Once you have selected your brand/organization or issue, you may commence to monitor the media for a minimum period of SEVEN DAYS. To ensure that you
monitor the media thoroughly and have substantial content, these are the requirements:
- For Print Media
- Monitor a minimum of 4 newspapers (any language)
- Monitor a minimum of 2 magazines which are relevant to the specific industry or issues your client is in.
- For Online Media
- Monitor a minimum of 3 local online news sites
- Monitor a minimum of 3 international online news sites
iii. Monitor a minimum of 3 social media accounts
- Monitor a minimum of 3 blogs or relevant websites
- Be mindful that the media platforms you are monitoring are legitimate, credible and reputable platforms. Beware of fake news sites and unproven/alt-truth and conspiracy theory sources.
- Collect the articles and write-ups that contain the following:
- Mentions about your selected organization’s brand, products, projects etc.
(Advertisements ARE not monitored as they contain no news value)
- Mentions of any thought leaders or industry figures relevant to your selected organization and the industry they are in (inclusive of politicians’ comments, policy changes, as well as insights about your industry)
- Competitor Analysis – monitor coverage of news, events and activities in the media about your direct competitors in the industry.
Your group will then need to analyze and scrutinize the content of each article/post to provide an in-depth insight into the perceptions the media could have created to public. Some factors to consider in your analysis:
- What is the article about? Who is the writer? What do you know about the
writer and their perception of your organization?
- What is the main angle of the story?
- What is the tone of the article? Is it – positive, negative or neutral?
- Who is being quoted in the article? Where do you think the source of the story is from? Is it internal (from the organization) or is it external (from customers, third party experts)?
- Is a response from the organization required?
- If it is a competitor’s news, what was the angle/coverage about and how can your client compete? What would you recommend your client do, if the coverage had been positive
- Compile and present your media monitoring analysis in a report format. Read the instructions in the next section carefully for the report structure.
Requirements for Media Monitoring
Unilever is a British-Dutch transnational consumer good company that is famous for the variety of products it has on the market. The original headquarters of the company is located in London in the United Kingdom as well as in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The brand was funded 89 years ago in 1929 by the process of merger (Unilever.com 2018). After the initial few years, the company began its expansion in the world and currently is famous all over the world including countries located in the regions considered as difficult to gain access.
The main products of the company include food and beverage, which constitutes about 40% of the total revenue earned by the company. The total revenue of the company is approximated at about US$62.22 billion (Unilever.com 2018). Apart from the food and beverage, Unilever is also famous for selling cleaning agents and personal care products, which are used by customers at a regular level. It has been reported that Unilever is the seventh most valuable company all over Europe (Unilever.com 2018). As stated earlier Unilever is famous all over the world and with the virtue of this fame, the company owns over 400 brands. In 2016, the company saw a turnover 52.7 billion Euros and in 2017, it amounted to 53.7 billion Euros (Unilever.com 2018). Some of the products of Unilever include Axe, Dove, Heartbrand ice creams, Lux, Magnum and many more.
Over the course of its success, Unilever has been involved with several acquisitions that have helped the company as well as the companies that it has acquired. For example, in 1971, it Lipton and again in 1984 it acquired Brooke Bond (Unilever.com 2018). These acquisitions have helped the company to be more competitive and at the same time remain its stature so that the objective of expansion into the foreign market can be achieved. Unilever is listed on the London Stock Exchange and has been a constituent of the FTSE 1000 index. Another success factor of Unilever is the fact that after gaining considerable amount of success in the initial years the company had managed to focus its attention on the health and care brands along with the away from food brands that had showed slow growth in the market.
The report provides an analysis of the media coverage of Unilever that highlights various factors associated with the success of Unilever. The challenges faced by Unilever and the marketing strategies that are adopted by the company in trying to adapt itself in the changing market are highlighted. At the same time, an analysis is made about the Malaysian media landscape so that the perception of the people about the brand and the manner in which it is presented can be identified. The report also provides individual reflections that highlight the proceedings of the articles and the perception with which the information collected can be used to help Unilever maintain its international reputation. Furthermore, reports from local as well as international media are also provided to understand the impact that the company possess.
Introduction to Unilever: Company Overview
The Malaysian media landscape has seen a considerable shift in the past couple of years. The change that has been made has seen the manner in which Malaysians interact with one another. The manners in which the people form their opinion as well as the decisions that they take have taken drastic changes (Tsfati, Stroud and Chotiner 2014). Therefore, this has been considered as exciting times for Malaysia as with the growth of digital media, opportunities around the international market have also grown. Therefore, the traditional media innovation can help the country to remain at peace as well as stay relevant with the forces that occur outside the country as well as inside.
The analysis of the figure show that about 19% of the people read e-news on a daily basis which signifies a very low percentage of the popularity of the digital media. From the last quarter of 2016 till the year end of 2017, the media landscape of Malaysia were consumed with a pessimistic as well as stable consumer confidence in carrying about the effective application of digital media (Vos and Heinderyckx 2015). The amount of time spent on smart phones can be used easily for browsing through newspapers that can help in providing valuable information about the world.
However, Pearl et al. (2015) pointed out that one factor that needs to be kept in mind is that the rise of digital media does not undermine the existence of traditional media in the country. More than 70% of the people prefer to view newspapers, hear about radio advertisement as well as indulge in the application of digital media. The analysis also shows that 76% people prefer to listen to radio as a means of gaining knowledge about the outside world. Offline media such as posters on boards or hoardings account to over 82% of the media mainly because the main mode of vehicle for about 94% of the audiences is via car (Sundar et al. 2015).
Similarly, it is also seen that young people of the country uses both the traditional as well as the digital mode of media. Thereby it can be said that the media landscape of the country consist of equal amount of people adopting either one of the information mode. In the age of digitalisation, most people take into account the use of computers, smart phones as well as laptops to view the required information about the world and of the local environment.
In the case of gaining information about the industries or any other sources that warrant the attention of the public, the implementation of the media sources can help in the awareness of the people. Hence, Zhang et al. (2015) stated that it could be said that while collecting information about Unilever, the sources of information that need to be used may involve the digital media as well the traditional media. These include articles collected from newspapers or magazines of either national or international stature so that relevant information about the company can be gained.
Media Coverage of Unilever
First Article:
The first newspaper article provides a guideline to the Malaysian context in Unilever and the aims of the company in the country. It has been stated in the article that about two billion people all around the country use the products manufacture by Unilever (Graduan.com 2018). This can be considered as a huge success for the company as the Malaysian population is comparatively less than the population that exists in other major countries in which the company operates. The article describes the motto of Unilever and the manner in which the company can continue its business so that it can attain its compatibility in the market.
Unilever has more than 400 brands in the country and it is necessary that each of the brands make significant impact on the lives of the people so that health and wellbeing of each of its customers are undertaken in a proper manner. As pointed out by Dunwoody and Peters (2016) the health of the customers can be considered as an important factor for the development of a society and at the same time provides focus on the sustainability initiatives that are developed by the company. As seen from the articles sustainability has been highly rated by the company and it requires the application of proper strategies that may help in the development of popularity among the Malaysian people as well as other customers around the world (Graduan.com 2018). It has been stated by the CEO of Unilever that the company aims to address three major goals by the end of 2020 that can enable them to grow in the industry as well as provide it with an opportunity for being present in the success of the market.
Some of the goals that can be taken into consideration are the fact that the health and wellbeing of the people need to be made maintained so that the customers can remain loyal to the organisation and at the same time increase the profitability. The environmental footprint also accounts for about the development of the products and provides an analysis of the major factors that may have an influence in the business. According to Sparks (2015), the effects of the media on the company are the fact that it provides the company with a sense of responsibility not only towards the customers but also towards the development of the community. The enhancement of the livelihood of the people across the value chain can be considered as one of the major factors that exist within the company and therefore, it is necessary that Unilever understands its effectiveness in the industry (Unilever.com 2018).
Therefore, it can be said that the article provides an understanding of the major factors that exist in Unilever and the manner in which it can provide a deeper strength to the community and produce the maximum results for its development. As stated by Retzbach and Maier (2015) it is necessary that every company identify the major changes that need to be taken place so that it can bring about sustainability in its development as well as provide the company with major factors necessary for the building up of its reputation in the business.
Challenges Faced by Unilever and Marketing Strategies Adopted
Second Article:
The second newspaper article describes the sustainability factors that are undertaken by Unilever. Valkenburg, Peter and Walther (2016) have reported that the sustainability of Unilever is a myth and that the company has failed to maintain the promises made. Therefore, it can be said that the newspaper article provides a comprehensive as well as a proper understanding of the factors that exist while taking into consideration the factors that affect the sustainability issues within a company. However, according to the newspaper article, Unilever is one of the best in the sustainability business (Newint.org 2018). The development of the world has been considered with the development of the company and its sustainability within the business. In the 2010, the new CEO of the company presented a roadmap that provided an idea about the growth of sustainability in the market.
Lee and VanDyke (2015) is of the opinion that major issues such as global warming, imminent food shortages and the gap that exists between the rich and the poor are some of the factors that need to be undertaken by a company. In the case of Unilever, this has been the focus of the company with a high disregard to the charities as it aims to adopt a realistic approach to the sustainability factor. The article states that the success of Unilever is at a high that undermines the success and the prompt work that is undertaken by popular NGOs such as WWF for the protection of the environment (Newint.org 2018). However, there has also been a negative side to the development of certain products and materials of the company. Cappella (2017) is of the opinion that it might be possible that the RSPO certified oil of Unilever has been produced in an illegal manner using assistance from the children. This is illegal in any country as child labour is banned in most countries that are developed.
Responses from the CEO of the organisation has showed the importance of sustainability and that despite the cut back of the process required for the preparation of food, Unilever remains firm in engaging in areas that require responsibilities related to the development of the society. Unilever also does not leave any strategy to chance and ensures that a voluminous sustainability living plan is developed that can help in the progress of the company and continue with its existence in a society (Unilever.com 2018). The article has managed to locate the farmers responsible for the growth of food in Unilever so that a proper insight into the development of sustainability can be made. It has been seen that the man responsible for the growth of quality food in Unilever is of Belgian descent and is considered as a ‘landmark farmer’ in the company (Newint.org 2018). Hence, it can be said that the sustainability efforts made by Unilever is not a myth and that the company considers a serious note on the development and maintenance of sustainability within the company.
Third Article:
The third article focuses on the opposition received by Unilever about the shift from headquarters form UK to Rotterdam. The article provides the concerns of the shareholders about the shift in the headquarters that may have a negative impact on the development of the business and the functioning of the organisation in a different cultural environment (The Guardian.com 2018). The sixth biggest shareholder of the company had voted against the shift mainly due to the favour being towards the development of a single base structure for the functioning of the organisation. The Legal and General Investment Management (LGIM) owns about 2% stake in Unilever (Unilever.com 2018). LGIM has opposed the move mainly because of the fear that the organisational structure may have a serious negative impact on the development of the company and in the process miss potential opportunities for expansion.
Analysis of Malaysian Media Landscape
In this case an examples has been stated of various companies like Columbia Threadneedle, Aviva Investors and M&G while confirming that the derailment of the decision of the company to abandon the dual-Anglo structure (Unilever.com 2018). In this case direct thoughts about the director of LGIM can be taken into account, which states that any approach taken by Unilever maintain the benefit and the continuous success of the clients. At the same time, the article also states the fact that the food and personal care group of Unilever does not vote in favour of a shift towards the Dutch corporate structure. The argument made by the managers of Unilever is the fact that a single entity based in Rotterdam can be beneficially for the development of the company.
Warren, Sulaiman and Jaafar (2014) is of the opinion that it can be difficult for Unilever to continue with trade relations with UK particularly after the exit of the country from the European Union. There has been reason to believe that such decision undertaken by the managers have to comply with the exit of United Kingdom. However, as stated in the article that the manager firmly declared that the request towards the shift to Rotterdam has nothing to do with the Brexit (The Guardian.com 2018). However, with the quit of the business in the United Kingdom consequences may be seen such as losing its FTSE 100 status. At the same time vote of about 75% of the UK shareholders is required for a planned switch that is scheduled at the end of October.
Therefore, it can be said that the tone of the article is positive and it provides a deeper understanding of the issues that exist in Unilever. It also needs to be taken into consideration that the UK market and the Dutch market have a considerable difference in the work culture. Hence, it can be said that it is necessary that a brief understanding of the power possessed by the stakeholders of Unilever and the effectiveness in the development of the market is provided in the article.
Fourth Article:
The fourth newspaper article focuses on the illegal destruction of the rainforest that has been accused against Unilever, Nestle and Pepsico. The report provides allegations that illegally deforested lands in Sumatra have been used to supply scores of household brands (The Guardian.com 2018). This is considered as a serious as the main aim of Unilever is to maintain a sustainable business for the development of the society. The deforestation that has been accused against Unilever can be considered as a breach to the environmental policies that exist in different countries. It has already been stated that Unilever is famous all over the world and that the brand and the market surrounding the brand is at a continuous growth (Unilever.com 2018). Therefore, the accusations made can have a huge negative impact on the functioning of the company and provide it with a negative impact.
The article provides a direct quote from the manager of Unilever stating that with no immediate action such as enforcement of deforestation policies it can be difficult to maintain a sense of corporate responsibility in the market. As observed by Kumar et al. (2016) the corporate giants may have it filling out legal bills from the profit it makes with the sale of the products of the brands. The article claims that satellite cameras have evidence that about 2.6m hector of ecosystem has been cleared by Unilever to continue its business in the development and growth of business in the country and around the world. Reports also claim that Unilever admitted in the purchase of palm oil from PT ABN and the suppliers that exist in the country (The Guardian.com 2018).
Impact of Unilever on Malaysian Media Landscape
A response and action plan had been requested from the suppliers soon enough so that comparison can be made about the quality of products and manufacturing units. As stated by Hudson et al. (2015) is of the opinion that it is important for every business organisation to continue in embarking in journeys that provide with clarity of maintaining sustainability in the organisation. At the same time, it is also necessary that certain foundations be created that help in the development of the ecosystem and manufacturing food items for the development of the company. In the case of Unilever, undue advantage of open areas of land and illegal purchase of materials required for the development of individuals need to be taken into account for the development of the company. The article confirms about the illegal functioning of the business and provides an understanding of the factors that need to be maintained while conducting a legal business (The Guardian.com 2018).
The article has stated that deforestation rate has been among the highest in the past three years (The Guardian.com 2018). The reason for the high rate can be attributed to the reputed companies such as Pepsico, Unilever and Nestle for the illegal cutting down of trees. At the same time, it is also necessary that the Indonesian Government impose strict rules on the conservation of the ecology and the manner in which it can help in the functioning of a company.
First Article
Unilever Malaysia has been one of the most consistent companies of Malaysia and its consistency was proved in the A+M’s marketing awards of 2017. The company won the highest honour of the night in front of more than 400 audiences and also in front of the delegates of other different companies. The management of the company says that the large number of different promotional campaigns in favour of the organization was the main reason behind the success of the company. These campaigns included the likes of Lipton, Walls, Sunsilk and Breeze. The unique promotion of these most popular brands helped the company to achieve the best awards in the night bagging three golds, two silvers and three bronzes. The company also won the excellence award in and out of home Advertising and excellence in different types of the consumer insights and the market research activities. The company also finished second in the Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility and Excellence3 in Marketing to a female audience. Apart from this the company also won prizes in Excellence in integrated marketing and also in their unique media strategy (Alonso-Fradejas et al. 2016). Etika who were the winners of last year came very close but missed on some occasions. Deviating from the actual news it can be said that Unilever has maintained a strong and compact policy in almost each and every market they operate in. It is one of their strategies to employ the best possible resources in order to reap the actual benefits. Again discussing on the following magazine article, it can be seen that the following awards which is presented annually by the Grab and Mediasspokes and supported by Heineken, Malaysia has been one of the most prestigious awards of Malaysia. It recognizes almost all the different innovative campaigns and the marketing concepts that are practiced and implemented by the different companies operating in Malaysia. Apart from the following initiatives the Star Media Group’s Campaign, “Predator in My Phone” and the Nivea Men MYPadang was a big hit with the judges of the event. Both of the above mentioned campaigns bagged gold and silvers in the category of Excellence in Viral Marketing and Excellence in Social Media. There were also the likes of Malaysia Airlines, Loob Holdings, Mamee Double-Decker which also won a number of golds, silver and bronze in different marketingcategorties. The following program has became an undisputed benchmark for the best marketing in Malaysia just because of its superior and scrutiny based judgemental policies. The tight judgement and the selection of the best brands is the best example for the organization in this particular regard. The large number of entries in the following program, recognition of both marketing and promotional excellence and the use of the different types of the strict monitoring policies make the award unique and excellent in nature. With a record number of 499 different entries and short listing of 65 different brands across 33 contestable categories the importance of the awards can be easily distinguished from others in the same arena. The excellence of Unilever in Malaysia again proves the important strategic initiatives that are generally taken by the organization.
Individual Reflections on Proceedings of Articles
Second Article
The following article in the magazine has articulated about the triumph of Unilever Malaysia in the marketing excellence award of 2014. The company supposedly blitzed the award ceremony with a total prize pool of five gold, four silvers and last but not the least three bronzes. The different categories in which the company triumphed are namely the likes of the Excellence in Digital marketing, Excellence in Content Marketing, Excellence in Marketing Innovation, Excellence in Marketing to a female audience, Excellence in Mobile marketing and lastly excellence in Media strategy. The large scale demonstration of the marketing capabilities of the organization is one of the main points of highlight in the following article (Campus 2018). The Marketing prowess of Unilever (Malaysia) can be easily estimated from the amount of awards that the management of the company received. The main reasons for the company winning the coveted price has been the unique and powerful campaign for the different brands including the likes of Fair and Lovely, Sunsilk, Rexona and Wall’s. Each and every people related to the marketing world have a clear idea about the superior marketing strategies and the marketing tactics that are used by the company. Most of the companies in the world often follows and implements the strategies of Unilever to ensure their success in the market. The following awards ceremony further proves the superiority of Unilever in the different markets especially in Malaysia is one of the best examples to estimate the marketing and promotional strength of the different kinds of organizations. The awards also recognized and awarded Celcom Axiata two Gold and two silvers for the excellence in brand awareness and excellence, excellence in integrated marketing and Excellence in Digital marketing respectively. Apart from this the campaign started and promoted by the Woman’s Aid Organization on “No Excuse for Abuse” has also been one of the main talking points of the following awards show. The organization received two gold in Excellence of Corporate Social Responsibility and the Excellence in Digital Marketing (Campus 2018). Apart from this the company also won one silver in Excellence in Brand Awareness and Excellence in Digital Marketing.
The above mentioned examples are two of the best examples related to Unilever Malaysia. Though the following examples have discussed on different aspects of the company, both the examples of the published articles in the magazines have one thing in common which is the superiority of Unilever in Malaysia. The superiority of the business in Malaysia has been proved more clearly in the first example where the award winning spree of the company in Malaysia has been provided in details (Chiedu 2016). The awards have been received by the organization as a result of the implementation of the best policies and marketing strategies that has segregated them from the rest. The second example on the other hand has provided a full scale detail on the different CSR policies and the CSR strategies of the company. The adaptation and the implementation of the different CSR strategies of the company is essential for the business to achieve success in the long term. The uniqueness of the company and the large scale business of the company in Malaysia make it one of the best companies of the Malaysian market.
First Online Source
Unilever (Malaysia) Holdings Sdn Bhd will be continuing to develop the different brands and the Human Resource in order to introduce a host of innovative products to expand the market share of the company in a competitive consumer products industry. The top level management of the company predicts that the Organization is quite confident on the growth of the brands that are presently operating in the market. According to the management of the company in the country the organization is quite interested in expanding themselves and post6ing reasonable growth. The target of the company according to the management is to double the market share of the organization within a few years. The presence of the company in Malaysia for the last 56 years has provided the company a solid base in the Asian country (Chiedu 2016). Apart from this the presence of 30 different brand names under its belt is another great advantage for the organization. This includes the likes of Lipton, Dove, Sunsilk, Comfort, Vim, Walls and many more as such. The constant growth in the product market of Malaysia has been the main reason for the growth of the company as the company also does not stop themselves from expanding and utilizes the opportunities in a different way to capture the market accordingly. The management of the company describes their capabilities to survive in the hostile market of Asia during the economic crisis of 2008. They say that they were able to easily survive the crisis and expand themselves accordingly to ensure that the people can easily get their daily necessities. According to the management of the company in Malaysia the company mainly relies on two different assets for ensuring their growth. This includes the likes of Brands and people. Both the brands and the people have a key role to play in the success of the organization in the Malaysian market. The more the presence of the brands in the market, the more is the acceptance level of the company in the market. The success of the brands in the market helps the company to flourish itself as the leading consumer goods producer of Malaysia.
Second Online Source
Unilever is one of the biggest multi-national companies of consumer goods in the world. The large number of brands under the company is seriously and added advantage for the organization. The management of the company therefore seriously takes the organizational needs and demands and ensures that each and every employee of the company along with all the le4vels in the management are equally responsible and follow all the different steps to ensure the implementation of a proper CSR strategy (marketing-interactive.com 2018). Unilever plays a unique role in the development of almost every single market of the world. The management of Unilever organized a street walk involving the employees of the company in Malaysia in order to encourage and spread awareness among the Malaysians to wash their hands with soap before eating. The employees of the company were posted at different busy locations across the country and also in different shopping malls and other areas of public interest to generate too much interest and ensure a successful campaign. The management of the company invested in this CSR campaign to promote Lifebuoy as an unique soap that protects the people from hand germs and other kind of diseases. The main campaign is an ongoing social mission to promote a healthier Malaysia. Apart from the manual campaigns there are different kinds of the social media campaigns that is undergoing and a large number of participants have been seen involved in the following campaign. The unique CSR initiative is in line with the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) that has pledged to improve the health and well being of the local communities (marketing-interactive.com 2018). The company has aims to achieve the goals of the organization by the year 2020. The main goals of the organization include the likes of;
- Reducing the environmental Impact and source of 100% agricultural raw materials.
- Improving the health and well being
- Enhancing the livelihoods of the people across the value chain
Apart from this there are also other kind of different brands of the company which has a number of different promotional campaigns that have similar uses. The best example is that of Lipton Brand of Tea which in Malaysia is promoted as the “MY National Drink” campaign. The following beverage is promoted as the national beverage of the company and has been the best of the brands in Malaysia. The following article thus has highlighted the CSR policies of the company and also the importance of CSR policies in the markets of Malaysia .
Third Online Source
The Unilever group of industries in Indonesia has bagged a deal with the Government owned Palm Oil Plantation firm in Indonesia to create a supporting framework that helps the local mills and the smallholders to produce oil according to the standards of deforestation. The management of the company in Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government owned firm Perkebunan Nusantara to improve the livelihoods of the farmers and increase the yields of the firms where they produce the plantations (Ciriminna et al. 2014). The agreements are compelled to follow some basic laws and rules which ensure that the management of the company must not hurt the economic interests of the local people and also does not try or exploit them in any ways. The chief supply chain officer of the company explained that the aim of the company is to create a unique supply chain to ensure a sustainable palm oil production. The company has been working in tandem to ensure that the following turns into a reality and thus has been evolving and innovating different type of approaches across the years. The company according to him is also engaged in partnerships with small owners or small farmers and helps them in different possible ways to protect the environment, maximize the yield of the company and also ensure the implementation of a fair and sustainable production. The MOU signed with the Government owned company will help the company to apply the produce-protect model at scale which will help both the organizations to have a positive impact on the environment in all the different aspects like social, political and economic perspectives namely. The company is one of the largest employers not only in the country but also in the world. The large scale revenue of around $2.5 million is a record in Indonesia. The MOU between the two companies will thus benefit the employees and the management of both the companies in different possible ways. The employees of the company will be trained by Unilever to deliver the palm oil commitments of the organization. The commitments include the likes of the goals on transparency, regulatory compliance, worker welfare and responsible conversion. However as the companies have signed the MOU on cause of not harming the environment, the Indonesian company has pledged to not undertake different deforestation activities. Unilever suspended some Indonesian firms last year in charge of practicing deforestation in the country. The company thus needs to be careful before engaging themselve4s with any kind of activities that are quite sensible in nature and thus do not undertake activities in view of the following complications.
First Article:
The first article from the international online media can be considered as a counter or a developed version of the article that states that the stakeholders of Unilever have opposed to its headquarters being shifted to the Netherlands. The current article states that Unilever has scrapped all its plans that involve the shift so that focus can be made on only market (The Guardian.com 2018). The reason behind this is that the move is said to be controversial and at the same time, the company had faced rebellions from the stakeholders that are mostly in favour of the headquarters remaining in Britain (The Guardian.com 2018). However, it can be said that the climb-down of the decision three weeks before the vote of the shareholders may have a massive negative impact on the organisation. It also had a negative impact and created a sense of de-motivation for the chairpersons and executives of the Dutch location of the company.
The article states that the decision was hugely popular ad the positivity of the article can be stated by taking into consideration the factor that the aim of the company is to focus on its job of continuing with the business market within the United Kingdom Government. As stated by Jin, Liu and Austin (2014) better expansions can be made in the future and the interests of the shareholders were foreseeable mainly because of the success that the company had had while continuing making deals from the United Kingdom. As stated in the article the worrying factor for the shareholders was the fact that a shift in the domicile of Netherlands can have a negative impact on the FTSE 100 that is currently in favour of the United Kingdom and its business with the company.
Sunstein (2018) is of the opinion that in cases like these decisions needs to be made by keeping in mind the interest of the investors as well as conducting an extensive consultation with the proposal that exists for the betterment of the business. In the case of Unilever, more than 200 meetings were held that highlighted the importance of the shift and the impact it may have on the development of the company in the future (Unilever.com 2018). Direct quotation from the manager of the company can be analysed from the article that claims the trust and belief of the boards in simplifying the dual headed structure that exists over time and provide an opportunity to speed up the value creation process that is required for the company.
Hence, this particular article provides an analysis of the international decision that is undertaken by Unilever and the manner in which the scrapping of the shifting plans may lead to the further development and success of the company. However, Boulianne (2015) is of the opinion that the dual structure system could have helped in the rapid growth of business by acquiring more businesses for the development of the company.
Second Article:
The second international article can be considered as a context of recommendation that can be applied by Unilever in order to win back the confidence of the people. It has been seen from the previous articles that Unilever has been subjected to illegal use of plantations by causing harm to the ecological environment in Indonesia (The Guardian.com 2018). The same has been confirmed by the manager in claiming that illegal supplies of palm oil were extracted from the suppliers that existed in Indonesia. This particular article describes that the palm oil supplier need to suspend all plantation expansion so that business can be saved (The Guardian.com 2018). However, questions remain about the responses and productivity of the company regarding conducting business with suspended Malaysian company like IOI.
The article states that the decision by Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to suspend IOI may have a significant impact in the growth of the company as well as its existence in the market. Reputed companies like Unilever may find it difficult to continue with business activities without the support from the IOI. As stated by Cacciatore, Scheufele and Iyengar (2016) a temporary prevention of sale of palm oil may provide a huge negative factor for the existence and development of various organisations. In the case of Unilever, the suspension of the IOI is said to be the main cause of the illegal activities undertaken in Indonesia. There has also been submission of complaints that allege the deforestation in certain parts of the world. Hence, it can be said that the article provides a negative tone about the existence of business for Unilever and deals with questions regarding the application of the palm oils in the products that it aims to manufacture.
In this regard, the article has managed to provide names of the competitors of Unilever that ceased its businesses with the IOI. Major names include Kellogg, Hersey’s, Colgate, Nestle and many more have ceased alliance with the IOI (The Guardian.com 2018). This can be considered as a major advantage for Unilever, as it can seek the assistance of other brands that can contribute in the continuation of business in the market. The vision of the manager of IOI is to ensure that the transformative action undertaken by the company can provide assistance in the development of business in other countries (VanMeter, Grisaffe and Chonko 2015).
Therefore, it is necessary that Unilever understands the demands of the market and ensure illegal application of gaining palm oil be restricted. This can help the company to maintain and improve its competency and ensure that the trust of the people be gained. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of indulging in illegal business (The Guardian.com 2018). However, one of the main points that the article fails to accommodate is the way that Unilever may be affected with the change in the mode of supplier. Thus, it can be said that the article fails to deliver the specific question about the negative impact that may befall the functioning of Unilever with the ban on business with IOI.
Third Article:
The third international article provides an analysis of the thoughts of people regarding the shifting of Unilever in the Netherlands (The Guardian.com 2018). Most of the people in the United Kingdom had been against the shift and it is seen from the article that reputed companies like Aviva Investors, Royal London, Columbia Threadneedle had made strong oppositions about the shift of the company from the United Kingdom to the Netherlands. The article investigates the reason for the restriction of the shift and provides evidences so that Unilever remain in the markets of United Kingdom (The Guardian.com 2018). One of the reasons for the public declaration of the proposal may help the think tanks of the company to make better decisions regarding the shift and the second reason is said to the more important reason as it involves a great deal of financial loss for the company.
As stated by Agnihotri et al. (2016) the manner in which the company has grown in the UK is mainly due to its existence in the FTS100, which has provided Unilever with an opportunity to dominate the world and at the same time provide it with an advantage in the market. The article provides an opinion of the fund managers in a way that the step taken by the company is unusual and it is necessary that Unilever manufactures and produces goods in a manner that can have a positive effect on the environment (The Guardian.com 2018). However, one of the considerations that the article fails to consider is the fact that despite the opinion of the stakeholders the majority of the poll may decide the shift of the company.
The article provides an analysis of the opinion of Blackrock, the largest holder of the shares of Unilever (The Guardian.com 2018). According to the sources of the article, it is seen that the Blackrock considers the movement as an arrogant and aloof decision that may have a negative impact on the financial statute of the business. In this case, it can be said that the responsibilities of the assets of the managers have grown considerably and it is necessary that Unilever develop responsibilities in the market of the United Kingdom so that the investment can be made keeping in mind the factors that is necessary for the development of the organisation. According to Dijkmans et al. (2015), it is necessary that every company considers the best option for expansion and the decision need to be taken by the managers as well as the shareholders of the company.
In the case of Unilever, the opinion provided by Blackrock may be considered as an important factor for the development of the company. It is also necessary that the company maintains and consults with the clients so that other companies can continue its services in the market. Thus, it can be said that this particular article does not provide a positive tone for the development of business and its shift from one place to another with the hopes of continuing its profit.
First Post:
It has been stated earlier that social media plays a crucial role in the development of an organisation as well as the manner in which it can bring about a downfall for the organisations. In the case of Unilever, the popularity of the company in the local and international market can be considered by understanding its development in the social media world and the competence that it may be bring about in the business. The focused Facebook page of Unilever provides an idea about the responses of the people and the manner in which Unilever provides opportunities for growth and development in the modern world (Facebook.com 2018).
It needs to be taken into consideration that Unilever is one of the companies that have the best sustainability service in the world. Thereby the Facebook page provides evidence of the manner in which Unilever has inspired the lives of the people and have provided them with an opportunity to grow and develop their lives and talents. As stated by Hwong et al. (2017) it is important that every person feels special and gain opportunity for growth in the market. The posts from the website provide evidence about the inspiration Unilever provides to people to take charge of responsibilities that are provided to them. The initiative taken that is in focus is the Future Purpose Leader that helps in gaining insights of different people and analyses their opinion about the company (Facebook.com 2018).
Therefore, it can be said that the post provide a positive tone that helps in understanding the contributions made by the company. The best part of the post is that every respondent is spread across the world and based on the responses provided by them; they provide an understanding of the capabilities of Unilever. As stated by Ruths and Pfeffer (2014) the opinion of the people play a major role in helping to understand the competence of the companies and at the same time provide a proper understanding of the factors that exist in creating a reputed business in the market. The origin of the programme and the way it changed the look of the company is described vividly in the post. One of the interesting observations that can be made from the post is that the campaign can be considered as a social responsibility that is undertaken by companies (Gehl 2014). Therefore, the post helps in proving that Unilever is indeed the best company in trying to access its competence in the social responsibilities.
Therefore, it can be said that this particular Facebook post provide an opportunity to understand the campaigns and tactics of Unilever. The reason behind this post being popular and effective in the market is that the post provides an opportunity for the competitors to acknowledge the good work done by the company and in turn continue to develop the business. Hence, it can be said that the Facebook is effective in trying to point out opportunities for development as well as the good work performed by Unilever.
Second Post:
The second post is that of the Twitter account of Unilever and it provides an analysis of the activities undertaken by the company (Twitter.com 2018). At the same time the thoughts, opinions, feedback and conversation of the people is also mentioned that helps in understanding the development of the company in the market. As stated by Retzbach and Maier (2015) communication is important for the development of an organisation. The communication can be between the internal people in the organisations as well as with the customers. Therefore, it needs to be taken into consideration that these responses and feedback can have a positive impact on the organisation and help in its growth and development. The Twitter account of Unilever provides an idea about the series of conversations that take place between the customers.
It has been seen from the post that the major responses of the people have been on the adoption of palm oil by undertaking deforestation as a means of extracting the item. Despite the fact that Unilever had twitted for the promotion of green peace, most people have responded in a negative manner towards the company, as it needs to develop its illegal contents and undo the work that is being. It is seen that the people have also admonished not only Unilever but also the competitors of the company such as Nestle over the use of illegal means of manufacturing products (Twitter.com 2018). In view of this it can be said that social media plays an important role for the development of fans as well as provide an important voice for the spread of message across the world (Agilitypr.com 2018).
In the case of Unilever, this has been the cause as the company had been using palm oil for the development of its products and people have chosen to admonish using the substance for pleasure. The post also show criticism about the profit making activity of the company and an appreciation has been provided to people who have respondent wonderfully to the posts. As stated by Grundmann and Scott (2014) such appreciation can help people to develop a talent for writing which points to the fact that the Facebook post analysed earlier about future leaders is undertaken by Unilever. The help of the Twitter can easily understand the things that are wrong with the company and in that case hope that it continues to inspire people to develop and help in the progress of the organisation.
Third Post:
The third post consists of the Instagram account of Unilever in which posts regarding the development of the company and its effectiveness of the company in the Malaysian community is evidenced (Instagram.com 2018). It is seen from the post that the Unilever Future Leaders League has various followers around the world and this particular post focus is on the development of the leaders in Malaysia. The focus of the post is on two different people that have used the Unilever products. One of the enlightening prospects of the post is that it helps in providing evidence of the stories that are shared by the people at the homes so that young children can understand the impact Unilever has on their lives.
Ainin et al. (2015) is of the opinion that it is necessary to share stories of a particular product so that children can be made excited about the purchase of the product. Unilever manufactures products that can be consumed by children such as chocolates and in this way; it builds about a reputation for the development of the reputation of the company. From the post, it can be seen that the responses provided by the people are good and this justifies the fact that the stories that are told by the people are directed at the good side of Unilever (Instagram.com 2018). One of the important elements that can be gained from the post is the fact that Unilever has managed to gain a considerable number of followers in the market and that the development of teams among the people of the country is one of the important achievements that has been carried on by the company.
Hence, it can be said that the post provides an exquisite view of the importance of Unilever and the manner in which the company provides the required motivation to people to use their products. Valkenburg (2017) is of the opinion that it is important for every customer to understand the development of an organisation by judging its price as well as the quality of the products that are sold. At the same time, such posts provide an opportunity for competitors to view the success of a company. In the case of Unilever, the competitors of the company can create similar campaigns to match its existing skills and competence so that Unilever can face competition from other existing companies.
Blog 1
The management of Unilever Company has purchased the traceable renewable electricity in a number of different countries located in different continents of the world. The list includes the likes of Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand in Asia. It has also bough similar assets in South Africa. The amount of total renewable electricity now stands at a staggering 100,000 MWh. The company has thus become one of the major international corporations to secure renewable energy consumption and achieve the international standard in the coming days. The mentioned organization has applied similar kind of schemes in North America and Europe. I-REC is the new global standard for the documentation of renewable energy consumption (Cunningham et al. 2015). Nowadays a growing number of countries have received such infrastructure. The following also meets the robust criterion from the Carbon Disclosure Project also called CDP in short. It has to also meet the criterion of RE100 which is termed as a global campaign that is needed for 100% renewable energy. The following blog explains the importance of the journey of Unilever to be carbon positive by the year 2030. The achievement of the following task will help the organization to reduce the consumption of the energy needs of the company and move more towards the 100% carbon removal of the organization. According to most of the critics the strategy of Unilever sets a great standard for the other companies who have an international presence like that of Unilever. The introduction of I-REC has helped the company to take forward the renewable energy program and introduce it all over the world. Apart from that the partnership of the company with other kinds of different small organizations has helped them to manage the organizational viewpoint in a proper and effective manner. The idea of operating in a business environment which is based upon a total of 100% renewable energy helps the organization in different kinds of ways. A majority of more than 80 large corporate have joined the RE100 campaign and have committed to the use of 100% renewable energy. The following provides great power to the organization. The blog states and praises the unique and bold power of the Unilever Company to move towards 100% renewable energy. The size and reputation of the company will surely spur up a revolution in the renewable energy market and will mark the beginning of a new era in the field of renewable energy. The management of Unilever also pushes a step forward and urges industries and companies of similar stature to join the revolution and increase the use of renewable energy by decreasing the use of the other fuels and non-renewable energy forms. The following step is surely an appreciable step b y the management of Unilever and will surely act as a turning stone in the start of the use of Renewable energy by different kind of companies and organizations. The blog also provides a clear idea of the size and structure of the company. It can be described as the largest or one of the largest companies of the world with a presence in more than 190 countries of the world. The company has a strong customer base of 2 billion people. It has more than 1 lakh employees working for them. The company has a staggering amount of around 400 different brands under its belt which describes its ability. Some of the famous brands of the following company are Vim, Wall’s, PG. Tips, Marmite, Rexona and many more as such.
The sustainable living plan of the organization commits to ;
- Helping the people amounting to more than 1 billion take action to improve their health and well being by the targeted year of 2020.
- Enhancing the livelihood of most of the global population by the year 2020
- Implementation of the environmental impacts of the company by means of different CSR activities through the products by 2030
The company has been ranked as the number one in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index of 2015. The following statistics is important to show the power of the business in the modern market.
Blog 2
The second blog is based on the interview questions on Unilever based in Malaysia. The experience of the interviewee was seen mixed in nature with 50% of the people providing positive response while 38% and 12% of the people respectively showing neutral and negative results respectively. On the other hand 88% of the people applied online for the interview with the company while 12% of the people were the recruiters of the organization. The next question which comes in mind after the following is the type of the interview, on whether it was tough or it was normal. However most of the people who gave the interview termed it to be average in nature and said that the interview was average. Out of 5 people almost 3.2 persons described the following interview to be average in nature. The interview consisted of inductive reasoning test, Logical Reasoning Test, Virtual Interview with the Human Resource manager and a virtual interview with both the HR manager and the Department Director. All the steps in the following interview session was equally important and significant in nature. It helped the organization to be more specific and also helped the interviewees to get a clear idea of the needs and wants of the organization from them. The questions asked in the following interview are as follows;
- Why do you choose the particular department?
- Are you familiar with the tools of Microsoft Office?
- How do you think that the activities in the university can contribute to the skills in the roles that you have applied for?
The communication during the interview process was much easy in nature. According to one of the interviewees the process was very easy and quite quick. The people who took the interview were patient and friendly in nature. All of the people who conducted the interview were friendly and open to different kind of suggestions. This was quite odd as in other different interviews the people generally do not cooperate with the people and tend to instil a sense of fear at the beginning to test their nerves. The management trainee interview on the other hand was a written test through e-mail. The result of the written test was declared after two weeks and then the selected candidates are called in for further tests. This includes face to face interviews and some other similar interview (Cunningham et al. 2015). The customer development representative interview is applied through an online process. The following interview has a number of different selection processes. This includes the likes of;
- Online Application
- Online Test (Numerical Questions)
- Phone Interview
- Interview in Headquarter
- Competency Interview
- Case Study presentation
- Group Discussion
The following interview questions were asked in the following interview process;
- What is the leadership style followed in Unilever?
- How can Unilever change its leadership strategy to achieve a good result?
Blog 3
The sustainable Living plan of Unilever is one of the most innovative strategies of the organization as it makes up for one of the most ambitious global strategies that the organization has ever embarked on. The company pledged to double in size and set off a much larger footprint in environmental affairs and reduce its carbon footprint on the other hand. The management of Unilever has also plans to achieve the goals of the organization by the year 2020. One year on the company that touches 2 billion people a day with products ranging from that of Persil to Marmite have announced the strong financial results that they believe will outclass their competitors in the market. The strategy of the company in formulating the USLP was how the business can contribute towards the sustainable future. It is important to do the exact thing to ensure that the strategies help the companies to be profitable. The first step towards ensuring sustainability is to ask the right question on how can the businesses be made sustainable. It is also important for a business to think long term plans just like that of Unilever which has a long term plan to race ahead of time in deciding the different strategies. The long term planning is important for the dynamic nature of the modern market (Izberk-Bilgin and Nakata 2016).
The three blogs that have been discussed in this particular report has highlighted different areas of Unilever’s strategies in Marketing, Human resource approach and sustainability. The first blog has highlighted the use of the renewable energy by the company and its gradual acquisition through the means of different types of buying involving renewable assets. The second blog highlights the interview process being followed in Unilever and the experience of the interviewees while giving the interview. Lastly, the third blog highlights the importance of the USLP program of the company, which is also followed by other companies of the world. The elements of the following process involve the likes of the long term planning and reduction of carbon footprint in the world by the management of the company.
From the analysis of the media reports, it can be said that Malaysia relies heavily on the use of the newspapers, online articles as well as social media for running background check of a company or product. In the case of Unilever, evidence from these sources about the company is automatically high as it provides every detail about the company by focusing on its pros and cons. This can be a huge advantage for the people of the country as the expectations from the company can be categorised based on its past performances or its current condition of functioning at the work place. The analysis from the articles focus primarily on the fact that Unilever is one of the most sustainable companies in the world and that certain acts undertaken by it need to be abolished so that it can justify its sustainability stature in the market. It needs to be considered that the adoption of help from social media can help in building up the reputation of the company and prevent it from being disgraced due to its tarnished illegal activities.
The analysis provides the positive as well as the negative contents that make up the functions of an organisation. In the case of Unilever, the analysis provides evidence about the manner in which Unilever can rectify certain parts of its business activities so that it can continue its development in the market. The online article of the local market provides evidence about the existence and the impact of Unilever in the current market. It is necessary for every company to continue to thread in the policies that it has developed since its inception. In the case of Unilever, the manner in which the company have been able to attend high compatibility in the market can be a success story for the development of the market. It is also necessary that every people that are involved with the company particularly as stakeholders develop a fondness for the company so that it can help them to grow in the market.
In this case, it is necessary that Unilever take certain actions that can help in its development and provide its customers with an opportunity to continue to help its production in the market. However, the analysis also shows that certain actions of Unilever have been met with criticisms that require proper recommendation for its existence. For example, the fact that Unilever is involved in illegal activities such a extraction of palm oil by deforestation method is met with criticism from most people in the market. It is necessary that Unilever be provided with opportunities to conduct business with sources that have a high impact in the business world. One of the major analyses from the article is that Unilever tends to continue the growth of its business irrespective of the setback it receives. This provides the company with an edge to continue its dominance in the market and acquire products and organisations at will. Hence, it can be said that Unilever promotes the existence of proper sources and at the same time provides customers with satisfaction related to the use of the products.
The analysis of the posts from the social media provides evidence that Unilever is met with both negative and positive feedback from the people. While the campaign undertaken by the company about being leaders in life provides people with opportunities to improve their life condition, the illegal activity in terms of destruction of the ecosystem also provides the company with criticism over the use of palm oil. Hence, the company to develop its business and at the same time ensure that it manages to gain a considerable growth in the development in the market can use such comments from the people. In this regard, it can be said that Unilever is one of the most effective companies that has the best sustainability programme and provides people with opportunities to grow and make their lives worthwhile. At the same time, it also helps in the existence and development of a market irrespective of the country of origin. The analysis of the articles and the post recur similar activities that are undertaken by Unilever and debate regarding opening a new headquarter in Rotterdam can be up for debate despite the topic being shunned by the managers.
Another analytical point is that the Malaysian people have developed a proper sense of challenging the media and at the same time analysing it so that it can provide a proper understanding of the factors that they need to be worried about. This includes gaining a background of Unilever and its capabilities and contributions throughout the world. This has helped Malaysia to continue its growth and the Government to limit any damages that can be provided with the illegal use of palm oil. Hence, it can be said that the digital application along with the traditional approach to media is an important factor for the development of the country.
Despite the strong market presence of Unilever in the different countries, the weakness of the company cannot be denied. Some of the main weakness of the company is;
- Imitable products- As mentioned earlier the company has more than 400 different brands varying from large to small and medium ranges by its name. The varied range of products of the company makes it one of the toughest jobs to ensure successful copyright of the products in the market. There are many other companies in the market that provide similar kind of products and in some cases even the same looking product, which is a major threat to the original product. As because it tends to limit the sales of the original product as most of the time unaware customers without having any idea of the actual product tends to buy the wrong product. Unilever can mitigate the imitations of the products by taking into consideration the factors that are involved in spreading awareness among the people. In the case of Unilever, it can be said that the company can brand mark it products so that any replica can be proved as forged. At the same time other business issues such as diversification of business can be mitigated to get the company into proper shape.
- Limited Business Diversification- Unilever has in its total lifetime always concentrated on consumer goods product and has not tried to diversify itself. The absence of proper diversification within the organization is one of its main weaknesses.
- Too much dependence on Retailers- The management of Unilever is too much dependent on the retailers to sell its manufactured products to the customers. The absence of any sales point or stores of Unilever is the main reason for the following. It is important for the business to ensure that they keep some kind of sales point where only products of the particular company will be available to the consumers. A company like that of Unilever doesn’t suit devoid of a sales point.
The above mentioned weaknesses can turn into serious threats in the absence of proper implementation of strategies. Such kind of strategies includes the likes of;
- Unilever must seriously think of opening up selected range of stores that will sell the specific range of products manufactured by the company and will also promote the company specific products from these very stores
- The opening of the above mentioned stores will seriously reduce the dependency of the management of Unilever on the retailers to sell and promote the products from their stores
- The management of Unilever must engage in business apart from the consumer goods and move on to new such opportunities
- Diversification of business opportunities is essential for the business as because it will help the business to be successful in nature and limit the amount of loss if any in the future
- The company must create a different department to look after the legal copyrights of the organization.
- The legal copyrights of the products manufactured by the organization will be helpful for the business to ensure that no single products are imitated by other companies
Apart from all these a number of other recommendations have also been identified in the following report. They are as follows;
- The company must use ethical methods to carry on its operations as the use of different unethical methods reduces the future sustainability of the Company
- The company must use different new methods to market their products to attract new and potential customers
- The use of new kind of promotional techniques will help the business organization to promote their products in the market
- As mentioned in the articles it is important for Unilever to use environment friendly techniques to expand their business in the above said market.
- It is important for the business to follow the different kind of rules and regulations in the market which can be helpful for the development of the business in the markets of the world
- The products must be manufactured accordingly and the company must engage in CSR activities that will help them to engage with the community
- The community engagement programs will help the organization to engage with the customers and help the distressed
The CSR programs can also help the company to receive quality investments that will help them to further intensify their brands accordingly
The following report has been prepared by compiling the summaries of a number of different articles from print media including journals and newspapers, social media including articles and news letters published in Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The report has also used a number of posts and news articles from blogs, articles present in the magazines and many more as such. The use of all these different articles has been helpful as each of these individual articles have discussed about different news on Unilever. This includes news on Marketing strategies of the company, new and improved innovative promotion strategies and promotional campaigns of the company. The news articles and blogs have also discussed on the interview process and some ethical wrong doings of the company. The following articles have provided a clear and transparent view especially a first person view of the management and the working styles of the organization. The report has also provided a number of different steps that are undertaken while conducting an interview of the company. The interview of the company is constructed by using a number of different processes like e mail test, online virtual test, face to face interview and practical test. The introduction of the interview process of the organization is the most significant part of the following report and helps in making the report more compact and diverse in nature. The report has also provided a number of findings that has helped to construct the report more properly. An analysis and summary of all the report has been provided in this part. The findings are succeeded by the recommendations part where the weaknesses of the company have been analyzed scientifically and the recommendations of the following weaknesses along with some other recommendations have been provided. The following recommendations are important to improve the overall performance of the business.
The thorough analysis of the following report will help the readers to have a proper and effective understanding of the marketing prowess of the organization and its ability to control the market in a proper and scientific manner. The report ends with an individual; reflection part where a reflection is presented about the experience of the total report. The last part of the report can also be termed as an analysis or brief yet compact summary of the total report that identifies the importance of the different organizational goals and importance of Unilever in the following process.
After the analysis of the articles, as well the recommendations that are provided for Unilever, a personal reflection can be given that highlights the thoughts of the 6 people that have undertaken the research and have reviewed the various newspapers and blogs to conclude. These opinions are provided by linking the analysis as well establishing a proper thought process that highlights the existence of the company and the manner in which it can help in the development of life of the people.
The first opinion rests on the fact that Unilever is undoubtedly one of the best companies in the world and it is necessary that the company continue to impress in the market by attaining customer satisfaction. I believe that it is important for Unilever to continue the business process in such a manner that helps it to maintain its reputation and continue with the activities that can help it to build the trust of the people. To do so it is necessary that Unilever maintain legal services and extraction of plants and oil seeds required for the success of its products. This can also account to the fact that Unilever need to understand the impact it creates in the society and the expectations that people have upon listening to the name. Hence, in my opinion changes to certain degree can help Unilever to continue with its journey in the market.
The second opinion sites that Unilever need to undertake policies and procedures that require the maintenance of legal factors in the market. I have observed that Unilever needs to continue working legally so that it can gain the trust of the customers and at the same time ensure that the market of the company receive proper feedback from the people. In my opinion social networking sites can help in the development of the company and at the same time provide the company with an opportunity to continue its business in a legal manner. As seen from the analysis of blogs and posts, Unilever receives both positive and negative responses from the people. My personal opinion is that due to the crisis at hand, it can be helpful if Unilever receive mails that highlight the illegal activities and the impact it may have on the business.
The third personal reflection highlights the shift of headquarter from UK to the Netherland. According to the analysis of the articles, due to the fear of financial loss and the fact that Unilever may lose opportunities in the FTSE 100 of the UK, the decision to shift its headquarters is scrapped. However, in my opinion such an activity can be considered as a bad move as splitting up the business can provide opportunities for gaining access to different markets across the country. In my opinion, the managers of Unilever need to continue with the development of the market and make the shift either to the Netherlands or any other countries that have a good trade relation with the world. The fact that Malaysian people use both the traditional as well as the digital media is a consolation factor as it proves that the country is developing at a fast rate and proper research is being undertaken before investigating in any company. Hence, I am of the view that the media is the best source of analysis while trying to identify any potential threats in the market.
The forth opinion reflects on the positive nature of the business that Unilever have on the market. Analysis has shown that Unilever is the best in the sustainability business and therefore, it is important that the company be encouraged to undertake actions that help in its growth. In this regard, it can be said that Unilever can continue with the development of its sustainability practise and I believe that the campaign undertaken by the company can help people to gain inspiration and lead life. Such campaigns can help in the growth of talents and Unilever can benefit by gaining the talents required for the success of the company.
The fifth opinion provides evidence of the manner in which Unilever can conduct legal business. In my opinion, it is necessary that Unilever analyse the market in which the company exists and at the same time provide its customers with opportunities to understand the services it provides. However, one of the most important factors that Unilever need to consider is that legality of the business can be made by analysing the policies that are made by the Government of the countries. As the company exists in different locations, I believe that it needs to analyse every given country in which it continues its business.
The sixth reflection is of the opinion that Unilever need to conduct experiments in terms of analysing the sustainability that exists in the market and align it with the success of the company. At the same time, I believe that Unilever need to understand the opinion provided by the people so that it can continue in developing the business and move forward in analysing the impact social media can create. In the case of the people of Malaysia, the application of both traditional as well as digital form of communication can help the country to gain the required information before starting to invest in the purchase of products from the company.
After the analysis, it can be said that in order to understand the current affairs of reputed organisations, it is necessary that the people use digital as well as traditional media. In the case of Malaysia, the media used by the company can provide a sense of analysis for the development of a company and its competence. At the same time, it can be said that it is also necessary that Unilever take into account every detail that can help it to continue with its dominance in the industry and provide it with an opportunity to grow. In my opinion, the manner in which Unilever can provide assistance to the people all around the world is crucial for the development of the company and in doing so can help in the growth of the company in Malaysian environment as well.
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