Management Skills and Training
Discuss About The National Integrated Production Economics.
Managers need to ensure that they boost their management skills through going for training, attending workshop and conferences just the way Bill Doer did in the case study provided. It is proper for the managers of the organization always to realize that every issue in the organization counts a lot and, therefore, plays a role towards realizing the set goals of the organization. The management of every organization has a vital role to play in ensuring that quality assurance management is enhanced (Bernardo et al., 2015). The focused managers will strive to realize this since they know clearly in their mind that the aspect forms the basis of an organization developing.
It is due to the fact that organizations utilizing the integration of quality management approach ensure that such companies are able to meet the challenge to drive the efficient operations and boost the overall compliance in the organization. The managers of companies in this regard look at avenues of producing high-quality products speedily at low cost in order to realize more profits. The strict regulations of the environment are the key challenging to realizing this since organizations must adhere to the environmental restrictions. Well managed organizations are able to take charge of their mistakes in the process of manufacturing products. They are also able to avoid problem s when offering solutions to their clients since everything is done based on the regulations of the company (Conti, 2012). Managers have a role to ensure that both administrative and procedural exercises are incorporated into the system in order to ensure that the requirements and objectives for the product or service qualities are fulfilled. Beckford in his studies revealed that implementing and maintaining a quality management system by the organization is always a great challenge.
Employees of the organizations play an important role in ensuring that the company succeeds. Well managed personnel will facilitate easy coordination of the operations of the company, therefore, leading to success. Every employee needs to know their roles in the company and is allocated the required time, equipment and environment needed to accomplish such tasks (Haimes, 2015). This will enhance excellence especially when such requirements are provided timely. Organizations need adequate personnel in order to avoid overusing of the employees which could comprise the quality due to exhaustion. A well-coordinated personnel is self-monitored and works towards the effectiveness of the company. Additionally, Personnel management also ensures high quality of process flow hence improving productivity. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that personnel management is realized regardless of whether the structure of the organization or workstation is changed.
Compliance and Personnel Management
Machines, personnel and work quality need to be maintained or upgraded in order to enhance quality assurance. For quality management to be realized, plants need to be maintained such that machines are in good state. Organizations need as well to use technology in detecting any problem in their equipment in order to avoid compromising the quality of production. Companies need to ensure that systems are well maintained whether computerized or manual that will ensure that good quality produce is realized therefore enhancing the quality management (Salomone, 2008). The process is important since it determines the kind of information needed into the system for effective operation .
Maintenance of the machines saves the cost of purchasing new machines since if organizations do not maintain their machines will completely break down leading to the need to purchase new ones. A well-maintained machine rarely causes accidents thus the risk of operators being subjected to dangers are minimized. There is the need for the organization to ensure that all equipment operator work that affects production plant and equipment conditions are in stable conditions in order to enhance quality standards in production (Chaudha et al., 2011). Managers should utilize the accuracy enterprise control approach in ensuring that work quality is maintained through procedures of the target, tolerance, and test.
Managers of the organization should ensure that products are efficiently packaged and are safe in the course of its use by the consumer. The design of the products need to be confirmed and whenever the management feel they need to make changes, every member of the organization should be informed of the changes. Designers should put in mind that a product that attracts the attention of the customers by the virtue of their distinctiveness typically makes them find out more about the product. Organizations, therefore, should identify factors that will improve the quality of their products just from the appearance of the external elements.
The companies need to ensure that whatever is depicted on the productive packaging is made in the same cement found in the product. There is need to embrace the element of honest.
The design of the product needs to be in line with the practicality aspect of the use of the product by the consumer. The organization should use the packaging regarding the aspect of functionality including the shape, size, and storage. Organizations should prioritize products that are easy to be used. The organization, in addition, should embrace the aspect or originality and creativity while designing for branding and packaging of their product (Simon et al., 2011). The design of the product should also match the strategy of the business. These aspects greatly contribute to the quality management realization.
Technology for Quality Assurance
Documentation plays a critical role in ensuring quality policies are established. Documents such as the account payable, quotations and invoices provide useful information needed for reports and other requisition of orders. Companies that have managed their documentation properly have been able to realize the situations of their organizations (Yeung, 2008). Well managed documents are an indication of the good standards set for the organizations and therefore have an influence in quality management systems.
The management has the initiative of ensuring that high-quality management systems are put in place. They should ensure those subcontract policies, verification of responsibilities and authorities as well as establishing of an effective internal communication within the departments that will facilitate easy coordination of company operations thus yielding to improved quality in production. The management of the organization responsibility entails the compliance of the base policies. Some of the other aspects regarded as management responsibility include; quality records, proper coordination of the employees, effective planning for the organization, effective staffing for the organization and effective internal quality audits (Van der Vaart & van Donk, 2008). The management should also ensure that the technology put in place is effective that will enhance improved quality in production. The members of the organization need to be given a work manual guiding their responsibilities in order enable every member to take charge.
Managers should use marketing as an aspect of gauging their quality of production. Highly competitive products clearly indicate that they have better quality. It is due to the marketing information that makes many organizations to launch changes on their products such that the products fit the current competitive environments (Molina?Azorín et al., 2009). Products that have high qualities are easily sold and better sales margin. An increased market share and access to the new market is an indication of standardized production, therefore, managers need to use this as a gauge. The quality of the product must meet the requirements of the consumers, if such products are avoided, the management needs to change approaches to changing them (José Tarí & Molina-Azorín, 2010).
It is important for the organization to realize that factors such as the perceived quality, social-democratic characteristics, and risk affect consumer’s choice of using the product.
It entails the management of implementation approaches and technics to realize low costs, flexibility, innovation, and quality. It is the responsibility of the manufacturing managers to oversee the whole process of manufacturing. The crucial aspects such as scheduling which involve planning the kind of machines to be used, logistics which involves monitoring the productions and purchasing to ensure that the capital and personnel of the company are in order, are regarded (Foster, 2008). These approaches will enhance a proper quality management system.
Marketing and Consumer's Choice
Organizations tend to utilize more theory as compared to practical when trying to implement quality management system. It is important for the management to realize that the perfect quality management system does not exist but in the process of making such systems, the management should ensure that it is practical for the company (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The theory is of no importance of the practical aspect is not adhered to. Organizations have this problem such that they develop good plans that are not implemented which render them to be unproductive.
Additionally, most of the organizations have much of the documented information that tends to barricade proper yielding of the employees. In most of these scenarios, the employees get lost in the documentation process therefore unable to adhere to quality management system standards (Ross, 2017). Most of the plans meant to ensure that quality assurance is attained entail many details which take much time and resources and therefore, end up complicating the situation more. Some of the quality assurance plans are too inflexible and rigid which makes it difficult to amend them as needed to, hence such do not guarantee the best results for the organization. Many employees are uncooperative with the systems put in place since they believe that such systems need to be realized by those who put them in place, as a result, quality assurance management fails (Danese & Romano, 2011). Motivation plays a profound role in realizing the quality of production. Employees need to be motivated to work by taking care of their welfare and worries which sets them to deliver as expected therefore realizing quality assurance. Many organizations disregard the needs of its customers. Organizations doing so are unable to realize where they make mistakes thus difficulty to correct what they are unaware of. The feedback from clients is so important.
Realizing quality in production should be viewed in both the suppliers’ aspect and consumers’ aspect. After the company has defined their quality control, it is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the organization is able to implement and maintain the quality process (Sadeh, Arumugam, & Malarvizhi, 2013).
Employees of the organizations have a big role to play towards ensuring that the implementation and maintenance of the set approaches are realized. Organizations, in order to achieve quality, not only have to invest heavily regarding the aspect of money, time and efforts but also there is the need for the individuals to dedicate themselves and their organizations to having quality activities and the policies in order to gain the reputation of delivering quality. Organizations, therefore, need to consider various elements in order to realize quality within their organizations; they need to motivate the employees by empowering them in order for them to dedicate themselves to their work (Bernardo et al., 2012). It is due to the fact that employees need to feel that they know what they are doing when given a chance to do by themselves, controlling them as if they are children can really demotivate them. Secondly, the management needs to invest in training and developing their employees into leaders which will boost quality in production. This will also ensure that everyone gets it right the first time hence saving time and resources that otherwise could have been wasted in doing many attempts before getting it right.
Practical Implementation
Thirdly, its importance for the organizations to reinforce core values in employees in order to maintain quality practices. In this regard, quality will be achieved if the management and employees target in realizing successful leadership in their companies (Flynn, Huo, & Zhao, 2010). It should be regarded as the responsibility of every individual of the organization.
It’s important for the management of the organization to set targets that can be achieved by the organization. Every member of the organization plays a crucial role in ensuring that quality management is realized and therefore the management of the organization need to empower employees by giving them chance to exercise their responsibilities which gives an opportunity for invention and innovation, an important aspect that makes the organization to look outstanding in the minds of clients. Employees need to be trained into leaders in order to avoid wasting time and resources. By training employees, the company will be able to achieve the set goals right away since supervision of the employees is minimized. Furthermore, the management of the organization need to be knowledged, they should be aware of their responsibility and also the responsibility of every employee (Baird et al., 2011). This will help in correcting a situation that otherwise could lead to compromising the quality of production. There is need for the organization to carry out the following aspects of ensuring that quality management system is realized; implementing the quality management strategies that are practical, develop effective approaches of documentation to avoid confusing the employees and always being flexible in order to continually amend changes that can aid in realizing the goals of the organization.
The management should also ensure that they involve the staff and timely communicating their roles and responsibility of every employee. The stakeholders of the organizations need to be motivated intrinsically and the company needs to focus on the customers by ensuring that they get satisfied. Despite the fact that organizations are subjected to making changes with a view of developing, the management should ensure that quality is the priority of these changes and should not impact the culture of the organization.
It is clear that every member of the organization, starting from the top of the organization to down have a role to make in helping the organization to realize its objectives. Personnel management, maintenance of the plant, design, and packaging, manufacturing and marketing has a role to play in quality management. Quality management ensures that the organization's plans develop and apply activities that are valuable to the organization. It is an important aspect of the organization since it not only benefits the employee but also the competence of the company too. When employees are empowered giving them the opportunity to exercise their roles, creativity plays a profound role in boosting the quality realization of the organization and therefore should be adhered to. There is the need for the organization to be flexible so as to integrate various processes that could help in realizing quality management practices. Organizations that have attained quality management do no suffer from common mistakes and are always customer-oriented. It is also clear that the concept of quality management is globally utilized by organizations. They work to ensure that they regard various approaches that will ensure that the system works effectively hence realizing a quality managed the system.
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