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Internet of Things is one of the best suited solutions measures that are used within the technical infrastructure of any organization for managing their different kinds of technical issues and communication measures involved within their organizational structure (Alur et al., 2016). Internet of Things is recognized as the solution that connects all web based solutions through the internet connection with respect to their demands and functional system architecture.

This report is elaborating about various security issues and challenges incorporated within the system architecture of organizations that are using Internet of Things for increasing their organizational competitiveness with respect to their organizational goals and objectives. Henceforth, this report is elaborating about significant security issues and challenges associated with the IoT applications and solutions.

Internet of things technological advancements which are being used for managing significant development of functional activities related to different applications that are used by different organizations and project (Bugeja,  Jacobsson & Davidsson, 2016). This technical advancement took birth 16 years ago and now this is innovating new set of activities and technical advancements that are making advantageous opportunities within organizations and functional areas of operations within organizations for managing effective deployment activities. Though this technology has been introduced earlier but this was used from 70s (Dorri et al., 2017). Before the implementation of internet of things, the technology was called as embedded internet or pervasive computing technology within organizations and projects that are being used within the technological developing era within different organizations and projects.

Internet of Things has given as well as innovated various interesting services and functional advantages that benefitted the organizations projects. In spite of this fact, the projects and organizations are facing various issues and challenges and functional errors while implementing internet of things activities and functionalities within the organizations (Dorri et al., 2017). These challenges and issues are mainly associated with security measures and challenges involved within the organizations and system architectures. Therefore in order to resolve these security issues and challenges needs to be identified. The concerned issues and challenges raised by IoT are given as follows:

Insufficient authentication and authorization: Insufficient authentication and authorization is provided by the IoT solutions to the users. The users of IoT solutions are using their services with significantly weak technical support and their data are not secured enough with respect to their operations involved within the system architecture with respect to various operational demands and functional activities involved within the system architecture of any project or organizational structure (Elkhodr,  Shahrestani & Cheung, 2016). Most of the devices uses the organizational network and these networks are mainly uses easy and non- complex password structure that increases the chances of security issues and this reduces the measures for authentication and authorization of data and information shared by the user over the organizational network architecture.

Lack of transport encryption: In contrast with this issues generated by the system architecture of the IoT based solutions within organization involves lack of data transcription facility for data or information shared via organizational network (Farooq et al., 2015). This information are not attracted with the data encryption processes and functionalities involved within the technical network architecture of the organization with respect to various functional obligation that the organizations includes within their network sharing activities (He et al.,  2016). Therefore, this measure of the network architecture of the organization includes lack of encryption processes involved within the system architecture of organization.

Security Challenges Posed by IoT

Default credentials: The user name and passwords are used by most of the organizational networks are general and set in default settings which results into hacking tricks and other security issue related activities within the concerned organizations (He, Yan & Da Xu, 2014). In addition to this, the organizations mainly uses these kinds of passwords and data securing schemes for making the entire processes of information sharing easy with respect to their organizational objectives and functionalities but the default setting includes lack of security measure within the system architecture of the organizational processes and functionalities (Jing et al., 2014). Therefore, this can be stated that the organizational networks security measures are weak enough for sharing the data and important information through the internet of their personal utilities involved within their organization.

Lack of secure code practices: In case of the business organizations, one thing is identified that the business organizations have lack of securing measures for their data bases as well as network infrastructure for managing proper security aspects within their organizational structure that results into the functional discrepancy with respect to security measure for the organization (Lee & Lee, 2015). There are various codes and programming measures are being run behind the system architecture of IoT within particular organizations. In contrast with these facts, the organizations lags behind for managing their security activities as there are less security measures for managing the data security measures for the organization (Bugeja,  Jacobsson & Davidsson, 2016).

Privacy concerns: Privacy measures are another compatible security issues involved within the system architecture of IoT based system architecture and functionalities that are being used by the organizations for their own needs or satisfying their own set of goals and objectives (Mahmoud et al., 2015). The organizations don’t care about the network infrastructure that they are sharing with their team members or employees. The employees are using the network architecture for doing the official work. In contrast with these facts, this is clear that the organizations are not serious about the security measure for the information employees are sharing or malpractices the employees are doing with the concerned network infrastructure of their concerned organization (Misra et al., 2015). Therefore, the every activity done by the employee is open to the organization and their privacy is hampered with respect to their rights.

Vulnerability to hacking: Weak password protection and other measures incorporated by organizational network architecture introduce various hacking issues and challenges within the network architecture of any organizational network architecture. The organizations neglect the functional security measures for individual with respect to their information sharing activities within their organizational networks (Padmavathi, 2016). Therefore, the organizations face various issues due to vulnerable measures taken by the hackers in order hack their network architecture with respect to their functional objectives and goals. The vulnerability of hacking issue is concerned for weak password and other poor security measures taken by the organizational network architectures (Riahi et al., 2014). Therefore, this measure is helpful in solving issues and functional problems involved within system infrastructure of the concerned organization.

Trust consideration: Trust consideration is another issue that is raised by the security challenges and infrastructural issues created by the IoT solutions involved within any organizational network architecture or infrastructure (Roman, Zhou & Lopez, 2013). The organizations have capability for checking the activities the data and other personal information shared by their employees within their organizational network infrastructure for managing their work done with respect to the organizational objectives ad goals (Sadegh et al., 2015). Therefore, the organization is violating the privacy rules and regulations that one employee have for their privacy concerns and measures during the use of organizational network architecture or infrastructure for doing their professional activities done within their organization.

Data protection issue: Data protection issue is another significant issue that is offered by the IoT infrastructure and system architecture used by any organization. The organization is capable of watching and viewing various activities and functionalities involved within the network infrastructure of the organizational network (Sajid,  Abbas & Saleem, 2016). In addition to this, organization can easily keep watch activities that employees are doing with the help of organizational network for managing significant development of functional activities involved within any organization (Singh & Singh, 2015). In addition to this, the organization also cannot protect their own databases from their employees as the employees can easily access all the hidden information the organization uses within their organizational network architecture. Therefore, the organizations don’t have control over their secured information for protecting them with respect to their organizational goals and functionalities.

IoT security hardware issue: IoT security in hardware is another issue that is caused by the organizational network architecture. The organizations are sharing their network with more than single users therefore; the organizational network is vulnerable enough as it is contaminated with various malicious activities involved within the system architecture of the organization. Henceforth, this is clear that the organizational network architecture becomes effectively disrupted for hacking and other security issues introduced by the hackers involved within the system architecture of the organization (Xu, Wendt & Potkonjak, 2014).  The organization needs protection for managing these security issues introduced by the IoT measures and functionalities involved or incurred within the network architecture of the organization which will not only protect the organizational data but also this will protect the employee privacy.  

Insecure web or mobile interfaces: Insecure web or mobile interfaces are another security issue that is caused because of the functional activities introduced by the IoT solutions that are implemented within any organization (Yousuf et al., 2015). The web interfaces used by the organizational infrastructure mainly insecure with respect to various functional aspects and demands of the users for managing efficient architecture of the organization. The organizations are responsible for managing this security measures incorporated within the organization with respect to their organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, the organizations are more vulnerable in responding to the security issues involved within the network architecture of the organization..

The internet of things has implemented various security issues and challenges within the organizational network infrastructure with respect to the organizational goals and objectives. In contrast with these fact and information about the security challenges caused by IoT, following are the concerned solutions for the identified issues:

Device range: Coverage of the devices used for IoT solutions are paramount in nature. Therefore, the user needs to be very specific for understanding the range metrics in order to evaluate and implement strong device capability within the organizational network architecture. In contrast with these facts, the organizations should inform their employees for managing device ranges in order to specify the effectiveness of the solution (Bugeja, Jacobsson & Davidsson, 2016). In addition to this, if the organization is using Zigbee technology then they need to know how many repeaters they will need for providing effective solutions to the organization with respect to their functionalities.

Manufacturability test: Manufacturability test is another concern for managing the security issues involved within the system architecture of the organization. In addition to this, the organization should test before implementing the functional areas of development within the organizational network architecture (Dorri et al., 2017). The networks are vulnerably contaminated by the security attacks, therefore these needs to be managed with respect to the functional aspects and assessment criteria for managing the security issues within the network infrastructure. This test checks the security firewalls and other vulnerable security issues that may harm the organizational network and make the network protected with respect to functional aspects of the network architecture.

Creation of strong password: Most of the network architecture involved within IoT uses same and weak password protection for managing their operational measures easy and compatible with their choices. Therefore, this aspect causes potential security issues (Duncan, Happe & Bratterud, 2016). Setting of highly secured passwords are helpful in solving security issues involved within the network architecture with respect to the organizational system architecture with respect to the  functional security measures of the network. Highly secured passwords can easily protect the system architecture within any organization and the IoT based system architectures are protected with respect to the organizational objectives and functionalities.

Implementation of security patches: The implementation of security patches among all of the IoT devices are easily manageable for managing the security issues involved within the network architecture for managing significant security protection within the network architecture with respect to various functional measures involved within the network architecture of any organization (Elkhodr,  Shahrestani & Cheung, 2016). The organizations can protect their infrastructure and network architecture with respect to the hardware security patches used by the organizational products and devices within their work. Therefore, this can be said that the organizations can easily protect their devices and elements with respect to their security patches within their organization.

Privacy protected devices and products for IoT: The devices should be privacy setting protected for restrict the personal information to be shared among the organizational heads. The organizational network usages make the personal information open to the organizational infrastructure (Farooq et al., 2015). So the organizations needs to provide secured and privacy protected devices to their employees in order to make their products and devices protected through the security issues and functional challenges incorporated by the organizational network architecture.

High data encryption techniques: Another resolution process is data encryption process for managing the security measures involved within the organizational network architecture. The organizations can easily protect their devices and employee privacy with respect to the encrustation techniques proposed by the organizational network infrastructure (He et al., 2016). This aspect will provides the organization effective support for managing their security measures involved within the organizational network architecture.

Conclusion and Future trends 

This can be concluded that though there are various beneficial contexts and advantageous areas of development for implementing internet of things solutions within organizations, this technical advancements includes various challenges and security issues within the system architecture of the organization with respect to various functional aspects and needs that is required for any technical development within the technological innovation. Therefore, this report is providing elaboration about different significant aspects such as security issues and challenges caused by the IoT solutions within different organizations or project development stages.  Though there are various security issues and challenges highlighted among the applications of Internet of Things, there are various future scopes involved within this technical innovation. These future scopes and functional areas are being elaborated as follows:

Security of things: Internet of things will bring this concept on front desk of discussion that security should be made one great concern for the development of the functional aspects involved within the area of development. In addition to this security of things are concerned for managing the security perspective of the technological advancement which is known as internet of things.

Autonomous system development: Internet of things is capable of making the system architecture autonomous with respect to various functional advantages of system architecture involved within any organization. In contrast with these facts, internet of things connects every information system with each other for managing communication perspectives within organization.

Low power wireless area network development: As internet of things provides easy and compatible low power wireless network development to the networks can easily use the WAN and LAN within low cost measures within the system architecture of any organization.

Implementation of easy solutions: Implementation of easy solutions will be achievable with respect to the functional measures of internet of things within organizations with respect to various functional measures and advantages involved within the system architecture of any organization.


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