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Racism and its Characteristics


Describe about the Racism issue in Kuwait?

Racism has been one of the major concerns that are faced by the people and groups in many of the developing and developed countries. It is termed as the characteristics or belief that attributes people based on the factors that are related to racism. People or groups promote or discourage the religious followings of some of the groups or people. Despite of efforts being made by the authorities, the success rate is quite less. Racism has been used as a powerful weapon for spreading fears, religion rebellion, and evil practices. This has increased the number of conflicts and internal wars against people following a particular religious method in the same country. Such factors have negatively impacted the economic performance of the country. As per the Article 19, every individual has a right of speech. This has also being mentioned under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Racism is not limited to the type of words and sentences used to express the feelings and views of a group, against the other. It also includes the acts that have been performed against the other. The act in some cases has caused serious consequences and has impacted hundreds and thousands of people. This essay has been prepared to highlight the evil impact of racism in many of the Middle East countries including Kuwait. The discrimination has been common amongst the foreign workers who are employed by companies in Kuwait (Ali et al., 2011).  

The workers are provided with low wages, and less facilities which discriminates them from the residents of the country. Passports of the workers have been confiscated for improper reasons. The authorities in some cases treat the staffs as the second class residents or citizens. Such factors have become a serious concern, as the number of incidences is constantly increasing. The essay has articles published on two different newspapers. The contents were associated with the racism, and the impact of the practices on the people. Cases related to racism have become quite common at workplace and in organizing different programs or events (Act Alliance, 2011).

Kuwait is a country that has been guided by the Islamic practices, and this is assumed by the people to be a peaceful country. However the fact is quite different from the stated reality. The laws formed and followed by the authorities of the country are not good enough to support the human rights that are required for the individual. The report also states that the Asian expats in Kuwait have the appropriate type of job, which contributes towards the economic development of the country. Nevertheless, the authorities fail to provide the members with the rights and benefits that are deserved by the expats (Aguna and Kovacevic, 2011).

Employees are hired from many of the Asian countries at the lowest price. the companies don’t have to pay a higher wage rates for the staffs being hired from  such countries. However, the management of the company don’t pay any benefits to the people hired from different parts of the globe.

Discriminatory Practices Faced by Foreign Workers in Kuwait

This is considered to be improper and contributes towards racism. Many workers are provided with illegal visas, which make the whole process illegal. Through such process, the management of the company attempts to increase the profits, and provide fewer benefits to the people. Rich and established people of the country, continue to earn lucrative profit every year, while poor fail to protect the rights that have to be provided to them. The issue related to racism has always been serious and thus the authorities have attempted to take the corrective steps that would control the consequences of the acts.

In the past, the colonialism had caused racism, which included racial discrimination and implementation of intolerance rules on the people. The authorities in Kuwait had imposed strict rules on the Asian expats, which had made the event quite inhuman for the people. Impact of racism on the lives of the people from different descendants had to be analysed. Through this process, an effort for corrective actions and proper implementation of the steps for securing the lives of the people could be introduced for the people. Victims of the racism had to face lots of challenges in leading a normal live. Such rights were an integral part of the basic rights that were supposed to be provided to the people. The authorities had to take the correct steps through which the structure of the country for following the rights that has to be provided to the people has to be implemented (Alkire, Conconi, and Seth, 2014).

Racism is a factor that impacts the economic performance of the country negatively. It also affects the cultural and social factors, which is considered to be essential for the development of the country. The factors that are associated with racism and racial discrimination have affected the performance of the country. In fact, it has caused underdevelopment of the nation, which is a serious concern for the people. Rights provided to men, children, and women has to be equal as this would help in analysing the challenges and implementing the right steps that would help in providing equal rights to the people residing in the country. Apart from providing equal rights, it is essential to develop and implement an effective rule that would provide equal and fair opportunities to the expats residing in the court. In other words, it is essential to introduce the right development steps that would provide an atmosphere to everyone (Amnesty International, 2012).

As per an analysis report, it has been stated that Kuwait is one of the worst countries for expats to stay. This has been due to the poor results in the process of setting ease in the index system and valuing people. The process to get settled in Kuwait is not easy, as there are quite a few facilities that have been provided to the people. Media and other social networking system have played an important role in highlighting the trauma faced by the expats residing in Kuwait. Authorities have been working towards improving the laws that are meant to secure the people residing in the country.

Impact of Racism on Economic Performance and Human Rights

As per the amended rules, the legal authorities wouldn’t be able to deport the people from the country without seeking permission from the interior ministry. New rule has been drafted to implement changes that would help in providing more benefits to the people. The rules have been amended by the “Kuwait Society for Human Rights” which is also called as KSHR. It has been stated that around 2.7 million people are expatriated from the country every year.

News channel and other media’s play an important role in analysing the problem or issues faced by the people. Through such medium an effort has been made to implement the changes that would provide better help to the people who decide to reside in the country. Discrimination has a direct impact on the social economic factor of the country. Thus, it is imperative to control the problem and implement the right steps that would create awareness about the issue. The laws have been constantly reviewed and the required changes are implemented to provide better benefits to the people. Such process is meant to reduce the internal conflicts that affect the peace and harmony within the country. Due to an increase in the cases against racism, report about the violations against the people who have shifted from different parts of the globe to Kuwait has doubled up.  Social Medias like the Kuwait times and other international Medias cover the serious consequences of the problem. This has been done with an intention of reducing the impact of racial discrimination on the people. It is essential to impose rules that would increase the value of democratic values, and encourage the people to form participatory governance.

The group and the practices are followed by different states and countries in various political sector. This is one of the reasons, it becomes imperative to form and implement effective strategies and structures that would look into the factors that cause racism issue within the country. If the right steps are not taken, then it would affect the multi ethnic groups and other institutes that are followed within the country. Through this process, it is possible to control the discriminating factors or practices that are followed against the people from the minority group (Barro and Lee, 2013).

Internal discrimination that prevails in the country is due to the different rules and policies that are followed by the people. In Kuwait, the people from some of the community are not provided with the nationality. Such groups are called as Bedoon. The group is expected to pay for the official documentation to enter into the country. Such individuals have to follow the stated rules for marrying, gaining the birth or the death certificates, issuing the driver’s licenses, and requesting for the identification methods.  Such groups of people have to visit the council of the government authorities, and implement the rights. The process is considered to be quite challenging and in some cases time consuming. Many of the groups of the people are not permitted to work within the country. This has affected the rights and privileges that have been provided to the people. Some of the imposed rules against the people are –

  1. Inability to purchase property
  2. Not permitted to get the travel papers (Bevelander and Otterbeck, 2012).

Need for Corrective Actions and Effective Rules

Thus, the rules for implementing the equal rules for the people has been drafted and implemented by the authorities.  Recently, the authorities had simplified the rules for issuing the travel documents that are required for accomplishing the religious journey. However, it is necessary to provide the authorities with the identification that has been issued in the right manner. In case the people are not able to prove the identity, then such individuals are not permitted to return back to the country. The Bedoon man decides to marry women from Kuwait, and then the children would be considered to be from Bedoon descendants. This is not the case, when Kuwait man marries Bedoon women. In this case, the women and her children can easily acquire the citizenship. In the similar manner, the rules associated with the divorce are quite different from the rules that have been imposed for the people in the country. The Kuwaiti women cannot claim for the children but can claim for alimony. Such differences in rules create serious variances, which would affect the liberty and freedom of men and women who choose to reside in Kuwait (Birt, 2009).

The rules for racism have been reviewed to analyse the rights that have been provided to the people from the minority group. In this case, it is quite essential to adopt and implement an effective rule for implementing changes in the administrative and judicial measures. This would help in implementing the changes that would provide better living rights that is necessary for the people from the minority group. In order to improve the rights and provide privilege to the people, the federal authorities had introduced effective rules and regulations that would be useful in working against racism and racial discrimination. People are provided with the privileges that have been framed in accordance with the international laws. The laws and the rules that are drafted for the people residing in Kuwait is different from the ones that are followed for providing maximum benefits and rights to the people. Rules are introduced for the people of the country. In this case, the law for enforcement is introduced to provide equal rights for the people residing in the country. The laws are introduced by the authorities are meant to provide better facilities to the people, which also includes -

  • Impose rules for reducing the violations against the human rights
  • Implement better rules for fundamental freedom or rights that are required for securing the lives of the people (Cesari, 2006).
  • Introduce rules that would help the people being victimised from the practices of racism and racial discrimination

In this theory, the attitudes, values, beliefs, and morals are shared by the media authorities with the people of the society. It is considered to be one of the best mechanisms for imposing social control on various activities that impacts the lives of the people. Through this process, the thought flow of majority of the people and its impact on the society has been highlighted. In this case, the ideas are developed and it is implemented in the right manner. The dominant class is used for highlighting the revolutionary idea. The social control process is exercised with an intention of manipulation of various aspects that are related to the religion or political factors. It is quite important to implement social stability that would impact the rights of the people.

Issues associated with discrimination quite often have increased the issues related to violations and other manifestations. These factors are serious and had to be handled in the prescribed manner. The role played by the political groups, along with the organizations plan to implement strategies to improve the security measures that is intended to be provided to the people. As per the rules framed by the United Nations, the rights that are associated with certain group of people have to be analysed. In this case, the below mentioned factors were analysed in the right manner –

  1. Providing equal rights to the people
  2. Provide civil and political rights to the minority group of people
  3. Introduce plans that would help in the sustainable development of the people and the country (Crawford, 2007).

The rights of the Bedoon group of people were highlighted for various reasons. In this case, the plans for relocating the people and the community group had to be drafted. There were many people who had to face legal actions that included deportation, for getting involved in any acts that were considered to be illegal or improper by the authorities. The improper rules and regulations had encouraged many people to issue legal notice or fight for the rights of the community. People from the Bedoon had also fought for the rights, and such a difference has to be handled or minimised in the right manner. Such steps had to be implemented after analysing the rules that were imposed by the international groups. In the past, it was noticed that the Kuwaiti the authorities, didn’t take appropriate steps to reduce the inhuman behaviour or activities that were followed against the people of the country. The rights for the people has been mentioned below -  

  1. To get equal rights to reside in the country
  2. Implement easy methods through which the citizenship could be achieved
  3. Get rights to earn better in the country (Chris, 2007).
  4. Restrict the authorities from imposing unacceptable rules that would restrict the freedom of the people.

In the past, the Kuwaiti authorities didn’t take the correct steps that would help in solving the issues associated with the racism. The problem was discussed by the members in the parliament; however, no effective steps were planned and implemented by the authorities. Racism was indeed a serious concern, but the steps that were planned to be implemented were not accurate. The problem associated with the human efforts and political factors that impacted the people were quite serious.

The need to develop and implement effective strategies for providing rights to the people of the country has been analysed. As per the rules drafted by the United Nations, an attempt has been made to evaluate, the critical issues that are associated with the racial discrimination and racism. The rules and the rights that have been granted to women have being analysed. This has been done to analyse the challenges that can affect the rights that have been proposed to be granted to the people.  The obstacles and the challenges faced by the women groups have to be analysed. It is quite important to provide the women group with the rights and benefits that would help in improving the quality of living for the people. The political parties have been entrusted with the task related to improving the civil and economic factors that would help in providing better facilities to the people (Chris, 2010).

The number of children or young people in Kuwait basically faces victimization issues, which impacts the lives of the people. Many programs has been introduced for analysing the steps that would have to be followed for implementing special measures that would help in the development of the people. Thus, the right steps have been taken for combating the issues associated with racism that restricts people from getting the benefits framed by the UN.

In some cases the inequitable and political factors also impact the racism factors. The process to develop positive and feasible equality rights for every individual has to be done in the right manner, as this will help in upgrading the lives of the people. As per the UN rules, it is essential to follow fundamental rules that would help in eradicating the issues associated with racism.

The factors that are associated with racism and employment have to be analysed. Rules state that the companies or organizations need to follow the right steps through which the members or the staffs could be provided with fair and equal rights to work at the organization. In Kuwait, many people from foreign countries have reported to be exploited from different types of racism and racial discrimination issues. The formation of the non-government organizations would prove to be quite helpful in handling the issues associated with such factors. The prime motive is to develop and implement the right steps through which the discrimination factors can be analysed. Also an attempt has been made to ensure that the workplace is free from any sort of discrimination that can affect the morality of the individual. The rules associated with civil rights enforcement and public education has to be analysed. This will help in developing and implementing the rules that would help the people in overpowering the issues that can affect the development of the community. In the similar manner, it is essential to establish and follow the right methods for communicating the challenges that can directly impact the morality of the individuals (ECLAC, 2012).

The role played by the political groups also has to be considered in this process. The political groups in Kuwait have been striving towards solving the problem that has been associated with solving the issue related to racial discrimination. However, the rules have been discussed, and the effective solution is yet to be implemented by the authorities. The political groups have been working towards solving the issues and promoting equity basis that would encourage the members to do the right things for benefitting the organization. In order to curb the inequality amongst the employees or the expats the federal authorities promote the below mentioned factors –

  1. Solidarity
  2. Equality
  3. Reducing of non-discrimination (Evelyn, 2007).

The debate and the action plan that have been drafted by the authorities are analysed. This would help in overpowering the issues that are associated with unequal rights and racism. In this process, corrective measures are expected to take in terms of law amending, measuring the values, and analysing the policies that have been followed by the authorities. The steps have to be analysed as this will help in providing better facilities to the people.

The international rules drafted and implemented for protecting the rights of the individuals or groups play a key role in amending the changes that would help in solving the issues related to racism. The international rules, the discrimination acts and the human rights have been implemented so as to find the best method through which the issues can be resolved. The treaties are formed, and it is necessary to implement the policies in the right manner. This would help in increasing the measures that would have to be followed for securing the rights of the individuals or the groups. The rule that has been drafted for eliminating the issue related to racial discrimination has to be discharged with an intention of providing better facilities to the people. Polices mentioned in the treaty have to be followed by the members in the accurate manner. The international community from different parts of the globe draft exclusively policies through which the changes related to racism can be implemented. This has been done in collaboration with the United Educational System. The cultural values and other issues can impact the strategy set forth by the authorities have to be analysed. The quality of education, along with the rights to work has been included in the rules that have been drafted by the UN.  International rules for human rights and protection have to be implemented in the right procedure. This would help the federal authorities in protecting the rights and dignity of the people and the groups. The rules are exclusively drafted for the members or the people (Ezzerhoini, 2010).

As per the allegations that were levied by the authorities, it was noted that the authorities from the sports department were involved in issues that could cause racism and corrupting in different areas like sports and organizing events. There are different factors that have caused or increased the possibilities for racism.  As per the authorities, such acts were related to the racist’s actions that were expected to be taken against the Middle East countries. Such incidences or occurrences have become quite common in Kuwait and other countries in Middle East. In the similar manner, the quality of education and the roles played by the teachers and other education experts have been questioned. This has been done to question the credibility of the rules that has been drafted for securing the education rights for the people. In the past, it is observed that many political and controversial factors or issues existed. This had impacted the quality of education that was intended to be introduced to help students in learning new lessons. Due to the factors associated with racism and other factors, the issues related to internal conflicts became quite serious. The atrocities imposed on people have to be worked out serious by the authorities. This has been done by implementing the rules that would help in solving the internal conflicts can be resolved. Such a factor was quite important as this would help on reducing the negative impact of racism. The problem that could affect the educational system and impact the people in getting the best education have to be analysed. This would help in solving the problem and adopting the best steps through which the essential steps could be taken to introduce the changes (Fekete, 2009).

Kuwait and many of the countries in the Middle East have always been suffering from the issues related to the racism and social discrimination against the people and the community or the groups that exist in the country. The ratio of discrimination against the foreign citizens has been increasing. There have been various reasons that have been associated with the same; however none of them could be justified. Workers or expats from the Asian countries like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and others work in Arab countries and Kuwait. However the authorities fail to provide the members or the staffs with the rights that would secure their lives and work culture. The discrimination behaviour and laws or rules followed against such people or groups have been serious concerns. Many of the workers in this country are hired for foreign nations. The country has limited members or qualified staffs that could perform the challenging tasks at the workplace. Such factors contribute towards the economic development of the country. However, the authorities and the management of certain companies fail to realise the importance of providing better work culture and security to the members (Gallup, 2013).

Issues faced by the people moving from different places like Mecca and Jeddah are quite different. In this case, people belong to minor group, and have to face lots of challenges that are related to providing better rights to the people. The rights of the ethnic groups and culture had to be protected. Authorities of the country had failed to impose the precise rules that would secure the rights of the people. This was one of the reasons; many people or organizations imposed self-made rules. The rules were manipulated by the people with higher power. Thus the needs to impose accurate rules that would provide better rights to the people had to be imposed by the authorities (George, 2011).

Religious belief and practices has been few of the reasons that have contributed towards the discrimination factors. In some cases, people are emotionally attracted with the religion and prohibit others from following the practices that has been followed in their country. The discrimination has been carried out in the form of sub-cast and other factors.  This is one of the serious concerns and has to be handled in the right press. The people belonging to the Shia group were not permitted to work in military. In the similar manner, the stress and the rules that were drafted for the foreign members were quite strict and in some cases unacceptable. This has been one of the promote reasons; the authorities now are working towards drafting the best policies that would minimise the racism.

Couples travelling from different countries have been detained for not possessing the marriage certificate copy. Such incidences are not logically accepted, in other developed and developing countries. The search is stricter for Asia expats, and this states about the incidences related to racism (Kuwait Times, 2015).

VOIP applications have been used by many users, for various purposes. The usage cannot be questioned, nor can the details checked for no appropriate reasons. In the similar manner, the expats also face serious problem while applying or getting a driver’s license in this country. In the worst scenario, the licenses of the applicants get cancelled for petty reasons. Rules drafted for the Asian expats in many cases are illogical and unaccepted. The report further states that the authorities conduct a thorough research on the views of the individual or groups of people to get them arrested. Such activities have been considered to be a criminal activity and cannot be accepted as per the rules that have been drafted by the United Nations. Law and order has to be uniform for every individual, regardless of the nationality. However, the rules have been used for seeing an individual or groups, so as to arrest for improper accurate reasons. Kuwait is a country that has been guided by the Islamic practices, and this is assumed by the people to be a peaceful country. However the fact is quite different from the stated reality. The laws formed and followed by the authorities of the country are not good enough to support the human rights that are required for the individual. The report also states that the Asian expats in Kuwait have the appropriate type of job, which contributes towards the economic development of the country. Nevertheless, the authorities fail to provide the members with the rights and benefits that are deserved by the expats (Aguna and Kovacevic, 2011).

Employees are imported from many of the Asian countries, as there are many benefits that are associated with the issue. The authorities usually hire such employees at the lowest price and provide the people with less or no benefits at all. This is considered to be improper and contributes towards racism. Many workers are provided with illegal visas, which make the whole process illegal. Through such process, the management of the company attempts to increase the profits, and provide fewer benefits to the people. Rich and established people of the country, continue to earn lucrative profit every year, while poor fail to protect the rights that have to be provided to them. The issue related to racism has always been serious and thus the authorities have attempted to take the corrective steps that would control the consequences of the acts.

In the past, the colonialism had caused racism, which included racial discrimination and implementation of intolerance rules on the people. The authorities in Kuwait had imposed strict rules on the Asian expats, which had made the event quite inhuman for the people. Impact of racism on the lives of the people from different descendants had to be analysed. Through this process, an effort for corrective actions and proper implementation of the steps for securing the lives of the people could be introduced for the people. Victims of the racism had to face lots of challenges in leading a normal live. Such rights were an integral part of the basic rights that were supposed to be provided to the people. The authorities had to take the correct steps through which the structure of the country for following the rights that has to be provided to the people has to be implemented (Alkire, Conconi, and Seth, 2014).

Racism is a factor that impacts the economic performance of the country negatively. It also affects the cultural and social factors, which is considered to be essential for the development of the country. The factors that are associated with racism and racial discrimination have affected the performance of the country. In fact, it has caused underdevelopment of the nation, which is a serious concern for the people. Rights provided to men, children, and women has to be equal as this would help in analysing the challenges and implementing the right steps that would help in providing equal rights to the people residing in the country. Apart from providing equal rights, it is essential to develop and implement an effective rule that would provide equal and fair opportunities to the expats residing in the court. In other words, it is essential to introduce the right development steps that would provide an atmosphere to everyone (Amnesty International, 2012).

The article highlights the relevance of the amendment rights that was introduced by the activist named Abdullah Fairouz. He was basically known for fighting for the rights of the people from Bedoon.  The leader has being active in fighting for the cause of the stateless status that existed in Kuwait for almost four years. Support was provided through the Nebras group that was formed to provide support to the migrant workers. The leader had expressed his willingness to contest in election, with an intention of implementing constitutional changes. Such changes were meant to benefit the people and protect the rights of the individual.

The leader has been voicing against the issues related to racism and anti-normalization rules or policies that existed in the country for more than 40 years. The prime objective of the leader has been to improve the condition of the people. Such factors reduce the incidences against racial discrimination. He also highlighted some of the practices that were not considered to be favourable for the women of the country. For instance, many men in the e country would marry women in the Urfi process. This was done to hide the new wife from the other wives. Such a practice was criticised as it featured the masculinity of the mentioned the rules that were exclusively drafted for them (Archer, 2003).

The leader also stressed on different forms of racism factors that had impacted the people and the economic development of the country. Discrimination against the immigrants has been constantly increasing. This was done by the authorities by not providing enough benefits and rights that were quite necessary for sustaining on a foreign land. Through the stateless, an effort was made to marginalize the rights that were expected to be provided to the citizens. However, the task was not expected to introduce the rule was considered to be quite far from the reliability that was proposed by the leader. In this case, it was necessary to stay away from the issues related to the social hostility and state. As per the leader, the authorities followed their own rights to sue people and impose restrictions. There was differentiation in the rules that were followed for different class of people. This was done to discriminate people from the rest of the residents of the country. It was essential to draft the best policy through which the discriminating acts could be reduced. At the time of filing legal suits against the people the authorities don’t analyse the impact of the political factors and the judiciary system. In order to reduce the impact of the discriminating acts and practices, it was essential to impose the right rules. Such rules would help the authorities of the country to fight against the evil practices that impacted the people and the country. The election contestants have to voice for the rights of the people and do the things that would help in improving the living standards for the people (Al-Shaikh, and Anas, 2009).


Issues and challenges associated with racism are quite serious in nature and needs to be worked upon in a different manner. However, many countries have to yet yield the expected results. In this case, the challenges and other factors related to racial discrimination and racism have to be analysed. This would help in drafting the best policy through which the challenges can be analysed and worked upon in the right manner. There are many factors that cause racism and it needs to be worked upon on a timely manner. For this, the essential changes have to be implemented after analysing the problem that is related to analysing the factors that are associated with racism. The issue is quite serious in Kuwait, which is one of the important countries in the Middle East. Thus, corrective steps have to be taken to introduce the changes that would help in implementing the right measures through which the rights of the people and the groups can be protected. This is quite an important task and needs to be done in the right manner. The changes in terms of policies and other factors have to be planned and introduced by the authorities. This will help in proving better benefits to the people.


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As per an article, published on “Kuwait Times” on 13th of February, 2015 the bitter truth about the racism was highlighted.  The report stated that Kuwait has been termed to be one of the most racist’s countries in the world. This tag has in fact earned the title of being most hated countries in the world. People working as doctors, accountants, nurses, consultants, and others have to face issues related to racism on a regular basis. In some cases, the VOIP applications of the middle expats have been checked to find the details about the activities performed by the users.

As per the article that was published in the year 2013, the constitutional court of Kuwait had implemented rules for providing voting rights to the people. The law was amended to protect the rights and privileges of the minority groups that prevailed in the country. Discussions were made to analyse the practicality and validity of the rule related to one vote law. This was introduced in place of the older rule that had allowed the individual with four vote rights. Such practices had created unequal rights that were provided to limited individuals. In order to curb this practice, many elections were boycotted. This was also done to announce the candidacy that was considered to be essential for surviving the political turbulence (NewsOk, 2014).

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