis of the three antennas and listing the utilization of the successful innovation development. The analysis would also comprise of using the wireless network protocols for the operations. The report would also provide an analysis of the two research papers of software defined wireless networking and software defined wireless networking: A survey of issues and solutions.

The wireless antennas are implied for successfully implying the utilization of the successful and effective information processing (Chin, Fan & Haines, 2014). The wireless antennas are helpful for successfully executing the communication process and developing an understanding of the probable work development process. The explanation of the three antennas of Yagi, Horn, and Cellular are given below,

Yagi Antenna: Yagi Antenna has been effective for easing the directional antenna for comprising the parallel elements and listing the utilization of the single line operations. The half waves dipoles of Yagi Uda antenna is built from the utilization of the transmitter and receiver for linking the connection (ElSawy, Hossain & Haenggi, 2013). The reflectors are the parasitic elements that are not linked with the transmitter or receiver. The respective driven dipole is shorter than the particular reflector element and the antenna’s directions are shorter. HF, VHF or UHF bands is present in Yagi antenna and it can be utilized in broader sense for gaining high voltage in antenna. The benefits of Yagi antenna are its compact size, wide bandwidth, unidirectional radiation, and cost effective nature. The compact size of the antenna of Yagi is helpful for making it lighter in weight and having compact nature for the operations. The Yagi antenna comprise of dipoles for listing the wider bandwidth in the project. The unidirectional pattern for Yagi antenna would be help for listing the probable analysis of radiation pattern. Yagi antenna forms the nature of cost effective development. However, the Yagi antenna has many problems of lack high gain and frequency issues (Hossain et al., 2014). The Yagi antenna can provide 7dB of gain for gaining the high value and it would form the major factor resulting in forming the setback due to the sensitive frequency of the antenna.

Horn Antenna: The Horn antenna is one of the most effective antennas including the flaring metal waveguides. It has a particular Horn for directing the beam with radio waves and can be broadly used for easing the high frequency of microwave emergency for the analysis of ultra high value. The 300 MHz above frequency would be useful for easing the utilization of the successive formation (Li et al., 2017). The antennas are developed for easing the utilization of the high value of frequency. The antennas are developed for using the parabolic antennas feeding the Horns and antennas for feeding the information. The Horn antennas have the strengths of simplified construction, wider bandwidth, directivity and higher gain. The benefits of Horn antenna are its compact size, wide bandwidth, unidirectional radiation, and cost effective nature. The compact size of the antenna of Horn is helpful for making it lighter in weight and having compact nature for the operations. The Horn antenna comprise of dipoles for listing the wider bandwidth in the project. The unidirectional pattern for Horn antenna would be help for listing the probable analysis of radiation pattern. Horn antenna forms the nature of cost effective development. However, the Horn antenna has many problems of lack high gain and frequency issues. According to Rangan, Rappaport and Erkip (2014), the Horn antenna can provide only 7dB of gain for gaining the high value and it would form the major factor resulting in forming the setback due to the sensitive frequency of the antenna.

Yagi Antenna

Cellular Antenna: The cellular antenna have wireless final link for coverage of the network type. The network communication is deployed for listing the effective and improved network communication. The cellular have network distributed all over the land areas. The transceiver does not have 3 base stations and it is generally fixed only one fixed location. GSM, LTE, and CDMA are some of the most popular cellular wireless networks (Rangisetti & Tamma, 2017). Mobile phone networks use the cellular networks for listing the utilization of operations. The capacities of using the cellular antennas are easy maintenance, up gradation of simple, voice and data service, and wireless connection of telephones. The easy maintenance of antenna is very effective and the data services would be utilized for supporting the operations and development..

LTE: The Long Term Evolution or LTE is one of the most significant information development would be supportive for easing the utilization and development. The LTE has high speed of wireless communication and it would align for easing the implication management process (Shi, Beard & Mitchell, 2013). The utilization would allow the simplification management. The EDGE and GSM technologies are being revolutionized for easing the utilization of the operations. The LTE technologies would allow the capacity development for forming the separate interference and improvement in networks. The 3GPP or third generation partnership projects have been upgraded path for UTMS and GSM networks (Zou, Wang & Shen, 2013). 4G and 4G Lite has been recently for using the network protocols for easing the voice services and packet switching network operations are possible. The data transmission of network communication and higher data transmission rate has been supportive of the information development. The lower time exhaustion has resulted in benefitting the use of the low time consumption and popular functional allocations.

Wi-Fi: The Wi-Fi stands for wireless fidelity and it is a significant technology in listing the allocation of the several devices for easing the utilization of the probable limitation and development. The analysis would be implied for listing the IEEE 802.11 standard (Li et al., 2017). The network protocol would include the interoperability execution of the operations. The few devices would be developed supporting the implication of the activities. The wireless fidelity has been effectively for desktops, smart TVs, laptops, smart phones, and tablets. The technologies had been helpful for implying the successive implication of the operations. The network connection has been supportive for using the smart processing and innovation. The benefits of using Wi-Fi are easy in accessing, easy installation, fast data transmission, and cost effective. The problems of using the Wi-Fi are lack of security and requirement of additional software (Lu et al., 2015). The main security issue had been resulted due to the probable and effective utilization of the functions and developing the smart analysis and development.

Bluetooth: The Bluetooth technology has been helpful for implying the use of the specific and smart development model. The Bluetooth technology has supported the implication of the effective and improved functional analysis (Rangan, Rappaport & Erkip, 2014). The development would align with the implication of the specific and functional development models. The Bluetooth technology is helpful for aligning the functional development and implication. The benefits of using Bluetooth are lower consumptions of power, quick connection, cost effective and less interference. However, some drawbacks of Bluetooth are lower bandwidth and security flaws.

Horn Antenna

Summary of Paper 1: The SDN or software defined wireless networking would be implied for listing the involvement of operations. The static architecture has been helpful for network development and implying the use of successive monitoring system and development. The networking and static architecture is modified for listing the possible growth of network intelligence centralized for listing the packing the network data. The plane data has been separated by the wired networking and it acts as a control plane (Bernardos et al., 2014). The SDN has been aligned for listing the SDN network configuration. The fast deployment of the SDN has been aligned for developing wireless network and it does not form the implication management.

Summary of Paper 2: SDN aims for the utilization of the wireless network flexible development and it would allow the utilization of the effective formation management. The network configuration alignment of the managing the utilization of improved functional. The simple innovation and provider of quickly requirement analysis has been deployed for managing the network configuration and development. MNO or mobile network operator had been deployed for listing the hardware requirement management (Rangisetti & Tamma, 2017). The network virtualization (NFV) would be utilized for implying the operations for taking care of flexible, scalable, and adaptable replacement management process.


The report had comprised of the analysis of the probable information development of the wireless technology innovation with the passage of time. The report had comprise of analysis of the three antennas and listing the utilization of the successful innovation development. The analysis had also comprise of using the wireless network protocols for the operations. The report had also provided an analysis of the two research papers of software defined wireless networking and software defined wireless networking: A survey of issues and solutions. The information technology improvement had been supported by the use of the possible technology innovation. The influence of the operations of wireless technologies had been helpful for listing the probable information processing development.


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