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Different Aspects related to property

Discuss about the Royal Exhibition Building.

The Royal Exhibition building is categorized in the list of the world heritage building, which was structured in the year 1880. The building is situated in the North Eastern edge of the central district of Melbourne in Australia. It is also famous for hosting the Melbourne International exhibition. This monument of the Melbourne maintains the global heritage of Australia. The building is also declared as the World Heritage Building after awarded by the UNESCO (Remotetraveler Team, 2015).  Different  government and non-government functions are performed in the building due to its big size. The essay mainly covers the different aspects related to the property (i.e. Royal Exhibition), in which the influence of the property, benefits from the property, impact on the community and other different aspects are also discussed. The essay also covers the different aspects related to the property and the role & influence of government too, which is followed by the suitable conclusion and recommendations.

The heritage property or the heritage buildings are considered as the richest source to maintain the dignity of the country. These buildings not only contribute in the social development of the country, but by these buildings, the society can also able to acquire the social assistance simultaneously. As it is defined in the scenario that the suitable land control aspects are required, so for this, the essential efforts should be planned accordingly. But as defined in the scenario, the local areas and the buildings are becoming the requirement of  the local people, so the suitable efforts should be planned according to the requirement only. The Royal exhibition building creates the different impact on society, community, property and many other aspects.

The property influences the community and the country both in positive and negative manner.  The positive impact is that the Royal exhibition building is helpful in providing the social assistance to the community in reference to the history, but simultaneously the building is also acquiring maximum area. For maintenance, the amount is generated from the community which only creates  the adverse impact on them. So, to manage the existence of the building, the suitable coordination of the society and the community is required. There are various elements in the society which are still getting the benefits of the Royal exhibition society. The traders, project workers, philosophers and the guides are getting benefit from the property. Directly or indirectly, the society and the people are getting benefited from the property. The traders sell their products on the premises. In fact, in some of the areas of heritage property, various products are also launched. Other than this, the  fashion show, gala dinner and other activities are also organized which provide the remarkable profit to the organizers. The expectations of the people and the government towards the property is very high. The Australian community simply wants the contribution from the heritage building in a suitable manner. The community wants that the Australian heritage will be helpful in providing the suitable knowledge of the cultural aspects to the community and the society (Royal Exhibition Building Official Website, 2016).

Role of government in impacting property

The property (i.e. Royal Exhibition building) also help in influencing the cultural aspects of Australia. With the help of the building, the extinct culture of Australia is highlighted in the community. There are various pictures and the crafts available in the premises which are helpful in defining the different perspectives of the Australian culture. For an example, the  Lychograph of the building showing the World’s Fair of 1880, the big picture painted by Tom Roberts will be obliging in showing the parliament, which was  first organized in the Royal Exhibition building in the year 1909. In brief, it can be defined that the building is helpful in enlightening the historical aspects to the people easily (McLintock, 2013).

The property seems to be profitable for the society in various aspects. The society can able to identify the history of the building and its existence too, by exploring he building. The building can also be used for the historical tours for the students of college and schools. But, the day by day increasing of the population is continuously affecting the existence of the monument. In fact, the society also wants the residential facility in place of the monument. Economically, the Royal exhibition building was not contributing in the government funds. As it is the historic monument and the Australian government serves it but, currently the organization helps a lot in serving the community, society and the government too (Ripefruit Media Co., 2012). Various areas like corridor, hall and park of the building are now provided for the different events performed by the private organizations. In short, it can be defined that the building nowadays is becoming more commercialized and also contributing to the monetary funds of the government of Australia. Other than this, the different type of exhibitions are  also organized in the premises of the Royal exhibition of the building which are also helpful in strengthening the financial aspects of the government. But, simultaneously the building also want the continuous maintenance, for which the funds are also generated from the government.

The Government of Australia plays a major role in creating the impact on the property. All heritage monuments are controlled by the government itself. According to the scenario, the expansion of the area is the current requirement in Australia. The community and the society are not getting the suitable place for the survival, so the government of Australia is totally responsible for maintaining the suitable coordination between the community and the policies of the  heritage building. To avoid the pressure from the community, the  government took the most promising step for the growth and development of the country. The government prepared a master plan. The master vision of the master plan is to provide the social assistance to the community and make it available for the visitors and common people of Australia. The major outcomes of the master plan are defined in the paragraph below.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The dual plan is prepared for the Royal building, so that at the same time, the building can able to serve the visitors and personal functions organized by different organizations. Other than this, for maintaining the major aspects of the building, the suitable conservation plan is prepared. This conservation plan will be helpful in securing the monument easily and at a low cost. By creating all these plans, it becomes easier to maintain the building as well as the issues related to the community can also be handled easily (Museum Victoria, 2006).

The urban planning also plays a major role in fulfilling the social needs of the people of Australia.  With the help of the urban planning, it could become possible to manage the coordination between the areas acquired by the social heritage and the private property of the community. With the help of urban planning, the aspects like the transport, economic infrastructure and the building maintenance are also being identified which are helpful in managing the local area and the future perspectives for the building too. In fact, the urban planning may also help in maintaining the technical process related to the Royal Exhibition Building. The Urban planning may also assist in defining the social behavior and the social impact of the building of the society and the community (Toutain & Gopiprasad, 2006). Through the urban planning, the suitable structure can also be planned out.

Conclusion and Recommendations:

The essay defined above is helpful in defining the importance of the cultural heritage in the country. In fact, the various aspects like the contribution of the royal building, coordination with  the government and the influence of the building in a different manner are being identified. The essay is successful in explaining the various aspects, but there are still various issues due to which the internationally recognized building is facing the issues.

The assistance from the Australian government is highly recommended. If the assistance is not provided, the conservation of the building cannot be done. The land use control is essential to be done, because by this, the present and the future needs can easily be fulfilled (B Vann , 2013). It is also recommended that the aspects related to the urban planning should be followed in an appropriate manner. It is also recommended that to manage the cultural heritage, it is essential to preserve such monuments. It is included in the moral duty of the community, society and the government, that these royal buildings should be preserved for future use. If the Australian government and community follow such principles, then it would become easier to manage the major issues related to the Royal heritage (Department for Communities & Local Government , 2016).

B Vann , 2013. Why land use controls are necessary. Why land use controls are necessary, 09 December, Available at:

Department for Communities & Local Government , 2016. Achieving sustainable development. Achieving sustainable development .

McLintock, P., 2013. Royal Exhibition Building. Royal Exhibition Building, 13 August, Available at:

Museum Victoria, 2006. Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens, Available at:

Remotetraveler Team, 2015. Royal Exhibition Building | Melbourne. [Online]
Available at:

Ripefruit Media Co., 2012. Royal Exhibition Building Dome. Royal Exhibition Building Dome, Available at:

Royal Exhibition Building Official Website, 2016. Venue Hire & Events. [Online]
Available at:

Toutain, O. & Gopiprasad, S., 2006. Planning for urban infrastructure: IITK, Available at:

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