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Identifying the diversified design thinking process as well as methods that can play an influential role to help the entrepreneur to design the idea in proper manner. Understanding the needs and demands of the stakeholders by using empathic approach the learning objective of this week has been achieved. By exploring the design thinking process in an innovative manner, so that the comparison between the design and business approaches.

Introduction to Design Thinking Process

The week 1 learning highlighted the importance and needs of bringing the innovation by entrepreneur so that the sustainable position can be maintain in the competitive environment.  The concept of designing process has been highlighted through the week learning. The key concepts, interrelationship and models have been discussed, which are required in case of bringing the innovation.

By highlighting the diffusion theory, the week emphasized new ideas which are required for designing the commercial, digital and social innovations. By examining different methods, which are required for prototyping the ideas, improving the collaboration regarding working in a team has been discussed. During the learning process, the needs analysis for innovation in business development has been highlighted depending on which the suggestion regarding development of digital, social and commercial context has been mentioned. Not only the designing process but also the process for implementation of Ideas has been mentioned.

The week’s learning has shed light on identifying the diversified design thinking process as well as methods that can play an influential role to help the entrepreneur to design the idea in proper manner. Understanding the needs and demands of the stakeholders by using empathic approach the learning objective of this week has been achieved. By exploring the design thinking process in an innovative manner, so that the comparison between the design and business approaches. The designing philosophy has been understood through the learning process.

On the other hand, by exploring the critique of design thinking process the tools of design thinking process have been highlighted. Through the week’s learning, traditional design thinking forms have been explored with the innovative manner. Discussing the creative problem solving approaches in the learning processes the thinking can help to develop a creative designer. By continuing this the design thinking process can help to improve the problem solving skill that can help in case of developing career opportunities.

The logical reasoning concept has been introduced through the 3rd week’s learning that is beneficial in case of enhancing business operations and business functions. The triple loop learning process as well as divergent and convergent thinking procedure have been highlighted through the week’s learning. Highlighting the importance of creative learning spiral in the design thinking process for bringing the innovation has been discussed. The purpose of this week was to understanding the models and theories that can help to analyze the specific nature of the design thinking process, the ability of a designer has been examined. Through the learning action research and learning theories have been analyzed, which is required for the process of developing correlation between the innovation and design thinking process. Each tools of design thinking process have been highlighted through the learning activities, which are required in case of understanding the design thinking theories.

Not only for solving the problem, but also design thinking tools are important for identifying the problems that can create challenges in case of bringing the innovation. In the week’s learning the difference between the problem finding and problem solving skills have been examined. In the discussion, it has been mentioned that design thinking process plays a significant role in case of dealing with the problem identification process.

The Importance of Bringing Innovation

Through this week the ‘Personas’, Spotting the obvious and visualization have been highlighted as the essential tools of design thinking process for identifying the problem. In this process the wicked problem solving skills and its importance in design thinking for bringing the innovation has been discussed. Analysing different forms of problem solving, the designer can be able to take the required step which can help to enhance the business operations. In the week 4 learning, the different design thinking approaches have been highlighted which is required to be implemented in case of identifying the challenges and solve the issues in appropriate manner.

The week has introduced journey mapping concept that helps a designer to create the proper plan to achieve the goals. The week as examined the importance of brainstorming as an effective design thinking tool that can help to bring the innovation in business operations. It has been highlighted in this study that depending on the journey mapping concept the overview of the business situations can be understood.

With the active initiative of the entrepreneur by using the designing thinking tools, the problem solving skills can be improved. Using the effective design thinking tool like brainstorming the needs of business functioning can be analyzed. Importance of prototyping, visualization, experimentation beginner’s mindset have been highlighted through the learning. Effectiveness of these tools in case of maintaining innovation in business functioning has been highlighted through this week. In case of improving the problem solving skill development in the business operation, the interaction process has been identified as an effective way.

Importance of value network and value chain have been identified as the important component in the design thinking process. Through this analysis, the business activities as well as the development can be introduced in the organization. Research and development process of design thinking process have been highlighted as the important initiative taken by the entrepreneur in case of bringing the creativity. Buy highlighting the mind mapping as an important tool of design thinking, different ways for the smoother business functioning have been discussed. The mind mapping is also essential in case of enumerating project parameters that can help to operate the business. Different categories of the activities in the workplace have been discussed, which are required for creating the value in the workplace. By enabling the organizational analysis, different activates have been set, which can be beneficial for an entrepreneur. Identifying the customers’ perspectives, the value has been enhanced, which is required for decreeing the cost.

In the week 7 learning, design thinking has been highlighted as the ethical research project. By introducing the research approaches such as data sources, data types and ethics, the designer can be able to understand the business trends. Analyzing the research methodology, the brief overview of the market can be collected by the designer that can be beneficial in terms of bringing creativity.

Through this process the designer will be able to identify the needs and demands of the customers. Highlighting the different ethical considerations which are needed to be maintained during the research project have been discussed so that the designer can operate the business research project in an authentic manner. In case of enhancing the business functioning process, it can be beneficial in terms of understanding the development concept. Interpretation and systematic collection of data or information can help the designer to clarify the aim and objectives of the business to the associated people.

Design Thinking Tools and Techniques

The concepts regarding the large amount of data ad involvement of the stakeholders in design thinking process are required. In case of testing the assumption the Prototyping techniques are needed for the entrepreneur. The week has underlined the suitable operations through understanding the Prototyping techniques so that sustainable position in the workplace can be maintained. Implementation of designing aspects using the later and early prototypes, the solutions against the business challenges can be identified in smoother way.

In the week 8 learning proper understanding of rapid prop type by the designer for business development has been highlighted. Rapid prototyping has been classified into Prototyping techniques and Early and later prototypes. Significance of using relevant model in case of highlighting the innovative business practices in the workplace have been mentioned. In this module different relevant models of business challenges have been highlighted that is required for fulfilling the business needs.

In this week’s learning different factors have been highlighted which are required in case of safely introducing the designing ideas developed by the entrepreneur. In this module the planning, executing and reviewing process for developing an idea have been highlighted. Various approaches which can needed for launching the innovation in the workplace by the entrepreneur has been highlighted. By experimenting the market place analyzing the circumstances the entrepreneur gets the case to understand the perspective of the customers. Understanding the needs of the customers are required in case of introducing the innovation in the workplace. Behavioral analysis of the customers by the entrepreneur is needed to successful business operations. In case of achieving the business perfection, proper implementation of the business planning is required so that customers can be attracted. By focusing the behavioral metrics the entrepreneur can be ale to implement the designing process for business functioning.

In the week 10 learning the lessons regarding the courses have been conducted. Through this process the students will get the chance to designing the growth process. On the other hand, highlighting the growth strategies, the application of design thinking process in the operational activities have been highlighted. By maintaining the continuous growth process, the designing for the further operations can be effectively maintained.

Through this module the design has been introduced as aesthetics. By considering the wider range of applicability in the design thinking process, the students can be able to understand its importance. In this module importance of using the designing thinking strategy for better implementation and bringing the business operation has been mentioned. With the initiative of implementing the strategies of design thinking growth in the workplace, different units of designing process such as communication. Mindset, process, tool kits and principles and those uses have been mentioned.

The term design thinking is being considered as the process in which the company will be able to deal with the challenges. The process is beneficial in terms of encouraging the people for bringing innovation and creativity in the internal and human centered processes.  Hence, it can be said that through the design thinking process business challenges can be mitigated by utilizing the effective design thinking approaches. In this process, the designers will get the chance to utilize the definition, empathy, testing and prototyping for the smoother business operation. I believe it can be beneficial for the designer for understanding the needs and demands of the stakeholders.

Problem Solving and Identification

On the other hand, it cannot be denied that depending on the design thinking tools the entrepreneur will be able to develop the innovative ideas so that the business challenges can be identified in an appropriate manner. The purpose of this report is to highlight the activities in the course work by using the personal knowledge development skills. Through the report the identification of different strength and weakness of a person as a designer have been highlighted. By understanding the skills of the decision making process the designer the needs and demands of the customers will be analyzed.

Personal development

I strongly believe, from the learning modules I have got the chance to gather the knowledge regarding the design thinking and its application in the workplace. As per my understanding the design thinking concept has helped me to develop the sustainable business management skills, which can help to me in near future. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that depending on the elements of design thinking.

I have got to know the importance of research and development for analyzing the business trend. I believer, it should be the major concern for the design to understand the clients’ need if an entrepreneur will be able to understand the needs and demands of the customers it will be beneficial in terms of analyzing the business position. If a designer will be able to understand the challenges faced by the entrepreneur in case of developing a business plan, it can help the designer to develop new ideas y identifying the loopholes.

Importance of the innovation and creativity in the organization in case of maintaining the sustainable position the market has been highlighted through the course work (Liedtka, 2015). I strongly believe that if I will get the chance to assume the needs and demands of the entrepreneur regarding the business development, I will be able to use my designing skills so that the business management practices can be developed. On the other hand, I strongly believe that if I will get the chance to use the design thinking tools and technologies in case of identifying the research problems, it van help me to introduce the innovation in better manner.

Through the course work I have learned about the convergent and divergent approaches for developing my designing attributes. I believe, in can of changing the organizational setup, these core functioning characteristics can help to enhance the proper functioning in the organization. As per my understanding, it will also help me to understand the needs and demands of the customers. Another way, by identifying the different issues, it can also be easier for a designer to develop a plan so that the issues can be mitigated (Gruber et al., 2015).

Empathetic approaches have been established by the course. It cannot be denied that the empathetic approach can help me in terms of understanding the situation of an entrepreneur by suggesting the business models (D'Ippolito, 2014). In this process the strength and weakness of the business can also be identified. I believe, in case of utilizing the empathic approach as the problem solving tools, the brain storming tool can be beneficial as the design thinking tool.

Prototyping Techniques

Through the module I have learned to identify the business challenges regarding the understanding on the customers need. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that depending on the course work, I have got the chance to develop the suitable personal mechanism which are needed for enhance my business operations. I strongly feel the coursework as played and influential role in case of increasing my ability to understand the business needs as well as the issue faced by an entrepreneur, which has helped me to develop an innovative idea to mitigate the business issues.

During the coursework, the important motivational strategies in the design thinking process have been clarified to me. By using the brainstorming methods I will be able to apply the mitigation strategies in case of solving the business issues. I strongly believe, the strategies, which have been mentioned during the course can be beneficial for the designers to identify and deal with the challenges.

On the other hand, analyzing the position of the organization in the workplace proper uses of logical reasoning has been highlighted as the important influential part in design thinking process. By discussing different logical reasoning tools in case of positioning a business organization, the designer can be bale to enhance the business operations. Through the module different initiatives of the designers in case of creating the values in business operations as well as the workplace has been highlighted. In case of maintaining the functional efficiency, it can be assumed that the Non-linear nature of the design thinking process, can help the designer.

In case of enhancing the efficiency, the design thinking process has helped to the designer in case of understanding the needs and demands of the customers. It cannot be denied that various approaches have been highlighted through the course work. After the identification of the roles and responsibilities of an entrepreneur in the workplace, the function of a designer in case of mitigating the challenges faced by an entrepreneur have been mentioned. I believe, through the learning different practices of the designer I case of bringing the organizational innovation have been discussed. I have learned that understanding the needs and demands of the customers should be the major concern of designer for bringing the functional efficiency. By introducing different blogging it has become easier for everyone to understanding the designing proves in better manner.

Not only the concept of design thinking, but also the course has highlighted the process of implementing the designing thinking practices in the workplace. It has been identified that defining the critical thinking pathway the course has designed the strategies that can help in case of satisfying the needs of the entrepreneur. On the other hand, it has been identified by me that innovation should be the major concern for every organization in case of maintaining the smoother operation. If the designer will be able to introduce the innovative ideas in an effective manner in the workplace it can be beneficial for the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.

Understanding the Value Network and Value Chain

Knowledge development

In case of utilizing the design thinking tools in an efficient manner the knowledge regarding the utilization processes required (Filatro, Cavalcanti & Muckenberger, 2017). It has been identified by men that by understanding various situations and adopting the changes, I have get to know how to implement the designs in the workplace. It has been identified by me that depending on the sustainable understanding process the needs and demands of the stakeholders have been analyzed by me. It cannot be denied that the empathy is important in case of developing a planning practices so that the issues can be mitigated in an effective manner (Yeager et al., 2016). By eliminating the various prejudices during the brainstorming practices, the solutions can be provided to the clients by maintaining their needs and demands. In case of understanding the decision making process of an entrepreneur, the brainstorming practices play an influential role.

On the other hand, it is true that depending on the judgmental approach of a designer the ability of the person to emphasize the concern of the clients can be affected. In the words of Liedtka (2015), the designing process for a business development can also be affected due to the judgmental aptitude off a designer. Through the course I have identified different bias, which needs to be eliminated for bringing the professional growth as an entrepreneur. On the other hand, it has been identified by me that if the systematic changes can be accepted by the designer in an effective manner it can be beneficial for the overall development (Gray & Malins, 2016). However, it is true that, depending on the analytical skill of the designer, the customer concern can be identified. Using this skill, the designer can be able to understand the business flows as well as the required changes for the future development.

During the course work it has been identified that in case of highlighting different issues, the brainstorming tools can be beneficial. The key changes in an organization can be depended on the logical reasoning (Turner III, 201). Through this process the designer will get the chance to identify the issues which are faced by the entrepreneur. I believe, the logical reasoning process can help me to identify the effective solution against the changes. It has been identified by me during the learning that there are various strategies in design thinking. If the implementation .of the strategies can be done in the right manner, it will be beneficial in case of mitigating the challenges (Bocken, Rana & Short, 2015). These strategies are also beneficial for the designer in case of analyzing the demands of the clients. I have learned that there are different factors those ply an influential role in case of bringing the innovation in the organizational structure. Using the different research approaches the requirement of the stakeholders can be fulfilled by the designer.

On the other hand, it cannot be denied that proper application of the effective methodologies in the designing process is very effective. The effective methodology can help the designer to introduce the innovative business functions that can help to apply the barnstorming and mind mapping tools in right away (Burns, Freeman & Edwards, 2015). Through the course wok, I have analyzed that interaction skill is very important in case of implementing a designing process. During the course I have developed the communication skill. I have analyzed that after taking the interview of the clients, it will be easier to understand the issues and challenges faced by them. Not only the challenges faced by entrepreneur, but also the business situation can be analyzed in an effective manner. By using the relevant model, suitable design can be developed which will fit with the clients’ situation.  

Ethical Research Project for Design Thinking Process

If the nature of the designer can be adopted in an effective manner, it can help in case of understanding the circumstances by the designer. During the course, it has been identified by me that in case of performing the function of the designers’ aspects, various types of weakness can be identified (Badwan et al., 2018). After the identification of weakness, measurable steps can be taken so that the business innovation can be introduced in the right way. On the other hand, using different approaches and tools of design thinking, the designer can be able to develop different business models for dealing with the challenges faced by the entrepreneur (Nobeoka & Kimura, 2016).

It has been identified by me that the key elements of designing have strong relation with the organizational performance. On the other hand, it is also true that depending on the prototyping activities the designer can get the ability to bring the innovation in the workplace. During the course I have learned to deal with different situations that which has helped me in case of understanding major challenges those can be faced by the designers. I have also learned that if I will be able to use the mind map and brainstorming tools, it will help to me to deal with the future challenges.  

Action plan





To develop the interaction

· By developing the questionnaire the interaction with the stakeholders can be started

· Interaction with the clients can be done

· empathetic approach can be utilized for understanding  the issues

· Issues can be recorded

3- 5 months

Using the interaction skills, the designer can be able to understand the needs and demands of the customers. It can also be beneficial in terms of understanding the strategies which can be beneficial in terms of maintaining the business functioning.

To develop efficient mind mapping

· Using the mind map the issues can be identified in the right manner.

· After the identification of issues effective solutions are being identified.

· Using the prototyping the solution can be identified

·  After identification of the solution against the challenge the scope can be defined

2- 7 months

The mind map play an influential role in case of helping the designer for understanding the various tasks, which are needed to be dealt by the designer. By using innovative approaches as well as the potential mind mapping technology the designer can get the chance to maintain the operational efficiency, which can help in bringing the success by reducing cost.

To develop the skill of adoption

· After identifying the challenges faced by the entrepreneur effective framework has been developed.

· Learn how to deal with the challenges

8- 12 months

Using the adaptive nature a designer can get the chance to manage the difficult situation faced by the entrepreneur. On the other hand, using the adaptive skill, the designer also gets the ability to ensure the effective operations so that needs and demands of the  clients can be solved in an innovative way.


In the above study, it has been identified that the concept of design thinking has higher level of contribution in case of bringing the innovation in business operation. In the other words, it can be said that the design thinking is needed for mitigating the changes faced by entrepreneur. In the above reflection, different design thinking tools such as barnstorming and mind mapping have been highlighted. On the other hand, the importance of prototyping methodology in case of identifying the challenges have been highlighted. Depending on the reflection of personal development and knowledge development characteristics, the entire course work can help to enhance the function that can help a designer in future.

Reference and bibliography

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Bocken, N. M. P., Rana, P., & Short, S. W. (2015). Value mapping for sustainable business thinking. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(1), 67-81.

Burns, A., Freeman, D., & Edwards, E. (2015). Theorizing and studying the language?teaching mind: Mapping research on language teacher cognition. The Modern Language Journal, 99(3), 585-601.

D'Ippolito, B. (2014). The importance of design for firms' competitiveness: a review of the literature. Technovation, forhcoming.

D'Ippolito, B. (2014). The importance of design for firms' competitiveness: a review of the literature. Technovation, forhcoming.

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Gray, C., & Malins, J. (2016). Visualizing research: A guide to the research process in art and design. Routledge.

Gruber, M., De Leon, N., George, G., & Thompson, P. (2015). Managing by design.

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Nobeoka, K., & Kimura, M. (2016, September). Art thinking beyond design thinking Mazda design: Car as art. In Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2016 Portland International Conference on (pp. 2499-2514). IEEE.

Turner III, D. E. (2017). A case study in Design Thinking applied through Aviation Mission Support Tactical Advancements for the Next Generation (TANG) (Doctoral dissertation, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School).

Yeager, D. S., Romero, C., Paunesku, D., Hulleman, C. S., Schneider, B., Hinojosa, C., ... & Trott, J. (2016). Using design thinking to improve psychological interventions: The case of the growth mindset during the transition to high school. Journal of educational psychology, 108(3), 374.

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