Discuss about the Systems Science and Engineering for Urban Areas.
The alarming increase in the rate of crimes in various offices and homes in both the rural and urban areas around the world has increased the importance of installing the CCTV cameras as security surveillance system in various infrastructures. The threats to security have been observed to be ranging from kidnapping, armed robbery to the bomb blasts that happen every now and then has been keeping the entire world at an alert all the time to such as extent that no individual can be assured of his or her security. In the previous assignment, it has been elaborated regarding the fact that engineering is the basic sector which provides establishment of almost everything that is present in the world (Alhafidh & Allen, 2017).
Engineering has integration of various stages of processes in which a product or a service is constantly evolved. The processes of engineering design encompass the aspects of system engineering in every way. It has been observed that including the CCTV camera in the area of system engineering encompasses interdisciplinary means and approach for enabling the identification and realization of the successful surveillance systems. It focuses on the definition of the needs of the customers and needs of functionality in the preliminary phase, design phase and product phase of the development and installation of CCTV camera. It has been noted that the design processes can be applied in the manufacturing of products where these can be restructured to meet the needs of the market and the customers (Bennett & Reich, 2014). The proper implementation of the system engineering design in aspects of CCTV camera will be obtained right from the stage of formulation of design and not post operation.
A consistent prime element of the phases of manufacturing and designing of the system engineering regarding CCTV camera integrates the representation of the processes and the products in such a way that they may be synthesized and analyzed in an effective way of delivering optimum performance. The concurrency of the process and the products design task has been observed to become identified as extremely valuable in predicting and minimizing the costs of the life cycle (Chen, Wu & Hsieh, 2013). It has been observed that longer-term benefits are being obtained from the leverage that resonates with the methodologies of the design over the life cycle if the product. The conceptual stage or the preliminary stage of the system engineering of the CCTV camera is regarding the facilitation of effective functionality to the customers (Choi & Lee, 2015).
Detailed design and development
Preliminary system design phase refers to the development and definition of the preferred concept of system and the allocated requirements for the subsystems of the CCTV camera. It has been noted that the purpose of the preliminary system design phase is to demonstrate that the concept of CCTV will confirm the specifications and performance of the design of the CCTV cameras. Preliminary system design phase also addresses the fact that the products associated with the CCTV cameras can be constructed or produced with various available methods. Moreover, it has been noted that the established constraints in the schedule along with the costs can be addressed to in the preliminary design phase (Dechesne, Warnier & van den Hoven, 2013).
The requirements of the preliminary design phase of the CCTV camera evolve from the design requirements of the system. The various aspects and the methods of the preliminary design evaluation efforts are integrated. It has been further observed that the methods are considered in the preliminary design by the means of the allocated requirements regarding the operation of the CCTV camera (Elotefy, et al., 2015). Further, the various aspects drive the preliminary design for addressing the methods at the lower level. The system specifications regarding the system engineering design in regards to the CCTV camera include the technical, operational, performance, and support characteristics of for the CCTV camera system as an entity, the outcome of a feasibility analysis , requirements for operations, the concept of maintenance and support, the suitable technical project management requirements at the level f the system engineering design, along with the allocation of the requirements of the designs of the CCTV cameras to the subsystem level. It has been observed in the previous assignment that the design and installation of the CCTV cameras in rural and urban areas begin with the identification of the need (Hassan, et al., 2016).
The identification of the needs that are required to be accomplished by ensuring the addressing of the problems of security is included in the preliminary phase of design of the CCTV camera. It has been further observed that the conceptual or preliminary design in the urban areas targets to provide and collecting information to regulate all types of incidents in the actual time. The elaboration regarding the aerial view of the rotating cameras by installing the cameras in the highly populated regions is very much relevant in obtaining enhanced security which is one of the basic reasons of system engineering design of CCTV camera (Javed, Iqbal & Abbas, 2017). On the other hand, the illustration of the issues regarding the installation of the CCTV cameras in the rural areas is very much relevant in real terms. People in rural areas find it difficult in terms of the costs of installation of the CCTV cameras along with the reduced willingness of the government regarding the installation of these gadgets. The fact that the rural areas have large stretches of uninhabited lands makes it more convenient to choose the best areas for the installation of the CCTV cameras (Johnsen & Stene, 2014).
The detailed design and the development phase of the system life cycle in the designing of the CCTV camera have been observed to be a continuation of the iterative process of development. It has been observed that the detailed design and development phase of the system engineering stage of CCTV camera encompass the development of the requirements of the designs for the components of all level of the CCTV camera system. It also includes the implementation of the necessary activities associated with the technology for the fulfillment of all the objectives of the design and installation of the CCTV cameras (Lee, et al., 2016).
The elements and activities of the integration of the CCTV camera system are also observed to be included in the detailed design and development phase of the system lifecycle. Selection and utilization of the aids and tools of design are observed to be integrated into this phase. The preparation of the design and documentation of the data along with the development of the engineering of the CCTV cameras is incorporated in having prototype models of CCTV cameras (Lim, et al., 2015). It has been observed that in the detailed design and development phase of the CCTV cameras in rural and urban areas, the implementation of a review of the design, feedback, and evaluation of the of the capability.
In this stage, changes in the design are also incorporated. It has been further observed that specific requirements are derived from the specifications of the system in this stage of detailed design and development. These requirements evolve through the application of the lower level specifications in the rural and urban areas in respect to the CCTV cameras. It has also been observed that the evolution of the detail design is determined from the outcomes of the requirements that are established during the system design of preliminary and conceptual phase. It was observed that the detail design evolution of CCTV camera in the rural and urban areas was required to have a very basic sequence of the process or activities. The relevant process was found to be iterative which proceeded from the system level definition to the configuration of the CCTV camera which can be manufactured or constructed in multiple quantities (Nitschke, et al., 2014). In the context of the installation of the CCTV cameras in rural and urban areas, the significance of the checks and balances in the review forms at every stage of progression of the design along with the loop of feedback facilitated corrective actions.
The actual definition of the system engineering design regarding CCTV camera was observed to be relevant when the level of the details of the specifications increases which was established through the development of the data which describes the CCTV camera while being designed. Such data has to be represented in the aspects of the forms of digital elaboration of the items in design drawings, reports, and electronic formats (Senan, et al., 2017).
In this context, it was found that the ADDIE Model is very much relevant. ADDIE Model is the generic process which is very much relevant to be conventionally used by the training developers and instructional designers. The five phases of the models are very much in resonance with the stages of implementation and installation of the CCTV cameras, i.e. Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This is very much in sync with the flexible and dynamic guideline for the structuring of the effective performance and training support tools. The analysis phase of is relative to the conceptual phase of the system engineering of the CCTV camera (Stanley, et al., 2014). The design phase of the installation of the CCTV cameras would refer to the dealing with the assessment instruments, lesson planning, selection of media, and analysis of the installation of the CCTV camera.
This would further refer to the logical and systematic method of identification and evaluation of a set of identification, evaluation, and development of the set of planned strategies regarding the installation of CCTV cameras in the rural and urban areas (TAN, HUO & WANG, 2015). The development phase according to the model is very relevant to the creation and assembling of the contents of the assets associated with the components of the installation of CCTV cameras. In the implementation phase of the CCTV camera, a procedure regarding the training of the facilitators is developed. This is very much relevant in regards to the project manager of the project of installation of CCTV cameras in the rural and urban areas ensuring the requirements for the project. The evaluation phase of the project of installation of the CCTV camera includes the formative and summative portions which refer to the testing of the systems.
The system test, validation, and evaluation activities in the context of the installment of the CCTV cameras in the rural and urban areas are very much relevant in the conceptual design phase of the life cycle of the installment of the CCTV camera. The evaluation and testing the components of the CCTV camera that would be installed in the rural and urban areas would be continued by testing different elements of the system, components along with the major subsystems which further integrate the entire system of the CCTV camera (Elotefy, et al., 2015). The validation process of the CCTV camera installation refers to the ensuring of the system configuration in respect of meeting the requirements of the customers and clients in the rural and urban areas. The human factors are also found to have significant implications on the success of the installment of the CCTV camera in the rural and urban areas (Vassalos & Fan, 2016).
The people in the rural areas do not basically trust or understand the significance of surveillance technology which can provide them with security. On the other hand, people living in the urban areas seek for enhanced security and surveillance system around their houses, accommodations, and place of businesses (Johnsen & Stene, 2014).
A true system validation of the CCTV camera would not be considered to be complete until the installed system is completely functional in the environment of the client and the user. It was observed that the complete functionality of the system could be observed through the implementation of the progressive tests and evaluation plan. Moreover, different categories if evaluation and test are observed to be identified by the phases if the installment of CCTV cameras in the rural and urban areas.
The significance of the feeling secured with the enhanced quality of technology has to be recognized by people both in rural and urban areas. Every individual needs to understand the effectiveness of having a CCTV camera system around his or her vicinity. The integration of various phases of the system engineering design has to be understood in a proper way for the effective implementation.
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