Why Consider Relationship Costs While Building Supplier Relationships?
1. What is an operational plan? Use an example of how to be a successful team in your answer.
2. What is the importance of the strategic plan to the operational plan?
3. List the ways in which you can communicate consultation processes. Give an example of a time that you may use each one.
4. What is feedback used for in the consultation process?
5. What are the two key successful factors for a KPI?
6. Write a KPI related to your position. Write the operational goal that you believe it is related to or provide a brief description of the role that you are writing a KPI for.
7. What is a contingency plan?
8. Briefly explain each step of developing a contingency plan.
9. List what contingency plans may include.
10. In your own words, describe the steps to writing a winning business proposal.
11. When you write a proposal, why is it important to obtain specialist advice?
12. When you present the business proposal, what information should you include? Give examples of times when you may present information in different ways.
13. Draw a flow chart of the approval process from relevant parties in your organisation and describe how you would ensure that the team understands what the approval was for.
14 Write a SMART goal for your job.
15. List and explain the key areas, functions or topics that an organisation’s Human Resource policies and procedures should address?
16. What is a supplier relationship?
17. What impact does Just In Time and Total Quality Management had on organisations in supplier relationships?
18. What are the internal suppliers:
19. Why is it important to consider the relationship costs when you build relationships with suppliers?
20. What are some of the factors that influence an organisation’s choice of supplier?21. What are the steps to establishing a quality monitoring system?
22. When you process performance-related information, why it is important to note the time, acceptable performance limits, changes to measurements, and whether the quality level was correct?23. Why is it important to note variations in “actual to budgeted” financial performance?
24. You have identified that there are variations in production in your office/ production line in regards to quality. Draw a flow chart that your organisation uses to identify and correct a problem in quality. Do not forget to demonstrate what will happen if the suggested variation to strategy is rejected
25. A gap has been identified between the actual and desired performance levels. What steps do you recommend to support your team and explain each step in details?
26. Why is principle negotiation recommended over hard and soft negotiation?
27. How do organisations control consistency in negotiation practices?
28. List and explain the performance-related documentation that you need to collect throughout implementation of an operational plan
29. What is the importance of documenting operations plan performance according to organisational procedures?
1. A proper Operational Plan could be explained being a plan which is prepared through an element of the firm that obviously defines activities it would take to hold up strategic objectives as well as plans of the upper level management. For example things that really intended for victorious team are undoubtedly people in the team (Gokhman 1975). Interaction is perceptibly the vital key. Teamwork actually needs everyone to interact effectively, recognising as well as understanding of viewpoints plus even appreciating contribution that one is expected to supply. The operational plan must be very precise and not a vague one as the whole further processing depends on the plan and all the strategies are to be set accordingly.
2. Operational as well as strategic planning in reality are linked in terms of decision and many other processes, that must be designed towards informing as well as supporting each other intended for very effective administration of plans plus strategies to enhance the overall presentation of firm, whether business otherwise non profit. A perfectly well-implemented planning would provide vision, direction plus goals for organization’s operational plans and carry outs, and also operational planning would translate strategy into day to day execution plans of business which would ultimately produce great outcomes.
3. Discussion within groups otherwise workshops that involve participants chosen at random
Steps to Establish a Quality Monitoring System
One-to-one interviews that involves an individual who actually has been systematically briefed upon their work posing proper standard cluster of questions towards individuals in the firm (Brown and Atkins 1985).
Open days that involve supplying members of community with right to use an office or centre and even a project site which they could not generally access' for some time.
4. Before coming to any decision, the firm needs to consider the feedback with all the suggestions and advices supplied by employees. For the formal consultations, the feedback or submission of the employees would be made free as part of the hearing report (Norouzian and Farahani 2012). These feedbacks makes the firm clear about the thinking and views of the employees and thereby helps it to enhance its relation with its staffs
5. KPI’s must reflect organization's aims and goals. A firm that has one of all its goals to be most advantageous firm in the industry would carry KPI that calculates profit plus is related to the fiscal measures.
KPI’s must be vital to the success of the firm as well as they should be quantifiable plus measurable. They are generally long-term thoughts (Yao and Li 2014).
6. In the business there exist many things which needs to be within right place plus working properly if business is towards achieving its aims and goals. These also are critical achievement factors. There may be several daily tasks which need to be performed. But if CSFs remain missing otherwise underperforming, goals would not be attained (Brethower 1998).
7. Contingency plan refers to a plan formulated for intended outcome rather than within the ones that are usually expected plans. It is generally utilized for the risk management while an outstanding risk which, though improbable, would carry catastrophic results. Such plans are frequently formulated by the governments otherwise businesses (Payne 1999). For instance, suppose several staffs of any firm are traveling with each other on same aircraft that crashes, killing people aboard. The firm could be harshly strained otherwise even ruined through such a big loss.
8. 1) Initiate by setting a proper contingency planning group
2) List each business procedure in every department.
3) Sit with the department leads and make a list of every key supposition within the plan.
4) Prioritize every assumption for examining what-ifs plus negative effect assumptions can have on the company (Lewis 2012).
5) List things that the firm plans to perform
6) Structure the contingency plan within the positive manner.
7) Revise the plan again
8) Test the contingency plan.
9. A proper contingency plan is documented paths of saying, which must an issue arise, and the one the firm has thought of in paths to stop the defeat of very important information otherwise reduce impact towards the business (De Silva 2013). Several quality determined organizations plus companies also carry contingency plans that are not merely for individual schemes but intended for the whole departments.
10. 1) Study the needs- It begins with very clear know-how of client's needs.
2) Next is to understand Client in a better way (Floyd 2000)
3) Third is the development of a Methodology
4) Evaluation of the Solution is to be done
5) Outshine the Competitors.
6) Write proper Proposal
7) Apply Finishing Touches where the firm needs to Review proposal cautiously to make sure it totally fulfils requirements set in RFP.
11. In current day’s business environment which is highly competitive, the ability to document powerful proposals can also mean life, otherwise death, of the business. When agencies plus large corporations supply help to people making business plans it becomes really easy to lay down the facts and figures and to lay emphasis on each and every vital area that is to be considered (Kapp 2004). This help can ensure firm’s success in future and achievement of all objectives of the business plan.
12. A proper plan accomplishes some important tasks and carries some vital facts like it aligns management team with a general set of aims and goals. Then, when vision is on document, it ensures that team take some long, hard look on feasibility of business (Whalen 1986). Proper business plan would like to include some dry run towards viewing if there exists a vital problem with the business prior to losing some money.
To ensure that my team has understood the objective of approval I will undertake a primary research where I will interview a sample of staffs. The staffs will be asked question related to their understanding of the objective like Do you know the main aim of this approval, Do you think this will be beneficial for the firm and the staffs as well and many more. The process o0f asking question will be the questionnaire method where the staffs will be supplied some set of questions and they will need to answer the same.
14. Specific – My goals must be targeted and not broad plus general. They must be unmistakable plus explicit.
Measurable – The goal will be able to inform quickly as well as easily if the firm meets its aims and goals or not (Day and Tosey 2011).
Achievable – I would set goals which will be challenging. A challenging aim is motivating, the most impossible is de-motivating.
Results Oriented –I would like to improve my presentation skills which is an outcome of participation in group discussions and presentations in an activity.
Time Specified – I will set deadline which will be minimum a week and maximum a month.
15. A proper code of conduct that would lays out the firm’s expectations plus guiding logics for suitable workplace behaviour (Collings 2012)
Employee compensation which is most critical policy of HR management
Conflict of the interest policies that address situations as well as circumstances where a staff’s interests can be seen to be within conflict with firm’s interest (Lansbury and Niland 1994).
Job evaluation that is systematic procedure for assessing qualified worth of tasks within the firm.
16. Supplier relation management refers to a comprehensive loom towards managing the enterprise's communication with organizations which supply goods as well as services that it uses. Proper purchasing practices also are the integral portion of tiny business success, as well as few elements is vital in making sure the sound buying methodologies like selection of the quality suppliers (Fast 2012).
17. TQM- any firm spends very substantial part of dollar on purchase of the raw materials, and components plus services. Thus, supplier quality could substantially affect overall price of the product otherwise service (Khan, 2008).
JIT- JIT is that manufacturing philosophy through which the firm seeks repeatedly to advance its products as well as processes through eliminating the waste. Supplying the products and receiving them on time would enhance relation with suppliers.
18. A supplier that is a parcel and part of same firm as the customer is named as internal supplier. These might provide the products otherwise services. They also are upstream procedures plus support sets that supply co-workers with tools and equipments to perform their jobs (Feldmann and Olhager 2008).
19. Considering the relationship cost gives full detail about the suppliers and the cost related to them when the firm builds relation with them (Hauser, Simester and Wernerfelt 1996). This gives us a full idea about whether it will be feasible to go on with the relation or not and is the firm getting benefits from the suppliers for which it is paying a considerable amount to them. It proves the extent of worth of the relation.
20. Competitive pricing
• Ability towards meeting specifications as well as standards
• Product plus service quality
• Goods yields plus durability
• Reliable supply methods
• control of Quality and other practices
• Technical abilities plus proper leadership
• Ability towards providing niche otherwise unique good offering plus design concept (Casaburi and Minerva)
• Economic stability plus credit strength
• Firm’s compatibility with the existing products
• Spare parts accessibility
• Warranty and insurance plus also bonding provisions
Source: ((KR consulting 2015))
22. Time- this will provide proper deadline under which the task needs to be completed properly and efficiently.
Performance limit- It will ensure the firm with the performance extent and limit that will be undoubtedly acceptable by people as well as buyers and even suppliers (Newsome 1992).
Measurement changes- This will provide a proper detail about the alteration that are made and their effects on the performance of the firm.
Quality level- This makes the firm aware of the level or degree to which the quality of the good supplied was correct and met the set standard (Tanimoto, Hagishima and Sagara 2008).
23. The main benefit of proper estimation of variation in actual to budgeted is to allow the firm to create the focus for direction of the business as well as provide proper targets which would help the firm to grow. It would also supply the firm with opportunities to properly stand back plus review the performance as well as factors that would affect the business (Ball, 2009). The vital aim of the annual business review of the actual to budgeted plan is actually to put out strategy as well as action plan intended for the business.
Source: (Žiogelytė 2014)
If the suggested variation to strategy gets rejected the firm will suffer several issues and problems in analysing the production taking place and also working on the gaps. The serious issues here are variation in the production i.e. the production is not to the degree what is was expected both qualitatively as well as quantitatively.25. The firm needs to identify its existing process and review it properly and find the reason for the gap which was recognized.
The firm must find several alternatives to fill the gap like training, motivation and performance appraisal (DEBOER 1968).
These alternatives are to be evaluated and then one most effective one is to be chosen
Plans are to be made to move further on this path and develop new aims and goals and then work on attainment of the same
Implement the plan
Review the result again and see whether the gap has really been filled or not (Kelley 2008).
26. Principled negotiations actually follow some guidelines that makes it more beneficial than the hard and soft negotiation. They are:
• It separates individuals from problem and thereby enables people feel more relaxed and helped
• Focuses upon interests and not upon the position, thereby making the retention of the human resource more easy for the firm (Atkin and Rinehart 2006)
• Invents many options for proper mutual gain and benefit that helps everyone to enjoy the advantages
• Insist upon the objective criteria which helps the firm to attain personal as well as group aims and objectives (Maynard 2010)
27. In the process of negotiation, consistency, otherwise consistency principle, actually refers to the negotiator's burly psychological requirements to stay consistent along with prior acts as well as statements. This consistency ensures that people get motivated towards the cognitive consistency as well as change all their behaviour and attitudes plus beliefs as well as perceptions plus even actions towards achievement of the same(TAYLOR 2009).
28. Performance Agreements
For common performance administration arrangements ownership of present and preceding performance agreements also rests with the staffs.
Improvement Plan
First-level managers are accountable for retaining every relevant paper related to the PIP.
Performance Evaluation procedure
Where PEP is started, performance delegate also is accountable for retaining every of the relevant paper.
Performance Agreements
Performance agreements also are very essential donor to the business plan.
Performance Improvement Plan
All connected documents are stored in the performance file, and later they are destroyed
29. Documentation of the plan would give a full detail about the plan. Any further change in the plan can be avoided and also confusions can be kept away from the operational plan. This also ensures exact performance and exact data and information keeping inside the firm. Documentation even enables the firm to stop fraud and changes within the plan. This even makes the performance more exact and efficient.
You have been employed to develop a new department for the Training and Development of the Administrative and Sales Team for a Personnel Recruitment Company. Due to demand they have opened two offices, one in Melbourne and one in Adelaide. This expansion has lead to a tight budget within the organisation for the fiscal year. You need to keep the budget at a minimal amount
The Strategic Goal that he has been asked to concentrate on is to Increase Sales by 8% by the end of 20xx.
Five staff in the Administration department handle enquiries in regards to sales to the organisations that they provide with personnel (both permanent and temporary).
There are ten Recruitment Personnel who have the primary responsibility to manage their case load and follow up leads for new opportunities.
As a well established organisation, Excel Personnel is a family owned company that believes in Gaining and Retaining Customers through Customer Service
Excellence. Though the company has managed to retain their long standing personnel, several of their newer clients have changed recruitment companies in the last six months. Concerned with the loss of clients and no trend in the reasons why customers moved, the Board of Directors have decided to train their team on the latest customer service skills.
For this project:
• All plans, goals and recommendations must flow together to support the strategic plan
• You may vary your plans, goals, strategies and recommendations as you progress through each part of this project. Put a line through the change and briefly outline why you made an update on the operational plan. This is a normal part of the development of a plan. As new information is introduced, you may decide to change your operational plan.
• This is a preliminary operational plan that you are drawing up, so use bullet points.
You are required to develop an operational plan. In the plan you MUST:
1. Clearly state the Operational goals and how they are related to strategic plan
The main operational aims and goals for this case will be actual training as well as development that would describe formal, plus ongoing labours of the firm to enhance performance as well as self-fulfilment of the staff’s through a diversity of processes plus programs. In reality quality of the staffs plus continual enhancement of the skills plus productivity of the staffs through training that will be widely acknowledged as vital elements for ensuring long-run success as well as profitability of tiny businesses. Staff’s performance could make otherwise break any business. Properly dedicated plus competent workers could take the firm towards novel heights as well as achievement of long-run success. The staff’s performance management also is considered as a formal scheme of the ongoing staff enrichment that will be intended to make the staffs extra productive plus efficient through investing within their personal plus professional growth and development. Accomplishment of the proper formal training plus development agenda will offer many potential benefits to the firm. For instance, training will help the firm to create group of qualified people and also their replacements which will help the firm to attain better level of success.
2. List resources and funds to meet these goals
The firm will be using many different resources towards determining goals of the firm.
• The firm will need proper human resource and group of expertise for aligning the training objectives along with firm’s goals in a way in which the workforce will be capable to meet the aims and objectives of training that, the firm would also be gathering firm’s goals. Such a process will start with novel staff orientation program for training.
• For training the staffs the firm will require professionals to take the program and grow properly.
• For review the training process that will be laid down firm will need several tools like analysis tools and evaluation techniques and also professional who will know the use and benefits of such tools (Hoechle and Schmid, 2006).
• Several performance appraisal and motivation tools will also be required by the firm.
• The firm will need tools like a classroom, a presentation board and also technical tools like papers and documents related to training and growth of staffs.
3. Identify the relevant personnel that you should consult with in regards to the operational goals and the resultant action plans required to meet the operational goals
I need to consult a proper HR manager and the head of the department of the human resource who would provide me details about people who will be put into the program and people who actually need to be trained for attaining the aims and goals of the program. I will also need to consult to the board of managers for sanctioning the training program and allowing the carry out of the session in the premises of the firm. I would also consult the finance department and head of finance department so that i could attain fund for carryout of the training process.
4. Identify the communication methods should you recommend maintaining a record of the consultation process and explaining why?
The consultation will be communicated through following methods:
a) Oral communication- People and trainees will be informed about the consultation verbally through informing them via phone calls and even through face to face communication
b) Also staffs will be informed through mails and through company website regarding the training that will be undertaken in the firm’s premises for the employee’s enhancement and growth.
c) Staffs will be informed about the training through personalized pamphlets.
5. Identify and explain feedback processes do you recommend should be put in place?
The firm can follow a particular feedback process for finding the efficiency and effectiveness of the training program that was undertaken in the firm. It will enable the firm to know how much has the sale risen up and how much was the firm successful in attaining the aims and objectives for which the firm initiated the training program.
a) Questionnaire- a set of questions will be gathered and a questionnaire will be prepared and then the firm will distribute these to the people and staffs who attended the training program. Employees will fill the questionnaire and return it back to the researcher. These filled in questionnaires will be analysed and effectiveness of the program will be calculate.
b) Sales analysis- The firm will evaluate its sales and see whether the sales has raised or not. If there is growth seen in the sales it would demonstrate that the training has worked well.
6. What KPIs would you recommend to measure organisational performance in regards to the training? (Write at least two)
Penetration rate of the training program – it will help the firm to measure percentage of staffs completing the course otherwise the content of the training as compared to full number of staffs that were employed.
Average employees attending the training per employee – this will give detail about the attendance of the employees on the training.
Overall training costs on each employee – this will give the cost of the training on each employee and will be divided by total number of staffs that attended the training.
Percentage of the training hours regarding whole working time and hours.
Firm’s training expenditure like percentage of payments as well as wages.
Subsidization efficiency for the total training – it will give the percentage and average of full training budget which the firm is attaining grants otherwise other types of the subsidization.
7. Create at least two contingency plans if the employees in both departments do not meet the KPIs.
Merely relating towards Performance while it could be obviously measured, counted as well as easily influenced through the firm. For instance, weather it influences a lot of tourist regarding operations and functions – but firm cannot also influence weather. The sales growth as well as development might be a vital performance and management criteria – yet targets should be put that could be calculated.
Merely an Indicator only if it supplies leading data and information upon future know-how and performance. A substantial amount of information plus data in the firm merely will have value intended for the historical purposes like for instance debtor as well as creditor in width plus length.
8. Develop a business proposal.
a) Basic of the proposal- The main aim and objective of the program will be to provide training for the staffs in the firm and enhance their skill and capability in order to make them capable of providing better services to the clients so that it attains better market share and becomes a market leader.
b) Problem statement- Many of the newer clients of the firm have shifted recruitment firms in past six months. Worried about the loss of such clients as well as no trend within the causes why people have moved, the firm needs to train all of their team and groups about latest consumer service as well as skills.
c) Proposed Solution- The solution of the situation is that the firm should supply proper training to the staffs so that they can enhance themselves towards providing better services to the clients and become capable of retaining clients in proper way and for longer time.
d) Pricing Information- For several clients, pricing data is what would make them properly decide about the offer the firm supplies them.
9. Draw a flow chart of the relevant parties who you should obtain approval from for this business proposal
10. You need to also briefly outline how you would recommend that staff have the plan communicated to them. Use at least one SMART goal to measure how the team members demonstrate an understanding of the proposal.
Specific- I will be very Specific with my goal and main as well as precise goal of the training will be to enhance employee performance and thereby grow sales of the firm by 8% till the year 2016.
Measurable- The sales of the firm will be enhanced by some 8% till 2016 and also the number of employees in the firm will be increased which are all measurable elements under the training program (Stephen Town 2000).
Attainable- I would set the goal which will be easily attainable and that too with minimum number of hindrances. Based on current restrictions like the schedule and workload as well as knowledge I will set aims that will be attainable on time and without obstacles.
Realistic- The training will include all real things and will avoid fake elements like intangible motivational tools or even a feeling and a emotion. Rather this training will include data and information that will be all real and reliable once
Time-bound- The training will meet the deadline and must not stretch too long so that it finishes up on time and avoids any type of delay .
11. The organisation has two external recruitment personnel who are contracted as a supplier by referring potential customers to Excel Personnel. They have both recently slowed down in referring customers to Excel Personnel. Briefly outline in bullet points how you would strengthen the supplier relationship with them.
a) Provide training to employees for proper client relation
b) Train staffs and enhance their communication skills
c) Ask staffs to interact more to clients and attempt to bring in more and more customers
d) Set some targets and goals for them so that they bring in extra clients to the firm.
e) Motivate the staffs and give them incentives for bringing more clients to the firm (Curtis and Dean 2004)
f) Make the staffs understand the way in which clients respond and then teach them to reply accordingly
g) These staffs must be defined clearly their aims and goals and thereby must be taught the proper way of handling and retaining clients
h) The staffs must be informed about the things particularly client’s demand and like and thus try to retain them (Clancy 2007)
i) Make the staffs friendlier and free communicating.
j) The employees must be trained on the part where they become properly aware about things that firm demands from them and for which they are being paid (Parker, 2006).
12. Based on your KPIs, SMART goals, communication and feedback processes and the organisation’s operational plans, recommend what and how you will measure performance?
a. Develop one tool based on your recommendations.
Employee evaluation- Employees will be evaluated quarterly as well as yearly and it will ensure that people who went under the training are still following the rules and facts that they learned while training or have stopped applying those in their daily work (Booth 2006)
It would identify all quantifiable results of the work. The sales will be seen and found whether there is any rise that can be calculated or not. Also there must be enhancement in number of clients which will prove the effectiveness and success of the program
Organizational evaluation will also be done and it will be seen that whether the firm’s sales have grown or are still the same as it was when the training started
The market share of the firm will also be analysed and evaluated so that the firm ensures the efficiency of the program.
Customer satisfaction will also be measured through questionnaire process which will give detail about the satisfaction level of customers after the training process and thereby show that whether the training has really worked or not (Higgins 1977).
13. How will you monitor financial information? What do you need to watch for when reviewing this information and why?
While operating the business, an effective way towards measuring the success is actually to recognize the fact about the sales and find whether the sales have grown and reached an upper level or is decreasing by some range and this can be appropriately done through examining all the change within sales of single era as compared to some other. Demonstrating the increase within the actual profit will never provide any true sign of the implication of the change within sales. For instance, any enhancement in the sales of some $100,000 might be actually amazing for the business, yet severe underneath-performance intended for the firm. Instead, utilizing percentages also will help determine as well as recognize the vitality and significance of sales enhancement or decrease.(Kumar and Sivaramakrishnan 2008). Cumulative growth refers to that term which is used to explain a proper percentage of enhancements over proper set time period. Such growth could also be worn to gauge the growth within past as well as, thereby, to map for growth, approximation of the organic cell enlargement, measure the total sales growth, as well as many more. It also assumes few variables which are never certain, like the rise as well as fall within the interest rates and also economic inflation otherwise deflation. Nevertheless, it is even very useful descriptive technique for figuring out the way in which a development might alter positively otherwise negatively (Speight 2009). Also calculation of the cumulative growth might also start with recognizing growth rate within past prior to its application to the future growth, thus there also are in reality two calculations.
14. Based on information that you have already received when you spoke to staff, there seems to be a mixture of performance problems and lack of staff skills. Some of these problems stem from the Department Managers. How would you handle any underperformance issues in regards to these skills and the level of performance?
In this answer, please refer to the factors that affect output and quality to justify a lack of skills and performance.
Handling underperformance includes several elements. They are mentioned below:
a) The firm needs to consult the employees who have performed in improper way and it needs to handle them carefully
b) Losing staffs might incur extra cost for the firm thus underperforming ones must not be taken as a curse and they must be treated properly and training needs to be supplied (Monitor 2003)
c) These staffs need to be provided written training as well
d) Clearly underperforming employee must be confronted through practice management otherwise firm management or else, both. There also needs to be proper intervention (Scherbina, 2004).
e) The employee selection procedure probably needs to get properly adjusted otherwise enforced towards ensuring about the attorneys never being selected for any equity position unless the firm plus staffs agree on belief that partners within firm feel that he/she would perform properly as well as productively.
15. There is a lack of openness and trust between the departments and this is having a negative impact on morale. Recommend ways in which you can overcome this.
a) Maintain transparency
b) Provide details of all transactions to each other
c) Consultation of all the firms with each other before taking any vital decisions
d) They must be supplied with responsible works so that they feel their accountability towards work and then perform properly
e) It will establish a very critical procedure as well as requirements of the firm plus the staffs(Miao et al. 2007)
16. Draw a flow chart on the processes that you believe should be put in place for the approval of any variations to this plan. (Include who you should consult with in this flow chart ).
Source: (Alvarez et al. 2013)
17.Using the documents that you have recommended in this project and developed, draw a flow chart on how the variation should be implemented after it has been approved.
Source: (Glover 1995)
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