Polymer Matrix along with its composition
Explain and discuss about the case study of Determination of structural changes of dispersed clay platelets in a polymer blend during solid-state rheological property measurement by small-angle X-ray scattering.Polymer?
Rheology is an important section in physics that deals with several types of deformation properties of a material to understand material properties. In physics Rheology is a crucial segment to control the deformation of different types of materials under stress. The term Rheology refers to the ability to control the properties of material’s composition within its limited stress (Hamad, Kaseem and Deri, 2010). It will determine the actual behaviour of the particular material during a mechanical force applied on it. Generally it will deal with material’s mechanical properties to make the material appropriate. Different types of polymer belts and blends are based on this segment to process a multi phase polymer process. In fluid dynamics different types of Rheological process are involved to make the material perfect. Generally it has the ability to make a comparison between fluid dynamics and Liquid & gasses. Rheology can be used an organic reactor that concern with different types of materials along with its properties to make an accurate chemical reaction. On the other hand Polymers are the major effects to develop a material’s structure as well as its condition. Different types of nanoparticle are used in a material to make a solid polymer matrix. Generally Nano scale filters and polymer matrix will address the main portion of a material through which it will measure its operational process.
Polymer – Clay interaction is an important segment in Physics that contains different solution based on molecular fundamental as well as its technological experiments. Generally these types of mixtures are used in Rheological modification to make the process perfect. Different types of molecular activities are involved in polymer matrix to make a proper interaction between Polymer and Clay mixtures. Rheological modification is based on several types of clay coatings as well as different types of colloidal dispersions to make the mixture appropriate. The mixture made between these substances should maintain fluid proportion at a certain limit of concentrations from reversible network. In this chapter the researcher is focusing to evaluate different types of rheological properties with a proper mixture of clay materials. This experiment will measure different types of Laponite. Some materials are used in this experiment to make the mixture perfect. Several types of mixtures are used in this types rheological segment among them Laponite JS, Laponite RDS, Laponite S-482, SL-25 and Laponite EP are perfect to make the mixture appropriate as per its requirements. All the materials are used in this particular experiment are measured in grams. The Rheology measurement can able to perform on several grades with a valid concentration limitation. The limitation range lies between 1-10 % (w/v). The Rheology experiment will perform by two proper combinations. The combination is made by 1 ml of prepared solution and lower geometry of transferring property of the Rheometer. In the output the experimental result can be shared from 0.1-100 S-1 portion using 3 mm geometry at 25 degree (Hadi et,al; 2015)
Structure based and layered silicate nanoparticle
Different types of Nano Clays are used in polymer matrix to make a proper structural characteristic. Nano Clays involves different types of platelets along with its octahedral layer to make a proper sandwich form between silicate tetrahedral layers.
The above figure describes about a proper structure of phyllosilicates in 2: 1 Structure format. The Nano Clay belongs to a polymer matrix based solution that should be made 1: 1 format. But Nano Clays and its layer are depending upon different types of structural format to measure the structural data. It can be observed that three main properties are made in Nano clay they are discussed below:
Fundamental repeat unit along with its proper height to measure the thickness of layer
Gross composition with proper dioctahedrons or trioctahedrons layer
Degree of ordering stacking with a proper sequence of layers
Phyllosilicates are also called as lamellar silicates that are totally based on different types of bidimensional layers along with its octahedrons property. This property of bidimensional make an interlocked between tetrahedrons by 2: 1 or 1: 1 segment (Hadi et,al; 2015)
The main aim of this Nano filler is to invest the improvement of mechanical properties of all solid and liquid particles to make a special effect, referred as Nano Effect. Polymeric is the main form to make a matrix form to improve the mechanical properties of a Nano Particle. The Nano Affect also deeply the influences the polymer metrics as a transition temperature. These properties are controlled by the particular particles along with its nanocomposite format. It is important to make a Nano Effect during a mixing period of Nano Clay’s polymer. Different types of sol formatting are involving with these types of formatting to make a proper Rheological segment. Laponite is an effective format of clay material that includes Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Several types of blends and polymerises are used to make a proper polymer format. The aims are listed below:
It is important to highlight the main important of a polymer melts as well as its blends
To highlight the main rheological property with a help of polymeric material to manage a gain fundamental of the entire materials.
To manage the importance of whole materials with proper understanding format by suing these types of materials. During rheological investigation it is important to maintain the polymeric effect.
It is also important to manage those research formats by accessing the rheological experiments including their challenges and opportunities.
Laponite and its properties
Polymer based nanoparticle are totally based on polymer properties in where the Nano filters are acting as a clay. Those clays are directly affected to the polymer structure that also transferred into three main categories depending upon their nanoclay properties within the polymeric matrix. These clay segments are also depending upon two major components to make a proper structure of Nano cycle. The polymer matrix is totally depending upon the interactions between these two components as well as its layer. The phases of a nanoparticle can be obtained with the help of a polymer matrix to make a proper interaction between the layers of the monocycles that expand mixing qualities. The structure of a polymeric particle is based on different types of nanocomposite that can be obtained by making a proper transaction between the particle layers to increase proportion gap in such a way that there will no more interaction forces applied between the layers. The structure of a nanoparticle has been suited by the mixing properties during a Rheology period.
The above pictures describes about the influence property of the modification of a Nano clay segment that is making an interface of the structure of different types of nanocomposite with their mechanical properties. It is easy to determine the graphical format of polymeric based chain on the surface of different types of nanoparticle. The nanocomposites are based on these particles to show the ability of a Rheology process to enhance the mechanical properties. In this report different types of Laponite are used to make a proper production facility (Hadi et,al; 2015).
Laponite is colloidal segment to expand the performance of a silicate based polymer. Generally Laponite has two main formats one is gel forming grades and another is sol forming grades. There are several types of Laponite are applied in this particular report to make the process effective as per its requirements (Hadi et,al; 2015). The gel forming grades are rapidly changed in water with a proper agitation to make a clear impact of colourless dispersions. To make a proper viscosity the solids are making an interconnection with the electrolyte content of water based segment. at the same concentration Gel forming grades provides 2 % highly thixotropic gel along with its highly concentrated deionised water. On the other hand Sol forming water appears in rapidly water under agitation but these types of grades contain different types of dispersing agents that contain the delay formation of a thixotropic property.
A temporary sol grade has ability to build a proper viscosity function during the Rheological function. These types of sol grades are involved with higher grading segments of fluid property that contain shorter ability times. On the other hand Permanent Sols Grades are fully stabilised by the modification process with proper patented agents. This segment is used to make the sols through stable solids up to 30 %. Laponite SL 25 is a proper liquid dispersion that is commercially builds on different types of sol grades about 25 % solids. These materials are generally referred as liquid leporine to make an open sol grades (Hamad, Kaseem and Deri, 2010).
Property |
Benefits |
Silicate based layer to make synthetic format |
o High purity solution o Colourless disappearance o Free side abrasives o Expand the quality of mixing |
Colloidal size and crystal segment |
o Produce a proper gas format in water to give ultra clear productivity o Rapidly disappear in water without any high shear |
Inorganic material |
o Will not able to support microbiological growth o Anti toxic o Non combustible o Free from crystalline silica segment o High temperature |
It is important to make all the Laponite products accurate as per Rheological process by introducing their structural formation. This process will ensure the optimize formula with its consistency performance as well as developed function. The Laponite grades are totally made by gel format to make the liquid function proper to describe clearly about the gel formatting grades.
It is a great combination to make a proper attention towards the polymeric structure with proper understanding that will make an accurate polymer nanocomposite as well as demonstrate their effects. These effects are measured by polymer based structure as well as rheological properties. Different types of Nanoparticle are mixed up with Nano clays to make a proper polymer matrix that occurs within Rheological segment. The Rheological property is totally based on Nanocomposite and they are influenced through their macroscopic structure within component requirements. It is important to measure the Rheological segment under a molten state to increase the speed of shear viscosity (Hadi et,al; 2015).
The above figure is providing about the frequency response depending upon of G’ (a) and G” (b) for both Laponite based Nano composites. This frequency propagation is made in presence of both amounts of Laponite Particles. From the figure it can be observed that different Laponite has several types of frequency responses which can increase or decrease the Rheological property of any Nano Particle. Their results can be measured from their storage modulus segment that is G’ and loss modulus G” including their complex viscosity. These complex viscosities are fully affected by its concentration. This figure is illustrated bellow.
The above figure is represents the frequency variance for G’ (a) as well as G” (b) along with their viscosity (c). These types of nanocomposite are deeply based on various amount of polymeric structure. Polymer based Nano particles can be achieved through different scattering techniques along with small range of spectroscopic investigation. These types of techniques are based on thermal analysis to provide a quantitative as well as accurate representation to maintain Rheological property. It is important to make Gel formation with proper formation of Laponite segments to make a Rheological configuration. To make proper sol dispersion the experiment should concentrate at 15 % to 25 % mixing with solid mechanical stirrer. Laponite S482 material must be added with a single dose forming over a period of 30 seconds. The mixer speed should be produced at a solid content that cause all the enough power to fulfil the water solidest without any clumps. The solidest contents must apply over 20 % falling case to increase the viscosity of mixture within a few minutes.
Nano composites are the main function to make a mixture appropriate as per its requirements. It is important to make the mixture proper with accurate composites that should be produced through different types of Laponite segments. Sols of Laponite should be prepared with accurate grade supplied concentrated dispersion. It can be observed different types of advantages are available for matrix based polymer they are discussed below:
The Nano composite has higher performance to build a particle for fuel saving. These saving methods have excellent strength feature that can be achieved by different types of composite materials.
Laminate patterns should be observed through this matrix based polymer with proper mechanical property.
It is easier to accomplish a superior performance by making a drag reduction for a smooth surface. This surface can be made through different types of manufacturer operation as well as its modulus characteristics.
The counting segment of Part can be reduced with matrix based polymer based nanoparticle.
The Nano particle offers different types of resistance to make the mixture excellent. The chemical and damaging compositions are developed to deal with this structure to make the system perfect.
Polymer melts has been made during Rheology segment to make the polymer solution perfect. It is important to maintain the molten state to gain the basic fundamental idea of polymeric behaviours. This is done as because the rheological behaviours are deeply influenced by the polymer structure along with its interfacial characteristics. The Rheology of polymer melts is fully dependable upon its polymer structure along with Laponite segment. The source material are analysed by their mechanical properties to measure the mixture parameters. The relaxations of polymer stress are measured by different modulus proper of a material. By applying a proper technique it is easy to determine the lubricated melted polymer melts (Hadi et,al; 2015).
The polymer blends are used to enhance the interest of polymer melts within its requirements that are directly related with the polymer activities. The polymer activities will enhance the performance of Rheological performance with advance performance that is based on well known products on their phase behaviour. Polymer blends are totally based on rheological performance to make the mixture perfect as per its requirements along with its different types of crystalline polymers. Polymer blends has the ability to control interface bonding with proper structural format. On the other side the polymer blends will also able to control morphology by using reactive polymer segment (Thomas, 2012).
The polymer effect cannot make a mix up segment with each polymer properties for a large number of studies as because different types of polymer materials are involved in a polymeric. It can be seen that polymer materials has different types of physical properties to make an effective mixture in Rheology department. The Rheological segment is directly combined with polymeric portion with phase separated polymers. Different types of polymer blends are varied with several polymeric combinations to make the rheological process effective along with its proper structure. It can be observed that polymeric materials are involved for both academic and industrial interests. The main difference of polymer blends is their behaviour with each other. The main advantage of this segment is to make the combination effective with multi surface modification of Laponite material along with their physical properties that can be modified and controlled with reactive technology. The polymeric technology involves different types of compositions to make the system effective with proper impact modifier as well as its blends (Thomas, 2012).
In this segment different types of Laponite as well as its clay are used to make an experiment. PEO or Aldrich is also used in this segment to receive its molecular segments. The normal weight of PEOs were 2 * 10 ^5, 3 * 10 ^5, 6 * 10^5 and 9 * 10^5 g/mol. It is essential to take proper material to make a perfect experiment within requirement property. Viscosity is an important segment in this particular measurement to find the z-average square radius of gyration of the entire PEOs along with its measurement properties. The normal average of this Nano composite is Mw > 6 × 10^3 g/mol in water section at a rate of 250 C. This report can be represented as Æž = 4.33 * 10−4 Mw 0.679 (dl/g) and S2 = 4.08 × 10−18 M 1.16 w (cm2).
C * =3Mz/ 4 * 3.12 * NA (S2) * 10^ 2 (w/v)
The above figure represents Z average along with its proper radius of gyration of the PEOs material that is tied up with overlap concentration. This concentration is made through the above equation. Laponite RD, RDS and JS have made a combination to prepare a penetration along with its thickened composition. The compositions are made with exact surface along with oriented segment. Here substantially perpendicular is used to control the experimental procedure that means within 20 % from perpendicular the metal is focusing to each other. It can be observed that Laponite RD is a free flowing silicate layer that has a bulk amount of density about 1000 Kg/m3 including its surface area 370 m2/g. The pH of the metal should have a limit approximately 2 % of the entire suspension in water. The weight of the composite is basically 59.5 % Si02, 27.5% MgO, 0.8% Li20, and 2.8% Na20. These are the perfect combination to make a valuable mixture. Laponite RDS are also used here to make a synthetic layered silicate along with its bulk density of 1000 kg/m3. The Rheological process should be making within proper requirements by sufficient Laponite stock solution with a dissolving power 1.5 g in 100 ml of water. The water should be used distilled for few days to get exact result (Thomas, 2012).
The mixture should be perfect through Laponite and PEO along with accurate adding of PEO stock at a temperature 240 c. This concentration should be made for Laponite segment with its tree proper section such that RD, RDS and JS including PEO. The mixtures were varied at a range of 1.0 to 1.88 % (w/v) and 0.065 to 0.47 (w/v) randomly. To make a proper mixture solution the mixture should be kept 1.5 % Laponite metal and 0.30 % (W/v) with PEO. 2ml PEO stock should be added in the mixture with proper test tube to make a perfect solution. The mixture volume should be completed to 10 ml with accurate distilled water.
Mw (g/mol) |
S2 1/2 |
c∗ (%, w/v) |
2 × 10^5 |
24 |
0.6 |
3 × 10^5 |
30.3 |
0.47 |
6 × 10^5 |
45.4 |
0.27 |
9× 10^5 |
57.4 |
0.2. |
The above table gives a presentation about the molecular weight Mw along with its Z- average radius of gyration to make a overlapping concentration of PEO. This PEO is used by making a combination with the entire penetration of Laponite – PEO dispersion. Laponite stock solution can be made in a test tube with proper volume along with 10 ml distilled water. After making a good preparation the particular mixture should be shacked well for 15 to 20 minutes to increase the viscosity. Shaking portion is usually made to prepare the formation of the Gel.
To measure the relaxation process it is important to shake gels formed with a proper metal bead of 4.0 mm diameter. This metal should be placed on the surface of the mixture after finishing the shaking segment. The gels are longer and well targeted with shorter relaxation through proper Laponite metal. During mixture segment it is important to use Laponite RDS to make a uniaxial compression that were performed with the shake gels for 15 minutes. During the mixture presentation it is important to measure the mechanical preparation by conducting a thermostatic room with 0.5 0 C. Some key parts are using in this test to increase the gel preparation with a fixed amount of preparation. It is easy to determine different Laponite metals and their efficiency to make a proper Rheological mixture. A fixed amount of shake gel has been made to make the preparation perfect. This preparation is also transferred into a cylindrical vial approximately 56 mm in diameter and its height is about 46 mm. This segment was placed on a digital balance to make the preparation (Thomas, 2012).
The above figure describes about a uniaxial compression that has made an apparatus to measure the stress strain compression on shake gels after finishing the gel preparation. From the above figure it can be observed that a cylinder format that is also placed on a digital balance. The load is directly transmitted into this cylindrical segment in vertically. The load is fitted with PTFE at an end plate. The force is acting on the comparator portion of the cylindrical segment. The deformation should be measured in terms of ΔL by using a digital comparator. The digital comparator has been made in IDC type along with a proper digital indicator to make the preparation sensitive about 10 ^-3 displacement.
The above figure provides a typical stress strain to shake the Gel samples with a proper PEO concentration about 0.3 %. The Laponite concentration can be measured at 1025, 1038 and 1.50 %. The measurement gave proper reproductive segment that is subjected to the gel formation including formation and deformation less than 5 in. This is fixed type PEO concentration along with Laponite PEO mixtures. The linear relationship will make a slope to make the modulus G of shake gels. The samples were made through proper solution as well as melting compounding segment. This section controls the Laponite particles that were produced with PEO at the initial stage in water to increase the compatibility of those particles along with polymer matrix. It is essential to protect the polymer Laponite polymers that were deeply dispersed by PEO under gentle stirring into deionised water. This water should be kept for 24 hours with a concentration of 1 % mixture. Two different types of solution were mixed with equal proportions and they are kept under adsorption segment for PEO portion about 10000 terms. This is a Laponite particle that should be covered by PEO chains as adsorbed particles. The preparation method can be calculated in terms of volume about 0.1 to 9 % for final Laponite concentration. It is important to measure the Laponite concentration through proper measurement techniques so that it is easy for homogenous mixture. The above solution has proper Laponite segment like RD, JS and RDS to make the preparation perfect that was covered by OPEO chains. To preserve the humongous dispersion it is possible for stabilized suspension to measure its particles with non aggregated particles. The solution should be made with 5 % PEO to make the solution perfect with proper suspension process. Major Laponite particles are quickly frozen with liquid nitrogen for 12 to 18 hours at a rate of -46 degree centigrade.
It is easy to make a melt preparation with proper Laponite concentration via an accurate solution that should be considered as a Laponite solution including its concentration for melt interaction. Nanocomposite was directly prepared by Laponite particles with a proper polymer matrix PEO 10000. During a molten stage it is important to use micro computer to retain retaining twin screw operation at 110 temperatures. The absorbed PEO chains are made for perfect concentration with proper counted polymer matrix that is totally based on different types of volume fractions. Rheological measurement is totally tied up with viscoelastic segment with proper PEO measurement that used for stress controlled TA ARG2 rheological segment. The measurements were done with proper Laponite segment at a fixed temperature. The measurements were measured by using proper Laponite particle along with its polymer matrix under oscillatory shear into a linear domain at a temperature of 110 degree centigrade. The sample files were frequently molten within an isothermal range for 5 minutes. The melting temperature of PEO is 110 degree centigrade. It can be seen the viscoelastic properties of the entire Laponite metals are depending upon the flow strategy to make a structural form. The process is simple to complete the micro structural collaboration with the help of polymer matrix formation. The nanoparticles were found in the middle time of micro structural segment. A Rheometer at a frequency of 0.1 rad/s is used to measure the speed of the microstructure collaboration. The data were collected at the end of the mixture with proper equilibration period to solve the required equations.
The suspension was made with different types of Clay segment along with its properties to control molar concentration. The basic properties sodium is its pH segment that was also maintained by the Laponite particles. During rheological process the pH level of water is raised about 10 and this segment was controlled by NaOH to provide sufficient amount of chemical sustainability to the particular suspension.
The above picture provides an accurate description of a Rheological fragmentation through Laponite materials. From the figure it is seen that a transducer is used to take a proper rheological experiment to give proper output. The pulse receive is used to take appropriate data from the transducer segment. It is essential to measure water circulation of the entire rheological portion so that the designer can able to take accurate source information from the transducer output. Laponite particles are taken to make a proper mixture with six systems to make an accurate concentration. It is important to avoid the loss factor during a rheological experiment. This process can be achieved with the help of carbon die oxide along with its contamination. The free surface of the contamination is used to stop the experimental process by which the ageing time was measured. It can be observed that the storage model was totally independent upon the time and frequency to decrease the frequency of the experimental procedure.
In the above experiment the Laponite are used in powdered form and these powder form are very useful to make a Rheological product within 0.5-3gm ranges. Laponite is used widely basis as a material based model for its high dispersibility in little water about 20 ml. The resultant product will be in uniform shape of its individual disc shaped platelets. O0. Laponite mixed with 20ml water by slowly adding of 0.1g of Laponite powder. The pH of the water was adjusted to 10 with 1 M NaOH. The prepared dispersion was stirred for 15 to 18 hours in a magnetic mixer at a speed of 1000 rpm. Then the final dispersion was filtered through whatman filter that is totally different with magnetic segment to remove clay segment from large aggolometers.
Finally X ray scattering is used at a room temperature to measure the environment of the Rheological experiment for a wide range that measures its vector segment from 0.02 Å to 5 Å-1. The particular experiment was measured in a low noise operating segment with 2D glass detector along with a flat image plate for a large angle. Copper rotating anode is using here including magnetic flux to measure the image signal from the rotating anode. The image can be displayed at a high resolution with high flux density. The X ray beam path should be controlled by proper beam photons over 350 micro millimetres including its entire diameter. This diameter is ranged under vacuum to measure nanocomposite pellets to make a solid measurement segment. The PEO channels are omitted through a large scale of angle peaks to measure the process as well as the flux resolutions.
The above figure represents the main frequency dependable variance with multi measured sample at a high temperature about 110 degrees centigrade. This solution was made with the solution rate along with proper Laponite loadings that has a proper range from 0 to 9.1 weights in percentage. From the figure it can be observed that the storage modulus G’ is used for closed symbols along with its loss modulus G”. These two symbols are used for two different types of modulus such that open and closed symbols. The frequency are taken for different sample periods with proper solution that having different types of Laponite loadings. The viscoelastic segment represents the actual behaviour of measured frequency of the entire Rheological process. G is the perfect standard for pure PEO material to detect the intermediate frequency of a Rheometer for higher frequencies. The Laponite particle has proper elastic segment that becomes higher than G”. It is also dependent upon nanocomposite behaviour to measure pure PEO about 10000. The existence of low frequency nanocomposite is suitable for 1 Pa with solid structural connection. The above figure describes about the nanocomposite model’s perception up to 2 % to make a proper segment. To increase or decrease the network structure it is important to collect the clay sample content beyond 2 % viscosity behaviour. The elastic limit of this measured frequency is greater than previous frequency model. The entire frequency was observed into the rheological process without any polymer structure to set a frequency range about 2 to 5 dB. Some segments are used o measure the slow process of rheological experiment that arranged the structural format of the remaining nanocomposite models. It is important to measure higher filler count of these types of rearrangement filter. To better understanding the designer should use a dissipation model for structural rearrangement with proper nanoparticle segments. The network structure maintains elastic model along with its new findings that were compared with viscoelastic response to measure the Laponite segment via melt route.
The above figure makes a clear comparison between Tan and frequency of a proper rheological solution for both closed and open symbols at 110 degree centigrade. The figure describes about δ and its dissipation. The slope is made with low frequency to increase the Laponite segments for an elastic polymer segment. It is important to measure the Laponite relaxation with valid network structure that will disappear during rheological process.
The above figure describes about different types of polymer matrix as well as its frequency response to the Laponite segment. The negative slopes go higher to increase the performance level by accessing the elastic polymer of clay network or its structure. The network structure varied for different types of processing routes with sufficient network traffics to manage the magnitude orders.
The above figure represents about the variation response along with viscoelastic segment to maintain a response for various scaling points. It is important to maintain the scaling law for both open and closed system compared with Laponite weight for nanocomposite solution route.
Modulate (Pa) |
Exponent of Power law (α) Solution path (S) |
Melt Route |
G’0 |
2.8 – 0.3 |
4.1 + 0.2 |
G” 0 |
2.7 – 0.25 |
4.4 + 0.3 |
The table represents several types’ power laws that are expected for a proper rheological solution as well as its melt operation system. to make a proper Rheological system it is important to use Laponite PEO particle that will manage the rheological mixture solution. The behaviour of rheological segment also controlled by 0.5 % prepared solution that is very close to a 2 % mixture segment for melt route by obtaining modulus mixture.
The above figure stated about the distribution segment as well as its cumulative number during DLS measurement segment. The measurement was done with Laponite powder with 20 ml water and stirred for 16 hours completely. The distribution was made by dynamic light scattering for the entire Laponite suspension. To measure the spin lattice relaxation it is very important to measure the water molecules that absorb on surface of Laponite powder. The PEO – Laponite segments are used here to measure the valid concentration segment during the Rheological preparation.
From the above process it can be seen that the connection has been made among the solid particles to maintain the Laponite connection at low frequency. This frequency is highly dependable for Laponite concentration and the process is used for the Rheological preparation.
Blend No |
Components A/B |
Weight ratio A/B |
BM1-1 |
Laponite RDS and JS |
52/48 |
BM0-1 |
Laponite Rd and JS |
64/36 |
BM1-2 |
Laponite JS and Water |
60/40 |
BM0-1 |
Laponite Sl25 and RDS |
70/30 |
BM1-2 |
Laponite EP twice |
60/40 |
BM2-0 |
Laponite S-482 and RD |
55/45 |
BM1-3 |
Laponite EP and JS |
75/25 |
BM2-3 |
Laponite RDS and EP |
61/39 |
BM0-3 |
Laponite RD and EP |
60/40 |
The above table represents different types of blends and its use in Rheological segment to analyse the rheological process. It is important to measure component’s ration that were using into a rheological process to measure its efficiency. This is the perfect table to measure the blend process that is also used in Rheological process for different types of concentration. The melt is also prepared for several types of concentration to switch Laponite EP particle within its rheological behaviour. The structural variation can be seen with small angle including X-ray scattering data to control the sample file. The structural variations are deeply dependent on different types of particle concentration to prepare the perfect rheological solution. From the SAXS data it can be observed that those particular data are independently focusing on larger scale with probable X-rays formation (Chen and Zhang, 2011). The SAXS data can be achieved by making a proper debut with Laponite as well as PEO particle. The suitable PEO can be made between separated particles and non addressable particles would make a static scattering techniques process. this concept is very clear to make a proper segment as well as schematic representation of the entire nanocomposite particles to make a rheological segment. the schematic representation is possible to make a melt processing modulus with high particle concentration that can be associated with a high modulus phase.
The above figure is a schematic representation for different analogous blend behaviour that is suitable for melted prepared sample. This sample file can be obtained by measuring the variance of different types of concentration of solution to make dispersed particles. The schematic diagram has ability to make a polymer blend behaviour that will also explain for a prepared solution by obtaining the solution (Chen and Zhang, 2011).
The properties of the components of the two-phase system directly influences over the property of the overall two-phase system. Along with the individual properties, the way the discrete droplets of phase are distributed over the matrix phase that is continuous, also impacts up on the behaviour of the overall phase (Hadi, Hamzah and Rodhi, 2015). The shape, size distribution and size also impacts over the overall properties and behaviour of the material. The morphology of the constituent polymers influences the rheological properties of the multiphase systems. The morphology of the overall material depends on the process how the components interact thermodynamically with one another and their flow history. Thus while a multiphase system is being processed it is necessary to understand the rheological properties so that the multiphase system can be designed in accordance with the morphological behaviour of the phase separated states. The average responses like the coalescence of size drops represent the property of the whole system (Vshivkov and Byzov, 2013). Thus it impacts on the standard models of the changes of morphology of polymer blends. In case of the blending with the narrowly distributed size of drops, it is merely correct. In some cases the domain size may differ with respect to the three distinct orders of the magnitudes. In that case the average size is invalid and do not impact on the overall system. A kinetic theory related to the development of the polymer structure was been recently proposed. In this theory, in case of the sharing in steady state situation, the break up coalescence was considered. This theory helps to study and evaluate critical molecular weight that helps to control the multi phase systems’ rheological properties and make necessary blending of the polymer materials as required. Thus the multi beaded finitely extensible non linear elastic chain polymer melting model can be derives as expected set. The type p of the product that is being produced must be properly evaluated before making the polymer multiphase polymer substances (Bandyopadhyay and Sinha Ray, 2011). The new theory also helps to find the relation between the flexibility, characteristic length and dimensionless critical weight. There are other studies too that helps to determine the elasticity of the polymer materials with the help of the elasticity tester. This is one of the most important property of the polymers that is requires to be controlled while manufacturing the multiphase polymer. Thus the variation of the structure and the rheological property of the overall system thus the product will be applicable for the different purpose. Actually if a product is manufactured then the product need to be made for some application in the practical field. This is very much important to understand the application and the requirements of the quality of the product. The multiphase polymer is a material that can have different properties in accordance with the style and the process of the manufacturing (Hamad, Kaseem and Deri, 2010). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The construction process is thus carried out so that it can meet the requirements of the applicable area. Hence, the elasticity is controlled while preparing such multi phased product and a desirable product is manufactured so that it can be most appropriate for the applications. The improvement of the electrical property is also required to be carried out with the proper blending process of the phases of a multiphase system. The styrene-butadiene-styrene is one of the important types of polymers which is mainly used for the improvement of the electrical property of the composed polymer material. Different types of the polymer material are also mixed with it for the better result of the product. Thus the rheological property is also important to be determined for the improvement of the product as how it reacts on the different exerted forces. While the polymer materials are being mixed the rheological property also helps to determine how the mixture will be with respect to the technique undertaken for the process (Bhattarai et al., 2011). While the flow is being occurred it requires to be controlled so that the proper blending can be carried out. At the yield point the shear stress is highly dependent on the temperature and the viscosity is one of the most important controllers of the blending process of one polymer component in to other. The mechanism of the structure breakdown is controlled by the steady state viscosities. The relaxation of the shear stress is required to be done while the flow is being cessed and the situation faces different complexities with respect to the variation of the preceding flow duration, casting solvent and the temperature of the system (HE, YU and ZHOU, 2010). During the process of fibrillating the viscosity as well as the elasticity has a great effect over the process. The viscosity ratio, elasticity effect and the different types of the interfacial properties is required to be taken under consideration. The viscosity ratio varies with respect to the types of the polymers. The upper bound of the viscosity ratio is also significant and there are no other values called the lower bound of the system in this case. This can be varied for the purpose of the polymer blending for the effective material manufacturing.
The stress strain history is important to be taken under consideration while rheology of certain material is being investigated. The prime five factors of the rheological investigation is the strain, stress, conditions of the geometric boundary, rate of strain and the mode of deformation (Huang, Jiang and Li, 2008). For understanding the materials rheological properties well it is necessary to understand it from two different aspects. One aspect is to measure the amount of deformation that is resulted from the force that is applied. Another aspect is to measure the required force for obtaining a certain deformation. The ratio of the force and the cross sectional area where the force is applied, is called the stress and the obtained or expected changes is called the strain. The strain or rate of strain is also requires to be measured. Again the flow can be classified in mainly two types one of the types of the flow is called the shear flow and other types of flow is called the shear free flow. In each of the cases the stress and the rat of strain individually takes different form (Subbu et al., 2015). The situation is directly related with the changes of the micro structure of the system. The micro structural changes have direct impact over the rheological response of a system, thus the system is requires to be formed with a specific style process so that a specific rheological response can be obtained. Thus the application of the polymer material that is made of blending multiple materials is predetermined. The relationship between the micro structural change and the rheological behaviour change can be classified from two aspects. Firstly the Nano-composites’ microstructure has direct impact over the viscoelastic behaviour and secondly during the transitional state from liquid to solid through the isothermal crystallisation process of the polyolefin over the other rheological behaviours.
The study of the rheological behaviour helps to understand the necessities of the property of the polymer (Ivanov, Kotsilkova and Krusteva, 2011). Understanding the rheological factors like the stress and strain helps to predetermine the process of the development of the structure and the evolution of the morphology. Thus the desirable product can be obtained through the whole process of the polymer material manufacturing. Thu the material can have the exact property that is required for the practical and effective application in the practical field. While the assessment of the liquid crystal line polymers with the polycarbonate resin is carried out, the thermoplastic host polymers’ melting process ability is directly affected. The processing of the polymer is highly influenced by the process and the elongation of the phase helps to make a better processing style for the improvement of the quality of the in accordance with the requirements (Stephan et al., 2006). The morphological development cannot be obtained through the shear flow but the converging flow is able to extend the phase of the liquid crystal line polymers. There are different techniques that help to develop the process with the different process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The application of the optical microscopy, viscoelastic Rheology and the inverse gas chromatography varies with respect to the different types of the compositions of blending. In case of the homogeneous polymers, it acne be observed that these types of materials melts at the lower temperature. If the temperature is increased the terminal relaxation time and the longer time / low frequency plateau is increased. The variation of the temperature has significant impact over the variation of the morphological behaviour. The process of the morphological development is usually obtained while the system is at a range of temperature limit. It is not dependent on any specific critical temperature. The observation of the specific behaviour can be obtained from the IGC analysis as well as with the help of the optical microscopy in case of such blending process. The different theories analyses the relation between the different properties like the origin of the elasticity or time and temperature superposition. These theories help to determine the process of the controlling the morphology, the manufacturing process, and these theories are mostly derived from the practically obtained results. Thus, all of the rheological behaviour helps to make proper understanding of the factors those impacts over the blending process. The practical analysis of the rheological factors helps to improve the materials through the different process so that the proper quality of the multi-phased polymer can be obtained (Kaneko, Miwa and Nakamura, 2007). The process of the system is also modified with the help of the morphological modification. This helps to make better process with the available equipments in the practical field. Therefore, it is important to study and considering the stress strain history of the sample materials while investigating the rheological factors of a sample.
The different types of the research have been carried out so that the improvement of the polymer blend Rheology can be improved with the study. The researchers mainly try to improve the quality of the product and make it suitable to use. A polymer manufacturing process can be improved from different way. Firstly, the product quality can be directly improved and the rheological sturdy will help to modify the morphology of the system. Again, the manufacturing process and the different stages can be modified or extended for the better preparation and quality improvement with the help of the rheological study (Kaseem, Hamad and Deri, 2011). A specific rheological behaviour required to be obtained so that a special property can be achieved n the sample product. The polymer science has a significant part that is called the technology of the polymer blend. Different types o research ahs been carried out specifically in the last thirty years. The advantages of the different types of the existing polymer blend are studies so that these can be properly applicable in the practical application. Again, the new development of the new polymeric structure is also carried out so that the better quality for specific requirements in the practical fields can be obtained. The different types of the existing and evolved polymer materials helped to carry out the research and invent new types of the products so that the commercialisation of the product can be carried out from different aspects (Münstedt, 2011). The new composition of the different monomer or polymer is also improved with the research process. However, the formation of the new polymeric structure is not as suitable to use as the polymer blending. The property of a new polymeric structure is usually constant and cannot be varied. Thus, the new polymeric structures are not as flexible to use as it is in case of the polymer blend. Thus, the current research on the polymer blend is much widespread so that the specific output of the product quality can be obtained with the desirable properties. The process of the synthesizing new polymer structure is also much difficult than the process of polymer blending. In case of the polymer blend required property profile combination is smoothly variable and easily carried out. The process is relatively much less expensive and less time consuming too. The rheological study helps to improve the process of polymer blend so that the better and improved combination of the polymer can be obtained with the easiest way. This not only helps to understand the miscibility nature but also to understand the behaviour of the each phase and the process of the blending. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Some of the polymer blends are miscible in nature. These types of polymer blends are very much important to be evaluated for the research process as these have better thermodynamic implications as well as these products are relevant in the commercial processes as well (Pipich, Schwahn and Willner, 2002). The blends can also be carried out with the help of the phase-separated blends. This is very much important in the polymer blend technology as these products have different types of the advantages of property that cannot be obtained from the single-phase blends. In case of the single-phase blends, it is easier to achieve significant mechanical compatibility that is actually the average property of the components of the blend and its difference with the ultimate blended product. The best property that can be obtained from the phase-separated blend is the impact modification. In addition, in case of the immiscible blends, the different properties like the improvement of the rheological factors, resistance, rupture, environmental stress, adhesion, flammability, opacity, performance, cost optimisation can be obtained (Scarpas, 2012). Different research has also been carried out so that the mechanical compatibility can be obtained with the most efficient way in case of the phase separated polymers. This should help it to make better sample of product that will help to commercialise it further. The most important processes of the improvement of the mechanical compatibility are the interpenetrating the polymer networks block or graft copolymers, adding basic or acidic materials, reactive extrusion and adding the interfacial agents of the polymeric substances etc. this area of the research was continuously modified from the different aspects as it was started from the (Zhen and Wang, 2015). The situation was varied as the requirement of the product varies with respect to the different requirements.
In case of the engineering polymer blending, it is very much important to commercialise the product so that it can be applicable for the practical applications. The production cost and easier method of the huge production is very much important for the engineering research so that the effectiveness of the production process can be easily obtained (Reid and Sajjaanantakul, 2009). Usually different types of the exiting polymers were been used for the commercial blending process. Among these products, some of the most popular products are the polycarbonate and polyester. one of the latest addition in the engineering polymer research result is the ethylene, carbon monoxide alternating copolymers. The improvement of the rheological study of the polymers helps to predict the different behaviour of the would be polymer product so that the preparation of the polymer can be carried out with the help of the theoretical study. The effort of the study in the practical sample formation is much improved with the help of the study of the rheological behaviours of the polymers.
The use of the polymer blend has high opportunity of forming different type of product materials of different properties. Actually, the scope of the research in this field is very much diverse, as the production of the different items needs different types of combination of property. With the help of the polymer blend technology, it is much easier to manufacture a polymer blend that will meet the exact demand of the application requirements (Cai, Ait-Kadi and Brisson, 2003). The rheological study helps to guide the process of the investigation and invention of the new blend in the ways that is more efficient. The property and behaviour of the material is highly dependent of the product type and the morphology. Thus, the research also has diverse opportunity so that there can be different types of more blends that will be better and more efficient in the practical application. There are different types of challenges that the researchers faces during the process of the blending different polymers. The different types of polymers have different level of sensitivity from different aspects. The property of the polymers differs with respect to the fabrication variations, temperature and time dependent behaviours, non linear behaviour, and difference s of the chemical as well as other physical properties (Sant, Ferraris and Weiss, 2008). The morphology of the components of the polymer blends has significant impact over the property of the blended material. Thus, the anticipation of the blended material can be carried out after understanding the morphology of the components. Desirable products can be synthesised with respect to the requirements. The predicting the product property is not too easy as there can be different obstruction for the changing property of the polymer materials. Analysis must be carried out with eth help of the non-Newtonian fluid’s continuum mechanics. The rate of success in the production of the materials is very much low as the process of the predicting is not easy. The polymer rheology study has significant impact on the development of the scopes of the polymer materials. The formulation of the advanced theoretical or mathematical framework for the research study with respect to the property of the different polymer materials is very much important (Scaffaro, 2013). This will also help the further study in these fields. Along with that, the research process will get much relevant opportunities and the efficiency of the research will be enhanced. Thus in the immediate and far future the research have various scopes that will help to make better blends for the practical application in the different polymer industries as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This paper is focusing to the major evaluation of different types of Rheological experiments that will able to measure different types of Rheological performance. The measurement has been done through different types of Laponite particle like Laponite EP, Laponite RDS, Laponite RD, Laponite S-482 etc. These are the primary segment of Rheological measurement that has been measured in grams to make a concentration which ranged from 1 to 10 % (W/v). During the experimental procedure several types of concentrations are performed as per their requirements to transfer the data with a 1 ml prepared solution. the solid will make a proper combination with its desired output including nanoparticle behaviour. From the entire report it can be observed that the Laponite segments are used to prepare a solution that measured in terms of grams along with polymer matrix form to maintain the property relationships. This relationship is responsible for rheological behaviour including polymer nanocomposite by suing PEO-Laponite model system. The viscoelastic structure can be achieved through different filter network that is compared with two different processes via melt processing segments.
From the entire report it is also recommended that the behaviour quality of the Laponite particles should improve to provide is accurate result. The behaviour quantity of the particles would expand the polymer blends structure with accurate blends. The Nano composite segments also used proper acquisition model to measure the linear viscoelastic model. To main at a proper Rheological structure it is important to used proper rheological model that disappears from several processes (Binienda, 2009).
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