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Background of the meeting

Discuss about the Role-play between client and social worker.

Social Worker: We welcome you to Ballarat Youth Health Centre, Jim. How are you feeling today?

Client: Thank you ma’am. I am feeling great today. I am really looking forward to my experience here. I wonder why I am here.

Social Worker: Don’t worry, my boy. The principal of your school had sent you here to me so I can take care of you in the proper method. Why are you looking so nervous?

 Client: Actually I’m feeling very worried to be out here as I do not have previous experience of this place or what you do. Will you scold me ma’am?

Social worker: Oh no, not at all, dear Jim. I am only here to help you to sort out your troubles. I have hear from your principal that you have become very naughty in the recent times and you have many issues with eating your food. Is it true?

Client: Yes ma’am. Actually I am very much fond of eating and I have been used to be fed by my mum. She always fed me with her hands. This is why I have been feeling very bad about my food habit.

Social worker: Yes I can understand that you have been feeling very alone. This is why you have been very much introvert and cannot share your feelings.

Client: Yes ma’am. Actually I have not been able to eat properly for the last few days. I have been wasting my food and not eating on the time.

Social worker: What kinds of foods do you like Jim?

Client: I like the fast foods like burgers, pizzas and like that. These foods are very tasty and my mum used to buy these foods for me as I liked them. I had become very fond of these foods.

Social worker: Dear Jim, these kinds of foods are not all good for your health. You should not eat these kinds of foods and you should eat the healthy food like minerals, cereals and food with high protein. What are the problems you are facing now?

Client: ma’am actually I have to live somewhere else for my studies so I am not able to live with my mother. I have to do all the things by my own. This is where the problem lies for me.

Social worker: Can you please tell me about it a bit more, Jim? Your school counselor has sent you here so you can get better very soon and get rid of all your problems. At first tell me what your age is and in which class do you read?

Client: I am only 16 years old ma’am. I read in class 9.

Social Worker: What are your hobbies? Are you missing your mum out here in your school?

Client: Yes ma’am I am missing my mum very much. This is why I have been asking my mum to come over here and join me. But the school counselor is saying that it is not possible.

Social worker:  he is right but I see that you are losing your confidence. Your school counselor said that you are ashamed of yourself. But why it is like that? Can you tell me?

Client: Ma’am I saw an advertisement on the Biggest Loser and felt positive after a long time. I have been spending all my money on food only and hiding it in the room. I always get very sad and depressed regarding this. I also feel sad whenever I take my medicines.

Social worker: Oh, I see. You are not at all confident about your abilities to sort out these problems. You need to do some things so you can get over these issues. I will recommend it to you for you to get better.

Client: I will be very much benefitted if you kindly help me ma’am. I will follow all your advices.

Social worker: You must make some friends and use the ROPES framework. You should respect your classmates and friends. You should be open minded and find opportunities for improvement. You should participate with your classmates in learning activities, share food with them and get over your problems. You should be self-aware of your problems and be able to solve them by your own. You must feel confident within yourself and present yourself with the attractiveness you already have. This will boost up your confidence. I hope you want to know when your next access visit would be?

Client: Yes ma’am definitely. Your precious advices will help me to improve my performance.

Social Worker: You can again come to meet me after two weeks and tell me how much you have been benefitted from these things.

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