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Inculcating Critical and Innovative Thinking in Australian Schools

Discuss about the School Curriculum and Standard Authority.

While Creative Thinking was deviating, Critical Thinking was convergent; whereas Innovative Thinking struggles to make something innovative, The later seeks to charge value or soundness in something that survives; while former was carried on by infringing acknowledged ethics, later was carried on by concerning the accepted philosophies. Even though, creative and critical thinking may very well be dissimilar sides of the same coin but they could not be said to be identical in any manner.

The essay would build up an insight which was based on the incorporation of critical and creative beliefs in the field of learning. Various intellects were affianced with full of artistic thoughts in the field of understanding, text, verbal communication, listening of a new subject or words, while making sense of knowledge during the moment. It has been argued that all of the thoughts were not measured to be of a similar eminence. The Literature commonly symbolizes an imaginative individual, who conveys a high quality creative, precipitate, touching, and a source of remarkable thoughts which may be measured as less important in daily certainty. Though, the roles of imagination could be critically sensed mutually as imagination initiates the sympathetic ideas whereas on the other hand, it evaluates various things like Error finding, the volume of sentiments and the authority of thoughts.

In Australia, school going children inculcate ability in the field of critical and innovative thinking as they gain knowledge of  producing and calculating data, elucidate theory and their thoughts, seek promises, consider substitutes and resolve the issues.

Thoughts that was creative, determined and deliberate was at the hub of effectual teaching, By pertaining a series of philosophy abilities, children inculcate an gradually more complicated thoughtfulness of the procedures which they could utilize every time they meet some issues, new data and novel thoughts. As, in response to the challenges of the 21st century with its multifaceted ecological, societal and financial forces which necessitates young children to be artistic, innovative, new and flexible, with the inspiration, self-assurance and ability in order to utilize significant and innovative thinking decisively. This ability connects two different kinds of thoughts such as critical and creative thinking. The two thoughts were not exchangeable but they were powerfully connected as they bring harmonizing extents to belief and knowledge.

It could be affirmed that the generative authority (creativity) and its prudence (critically) could be departed only in an artificial manner. In this procedure of real thinking, they were considered to be one. The generative and the productive artistic intellect would facilitate in order to make a plan, policy or devices with caution and a hypercritical approach.

The Connection between Critical and Creative Thinking

Creative thinking could be termed as a situation, where people make use of their thoughts to find an answer for achieving the educational task undertaken. It includes the children who were learning in order to develop and apply novel thoughts in a particular perspective, after observing the accessible circumstances in an innovative manner, recognizing substitute clarifications, and scrutinizing or creating new connections that would develop a positive result.[3] It contains joining parts in order to form something innovative, filtering and sanitizations of thoughts to generate potentials, building assumptions, etc. The goods of innovative effort could embrace multifaceted depictions and descriptions, searches and acts, or take place as virtual reality. It was not selective and the mind was liberated to ramble about whatever it feels like.

 It convolutes a calm and bendable approach. Though, it would be conflicting to state that the structural practice and faith need not to be pursued by a person while inculcating innovative ideas. So, for achieving the approach of innovative thinking abilities needs to be practiced by involving in indication, permitting individuals to make natural and pioneering recommendations along with preserving the sensitiveness. Thus, the significant approach in thinking procedure was obligatory for surpassing the innovative brain of the practitioners.

Critical ideas could be defined as the philosophical philosophy approach which people adopt while considering what to consider or do. This was certainly very complicated to act while preserving reasonableness and impartiality for all the time. It was at the center of most of the academic actions which includes children learning to recognize or generate an disagreement, utilize proof in support of that dispute, illustrate rational conclusion, and utilize data to resolve the issues. For instance, interpreting, analyzing, evaluating, testing etc. It was selective and in this type of thinking the mind was not free to think about what it feels it as in this only evaluation of the ideas would be done.

The criticality in thoughts procedure enables people to make out a wide variety of prejudiced examination of the otherwise proposed facts, along with the assessment of how well each analysis might achieve the wants of the people. Variety of jurists has concluded that the intellect of different individuals needs to be focused; or else the power and force would be measured very low.

As mentioned earlier Creative and Critical Thinking were two words that could only depict the difference among themselves when it comes to their definitions. Creative Thinking went beyond the restrictions as it includes only the ideas which were innovative and fresh in one’s mind.[5] Critical Thinking, on the other hand, was more evaluative in character and studies a specific thing. Hence, one could state that while innovative thinking was generative in nature, the Critical thinking was analytical in nature.

Differences between Critical and Creative Thinking

In the academic writing and research, the peculiar, pioneering and diverse thinking needs to be put into practice while initiating the artistic thinking approach by asserting the criticality in a variety of tasks which were undertaken. Here the problem of plagiarism desires to be avoided in the academic studies. The unfavorable practice of plagiarism could decrease the level of privacy and therefore it would be considered as a major hurdle of the creativeness in personal thinking approach.[

Plagiarism has been regarded as a tool which affects the children in a number of concrete and insubstantial manners.[8] Lack of consciousness without appropriate quotation necessities and the easy wish to cut corners on school work were the ordinary cause of plagiarism.

It has been stated that it does not matter what accurately an author writes in the form of a dialogue for political affairs, a screenplay for a film or something else, but it should make some sense in order to take concern of the uniqueness of the writing.[10] Plagiarism has been a complicated tool and also there have been various types of plagiarism, and sometimes it’s rather complicated to distinguish it at the initial adherence.[11] So, in order to evade the issue of copying in the creative writing one should take care of four things mainly such as[12]:

The Person should do an extensive research- Being an author; it should be well-known by the writer that the examination has been an important section of the procedure particularly when a person was writing educational substance. Doing one’s own inventive study would assist a person to avoid the excitement to utilize the thoughts and verbal communication of other authors in one’s own work.

Cite properly- Any of the particulars that were not measured as common acquaintance must be mentioned, particularly if a writer was writing an academic paper. As an alternative, an individual should make an attempt to put his own roll on it by integrating that thought with one of the view of the individual himself. This would permit an individual to attain the data which was attained without plagiarizing.

Provide References- If an author would be citing a data from other sources, and then he would need to tell the readers of that paper that form which sources the information was obtained. An individual could make an attempt by utilizing RefME, as a citation generator, which helped the writer to cite any kind of source such as book, any video, Act, and many more, in different styles such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.

Plagiarism in Academic Writing and Research

Make use of plagiarism detection software- Another useful tool which could be attained if an author was writing online content was a plagiarism checker. It would check the work of the writer for any provision or phrase that was published by another author earlier. Unplag, on the other hand has been regarded as a wonderful tool for this kind of checking which was done, and it was recommended to be utilized. It could, after all, save the job of an individual and an individual’s writing career.

It was also affirmed as the act of passing off as writer’s personal work in another individual’s marks, terms, or thoughts. An author must make it apparent which thoughts an author have gained from somebody else. Apparent and slight alterations do not cloak an individual’s utilization of the terms of somebody else. An individual entrust plagiarism if a person do not admit the source of a express quotation, or a particular piece of writing that an individual have rephrased, or even if he has explained a thought or idea that he have perceive sound of or read somewhere without a suggestion.

There has been no issue of the fact that plagiarism has been the rival of any specialized author. There may be a variety of reasons, why it was so common in the field of academic writing, but there have been some things which an author could do in order to avert the issues from taking place.

Even inadvertent plagiarism could be a difficulty, as a result of which many authors were confident to utilize the online checkers or quotation producers as a figure of excellence power for portions that were programmed for publication.

But even with these utensils and apps, there have been some things that the individuals could carry out in order to guarantee that the individuals don’t stick up into an issue during the final editing part of the writing. It was also often stated that “a degree of deterrence was worth a hit of heal.”  

The theme of imaginative and grave philosophy procedure desires to be urbanized for achieving tasks after spending challenging proofs. Thus, the theme was rather rationale for the mixture of expansion of various skills such as uncertainty and mistrust approach which was attained before initiating new thoughts.

This has been observed from the above mentioned discussions that the basis of the critical thinking has been all about thoughts for preserving relevancy, accurateness, depth aim thoughtfulness and importance of the task. Critical thinkers must advertise the skeptical and active nature of mind in inculcating new thoughts.

So, it could be concluded that if people make use of their thoughts and ideas which innovatively develop in their mind then it could help the writing field to overcome the problem of copying others work. Also, if the creative and new ideas would be inculcated in a fresh way then an evaluation and appraisal of the same would reduce the issue of plagiarism.

Australian Curriculum, "Critical and Creative Thinking," (accessed November 17, 2016)

Carter, D, “Beyond the Loan Word: Plagiarism in Academic Writing”,, (accessed November 17, 2016)

Forrester, J.C., “Thinking Creatively; Thinking Critically," Asian Social Science 4, no. 5 (May 2008):100.

Karim, F, " What is the difference between creative and critical thinking?," Quora, (accesssed November 17, 2016)

Kokemuller, N, “How Plagiarism Affects Students”, Seattle pi, (accessed November 17, 2016)

Lindsay, B, “Student Plagiarism In Universities: The Scope Of Disciplinary Rules And The Question Of Evidentiary Standards," International J ournal of La w & Education 16, no. 1 (march 2011): 27.

Macquarie University Sydney, Australia, “How Does Creative Thought Differ From Critical Thought?”, (Accessed November 17, 2016)

Martin, B, “Plagiarism and Responsibility”, Journal of Tertiary Educational Administration 6, no.2: 83.

Mindwerx International, “Critical & Creative Thinking”, (accessed November 17, 2016)

School Curriculum and Standard Authority, “Critical and creative thinking across the curriculum”, (accessed November 17, 2016)

Swinburne, “Plagiarism and misconduct”, (accessed November 17, 2016)

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