What is a Website Critique?
What is a Website Critique? A critique is a formalized, critical appraisal of a website. It is also a personal response to that site, but it is more than just saying you liked the site or you thought a site was great.
Your goal in writing a critique is to turn your critical reading into a systematic evaluation in order to deepen your reader's (and your own) insight of that website.
When writing a critique of a website, you are expected to analyze and evaluate, not just summarize. A summary merely reports what is or is not in a website; that is, it answers only the question, "What did the website contain?" A critique, on the other hand, analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the website, answering the questions how, why, and how well?
A critique does not necessarily have to criticize the piece in a negative sense. Your reaction to the site may be largely positive, negative, or a combination of the two. It is important to explain why you respond to the site in a certain way. Therefore, you have an obligation, both to the reader and yourself, to clarify your opinions.
Defend your point of view/argument by raising specific issues or aspects of the argument. Explain how the section you might use from the site supports your argument.
Your personal response to your assessment should not be the expression of an unsupported or irrelevant personal opinion.
Your interpretations and your conclusions must be based on evidence from the site and follow from the ideas you have dealt with in the paper.
Framing Your Critique Introduction Introduces the nursing or health care issue or trend.
Introduces the websites and presents a brief executive summaryof each web site.
Clearly articulates the thesis.
Analysis of the Website Analyzes each web site according to the authorship of the site using the following guide from Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries. Analyzes each web site according the verifiability or accuracy of the information found within the site using the following guide from Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries.
Compares and contrasts how the information is presented in each site using the following questions as a guide.
Does the content effectively offer sufficient information related to the issue?
In what way? Does the content appear to be complete, is well organized, and is easy to understand?
How? Is the content free of bias, or can the bias be easily detected? In what way?
Does the information appear to be accurate based on user's previous knowledge of subject?
Explain. Is the information consistent with similar information in other sources?
Which ones and in what way? How Do the Sites Stand Up to the Overall Analysis?
Now it is your turn to respond to the critique itself. In other words, what is your general interpretation of your findings? With which parts of the sites do you agree? With which do you disagree? Discuss your reasons for agreement and disagreement, and tie these reasons to your findings from your analysis.
Discuss how the authors of the sites might improve their site and explainyour reasons for these improvements.
This study is based on the analysis of Canadian websites that provides content and understanding of the safe nurse staffing and the issues, policies and frameworks in the country of Canada. Various medical media and official nursing websites has been critically analyzed. Staffing ratios of the nurses is an important element of a functional nursing team operational process. To work as a team, different types of nurses coming from various disciplines must be able to interact and work collaboratively and for this a safe nurse staffing level has to be maintained.
This is an official website of Canadian foundation for health care development and it has content about nursing- staff ratio actually impact the patient safety and the very access of the patient to quality care. The website is basically a platform for media pieces pertaining to patient care and quality nursing care that impacts the same, accordingly. The website critically analyses the factors such as improved quality of patient care and factors such as limited patient care access in relation to the patient centered care and increased quality of health care services (Hines et al., 2017).The website tries to understand the various types of staffing ratios in nursing profession and it covers a wide range of content pertaining to safe nurse staffing behavior covered by the different authors. According to many sources in the website, the central discussion about intensive care units and the emergency units requires more nurse – to patients ratios than any other department and the concerned website critically analyses the facts in favor or against the factors and issues raised in the safe nurse staffing levels ratios in different ratios and in different hospitals of Canada (Vikström & Johansson, 2019). Nursing vigilance, clinical assessment supervision and clinical assessment taking in addition to nursing delegation are amongst the major important discussions of the website.
The content effectively offer sufficient information related to the issue as the website covers almost all the major topics and headlines that underpins the whole concept and system of safe nurse staffing levels in the departments of the Canadian hospitals exclusively. The content appear to be complete, is well organized, and is easy to understand in a way that most of the articles that are published in this website has increasingly well coherence and clarity about the research purpose and study’s theme. The information is valid and very much in context with modern ideas pertaining to scholarly discussion about nurse staffing ratios. As such there is no bias as such as the authors who written the articles in this website are quite qualified and experienced to develop a right kind of insight into the barriers and facilitators to safe nurse staffing levels and patient nurse ratios in different major and new hospitals of Canada. The information is consistent with similar information in other sources such as scholarly articles published in peer reviewed journals. The article was overall coherent and provided new insights into the aspects of nurse staffing in Canada. The content in the website concludes that to maintain safe nurse staffing ratio (Hungerford et al., 2016) – the condition as in infrastructure of the hospital, the workforce strength and patient influx must be checked prior which I agree.
The Importance of Analyzing and Evaluating a Website
The website provide an insight into the administration and delegation aspect of patient to nurse ratios (Rochefort, 2019). The lack of communication being a major reason to disruption of the staffing ratios, as identified by the study.
This website named ‘mycna’ was previously known as nursing one.ca and the website focusses on nursing rights and safe nurse staffing levels related issues plus regulations in Canada. (Johnson et al., 2015). The website on the overall has high quality visual appealing data and very coherent nurse staffing level and safety information that are based on new aspects of care and new protocol development towards a patient centered practice in Canada (Yates-Bolton, 2017). The website chiefly elucidates and elaborates on the education and awareness plus health literacy knowledge of the Canadian nurses and how it affects the issue of safe staffing levels. In context to the care of clients, groups, families and residents, populations, the website content analyses the safe staffing ratios pertaining to licensed or practical nurses, the registered nurses, nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists.
The content effectively offer sufficient information related to the issue as the website covers the framework of unit’s practice and decisions plus the evidence based approach to nursing staffing in order to deliver high levels of care service. The content of the website is complete, is well organized, and is easy to understand in a way that most of the staffing information and document in the website have increasingly well coherence and clarity about the safe staffing levels in Canada. The information is valid and supported by evidences and scholarly evidence based practices. As such there is no bias as such as the content of this Canadian website as it written by the authors and content developers are quite competent and have the right experiences to cultivate a right kind of awareness into the facilitators and challenges to the safe nurse staffing levels and the nursing delegation roles with relation to patient nurse ratios, within the framework of hospitals of Canada. The information consistent with similar information in other sources such as scholarly articles which are published in peer reviewed journals which make it more reliable. The content of the website concludes in a majority finds out that that the right staffing ratio of nursing is vital to the safety maintenance and maintenance of safety culture in the health care organization in Canada.
The content of the website provides a good insight into the new perspectives related to nurse staffing in Canada.
Framing Your Critique
This ‘rnao’ abbreviation of the website stands for registered nursing association of Ontario and it produces various content about nursing laws and enforcements, evidence based nursing practice, the policies related to it and the frameworks in which it works. The website is based in Ontario and is accessible globally and the content of this website focuses more on the contemporary aspects of nursing care and management in the global content and then informs plus encourages the same practice in Ontario, Canada. This Ontario based website develops content on administrative and legislative contexts in support of nursing practices and staffing ratios. The website has strong media presence and is updated with new information in relation to policy making, nursing care and legislation pertaining to nursing care and nurse staffing in Canada. This is the official website of nurses and general audiences or visitors of this website are the nurses who practice in Canada and the nursing researchers from a global context.
The content effectively offer sufficient information related to the issue as the website covers most of evidence based practices and nursing legislation in relation to nurse staffing and nursing patient ratios in Ontario, Canada (Schlefman et al., 2016). The content of the website is incomplete though as it appears not so well organized and at times, fall out the spectrum of comprehension as the content of the website discusses about too many informative things without being able to find a coherence or inference. However, most of the content ad discussions that are published in this website have evidences but discussions or the posts are not clear. The information is valid though and it posts the news and information about nursing staffing levels that are supported by proper scientific evidences and scholarly evidence based practices. At times, there are certain types of bias such as anchoring or conformation bias as the developers of the content of this website only discusses about the staffing topics that are relevant to large hospitals and it is not clear that way thus the safe nurse staffing levels influences the quality of care. The information consistent with similar information in other sources such as scholarly articles which are published in peer reviewed journals which make it more consistent. The content of the website concludes that more than anything, nursing managers and the recruiters are the main person involved with the staffing process. This is only partially correct as the other administrators are also present. The website must be made more coherent and visually desirable.
Analyzing Safe Nurse Staffing Levels in Canada
On the overall, the website does not fits to its status or quality of being an nursing official website and various information pertaining to the policy differences, regulation framework and the down regulation and up regulation of organizational staffing behavior relating to nurse staffing at safe levels must be added.
This is a very important website pertaining to nursing study of staffing principles based in the framework of Canada. This is official website of Canadian nursing association and it provides the most appropriate and the most authentic information about the staffing policies of nurses in Canada, as a country. The content of this official website focuses to understand and inform the barriers to nursing processes and operations, types of evidences, the quality of nursing related services and the compliance factors pertaining to staffing and delegation of nursing roles towards a more coherent patient centered care and servicing that leads to more satisfactions to the patients, admitted in the hospitals of Canada. The website focuses on complex nursing management and overall clinical management systems and control plus prevention of the secondary hospital acquired infections and other conditions, of the patient admitted in hospital and nursing homes of Canada. This website is the official source of nursing details in Canada.
The content effectively offer sufficient information related to the issue but the content on nurse staffing is very less as compared to the other areas of study. The content of the website is incomplete at times and less organized as compared to other country’s official website on nursing. In most areas, the content is discontinuous. However, the facts elucidated in this Canadian website are valid, as supported by proper scientific evidences and scholarly evidence based practices. The information is consistent but there is procedural bias and the developers has tried too many obvious to highlight the sourced information rather than collecting its own information pertaining to nurses staffing. The content of the website lack a lot of vital information which should be added.
The website is less on meaningful content and all it does is to deliver the information rather than developing insight into nurse staffing and other problems.
This is official website for Canadian federation of nursing unions and the main purpose of this website is to develop empowerment in nurses, through advocacy and literacy. This website is explores into the different breadth of processes of operations pertaining to the staffing of nurses in hospitals of Canada plus it provides a great and significant insight into the challenges, barriers and the facilitators.
Comparing and Contrasting Different Websites
The content effectively offer sufficient information related as it focuses on studies and information as well as various visually appealing schematic pictures and diagrams to ease the clarity and understanding of the visitor and reader. The content of the website is complete, profound and very holistic in a sense as the information are multi -faceted but have an inherent flow. However, the facts elucidated in this Canadian website are valid, as supported by proper scientific evidences and scholarly evidence based practices (Myers, Wolfer & Hogan, 2017). The information is consistent and there is no bias as such as it explores into different dimension of thinking and processes of operations pertaining to the staffing of nurses plus it provides an explanation into the challenges, barriers and the facilitators to the same. The overall content has flow and has a positive effect on the readers mind. Other than this, the colors and hues used in this website are very soothing and they complement the diagrammatic and written text representation of the data and the explorative analysis of the nursing related problems including the staffing and maintain of the nurse staff ratios – in an increasingly positive way. The website is organized and there is no bias as such. The flow is good and the evidences are from the recent years of research. The content of the website lack a lot of vital information which should be added.
The content of the website is coherent and very valuable. More scholarly authors who actually has their articles published in peer reviewed journal must guide and edit the content of this website before the information is published.
The websites, in majority, used for this study has information are supported by scholarly articles which are published in peer reviewed journals which make it more valid. The content analysis provides a mixed insight into the nurse staffing issue, in Canada. The various barriers to safe staffing of nurse are lack of policies, communication gap and lack of administration.
Hines, J. Z., Ntsuape, O. C., Malaba, K., Zegeye, T., Serrem, K., Odoyo-June, E., ... & Canda, M. (2017). Scale-Up of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Services for HIV Prevention—12 Countries in Southern and Eastern Africa, 2013–2016. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 66(47), 1285.
Hungerford, C., Hungerford, A., Fox, C., & Cleary, M. (2016). Recovery, non-profit organisations and mental health services:‘Hit and miss’ or ‘dump and run’?. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 62(4), 350-360.
Johnson, I. G., Weightman, A. L., Demeyin, A., Morgan, F., Mann, M. K., Strange, H., ... & Searchfield, L. (2015). Approaches for adult nursing and residential care homes on promoting oral health, preventing dental health problems and ensuring access to dental treatment: Draft Review 3: Barriers and Facilitators. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
Myers, D., Wolfer, T. A., & Hogan, M. L. (2017). Health Promotion and Risk Reduction in Congregations. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
Rochefort, C. M. (2019). Organisation des services infirmiers et pratique professionnelle: survol des données probantes. Perspective infirmiere: revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec, 16(1), 44-47.
Schlefman, A., Rappaport, D. I., Adams-Gerdts, W., & Stubblefield, S. C. (2016). Brief Report: Healing Touch Consults at a Tertiary Care Children’s Hospital. Hospital pediatrics, 6(2), 114-118.
Vikström, S., & Johansson, K. (2019). Professional pride: A qualitative descriptive study of nursing home staff’s experiences of how a quality development project influenced their work. Journal of clinical nursing.
Yates-Bolton, N. J. (2017). Meaning and purpose in care home (nursing) life (Doctoral dissertation, University of Salford).
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