Automation and Supply Chain Management in Supermarkets
Question 1: Are you aware about automation being used in supermarkets?
Response 1:Yes, I have heard about the notion of using automation in improving the supply chain and the distribution among various organization in the recent past. This is more prevalent among the companies in United States due to the ageing population and future shortage of workforce, automation has been considered as an option. Coles has recently set their objectives of developing two automated distribution centers in the upcoming five years. Automation is the future in supply chain processes and majority of the large scale organizations have set their long term goals on improving their operational efficiency.
Response 2: Yes. I have heard automation being used by the supermarkets in different countries and at global scale. However, it’s still a pipe dream for all the organization of developing a fully automated supply chain. But, I have heard that majority of the companies have started with basic changes where automation has been implied in simple steps.
Response 3: Yes, I have heard that majority of the companies in the supermarket industry are trying to implement automation in to their supply chain processes. However, I do not know that have developed a fully functional automated supply chain process.
Response 4: No. I have not heard about the implementation of automation in Supermarkets.
Response 5: Yes, I have heard about the use of automation in supermarkets and Coles have made a big announcement of transforming their supply chain management and develop to fully automated distribution centers in the next five years.
Question 2: Explain about labelling, pricing and assembling merchandise at Countdown?
Response 1: We have a strict protocol of labelling, pricing and assembling merchandise which is still based on human labor. Labelling, pricing and assembling is done by the suppliers and workforce working in the backend of the supply chain process.
Response 2: We have developed specific guidelines for our supply chain partners and majority of the products are assembled, labelled and priced at the warehouse. The process is not automated and use of human labor is crucial aspect of our supply chain.
Response 3: We have standard practices in managing the supply chain processes and the products are labelled, priced and assembled as per the guidelines. The use of manual workforce is prevalent in these processes.
Response 4: The labelling and initial pricing are set by the suppliers except for the in-house products. However, the final labelling and pricing are done manually by the workforce and is same for the assembly process.
Response 5: We have an efficient and effective supply chain process where we have developed a systematic way of pricing, assembling and labelling our products both from other suppliers and home products.
Question 3: Explain the level of automation used in countdown?
Response 1: Automation is still at its nascent stages in the company and effective plans have been developed for implementing automation in logistics and supply chain management
Response 2: We are making progress and we have a number of plans in the pipeline for effective development of automated processes. We are still at basic level in terms of automation but planning ti implement block chains.
Current State of Automation in Countdown
Response 3: Automation is still at concept form within the organization and effective special teams have been working on it to examine the transition and feasibility automation within the organization.
Response 4: We are still lacking behind in terms of implementing automation but we have a number of programs set in the pipelines that are expected to go global after everything has been confirmed.
Response 5: Currently, we do not have the infrastructure and resources to implement automation in warehouse management and effective supply chain management. However, we have been making efforts in making transitions from manual to automated supply chain and warehouse management.
Question 4: Explain about your job relation to the automation at Countdown?
Response 1: Currently, my job role does not have any link to automation in countdown.
Response 2: We do not have automation in our supply chain processes so my job role is not at all linked to automation but there is significant future scope where my job role will be monitoring the automated warehouse management
Response 3: I work as an executive in the organization and my job role will be in danger if automation is implemented and there will no need for executives in this particular job role.
Response 4:My job role is still as automation has not been implemented within the organization. I am responsible for packaging, labelling and pricing of the products and my job role will be redundant when automation will be implemented.
Response 5: Automation does not have any link to my job role presently but in future it has a wide scope for the organization.
Question 5: What benefits did you experience with automation at Countdown?
Response 1: Automation will decrease the overall cost of operation and supply chain in the organization and eliminate the redundancies within the organizational processes.
Response 2: The errors will be eliminated and we will be able to reduce the overall cost of operations and logistics. The increase in demand of the products can be easily met by effective implementation of automation.
Response 3:Automation is the future for every organization in every industry and automation is essential for maintaining competitive advantage in the market. Other global companies have planned to spend considerable amount of capital of introducing new technologies especially in the supply chain processes. Moreover, innovation and creativity is one of the key components for maintaining sustainable competitive advantage in the market.
Response 4:Automation will decrease the overall cost of operation and supply chain in the organization and eliminate the redundancies within the organizational processes.
Response 5: Automated workflow tools is not only essential for bolstering the efficiency of the bottom line but also reducing the chances if human error in the market.
Question 6: Do you feel positive or negative about automation at Countdown?
Response 1: I feel positive about implementation of automation in warehouse management and effective implementation of the supply chain management in countdown. I think automaton is the future of retail organizations.
Response 2: I have mixed feelings about it as full automation will affect the current workforce and it is expected to reduce the number of workforce within the organization.
Level of Automation in Countdown
Response 3: I am totally negative about automation in operation and logistics as it will reduce the number of jobs within the organization and workforce will be reduced significantly.
Response 4: I am quite negative and worried about the implementation of logistics and supply chain at the workforce as it take away the jobs from the human beings.
Response 5:I feel positive about implementation of automation in warehouse management and effective implementation of the supply chain management in countdown. Automation is the future and we will have to adapt to automation if we want to make compete with other companies.
Question 7: Did automation increase the simplicity in your job at Countdown?
Response 1: Currently, there is no automation with the organizational processes but it is expected to make the job roles much more simplified.
Response 2: The job roles are currently will be simplified if we implement automation within the organization
Response 3: The company has been planning to implement automation within the organization due to the added benefits they have and how they simplify the processes.
Response 4:Currently, there is no automation with the organizational processes but it is expected to make the job roles much more simplified.
Response 5: We do not have any automated processes currently but the plan has been developed to implement automation which means that the feasibility analysis shows that it will have added benefits so making the job roles simpler may be another perks of including automation within the organization.
Question 8:Do you feel automation has led to unemployment at Countdown like other sectors?
Response 1: It has not happened yet, but it is expected to occur in the near future. Automation in retail industry and supermarkets are relatively new concept and people are unlikely to be unemployment within the next five years.
Response 2: Currently, automation is at its nascent stage and employees at countdown arecurrently not at risk of losing their jobs. However, five years down the line, with the advancement of technology, this is a possibility.
Response 3:I don’t employees are at risk because when automation is brought, may be these job roles will not be there but it will lead to new openings that will create other job roles for these employees. The employees will definitely be provided with other job roles due to the emergence of other needs.
Response 4: It has not happened yet, but it is expected to occur in the near future. Automation in retail industry and supermarkets are relatively new concept and people are unlikely to be unemployment within the next five years.
Response 5:Currently, automation is at its nascent stage and employees at countdown are currently not at risk of losing their jobs. However, five years down the line, with the advancement of technology, this is a possibility.
Probe 5:
Question 9: Do you feel your future in this field is safe with this increasing innovation in automation at Countdown?
Response 1: My future in this field is not safe with the increase in automation but these changes are bound to happen so looking for other options is essential currently.
Response 2: The increase in automation does not have any impact on my job role as I work in the mid-level of management.
Response 3: My future is at risk with increase in automation as there will be significant curtail of human resources after automation is implemented. Therefore, I am trying acquire new skills so that I can get into a different job role.
Response 4: My job role is not affected due to this factor but others will definitely face issues in getting jobs in the same job role as all the companies will adapt to the changes after a certain period of time.
Response 5:My future is at risk with increase in automation as there will be significant curtail of human resources after automation is implemented. Therefore, I am trying acquire new skills so that I can get into a different job role.
Question 10: Explain in single word, according to you automation is a boon or a curse?
Response 1: It is a boon as it is future of the industry and workforce reduction happens and have been happening with advancement of technology for decades
Response2:It is a boon for the organization but it is a curse for the employees that are expected to lose their jobs due to the automated processes.
Response 3: It is a curse for the employees and they will lose their jobs and a large workforce will lose their job in different organization. Therefore, unless the organization find a way to provide the employees with an alternative job there will be grievances. Automation and reduction in workforce will occur in all the industries so it is a curse for the overall society.
Response 4: It is a curse for employees and workforces that will be replaced by automated workflows eventually
Response 5: It is a curse for the employees and they will lose their jobs and a large workforce will lose their job in different organization. Therefore, unless the organization find a way to provide the employees with an alternative job there will be grievances. Automation and reduction in workforce will occur in all the industries so it is a curse for the overall society.
Automation and Supply Chain Management in Supermarkets
In the part of literature review, a critical evaluation is conducted regarding the impact of automation in warehouses and its various significant roles in logistic industry. Numerous eminent scholars have provided their own point of view regarding the impact of using automation technology and its overall outcome on the organizational workforces. With the emergence of technology, the concept of automation and big data has rendered immense revolution in achieving competitive business position. Automation is effective enough in giving faster, safer and accurate production process, which meets sustainable, reliable and flexible needs and demands of customers.
Laudon and Laudon (2015) commented that with the implementation of automation technology, the business experts do not have to appoint any labour force for maintaining database. In order to influence on the overall production efficiency as well as inbound to outbound supply chain method, automation is the best initiative that the business experts have grabbed for making the entire process of business systematically. On the other hand, numerous eminent scholars have opposed the point of view of previous scholars. As per their point of view, there is no substitute of human resources. Tappia et al. (2015) opined that factory owners aim to deliver their highest output through organizational equipments, be it technological equipment and human resources. Some of the most eminent scholars have provided their own point of view that human resource can analyze the collected data and proceed further as per the necessary outcome. Machine can maintain data chronology, provide systematic output of data and deliver the entire services to proper destination. But, automation cannot evaluate the database and make effective business strategy for overcoming upcoming challenges.
In quest of making automatic control performance within supply chain process set of technologies are used and implemented that can provide an effective output of data. Meneghetti and Monti (2015) opined that automation is the systematic process of controlling, regulating and administrating the machines without having touch of human intervention. It helps to reduce possibilities of human error by maintaining chronological database. It can deliver the services within stipulated times which ultimately reflects on the overall organizational productivity. On the other hand, with the implementation of automation the organizations do not have to invest large amount of money behind human resource recruitment. Davarzani and Norrman (2015) stated that in logistic industry, business experts have to continue the entire shipping procedure through several stages. The stages include inbound logistic, operations, outbound and distributions. As per the overall business scenario, it is observed that TESLA has launched auto-driving utility. As a result, customers who do not have proper driving training can easily purchase the products. Google is constituted in the market as $370 billion dollar industry. At the same time, the organization holds only 50,000 employees within entire operations. Therefore, the craze of automation on the overall logistic sector cannot be denied.
With the advancement of technology, most of the activities at warehouses are conducted with the help of automation and artificial intelligence. Although use of AI is expected to be on the higher end of the adoption spectrum for warehousing industries, it still leaves 40% of functions left un-automated. Bechtsis et al. (2017) opined that after evaluating the overall business scenario, it is however observed that management of people in warehouses ultimately damages the systematic flow of work. Organizational managers have to face immense challenges in dealing with the customers effectively and deliver the product within appropriate destination. In last two decades, corporate supply chain groups have adopted advanced technology within entire operations of warehouses, from inbound to outbound. Assembly line is one of the most significant interventions with the help of which the activities of material handling can be conducted in a systematic way. From storing raw materials to manufacturing products, the entire process is conducted trough automated technology. The entire inbound process is controlled by the automated inventory system. It is however opined that machine can maintain data chronology, provide systematic output of data and deliver the entire services to proper destination. Ferretti, Favalli and Zangrandi (2014) commented that in logistic industry, business experts have to continue the entire shipping procedure through several stages. With the implementation of automation technology, the business experts do not have to appoint any labour force for maintaining database. In order to influence on the overall production efficiency as well as inbound to outbound supply chain method, automation is the best initiative that the business experts have grabbed for making the entire process of business systematically.
Current State of Automation in Countdown
As a result, the organization does not need any kind of human labour in order to maintain the warehouse materials. Enterprise Resource Planning software like SAP’s R3 helps in providing modules for order. Vlachos (2014) commented that the entire billing system is made with the help of technology. As a result, the organization does not have to face challenges in maintaining chronological database. ERP system control the entire warehouse maintenance system with the help of which product materials can be entered and existed with the help of biometric system. The emergence of anti-theft alarm can identify the data security of organization. In order to maintain overall warehouse operations the business experts do not have to put any work force for getting in-depth overview of database regarding supply of products. If any outsider intends to enter in the warehouses for bad intention the anti-theft alarm can easily identify the people and alert concerned stakeholder for taking immediate action. Checketts, Barwick and Swasey (2015) opined that the emergence of GPS system can keep constant track on the overall progress of transports. The business experts do not have to communicate with the shipping experts by telephone. Global positioning system can give proper overview to the business experts where the transport is currently availing. As per report gathered from automation, the supply chain executives can give detailed feedback to the concerned customers. Therefore, the overall interpersonal communication between the service providers and service users become very much healthy and systematic.
As emphasized by Reaidy, Gunasekaran and Spalanzani (2015), with the emergence of automation and advancement of technology the organization can gain higher production rate within limited time. In order to maintain overall warehouse operations the business experts do not have to put any work force for getting in-depth overview of database regarding supply of products. If any outsider intends to enter in the warehouses for bad intention the anti-theft alarm can easily identify the people and alert concerned stakeholder for taking immediate action. Lee et al. (2015) opined that the entire inbound and outbound process can be completed within limited period along with maintaining rhythmic and systematic workflow. It can provide better quality of work by maintaining worker safety and security at the workplace. In addition, the operational executives are successfully able to deliver the services within stipulated time by implementing automation software. The people do not have to face challenges in maintaining systematic record of data after implementing artificial intelligence. The investment in automation is one time that helped the business experts in reducing their production cost. The warehouses can make better utilization of floor by using automation. They do not have to design the space manually, which ultimately reduces their burden of work. Robots are very much accurate and systematic in supplying raw materials as a result of which the amount of waste can be reduced. Lerher, Edl and Rosi (2014) opined that systematic delivery of work and cost reduction system attracts the customers as well in purchasing products.
On the other hand, emergence of automation technology is possessed with several negative impacts as well. In order to invest in automation, the business organization needs high capital expenditure. That particular economic strength may not be bearable for large number of small and medium enterprises. In order to go with automation, the business experts need high level of maintenance. Abbasi, Sarker and Chiang (2016) opined that machines have to update time to time with the help of which people have to face immense challenges in bearing that particular amount all the time. In addition, due to any kind of technological error the business experts have to stop their entire operation. Due to machine and technological challenges, the customers become disconnected with the organization ad their stakeholders. At this very particular moment, customers tend to show their reluctant attitude in performing well towards the services. Richards (2017) stated that the organization has to face sudden crisis in maintaining their organizational glory and reputation. Technological barrier can ultimately create workplace hazard due to which all the concerned stakeholders have to suffer be it internal stakeholder or the external stakeholders.
Level of Automation in Countdown
As per current business scenario, large number of organizations is depending on the advancement of technology rather than appointing human resources within operations. Jan and Abdullah (2014) opined that especially in the logistic sector, the entire inbound and outbound system is controlled with the help of advanced technology. In order to control entire business operations, Google has appointed around 50,000 employees all over the World. This particular data implies the fact that automated technology is on high demand as it makes the entire operation fasted that human resources. On the other hand, instead of having immense job vacancies most of the business sectors are compensating that posting by implementing artificial technology. One single robot is efficient enough in providing huge amount of product that will actually become equivalent of 100 workers. Consequently, the rate of unemployment is increasing in the current global business scenario. Sampathkumaran, Chandrasekaran and Ramkumar (2016) stated that new job opportunity is not creating due to which large number of educated and competent employees are getting deprived of grabbing employability. In order to control the entire shipping and logistic method the business experts have appointed human resources on the control room primarily who can collect the data about the moves of transports and their necessary problems. Therefore, it is evident that the skilful and competent employees are unable to get effective job opportunities, which ultimately reflects a negative impact on the community development.
Numerous eminent research scholars have argued the fact that there cannot be any substitute of human labour. This particular group of scholars have opined the fact that human resource is highly significant in maintaining organizational data even at the time of occurring technological barrier. In order to make any kind of business decision regarding the success of organization automation technology and its essence does not make any sense. Kehoe et al. (2015) opined that with the help of management skills and competency level, an individual business manager has to take immediate decision regarding the success of business. On the other hand, people do not have to face immense challenges in evaluating collected data and information from various perspectives. Darwish et al. (2017) opined that data maintenance is very much effective with the help of which the business experts can get the opportunity to take major decision in achieving business goals and objectives. Therefore, human resource and mind cannot be substitute of machine. In addition, while overcoming sudden challenges like technological barriers the business experts have to communicate with the customers directly.
In this kind of situation, automation and artificial intelligence cannot overcome the sudden crisis situation. In order to invest in automation, the business organization needs high capital expenditure. Marinagi, Trivellas and Sakas (2014) stated that economic strength may not be bearable for large number of small and medium enterprises. In order to go with automation, the business experts need high level of maintenance. On the other hand, in order to hire an individual employee the organization does not have to invest high level of expenditure. It is beneficial for the small and medium level of enterprises as well. It is observed that it is evident that the skilful and competent employees are unable to get effective job opportunities, which ultimately reflects a negative impact on the community development. It cannot be however denied that hiring sufficient number of workforces can ultimately reduce the rate of unemployment from the society, which can ultimately reflects a positive impact on the overall market scenario of job opportunities. Ogbo and Ukpere (2014) commented that hiring sufficient number of workforces within the entire process of business is highly significant with can help the business organization from getting affected in any kind of sudden crisis and difficulties.
Job Roles and Automation at Countdown
This particular controversy between human resource and robotics has become a huge concern for numerous eminent scholars and researchers. As per the opinion of several group of research scholars, robotics can provide high rate of production with systematic database and data reliability. Lamballais et al. (2017) opined that as a result, the business experts do not have to face immense challenges in getting in-depth overview about the market position the business scenario. On the other hand, another group of people have provided their opinion that data maintenance and data collection is a major part of business success. At the same time of collecting data, those information have to be evaluated with the help of which business managers can take effective decision regarding meeting business goals and objectives. Guo, Yu and De Koster (2016) opined that automation technology cannot take business decision and neither it can ultimately evaluate the collected data. Therefore, from these specific point of views both human mind and robotics can complement each other without identifying themselves as a substitute.
The study has provided detailed overview about the impact of automation on the overall business investment of logistic industry. It is the systematic process of controlling, regulating and administrating the machines without having touch of human intervention. It helps to reduce possibilities of human error by maintaining chronological database. It can deliver the services within stipulated times which ultimately reflects on the overall organizational productivity. After evaluating the overall business scenario, management of people in warehouses ultimately damages the systematic flow of work. From storing raw materials to manufacturing products, the entire process is conducted trough automated technology. The entire inbound process is maintained by the automated inventory system. In order to influence on the overall production efficiency as well as inbound to outbound supply chain method, automation is the best initiative that the business experts have grabbed for making the entire process of business systematically.
Still the study is not devoid of some of its major limitations while conducting the literature review. The study could have discussed the impact of automation on warehouses by involving the opinion of critical scholars. On the other hand, the study had highlighted the advantages of automation technology and its major barriers. In this very specific context, the study could have evaluated on how the barriers can be overcome by implementing alternative business strategies and policies. In addition, the discussion of controversy between human resources and robotics can be elaborated more effectively by incorporating the point of views of eminent scholars.
After evaluating the entire study, it can be summarized that the emergence of automation and advancement of technology the organization can gain higher production rate within limited time. The warehouses can make better utilization of floor by using automation. They do not have to design the space manually, which ultimately reduces their burden of work. Robots are very much accurate and systematic in supplying raw materials as a result of which the amount of waste can be reduced. Systematic delivery of work and cost reduction system attracts the customers as well in purchasing products. In order to go with automation, the business experts need high level of maintenance. Machines have to update time to time with the help of which people have to face immense challenges in bearing that particular amount all the time. Technological barrier can ultimately create workplace hazard due to which all the concerned stakeholders have to suffer be it internal stakeholder or the external stakeholders.
Benefits and Risks of Automation at Countdown
A single robot is efficient enough in providing huge amount of product that can substitute around hundred employees. Therefore, it is evident that the skilful and competent employees are unable to get effective job opportunities, which ultimately reflects a negative impact on the community development. With the help of management skills and competency level, an individual business manager has to take immediate decision regarding the success of business. In this kind of situation, automation and artificial intelligence cannot overcome the sudden crisis. In order to invest in automation, the business organization needs high capital expenditure. At the end, some of the major point of literature gap has also been identified.
The research methodology indicates the research process, which is being followed by the researcher. By appreciating different research methods, the aims and objectives of the research is being achieved by the researcher. The research methodology chapter indicates the sources, from which the information is being collected.
The term method outline indicates the entire frame of entire methodology (Flick, 2015). In this research, the researcher has used various tools for achieving thee research objectives. In order to conduct the research, positivism research philosophy has been preferred by the researcher. In this research, the deductive research approach has been followed by the researcher. As the researcher has developed the research depending on the exiting theories and models, therefore, deductive research approach has helped thee researcher to develop the research in an appropriate manner. In the research strategy, the analytical descriptive research method has been mentioned. In this research, primary and secondary data collection method have been used. Using the interview method, the data has been collected.
In the research onion, different forms of research layers are being discussed. In each and every layer of the onion, different research steps are being discussed. In different layers of research onion research philosophy, research strategies, choices, time, horizon, techniques and procedure have been mentioned. Using the traditional design of research onion, the researcher has got the chance to reach at the objectives.
Depending on beliefs the research philosophy is being developed. Realism, interpretivism and positivism are three types of research philosophy (Lewis, 2015). By following appropriate research philosophy, the nature of the research can be analyzed. By following the positivism research philosophy, it becomes easier for the researcher to identify the research problem. In case of interpretivism, different management functions are being highlighted. On the other hand, realism is being considered as the combination method of positivism and interpretivism.
Justification of the research philosophy
In order to conduct the research, the researcher has followed positivism research philosophy. Using positivism research philosophy, it became easier for the researcher to critically investigate the research topic. The researcher has not followed the interpretivism and realism research philosophy as these research philosophies are based on the human perceptions, which is not applicable for the research.
Research approach is being considered as an important part of research philosophy as it helps to determine the distinct method as well as philosophical assumptions of the research (Marshall, Coleman & Reason, 2017). Inductive and deductive are the two types of research approach. In case of deductive approach the researcher conducts the research depending on the existing models and theories. On the other hand, in case of inductive research approach, the new models and theories are being introduced by the researcher.
Simplicity of Job Roles with Automation in Countdown
Justification of chosen research approach
In this research, the researcher has chosen deductive research approach as the researcher has taken help from various theories and models. The researcher has avoided the inductive method as the researcher himself has not introduced any model and theories.
Research design can be classified into three types, exploratory, explanatory and descriptive or analytical (Lewis, 2015). In case of exploratory research design, the research is being developed in the hypothetical manner. In the explanatory research design, the inter relationship between the two variable of the research topic is being developed. Descriptive or analytical research design helps the researcher to achieve the research objective in descriptive manner.
Justification of the chosen research design
Descriptive research design is the mostly preferable research design for every research. Using the descriptive research design, the researcher gets the proper idea regarding theories and models, which can be applicable for the research. Following this research design, the researcher has got the chance to reach at the research topic in more critical manner.
Data can be classified into two types, primary and secondary data. In case of collecting the primary data, the researcher needs to be physically present while data collection process (Mackey &Gass, 2015). By conducting interview and survey, the primary data is being collected. On the other hand, secondary data refers to those information, which are already available in different books, journals and articles. Statistical data are also considered as secondary information, which are being collected from company website or others authentic sources. In order to conduct the research, the researcher has used primary data. Primary data can be collected by following both the qualitative and qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. As the researcher has decided to conduct an interview, in that case the qualitative method has been selected by the research.
Probability and non-probability are the two types of sampling method. In this research, Non probability sampling method has been followed by the researcher.
Qualitative method, the researcher has conducted the interview of 5 participants, who are from the. Among the 5 participants, 2 workers and 1 manager are from South Island distribution center of Countdown and 2 managers are from Nelson Countdown.
Data analysis has been done by using different chart, graphs and tables. In order to evaluate the qualitative data, the managers’ and workers’ speech have been collected as transcript by using the questionnaire, which has been developed by the researcher. After collecting the information, thee researcher has done the thematic analysis of the entire data.
Strict ethical guidelines are needed to be followed by the researcher while conducting the research (Bresler& Stake, 2017). In order to maintain the authenticity of the research project, Data Protection Act 1998 is being followed. In order to conduct the research, the researcher has not applied any kind of forced participation process. Entire data collection process has been done by following the legal procedure. Confidentiality of the participants has been maintained by the researcher. The participants can withdraw their participation at any time and the researcher can nit force or blame the person. None of the company logo has been used in the research paper. The sole purpose of the researcher is to use the paper only for the academic purpose. None of the information has been copied from any journals and articles. Proper in texting has been done by the researcher while using theories and models from other articles.
The Impact of Automation on Unemployment at Countdown
Certain limitations regarding the time and budget have been faced by the researcher. The bias speech has been received from the managers regarding the company, which has not been mentioned by the researcher. The researcher has got limited time for conducting the entire research, which has brought difficulties for conducting the research in detail. On the other hand, the budget which has been allocated for the researcher, was not sufficient. If the researcher would have been provided more time and sufficient budget, it would have been better to develop the project in more critical manner.
Activities |
1st to 3rd Week |
4th to 10th week |
11th to 13th Week |
14th to 17th Week |
18th to 21st Week |
22nd to 23rd Week |
24th Week |
Selection of the topic |
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Data collection from primary sources |
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Creating layout |
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Literature review |
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Analysis and interpretation of collected data |
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Findings of the data |
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Conclusion of the study |
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Formation of draft |
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Submission of final work |
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(Created by author)
The research methodology chapter has helped to discuss the research process with proper justification. The purpose, design and process have been used, which have been followed by the researcher, while conducting the research.
Chapter 4: FINDINGS
This chapter will present the raw data collected from the qualitative analysis conducted on the managers and employees working in Countdown Nelson. The number of participants chosen for the study are 5 comprising of managers and employees working in the organization. In this current chapter the data collected will be investigated initially using open coding and then axial coding will be used to generate a systematic data set based on the objective of the research.
The advent of the technological advancement and its important in the daily life ushered a new era of technology oriented lifestyles. In this context, automation has become an important in order to bring more time effectiveness by reducing human errors. In the heavy industries this process has initiated in a full swing. However, the entire business sector is yet to adapt such a strategy. Nevertheless, it can be stated that automation has become a popular phenomenon that paves the way for a future oriented business practice. In the near future, it can be expected that the automation process will cover up the entire business sector dominantly. Based on this understanding, it can be stated that the utilisat6ion of automation in the supermarket sector is also an important aspect on which the companies are fixed their interests. In addition to this, it can be stated that the automation process has become popular among a number of supermarket companies. for an example, in the US based supermarket chain Kroger introduced a framework where they planned to develop a driverless food delivery service. Based on this understanding, it can be advocated that automation in supermarket is not a fresh but new perception that most of the companies are relied due to gain strategic advantage.
In this context, it can be argued that the Nelson Countdown Supermarket does not have any automation process in his operations. As far as the labelling of the company is concerned, all the in-house products are labelled by employees before they are sent to the outlets. It is part of a basic task that is carried out by the regular warehouse employees of Nelson Countdown Supermarket. In response to this, it can be stated that the employees are responsible to deal with not only the labelling process but also they keep focus on the pricing and assembling of the products. In fact, the Nelson Countdown Supermarket does not use any automation process in its operations and as a result of that the entire process is formulated by the physical workers and staffs. In other words, it can be opined that the human forces are predominantly perform their jobs in Nelson Countdown Supermarket. In addition to this, it is important to perceive a better understanding of the level of automation that is used in Nelson Countdown Supermarket. In response to this, it can be stated that the company does not have any automation process. As a matter of fact, the adaption of the automation process is in the pipeline and the company executives are highly puts focus on implementing a mixed operational practice that is entitled to have both the automation and human forces.
As in Nelson Countdown Supermarket the automation process is yet to be initiated so the discuss will restrict itself on the understanding related to the future aspect. In this context, it can be stated that there are minimum three variables such as the employees, the operation manager and the executive. In case of discussing the role of the employees it can be asserted that the future implementation of the automation process will curtailed the employee jobs. It means many of the staffs will lose their jobs due to the automation process. On the other hand, from the perspective of the operational manager, the automation process will bring more effectiveness in the process by reducing the human errors. In addition to this, it can also be asserted that time effectiveness is also an important feature of the automation process that will help out the operation manager more intensely to increase the production both in quality and quantity. On the contrary, as an executive the implementation of the automation will considered to be an important factor that have both effective and adverse impact for the Nelson Countdown Supermarket. While analysing the short term benefits, it can be seen that the process will increase the expenses but for long term perspective it will reduce the production cost because by curtailing the labour expenses.
As far as the benefits are concerned, it can be argued that there are a series of effectiveness that automation can bring in Nelson Countdown Supermarket. At first, the increase in the production in a short time span will be identified as the primary advantage of the Nelson Countdown Supermarket. More efficiency and better production quality are identified as the key characteristics of the advantages of automation process in supermarket. Besides this, the automation process also facilitates a better workplace environment by ensuring the health and safety of the employees. It is an important aspect and a fundamental concept of any business organisation that is strengthened by the presence of automation. On the basis of this, it can be stated that there are both positive and negative consequences of the automation process in Nelson Countdown Supermarket. As far as the positive impacts are concerned, it is primarily coupled with the understanding of the increase in product quality and quantity. Moreover, it can be argued that there are reduction of human errors and the automation process provides accurate services that the company wants. On the other hand, it can be stated that there are number of adverse impacts of the automation process and Nelson Countdown Supermarket is not above it. The unemployment is identified as the most threatening aspect that can be ushered by implementing complete automation process. In this process, mankind will turned into a slave of machine and technology. Moreover, huge expenses are also allocated for the automation process that will create challenges for the organisation.
The simplicity of the job due to increase in automation is depended on the role of the job. It will not be overstated by saying that for the employees the automation process is definitely a threat. As a matter of fact, due to the coming of technology the human effort is also become reduced and it affects the healthiness. However, for the operational manager in Nelson Countdown Supermarket, the automation process will bring more effectiveness and enhance the efficiency due to the error free feature of the machines. Moreover, it can be stated that the role of the operation manager will also be changed as he was entitle to get acknowledged with the technological aspects of the technology. Moreover, the task will also be altered in terms of deal with the maintenance of the technology. On the other hand, for the executives at Countdown, the automation process is also reduce the complexities as there will be no need of labour expenses and workplace health and safety because the automation process decreases the number of human force. Therefore, it can be argued that there are different impact of the automation process in Countdown.
In the supermarket industry a number of human force is required not only based on the quantity but also in quality. It can be stated that the supermarket industry not only produce products but has to put concern over the service of delivery. Therefore, it becomes an important to employ quality employees with a great in number. Therefore, in case of implementing the automation process will bring unemployment in Countdown as it is in other sectors. At first the employees work in the production and labelling and pricing section will be terminated. After that the automation process spreads itself to the customer service process. As a result of that the people working in the outlets also get sacked due to the introduction of automation process. As a matter of fact, it is obvious that the automation process is more powerful that human abilities and more error free. Therefore, it is a strategic measure for the supermarket to change the workforce into an automation form and bring more profit for the organisation. However, it will develop sporadic number of unemployment.
Despite of those problems, it can be stated that the future of the automation process has a significant exposure in near future. With the growing demand of the products with a population boom it became important for the organisations to produce and deliver more products in accordance with the customer expectations. Recently, the automation process has become more effective in performance and create an innovativeness into its job. From the context, it can be stated that there are both positive and negative future of the automation process in Countdown. In one hand, it will increase the production and quality of the items in a robust manner that is associated with the process reducing human errors and more professionalism and effectiveness in the production. It is resembled with the company objectives and the aims. Therefore, from a business perspective it is quite essential to implement automation. On the contrary, the over domination of the technology is identified as a detrimental factor for mankind. In fact, it is important to understand that the automation process paves the way for unemployment. Therefore, it rightly questions the relevance and existence of market demands in future because people have nothing to pay. Therefore, it can be concluded that automation is a curse and should be implemented in Nelson Countdown Supermarket restrictedly.
The process of logistics has become an integral part of the business process of the diverse organizations related to the retail industry. More importantly, effective utilization of this process enables the organizations to deliver the goods or services offered by them to the customers on a timely basis. It is pertinent to note that the emergence of different kinds of innovative technologies has drastically changed the logistics process used by the different retail organizations. In this regard, mention needs to be made of the process of automation which is being used by the different retail organizations of New Zealand like Countdown and others to improve the prospects of their business. However, it needs to be mentioned that although the use of this process has increased the profitability of the organization through the improvement of their logistics system yet there are various problems associated with the use of it. Some of the most common problems associated with the use of automation and other innovative technologies within the cannon of the logistics system are unemployment, technical snags and others.
The organization Nelson Countdown can utilize the process of automation for the logistic system which it is currently. The usage of this process will not only enable it to provide timely delivery of goods or services that it offers to the customers. Furthermore, the effective use of this process will at the same time help the organization to overcome the limitations of the traditional system of logistics that it had been using since its foundation. More importantly, the use of this process will also help the concerned organization to reduce the labor cost by depending primarily on the process of automation, which has a low maintenance cost.
One of the most important recent trends which is noticed within the retail industry is the extensive usage of robots and other technologies within the process of their business. The extensive usage of these technologies no doubt offers various benefits to these retail organizations however there are several negative aspects associated with them as well. For example, it is seen that these robots often lack intelligence and this deters them from taking effective actions in critical situations. However, with human labor these kinds of problems do not come into play although the cost incurred by the organizations is a bit higher. This is perhaps one of the major reasons why human beings rather than robots are still the preferred choice of the majority of organizations.
Two ways through which the process of automation can help the organization Nelson Countdown are listed below-
- Effective utilization of the process of automation within the framework of logistics system used by Nelson Countdown can reduce the human effort or labor which is needed for the loading and unloading of the products or services that the organization offers to the customers. In this regard, it needs to be mentioned that the organization spends a substantial amount of capital on these labor resources and also these employees need to put in a lot of effort for the completion of their job role. Thus, it can be said that the use of this system is not only likely to reduce the cost but also human labor as well.
- Nelson Countdown maintains a manual record of the goods or services which are being shipped out of their warehouse for official purposes. However, it is often noticed that there are various human errors involved in the process and the record which is being maintained is not an accurate one. More importantly, it is seen that they are very time consuming process and the organization incurs a substantial amount of capital for the same. Thus, the use of this system will enable the concerned organization to not only save a valuable amount of time and capital but also to maintain records in an effective manner as well
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