Discuss about the Research Ethics on Gambler Behavioural Analysis.
Research Ethics on Gambler behavioural analysis
The current study deals with evaluating the gambling behaviour of Indigenous Australians. In this particular assignment, importance has been give on understanding the gambling activities of minority groups like Indigenous people that are mostly racially multifaceted by nature (Suen et al. 2017). There is limited information present that actually explains gambling by Indigenous people, this research will present quantitative verification gathered by three Australian indigenous festivals, indigenous communities and online activities. The current research study represents larger survey of indigenous Australian gambling that is conducted in Queensland and New South Wales. This specific research extends the knowledge of indigenous gambling for limiting the risks from gambling for indigenous peoples (Riley et al. 2017).
Most of the gambling studies inspect the gambling activities of the general population or it can be leading literary group that focus mainly on sub-cultural crowd (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017). On analysis, it is noted that indigenous Australians have contributed in gambling for more than 300 years from now with Macassan traders that introduces card gambling. Nowadays, although card games are reducing the popularity and it is widely acceptable form of gambling like off-shore wagering and casinos that had extended indigenous gambling participation (Richard et al. 2017).
Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski (2014) empirically derives knowledge that exist for most of the portion of modern indigenous gambling that can be either on cards or business gambling. In addition, international knowledge base is inadequate that provide little insight into indigenous gambling as a socio-cultural movement. There is limited hypothetical expansion present in gambling for ethnically narrow viewpoint (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017). Furthermore, there is an urgent need for building the knowledge base regarding contemporary indigenous gambling activities where indigenous community values and beliefs revolves around gambling on how indigenous gambling problems can be perceived where help-seeking behaviour as well as culturally-sensitive capital are for the problem gamblers (Quilty et al. 2017).
The research study mainly addresses some gaps in knowledge on matters relating to contemporary indigenous gambling (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017). The outcome or expected results of a broader experiential study that examines gambling amongst indigenous Australian people in a variety of various locations that is throughout New South Wales and Queensland. The research study mainly describes the gambling behaviour of these indigenous Australians by selecting socio-demographic characteristics (Okuda et al. 2016).
Pros and cons of research
According to Gainsbury, Suhonen and Saastamoinen (2014), indigenous people faces structural disadvantages in Australian society that leads to better burden of ill-health, reduced superiority of life as well as disability and high incidence of social problems. In addition, it mainly reports their heath that is either fair or poor in accordance to the rates of non-indigenous Australians. Therefore, indigenous people are more probable as compared to non-indigenous people who actually live below the poverty line who are either unemployed or less knowledgeable (Hing, Nuske and Breen2017).
As far as public health risk is concerned, indigenous and non-indigenous Australian adults reports comparable rates for drinking alcohol at risky levels where 50% of indigenous adults are daily smokers that is twice the rate of developing problem gambling activities (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017). The contemporary gambling participate the rates where Aboriginal adults are considerably higher than for the general adult participation. It is all about high gambling participation in and outside reservation communities.
The researcher will be using quantitative research methods for the study. The main aim of the research study is measuring various aspects of gambling behaviour of indigenous Australians where quantitative methods are mostly suitable (Mann et al. 2016).
The researcher will be using quantitative research for measuring as well as analyzing data (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017). There need to be positive relationship between an independent variable as well as dependent variable. Here, researcher can be more objective about the findings of the current research topic. This research method helps in testing the hypothesis due to its ability for measuring data by using statistics tool (Suen et al. 2017).
In quantitative research study, background of the study is mainly ignored by the researcher. Quantitative research design does study things in a natural situation or argue the meaning after comparing it with qualitative research design. Large sample of the population need to be studied that need accurate statistical results (Leino et al. 2015).
Research is about indigenous people that need to be researched from ethnically safe as well as considerate position (Suen et al. 2017). There was one member who was an indigenous Australian where all team members were watchful in identifying the needs as well as fundamental important for gaining trust and maintaining high level of integrity. On analysis, guidance was listed in the requirements about ethical research. It is crucial to understand whether all human and indigenous principled research procedure are met or not (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017).
Research Methodology
The present study involves six main stages where conservative meetings were first held with key individuals as well as groups in the study of society such as Aboriginal Land Councils and tertiary education and event organizers as well as local elders and local indigenous community members. Secondly, intellectual property as well as method issues was noted. Thirdly, several efforts are made for engaging with Aboriginal communities. In order to create society awareness as well as support for the study, the present article is on gambling awareness as well as need for research that are published in local society newspapers that include posted online, posters and event publicity. Fourthly, local indigenous research assistants was first recruited as well as trained for survey administration at the time of conducting a gambling survey of indigenous adults. The last stage actually takes into account data analysis as well as feedback from New South Wales (Hing et al. 2014)
Ethical issues
During the present research study, the researcher should be performing the research by using ethical means. It is important for the researcher to maintain confidentiality of information that they had carried during the research (Fogarty 2017). Researcher cannot leak any of the information that they have collected through use of quantitative research methods to any of the third-party. Researcher should make sure that the information collected in the research is reliable and valid.
The literal meaning of research integrity is active adherence to the ethical principles and professional standards where researcher is responsible to practice the current research study. To explain in detail, researcher need to adopt important principles as well as practices that links with the research topic (Cantinotti, et al. 2016). While conducting the research, it is important that the researcher should act honestly. Research in integrity consider as the aspect of moral character and experience. Furthermore, the researcher should be responsible and trustworthy at the time of conducting research and have necessary ethical conduct (Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski 2014).
Safety issues
The researcher should be applying ethical and safety implications in the various aspects of research that links with the research topic.
At the time of carrying out the research study, researcher faces risk that needs to be correct in the future research. Due to limited time, researcher failed to conduct in-depth analysis of the selected research topic. The other limitations are insufficient financial resources that restrict use of expensive theories, models and statistical told for research purpose (Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski 2014).
Ethics issues, integrity, safety issues and risks
The response plan for the current study contains an information sheet that has series of questions regarding the gambling behaviour of the respondents (Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski 2014). It includes the following questions:
- Question relating to participation, expenditure on card gambling as well as frequency and duration
- Question relating to reason for gambling
- Questions relating to consequences of gambling
- Questions relating to frequency of gambling on 10 forms of legal commercial gambling
- Questions relating to demographic features that include age, marital status, gender as well as source of income and employment status
- Question relating to Problem Gambling Severity Index
- Question relating to erroneous beliefs about gambling behaviour (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017).
The survey will be conducted by the researcher at three Aboriginal cultural and sports festivals, in a range of Aboriginal communities (Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski 2014). Data will be analyzed by using SPSS. The particular research provides insight of information about the gambling actions of contemporary indigenous Australians. To that, some studies suggest examination of indigenous people that had been coincidently captured by the researcher (Bond et al. 2017). This particular study had taken 98 people who belong to New South Wales and reports gambling as a historically common accepted activity in most of the indigenous communities that is a part of their life as well as pleasurable leisure and recreation activities in the most appropriate way. On analysis, the researcher found out that women supposedly prefer gaming machines as well as bingo cards than men who show interest on horse riding (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017)..
On analysis, the researcher need to find out how gambling can be considered a consistent source of problems such as family disagreements, legal troubles as well as child neglect and financial losses for some indigenous communities where indigenous gamblers will be interviewed by the researcher in this present study (Barratt et al. 2014).
In the present research study, quantitative studies will be done by the researcher that contributes information on indigenous Australian gambling. In addition, the largest is found in New South Wales that will be captured in a convenience sample of 222 indigenous Australians in two cities as well as 3 rural areas (Arthur and Delfabbro 2016). To that, the weekly indigenous gamblers will mainly show higher approval of gambling motivations that involve happiness, involvement and enjoyment. The indigenous gamblers reports positive experiences with gambling as a hobby, relaxation, interests. Therefore, gambling frequency as well as participation was shown higher than the indigenous gamblers as compared to non-indigenous gamblers (Hing, Nuske and Breen 2017)..
In the present research study, two related quantitative studies will be investigated by the researcher to understand the relationship between reporting gambling problems as well as negative life among Australians. There are significant variations that will be present between indigenous as well as non-indigenous Australians who experiences gambling related problems that get links with multi-family households, communal aspect as well as community problem like violence and income levels. The researcher will be finding aspect about gambling problem for indigenous people for general population (Gainsbury, Russell and Blaszczynski 2014).
At the end of the research study, the exploratory investigation takes into account long-standing gap in the literature after reporting on the first large scale survey of gambling by indigenous Australians in New South Wales and Queensland. In addition, the research is not based on diplomat sample but it adds to depict a picture of which gambles and what are the activities. It is noted that some distinctive aspects of indigenous Australian gambling takes into account the attractiveness of card gambling, involvement in commercial gambling as well as high participation and also other forms of gambling that are found out in the general inhabitants. There are different differences present between the gambling behaviours of indigenous and non-indigenous Australians that are obvious. It is where indigenous gambling behaviour seems similar in Australia to that of some First Nations populations in other country.
Future expected outcome of the research need to add improved understanding of indigenous gambling behaviour. The researcher should even research about problem gambling by listing its contributors as well as consequences at the same time. The paper will be based on sample that explain some of the feature among indigenous Australians but follow-up qualitative study that is even priceless and understanding certain aspects of gambling behaviour that is quite different between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Further research study is needed for broadening the knowledge on the topic that limits the danger from gambling for indigenous peoples
Reference List
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