Part 1: Introduction and Context of the Passage
You will write an introduction that serves as an overview of the content of the paper, providing background and cultural information about the setting of the book in which the selected passage occurs. You will write a thesis/purpose paragraph that alerts the reader as to what you plan to achieve in the writing of the paper. Identify the literary context of the selected passage and discuss its relevance for interpreting the passage. Each section will have its own heading following current Turabian style. Be sure the paper uses the School of Divinity Standardized Title Page and reflects a graduate level of vocabulary.
Part 2: Meaning of the Passage and Bibliography
Rewrite Part 1 as needed, taking into consideration any feedback provided by the professor. In addition, address the meaning of the passage, utilizing resources identified in the accompanying bibliography. List 10 sources relevant to the paper, cited in current Turabian format as interpreted by the The sources must be current and scholarly (written by academics with credentials that qualify them to write, not popular treatments written for laity) using those found in the ATLA database as a guide.
Part 3: Significance of the Passage (Final Version)
Rewrite Parts 1 and 2 as needed, taking into consideration any feedback provided by the professor. In Part 3 of the paper, address the significance and application of the passage to the Christian life and church ministry. Each paper must have a coherent conclusion that summarizes the content of the textual analysis. Submit a 2,500–3,000-word final version of the paper (double-spaced, in 12-point font). You must carefully edit the final version for spelling, grammar, and syntax. Perfection in the implementation of current Turabian format is expected
Introduction and Context of the Passage
Introduction and the Context of the Passage
The major aim of this research paper is to present an Exegesis Research paper that is based on one of the books in the bible namely the Book of Ephesians chapter four from verse seven to sixteen (Ephesians 4:7-16). The first part of the paper is an introduction which will serve as being an overview of the contents of the entire paper through provision of both background and cultural information regarding the setting of the above book in which the passage is known to occur . Literary contexts that are associated with the above passage have been identified and discussed. The second part of the paper deals with the re-writing of the paper through giving consideration of the feedback that has been presented by the professor. The second part of this paper will also deal with the utilization of the resources which address the passage’s meaning through the sources in the bibliography. The third part of the paper will deal with the rewriting of the first and second parts of the paper basing on the provided feedback from the lecturer.
Verse seven of the chapter indicates that is of us has actually received special gifts which are in proportion to what has been given to us by Christ. While verse eight of the chapter asserts that the scripture says that when Jesus Christ went to the heights, he actually took numerous captives together with him and gave them gifts. Verse 9 explains the meaning of going up through explaining that at first, Jesus has actually come down to the earth’s lowest levels. In verse ten, it is explained that the same Jesus Christ who came down is actually the same one who also not only went up, but also above and beyond the heavens to ensure that the whole universe was felt with his presence. In verse 11 of the same chapter, it is explained that it was actually he, in this case Jesus Christ who gave the gifts to his people and also appointed some of them to become apostles and also appointed some of them to become prophets, teachers, pastors, and even evangelists. Verse 12 indicates that Jesus did this in order to ensure that all of God’s individuals were effectively well prepared to work in the Christian service so that the body of Jesus Christ was build.
In verse 13 of the chapter, it is indicated that the above was done so that all people across the world can come together in their oneness in their faith as well as in their knowledge of Jesus as the son of God so that they can become mature individuals who are capable of reaching to the full stature of Christ’s height. In verse fourteen of the chapter, it is indicated that this will make us not to become children who can be carried away by each shifting wind of the teachings that are associated with deceitful individuals who lead other people in error using the tricks that they have invented. In verse fifteen of the chapter, it is reaffirmed that instead through speaking the truth in the “spirit of love” there is need for human beings to grow up in each way to Jesus Christ who is the head. Verse 16 of the chapter asserts that through the control of Jesus Christ, all the different body parts effectively fit together through each and every joint that has been provided. As a result, when each of the body parts works accordingly, then it is quite apparent that the entire body will grow and thus effectively build itself up as a result of love.
Meaning of the Passage and Bibliography
Based on Ephesians 4:7-16, it is quite evident that the passage of this scripture comprises of 4 major elements namely the changes which have been introduced in this quotation based on Psalm 68: 18 and which are prevalent in verse 8, the meanings associated with the parenthetic testaments of verses 9 and ten, the question as to whether the things which have been listed in verse 11 also refer to the gifts or the gifted men, and lastly, and the relationship that is indicated by Greek Preposition In essence, this passage can effectively be outlined as follows: The promises associated with the spiritual gifts (verse 7), the sources of the spiritual gifts (verses 8-10), the nature of the spiritual gifts (chapter 11), and the purpose of the spiritual gifts.
According to the exposition of the verse 7 of the chapter on the “promise of the spiritual gifts”, the “but” is known to introduce a contrast which is associated with the first six verses in the chapter. It is important to note that unity was greatly stressed in all the six verses. The fact that there is one spirit, one Lord, one Body, one baptism, one faith, and one God. However, it is important to note that when it comes to the spiritual gifts, there is indeed a great or significant diversity. As a result, this passage has been introduced with some form of contrast. It is important to note that even though the spiritual gifts are usually diverse in nature as seen in verse 11 of the chapter, verse 7 of the same actually seems to present the gifts as being “diverse” in their measures. Indeed, a similar terminology is used by Paul in the book of Romans 12: 3 which indicate that some people have actually been given more grace as opposed to others. However, through the same verse, it is made clear that each one of us was given grace and that each church member has been given some spiritual gifts. One of the inferences that is apparent is that when this verse is taken alongside that of Romans 12:6, it is ascertained that the nature of an individual’s spiritual gifts or even gifts is highly depended on the “measure of grace” that has been given to such a person.
The Sources of Spiritual Gifts Verses 8-10
Based on the above three sources, it is depicted that the sources of the gifts is actually the risen Jesus Christ. Despite the fact that the main point in the verses is quite clear, it is important to note that the 3 verses indeed depict some problems that must be given consideration. Based on Paul’s quotation in Psalms 68:18, it is apparent that there is a change in the quotation since it says that though has received the gifts for men. A consideration of the problem yields numerous solutions which include among others: There are some suggestions that the quotation was not from the Psalms but rater just a portion or section of the Christian hymn. However, this is not consistent with the phrase –He saith which a direct reference to the utterance of God is apparently. It is also not consistent with the apparent intent of the citation which is aimed at giving scriptural support towards assertions that the “ascended Christ” gave gifts to His Church.
Significance of the Passage (Final Version)
Secondly, it was suggested that Paul did not actually intend at using a direct quotation in this circumstance as was normally the Jewish tradition or fashion but rather, Paul opted to adapt the passage based on his own application or use. However, it is important to note that the form that prevails in verse 8 is actually that of a direct quotation and as a result, saying that Paul introduced a certain change in the meaning so that he can suit his needs is indeed a denial in some part of the truth which is associated with the Biblical inspirations.
Thirdly, it can truly be asserted that the readings which were made by Paul were correct but the Hebrew as well as the Septuagint had been corrupted. However, this theory stands to be dismissed due to not only lack of evidence but also due to the fact that it is also too farfetched to start with. Fourthly, the best explanation which can be asserted here is the “Hebrew laqach” can have a prophetic signification in this circumstance based on the idea that Jesus Christ receives gifts so that He may also give them. The Propleptic use of the laqach is also quite prevalent in various biblical books such as in 1 Kings 17, 10, Exodus 27:10, and even in Genesis 15:9 and in numerous Old Testament references. Another significant confirmation of the view is the fact that the “Chaldee Paraphrase” in Psalm 68:18 depicts a similar sense as done in the Ephesians 4:8 by Paul.
Another significant presentation that is made in quoting Psalm 68: 18 is that the chapter is not Messianic in nature but rather, it is actually a “hymn of victory”. It is thus better to understand that this can be resolved through taking the Psalm as being a “typico-prophetic” which implies to a historical event that is a “typical of a later event” that is understood by a writer of the Old Testament as having a “prophetic character”. For instance, this form of prophecy was used by Mathew in two occasions in 1:15 as well as in 1:18. Through quoting the verse from the Psalms, it can be asserted that this was a demonstration of Paul of the Old Testament because of the assertion that the “ascended Christ” gave gifts to the people in His Church. However, a pertinent question that may be asked is: Who in the fulfillment of Christ were the captives which He had led away?
According to the suggestions that were presented by some scholars, it was asserted that the reference was indeed to the prisoners of Satan or even the souls of the righteous individuals but who were “in Hades”. However, it is important for all and sundry to note that these interpretations would be deemed to be foreign to the other scripture teachings and that the probable references could be the enemies that Jesus Christ had actually subjugated while at the cross which are sin, Satan, and death.
The parenthesis that is contained in both verse 9 and 10 is a design that is aimed at showing that this passage which was quoted from the Psalms referred to Jesus Christ. This is attributed to the fact that a divine individual would ascend is an indicator that there was a previous descent. It was Jesus Christ who had ascended, and so it was the same Jesus Christ that also ascended. On the other hand, while it may be the fact that “God the Father” sometimes also descended in some times as indicated in the Old Testament, the apostle asserts that it was indeed the “Son” who was intended through the “typico-prophetic” utterances that were made by the Psalmist.
The statement which is made that asserts that Jesus Christ first descended in the “lower parts of the earth” makes us wonder whether the apostle aimed at representing Jesus Christ as having descended in the Hades or if such words are to be comprehended as simply having denoted the earth. Based on the above information, it is quite apparent that the chapter emphasizes the issue of Christian Unity through four major ways namely: Christian unity is depended in the Christians’ charity of both conduct and character, that Christian unity is known to arise from the unity of “God”, thirdly, Christian unity gets enrichment out of the diversity of the particularized gifts, and lasts, Christian unity demands maturity.
The above passage is quite significant and important to both the Christian Life as well as in the church Ministry. Despite of the theological difficulties that are associated with the passage, it is important to note that it is actually one of the best in Christianity. This is attributed to the fact that part from the fact that the passage deals with the issue of the descending of Jesus as well as in the modern day prophets and apostles, it also clearly teaches the church’s goals. The passage on its own indeed makes a mention of the 5 offices of the prophet, the prophet, the apostle, the teacher, and the pastor. These offices are described by Paul as being the best gifts that have been given to the church. It is worth noting that the offices are not the tyrants which must be established until the time that Jesus comes but rather, they are the gifts which were given to us by Jesus Christ for the purposes of our own edification as well as the general growth of the Christian church. This passage effectively deals so succinctly and intently with the idea of growing in the body of the Christ.
Through Paul, we as Christians are allowed to see the source which is Christ, the deliverers which is the ministry, the means which is the perfecting of the saints, the destinations which is the unity of faith as well as the intimate of Jesus Christ, and the maturity in Jesus Christ, and the results of growth in which the church is known to grow by love. It can truly be asserted that in order to effectively execute Christian discipleship as well as get spiritual maturity, there is great need of possessing an accurate comprehension of what a church is as well as know how it is supposed to run or operate. There is need for Christians to apply viable hermeneutical methodologies and the recognition of the church as being a unique organism that has been denoted using the exceptional embodiment and harmony of love as being a superlative value. It can thus be apparently concluded that Ephesians 4:7-16 effectively reinforces the “fundamental importance” of the Christian community and underscores the principle that is associated with a “unified diversity”.
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