Online Marketing Policies for Brand Visibility
Write an essay on Online marketing.
Online marketing policies help increase the visibility of a brand. It helps to raise consumer awareness about a particular brand. In this regard it can be said that online expansion help assist the brand to have a wider reach, thereby, touching every segment of the society. Therefore, accessibility as an issue is addressed through online portals. This assists a business organization to increase the existing profit margin, thereby, ensuring greater inflow of sales revenue of a business organization. However, inefficient online strategies shall assist a business organization to adversely influence the prosperity as well as the reputation of a sportswear brand. The sportswear industry is dependent on online advertisement and sales promotional policies to assist a business enterprise to operate successfully in the global market. Customized portals are created by the business enterprises to display their products online. Thus, consumers can order products online at their own convenience .This reduces the operational costs of the brand leading to a strong financial position. Business enterprises operating in the sportswear segment like Nike and Adidas offer the convenience to customers to order products online, therefore improving the accessibility factor of the brand. As such, offering a highest traffic is a pertinent indication towards attracting consumer attention as well as the business sustainability of a sportswear brand.
Online traffics are considered an essential marketing tool to ensure business survival and prosperity in a n intensely competitive market. The traditional manner of shopping of being physically present in a retail store to make the purchase decision process is slowly becoming the less preferred mode of communications in a business entity. Therefore, business enterprises have been emphasizing for the development of online social media tools to attract potential consumers towards the brand. It is also less cheap than the traditional mode of shopping in attracting consumers towards the brand. In addition, it results in greater visibility and awareness of customers towards a brand.
As such, when compared to the traditional mode of shopping it is far more effective in achieving greater sales revenue and market share for the brand. Therefore, online shopping has to be assessed accordingly in the context of the existing market situation. However online shopping has its fair share of issues in a business enterprise. In instances, there was no pertinent action that was taken inspite of negative consumer reviews. Thus, customer feedback should be adequately considered to have a positive influence on the annual sales revenue of a sportswear business entity.
The research objective is to evaluate the impact of online portals on the sales of sportswear products. In addition it seeks to evaluate the existing trends in the online promotion of products .
The following are the research questions of the case study.
- What are the primary attributes affecting consumer behaviour in online shopping
- How effective is the existing online shopping portals in achieving a greater sales revenue
- What are the pertinent recommendations that can be made to address the issues affecting online shopping of sportswear products
The research study seeks to compare the merits of online shopping against the traditional manner of shopping where customers are required to be physically present in a store. Online shopping has gained popularity among the consumers in the recent years. The research study seeks to evaluate the advantage and issues of online sales on a business entity’s financial position. In addition, the study seeks to analyze consumer behavior and perceptions towards online selling platforms. As such, it remains pertinent to analyze the issues affecting as well as the merits that an online selling platform brings to a sportswear business entity. Therefore, the amount of traffic generated by a business portal indicates the amount of consumer interest and loyalty to a particular brand.
The Importance of Online Traffic for Business Survival
Robson and McCartan (2016) mentioned that the Expected Research outcome relates to the effectiveness of online shopping against the conventional method of shopping of being physically present in a retail store. Besides, this study shall evaluate certain issues in online shopping like safety and security of consumers and the presence of malicious software that can adversely influence online shopping. These issues shall be highlighted in the research process, with the additional merits that is offered to consumers when buying goods online. Bryman. and Bell (2015) stated that the research study primarily seeks to recognize the distinct advantages of online buying of goods to consumers as well as the business organization . Thus, it will recognize the advantages the procedure brings in to assist a sportswear business entity in its growth. Besides, this the research project seeks to identify the existing trends in the sportwear segment adopted by reputed sportswear business enterprise like Adidas, Nike to enhance its sales revenue and have a wider reach as a brand .
The web portals have assisted business enterprises to offer exclusive information to business enterprises. Thus, the online portals have facilitated data gathering and sharing. In addition, sportswear business entities have developed interpersonal relationships with consumers, thereby facilitating consumer loyalty. This has also prevented accessibility issues from hampering the business sustainability of a sportswear brand.
Due to enhanced accessibility, consumers are directly able to purchase goods online without being physically present in a retail store. Thus, online selling platforms have negated any geographical gap or barriers from restricting the sales procedure of a particular brand. Due to these attributes, online shopping has been able to develop a positive perception on consumer loyalty, leading to increased sales of the business organization.
The following is the research hypothesis depending on the research objectives as well as the problem statement.
Ho: Online selling platforms have distinct advantages to both buyers and sellers when compared to the conventional method of shopping, thereby ensuring greater inflow of sales revenue
H1: Online platforms do not have a considerable influence on the sales revenue of a business organization.
The research paradigms have been stated in this chapter. The choice of research paradigms is made depending on the aims and objectives of the study as well as the nature of data collected for the purpose of the study. This chapter mentions the research design, research philosophy, research approach. Besides this, it includes the data gathering procedure as well as the selection of the sample size.
In this study a positivism research philosophy is chosen to attain the research goals and objectives .Elzinga et al. ( 2012) mentioned that a positivism approach selected would help to gather detailed information about the influence of online selling platform on the financial strength of a retail entity . In addition, positivism would emphasize on the facts pertaining to the research study and would enable the business enterprise to draw necessary conclusions about the research procedure.
Bukhari and Qudous (2012) noted that the research design can be classified into three types descriptive, exploratory as well as explanatory. The research design facilitates the researcher to attain the research objectives of the study. In this regard. Zarif (2012) noted that it can be said that detailed information shall be required to analyze the e implications of online sales on the business sustainability of a sportswear entity. In addition, it would be able to gather necessary facts to overcome the issues related to online selling platforms. Besides this, it would enable a business enterprise to evaluate consumer behavior and perceptions towards online sales of retail goods. Bukhari and Qudous (2012) stated that a descriptive research design enables a business enterprise to collect gather data in a detailed manner, which shall enable the researcher substantially to successfully complete the research study.
Research Objectives and Questions
A research approach shall be composed of two types – inductive and deductive. A deductive research approach is selected to assist the researcher to deal with the research process in a detailed manner. According to Collis and Hussey (2013), , a deductive research approach shall assist the researcher to evaluate both primary and secondary data to draw required conclusions. In this regard, it can be said that consumer feedback as well as different websites and business journals shall enable the researcher to come to necessary conclusions about the impact of online selling platforms as well as advertising and promotional policies on the sales revenue of sportswear products in a business enterprise. Saunders, et al. (2012) noted that an inductive research approach shall not be effective in assessing the necessity of online selling platforms. As such, this approach shall provide a brief on the online selling activities and consumer behavior and perceptions in the sportswear segment.
The data collected shall be classified into two types which are primary as well as secondary data. Zikmund et al. (2012) mentioned that the secondary data relates to past publications and journal relating to online selling Also, the internet will be an effective source to gather secondary data. This would assist the researcher to have a proper view about the existing trends followed in the sportswear industry. Eriksson and Kovalainen (2015) mentioned that the primary data is gathered through collective responses of employees as well as customers of different sportswear brands. It is expected that different opinions relating to online selling shall enable a researcher to attain a perspective on online sales and its merits as well as demerits in achieving greater sales in the market.
A sample size of 50 customers and 6 mangers working in established sportswear brands shall be selected to assist the researcher in coming to conclusions. Authentic opinion from customers shall be a valuable source of information to the researcher in the case study . Khan et al (2012) mentioned that Consumer buying behavior and preferences would be judged in the context of online selling platforms. The researcher will motivate consumers to share their honest opinions about online sales and its implications on the business performance of the brand, in the context of the global market.
The sampling choice can be sub-divided into probability and non-probability method of sampling. According to Spieth et al. (2013) mentioned that the non- probability-sampling method considers the entire consumer population as one sample. In this regard, it can be said that that considering the entire population as one sample can be impractical as well as time-consuming . Farahbod et al. (2012) mentioned that the simple random method of sampling can be used for the purpose of the research study . Thus, it would be impractical to consider the simple random sampling procedure to evaluate the consumers and the opinion of the managers. Besides this, the purposive method of sampling can also be used to evaluate the existing conditions of a business enterprise. Hair Jr (2015) mentioned that the purposive method of sampling can also e be used to gather knowledge from people having accurate concept of online selling platform adopted by sportswear business entities.
Advantages and Issues of Online Sales for Business Entities
Data has been gathered from both primary as well as secondary sources. According to Zott. and Amit (2013) , the data gathering process can take a kot of time and this can adversely influence the research study . The set of quantative questionnaire can be sent to the clients and this would be evaluated based on excel charts. Aral et al. (2013) stated that data shall be represented through excel charts and would assist the business organization in the case of gathering data relating to the impact of online sales on the business performance of a sportswear entity Data would be gathered from the employees of the organization as well as the consumers . Thus, it can be expected that data gathered would represent the different opinions from the different sections of the society.
Wilson (2014) mentioned that secondary data would be collected from relevant websites, journals and magazines. Marketing books by reputed authors would assist the researcher to collect appropriate pertaining to the research topic. It can be said that such data would be a valuable source of information to the research procedure.
Boons and Lüdeke-Freund (2013) mentioned that it is the responsibility of the researcher to bring in honesty and transparency to the whole procedure . Thus, the researcher has to ensure that participants are encouraged at act as per their own free will. There should be no coercion or undue pressure put on the participants in the research procedure. In addition, company data shall not be disclosed in any manner. It is the primary responsibility of the researcher to ensure that participants are put their hones and unbiased opinions about the influence of online sales, in the context of the sportswear industry,
Following is the organization of the study.
Chapter 1 – This would include the research proposal as prepared in the assignment.
Chapter 2 - The case study relating to the impact of online sales on the performance of a business study in, the context of a sportswear business enterprise.
Chapter 3 - This shall include the methodology techniques used in preparing the research study . The procedure to gather data, choice of method used to interpret data collected as well as analyzing the sample size used to support the research study.
Chapter 4 - The following chapter shall report the findings and the necessary analysis of the research procedure. Here, both a primary as well as secondary data would be considered to frame the necessary procedures through pertinent analysis and findings of the research study .
Chapter 5 - In this chapter, the researchers would draw the required conclusions and provide pertinent recommendations. This section is essential from the point of view of the research s study to make the research process effective.
Research Activities |
1st Week |
2nd Week |
3rd Week |
4th Week |
5th week |
6th week |
7th Week |
Selection of topic |
Data gathering from secondary sources |
Developing Layooutrt |
Literature review |
Establishment of the research Plan |
Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques |
Primary data gathering |
Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection |
Appropriate Findings |
Conclusion |
Establishment of Draft |
Submission of Final work |
The Gnatt chart represents the timetable for the research study. In addition, it represents the adequate resources that would be required for the purpose of the study. In the first week of the study, the researcher shall have to deal with the choosing of the research topic as per the needs of the study. In this case, the influence of the online sales on the business performance of a brand is selected. The second week of the research procedure shall deal with the collection of data from different sources. This relates to the gathering of requisite data as per the primary and secondary data relating to the topic. The third week establishes the research process layout, which establishes the research objectives and the goals. This stage compares the online marketing policies as against the traditional method of shopping. The fourth week is the starting of the primary data gathering procedure. These relates to interviewing of employees and the managers of a sportswear business enterprise. The fifth week deals with the analysis of the findings of the research process as per the goals s and objectives of the research procedure. In the sixth week, the appropriate findings of the research procedure are stated. As such, necessary conclusions are drawn as per the research procedure. The development draft of the organization would be as per the goals of the organization. The final work submission should be done in the seventh week of the research procedure.
The project budget would be established at $880 in order to complete the research process within a required period
Following are the reasons that the above budget would be required to frame the operational policies of a business enterprise.
- The preparation of the literature review would take substantial amount of cost as this would the gathering of appropriate textbooks, online resources as well as journal articles. These would require substantial resources for effective evaluation of the background of the study
- Data shall be gathered through the surveys as well as questionnaires shall have travelling and printing. In addition, there shall be mailing and interview costs as well to assist the researcher in its study. These factors are a pertinent part in the study and as such this would assist the research study in fulfilling the research aims and objectives. To develop charts and tables, the researcher shall have to allocate a budget for the organization.
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