Write a Research Proposal to Understand the Importance and Effectiveness of Management Planning for Colleges in Maldives.
Education and human capital
Discussion on the domain:
Education is an essential element of human capital. This is vital for the rise of nations. The developing countries have been witnessing the restricted resources and constraints of budgets. They have been adopting the strategies that are believed to develop access to educations. This has been at the same time reducing expenses. The present study explores the desirability in one of those options of the policy. Irrespective of the fact the intended policy direction has been analyzed, on the basis on the experience of the countries, alternative plans and present situation of education in the Maldives.
Education is helpful to create human capital for the Maldives. This has been led to the rise in productivity of labor. This, in turn, has resulted in the development and growth of nations. In this case of the country, having a limited amount of resources, the argument has been how the possible education is provided been complex.
Understanding the rationale for the present topic:
The nation of Maldives has been under the transition stage. They have alternative strategies to be explored for effect to develop the educational quality. Here, in this case, the colleges have been operating the double-shift before 2009. The government has been now attempting to convert the colleges to a single shift. Though the Maldives has been achieving 100% of the enrolment at the minimal level of the initial year, the access has not to be transferred to the next level. The statistics have indicated that the low levels of achievements at every stage of the present education. The situation of education in atolls of specific concern (Hasan and McDonald 2015).
Here most of the colleges have been lack of locally trained professors and resources of learning. The assimilation of effective communication and planning assures that various stakeholders that include community, board members, administrators, teachers, principals can strive for timely and budgetary resources (Adam 2017). This provides for the development of teams with high-output and constant controlling of the event. The reputation of the outstanding and development of colleges depends on the inclusivity and strong sense of respect and belonging among staffs, learners and community.
Discussion on the main sources used:
The current study identifies different essential factors needed for an efficient management system in colleges from various articles. Further, the survey on the practices of performance management that are adopted by the organizations is reviewed from multiple resources. Different factors that are proposed and identified in the study are derived from an extensive review of the literature. This is related to the performance management system, performance management system and performance. In this study, various theoretical base to study the different aspects of the performance system at colleges at the Maldives are examined. Further, the study has tried to consolidate the findings of various authors about the operation of performance management.
Management system in Maldives colleges
Insights of academic community of Maldives and arguments of culture:
Waheeda and Nishan (2018) states that managing strategy is the most vital aspect to be done by university or colleges. This has been enabling the central activities of teaching. Here, the researches, broader economic and social services are achieved optimally. This has included a thorough knowledge of the present weaknesses and strengths of the institutions and making choices. This assures the exploitation of scopes at the Maldives, avoiding disaster and develop the reputational positioning. The sound and well-expressed strategy has been encapsulating the self-identity of the intuition. Moreover, it is helpful in structuring the commitment and experience of individuals who have been working for the enterprise and providing the source of personnel and collective pride. Next, there is the theory. Shareef (2016) explains that this gap between the theory and practice of managing strategy at Maldives’ higher education and reasoning for that has been revealing about particular characteristics of universities and colleges as a form of organization.
Firstly, there is the paradox of autonomous and proudly independent institutions that are sitting in the area of mutual and collective responsibilities and commitments. To set the priorities if strategy at a sectorial and institutional level, the tensions have been taking place between collaboration and competition that has been disabling. At the same time, the members of senior management have been marrying the unpredictable and volatile external environment having the trajectory and dynamic of their institution as mentioned by Waheeda and Nishan (2018). Under the context of statement so strategic statements, this has been leading to the inclusiveness and blandness where differentiation and distinctiveness have been applicable. The mission statements have been turning to be the list of unprioritized scopes on the entirely rational basis to keep the open options that are influenced strongly by other people as per Alphin Jr, Chan and Lavine (2017).
Understanding new managerialism:
Asari, Muhamad and Khalid (2017) analyzes that this the simple charge of representing the pressures and responses of uniform management towards them. This has been new, particularly as the reaction of fast expansion of the higher level education. The new administration is the complicated ideology informing methods of controlling various public institutions through advocating different values and practices of the private profit sector. This is to pursuit efficiency, excellence and constant development. This can be contrasted with an effective, sensitive and softer approach. Further, it is rooted in late modernity of various types of uncertainties. This focusses on public participation and citizenship and developing values of public services. It is summed up as the latest public service managerialism.
Performance management system
However, Messy and Monticone (2016) are skeptical regarding the real examples have been applicable successfully in universities. Besides, the radical alternatives of democracy have been stressing facilitative and collaborative management. This also includes concern for people instead of concentrating on activities, lack of interest in personal status and to compete with other people. This is done instead of focusing on tasks and various types of deficit in interest of own status. This also includes the competing with other people and an efficient approach towards flexibility. Then there is the capability of working as a member of the overall team. Further, the present research denotes that there are various empirical instances present, regarding the successful implementations. This takes place at institutional level instead of being departmental level. However, Thaufeega, Crowe and Watts (2015) discussed that it is conceded that the characteristics have not been inspired by gender and the adjustments have been minimum definitional terms. This has been putting the value to the researches and carefully differentiating the issues of career progression and promotion.
Managing strategy:
At first, there has been invariably the challenge to the distinctiveness of higher education as the epistemological or intellectual enterprise. For instance, the idea of higher education has been the in the famous set of articles. This is threated by the situation of similar and large post-compulsory areas mainly to train occupational competence at the core. Next, the reasons have been expressed about maintaining the standards. It is the particular dilemma for detractors and advocates of the change from elite class to mass. This obvious rebuttal of the elite systems, as mentioned by Mohamed, Razak and Abdullah (2019) has never been selected from capability in various instances and the composite of causes regarding decisions for admissions. Next, there are proves of important instrumentality across every pasty of the teachers, sponsors and additional consumers like employers. The educational inflation of Maldives has been leading to various apparent results. Lastly, Schäferhoff and Burnett (2016) argues that there is an argument regarding institutional status for stratification and limits of diversity acceptance.
Significance and efficiency of Management Planning for Colleges in the Maldives:
Shareefa (2015) mentioned that Maldives has pursued various approaches like the institutions have ignored the challenges offering vital cautionary tales. They have indulged in finding multiple ways to plan strategically for useful models. Here, the threats have been pervasive. Various universities and colleges have been grappling the cascading decline of enrollment and escalating the discounts of tuition. This has resulted in a decline of the revenue of net education. Further, Burns and Köster (2016) demonstrated that he public institutions of Maldives have also been suffering from various decreasing support of state with structural deficits that have been turning to more commonplace.
Factors for an efficient management system
Further, Blanchenay and Burns (2016) put the idea that there has been colleges that successful in the efforts in enrolling the rise in some students of Maldives. They have been coming from various low-income backgrounds. They have found themselves to struggle to afford the extra economic aid needed to perform that and added support services. Here few of students at the Maldives have required in order to get success. These situations have adversely affected the economic health and the viability of various colleges at the Maldives. Alphin Jr, Chan and Lavine (2017) highlighted that different colleges have been struggling to afford the type of educational program that is intended to offer. As the educational decisions have been made for various economic reasons, the campuses have been experiencing tensions taking place between the faculty and the board and the administration on the other hand.
Characteristics and nature of educational planning at colleges of Maldives:
Best and Kahn (2016) argued that the educational plan is the way to develop important future and present objectives and goals for various colleges at the Maldives. Their current educational planning has never put any stress on the reality that the top administrators of the Maldives government have been included in plan. Instead of the planning of the liability of people that is related to the intended change. Here, for the team of related sectors, the responsibility of the individuals and people implementing the plan must find out the aims and proper methods to attain them as per Ibrahim and Shihab (2017). Regarding the planning of education, the preparation of several pre-courses for the process of decision making has been helpful in finding out the option is needed to be taken into consideration. As per the administration of education is considered the decision making, the area where the planning in education is present has been on both the sides. The plan of education demonstrates and has been defining the finding of events, necessities and situations for the future. Moreover, this indicates the projection and forecasting of significant factors in education like types and numbers of students and increase in facilities that are required for them. Mason (2016) helped in understanding that the educational planning has put emphasis on the aims of a democratic society to be economical and social and must concern with the progress and welfare of people instead of self-centered or improper goals of particular interest groups. Besides, Wolhuter (2018) highlights that the current day higher-educational planning of Maldives has anticipated the possible developments and necessities of changes in the future. This is helpful for proper facilitates and supporting the media and needed resources for deploying any changes planned that is secured. As a result, essential efforts and changes are avoided and the changes are implemented efficiently.
Challenges faced by Maldives colleges
Moreover, Baptista Nunes, Kanwal and Arif (2017) examined that different remedial measures include the characteristic of current educational planning. This denotes that the guidance and remedial oriented approach and nature. Having proper plans, it is possible to determine the deficiencies and maladjustments in the education system at colleges of Maldives. Identifying the reasons and educational issues and probably related solution are the primary aims of the entire planning. Lastly, Adam (2016) explains that there remains the opportunity of the best alternative. Current plan of education at the Maldives has been scientific, systematic and logical. This is distinct from the primary types of processes used in bringing modifications is the education system.
University at the Maldives has been recording enrollments for the last two years. This is after redesigning the co-curriculum and curriculum from huge market research. Further, they have common orientation and leader-lab is needed to create the digital portfolio. Then there is diversifying in attracting of the new student population, and as the extensive planning and vision process is informed through market research, Maldives has needed to launch new initiatives offering online, on-campus and hybrid continuation of educational courses for the partners. Focusing the innovation must be another strategy for the colleges of Maldives. Next, they must rethink about the imitational missions. The universities have been now concentrating on nursing education and business seeking to enroll various other students. As it comes to efficiency of managing the colleges, there is some session to be learned for institutions of Maldives. It is seen that there has been a specific approach to fit every institution at the Maldives. To be successful in planning, the institution has been creatively created on and modifying the mission, values, culture and history. Moreover, the data has been informing the planning assuming that the students in the campus have been intuitively knowing what has been attracting the potential students. This is harmful as the programs have been resonating with one applicant pool discouraging with each other. Instead of pursuing what has been the elusion idea of uniqueness involved to plan should identify what has been the most selective colleges in the Maldives offering same types of services and programs. At the nation, the universities with public flagship have been similar to another and at the top place of universities of private researches. The thing was happening to be prospective and current students in that the universities they have been going for has been providing what they have promised and what has been compelling. To make the data-informed decisions, the colleges should be analyzing the competition. The mission statements have been sounding alike. Further, the institution has never been claiming to be different in many ways as per the legitimate claims. As the campus has been offering the programs they have been no longer appealing the students they have been seeking and considering the changes they have been doing. Based on the evidence and considering the mission to account, the colleges at the Maldives must be thinking as per the three-year horizon. Further, they must develop the enhancing set to six imperatives instead if crafting the static plan for the longer horizon that has been sitting on the proverbial shelf. Further, the colleges at the Maldives must be concentrating over the process of planning regarding how best they educate the students instead of what is best served to any specific constituency. Further, the institution must be wary of determining the latest streams of revenue running counter to the mission and has not been economically sustainable. The process of the process is intended to me model for various shared governance. Moreover, it can be said that from the outset, the president of Maldives should be aware who has been liable for what elements of the overall process and who is involved and who has been serving the advisory role making ultimate decisions. At last, the institutions have been unable to predicate the planning on the intention that the external realities in time must change and they must one again achieve their prior stabilities once again. Moreover, the external realities and the individual situations cannot be denied. Further, colleges of Maldives must be understanding the denial and hopes are not the strategies. The colleges at the Maldives must determine whether the issue has been rising the institutional or strategic level or the operational levels. With the operational challenges with symptomatic of wider challenges, the problem must be redefined. In many cases, there is strong correlation taking place between opportunities and strengths of weakness and threats. The discussion to the problems helps the members of the committee to create an understanding of probable resolutions. In theory the strategic planning at colleges at the Maldives in linear. Various institutional variables that include the politics and culture has been developing the strategic plan more analogous in nature for conducting the management. Further, it must be clear the leadership in planning the process and for the overall campus of colleges at the Maldives, the leadership must be occurring through individuals or teams. Various individuals are considered to the leaders of the overall process of planning in reinforcing the commitment of the institution to that method. Ultimately, there is a problem with specialist thinking as the central competency to plan the process. Further, any people having the scope for facilitating the committee of strategic planning must be attesting the fact that one of the complex aspects of the committee members has been to study during the process of planning. Further, anyone who had the scope in facilitating the committee of strategic planning has been to the reality of one of the complex aspects. Here, the committee members have been able to learn as the planning process goes in to think strategically. Further it is to be done at an institutional level. This has been the serious comment on the overall quality of educational leaders for implementing the integrated, ideal thinking to specialize members of the community of campus of colleges at the Maldives. However, this cannot be done practically. Here, the element missed in every argument regarding the failing of strategic planning has been the transformation procedure providing the method or forum to create and deploy the vision of the business. However, this has not been a smart way to perform. Those who have been participating in an efficient process of planning marvel at the empowerment and energy, the process has been providing the entire institution. Having the functioning of a plan of the strategy in place, every campus plans has been working more effectively. As the tool of planning and strategic system for higher education, that needs the higher effort of a collection of the overall organization to be successful and effective. However, as it is done properly implemented, this has not been running effectively resulting from the effort that has been worth it.
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