Discuss About The Science Of Cyber Resilience Military Systems.
Cyber risk has become of the most endangered issues in any industry as it could mislead some of the corporate data into wrong hands. Terms of usage of currency and GST maintenance, the effect of cybercrime would be very much inappropriate in terms of the unwanted data to be hacked by the hackers. There are several cases of crimes involve in the industry o the country. The evidence of the cybercrime, as well as the proper related cases related to the cybercrime, has mentioned being discussed for the better understanding of the topic.
The process of tools involved in the cybercrime has been maintained as per the need of extended section of the cybercrime to be analysed in terms of the better incarnation of usage of tools. The issues which are being generated by the cyber crime has been mentioned and also the process of the issues engaged in the cyber crime-related issues has been mentioned to be in be the report. Synertec limited previously known as SML Corporation Pvt ltd, has been one of the renowned companies in the country which is facing the cyber crime-related issues in the country. Effect of cybercrime and the less involvement of cybercrime have been described to be in the report.
Evidence of the cybercrime has led us to be helped in term of proper investigation of cybercrime to be discussed in the company. One of the most recent cases in the company had led us to be aware of the cybercrime related issue and also about the data management (Hay, 2016). In terms of proper data management, it has been seen that no care was being generated in terms of data handling. In the segment of the proper incrimination, it has been seen that some very sensitive data has been leaked due to the carelessness of the company and the supplier related data has been managed to be gone in the wrong hands. Inappropriate be usage of data has to lead the process of the data handling to be done on the wrong side of data management. In order to make the forces of data management to be done in the right and appropriate approach of the experts was not much capable in the data breach and data management segment of the company.
The second evidence of cybercrime in the Synertec limited has led the company customer database to be hacked by the teachers who had made the data to be gone in wrong hands for the convenience of the inappropriate data management. In the process of data management, it has made the process of unethical data management to be done in the correspondences of the unethical data representation.
The connection of the digital networks has been hacked in a time constant and the process of imposing the data related to segment have been maintained by the help of more resilient data connection in the constant (Khudyako, 2018). In the process of more improved and segmented data attach it has been seen that the proper structure of bonding is needed to make with the help of experts in network connection (Markovi?-Petrovi?, 2018).
Some of the data corruption needed to be enhanced by the help of proper network management and thus the process of management must have been to be involved with the help of the expert's guide. The process of exclusive interpretation is needed to manage by the relational factors of the data management.
The tools which were used in the cyber crime have been one of the most important factors the crime which had helped the crime to take place and execution of the plan is being done accordingly by the help of the tool.
First and foremost tool which is generally being issued by the cyber hacker is proxy servers and anonymizers. With the help of the proxy server and anonymizers, the identity is being hidden in terms of the unethical approach of the data collection. In case of the IP tracing also, the server location and place might not be traceable in terms of proper involvement to the path which is being used by the unethical hackers (Alexeev et al. 2017).
In order to prevent cybercrime, the world economic forum had provided some framework of principle and tools kit. By following such principle the cyber security can be protected. In the entire business sector the protection of Cyber security has been being most important. The tools and principle are developed by the committee for protecting the Cybercrime. They have set a questionnaire on the security of the program. This questionnaire is a discussion between the board and senior management of the Synertec limited. The forum also provides a principle on the cyber resilience. Cyber Resilience is a process which encompasses cyber security and business community management. These tools aim to defend the cyber attack and help to face the cyber attack as well.
In order to create the Cyber Resilience, the problems should to identify, detect and protect. Firstly the risk of cyber attack should be identified. Identification can only be obtained by getting the information from the system where the attack is performed. Thereafter the abnormalities of the information will be detected. Ultimately the protection will be given by implementation of ISMS system software (Information Security Management System). This system helps the people to protect information of document of audit and balance sheet of a company. Another tool to protect a cyber attack is the BCMS (Business Continuity Management System). This system helps to form an organisational resilience. It benefits to maintain the business operation. It reduces the cost of running the business. The organisation can face any type of disasters (Weforum.org, 2017).
The forum also lays out a document of guideline on the organisation about dealing the cyber attack that an organisation may face in course of their business. The forum leads out some emerging tools which would provide guidelines. The tools are hardware authentication which protects the hardware by password. Other tools are cloud technology and deep learning. The cloud technology saves a high amount of data with a low threat of cyber attack. Deep learning encompasses the artificial intelligence which cannot be hack easily (Weforum.org, 2017).
Some of the most recognised issues in the company or in the country could be damaged due to the process of the more involvement of cybercrime and the related issues. In order to make the process of the money and time management to be addressed properly, there should be some mentioned approaches of the issues, these issues are
The data of the company is very much sensitive and thus it is needed to be preserved in some of the mist organized ways. In order to make the process of the management of data to be managed by a very good and improved process, the involvement of cyber experts is very much needed for the betterment of the data loopholes to be covered (Shackelford, 2016). In order to make the appropriate data management to be done in the company, some segment of the data management is needed to be done with the help of ethical data manager. The utilization of the space and appropriate segmentation of data should have to be done for the cost and time-saving approach of the data (Liang, 2017). It has been seen that not the only segment of business-related data are in the section of data management, but also the portion of some customer and their sensitive data are being revealed to the wrong approach of data management . This might cause a result of data to be irregular.
The maintenance of the data and its privacy is hampered in terms of the proper privacy to be maintained .The proper management of privacy is being hampered as per the unethical data management and the consequences of the data management to be done in a wrong way. The privacy of the company related data, as well as the customer related data, is being hampered in terms of the privacy to be diminished (Muniyappan et al. 2016).
Data is being managed by the company in a very unethical way of the process management by the company. Thus the time and space being consumed by the company is very much. In terms of space consuming section, it has been seen that cost is also being increased. In order to save time and cost, the proper utilisation of the process needs to be done with the help of the ethical and guide structure data maintenance guide. Inappropriate and irregularity in the process the management it has been seen that no other segments should be left to be managed by the proper space and time management.
There are sera effects of cyber-related crime which could affect the wrong data management in terms of the process of data segmentation. In terms of the data measurement, it has affected the data management segment to be in the process of unethical data management. The effects are being described
Data leak:
Some of the process involving in data management, it has been seen that very irregular data amazement had led to being a result of data leak in terms of the data management policy. Less care in the data management has led the process of data to be leaked and also to be used by the wrong hands which might make the data to be unstable. More data management has been needed to make sure that no data is being hacked by the hackers (Panetta and Schroth, 2015).
Data corruption:
Some of the ethical hackers might get the unethical access to the data and also the usage of the data might be restricted by them. In terms of the data corruption, the data which are very sensitive is needed to be checked by the company expert so that no other possible loophole is there in the company data management. Data rupture might make the company data to be settled and also to make temporarily store in the hacker server which could be used at the convenience of data management.
Business policy change:
As suggested by Pal et al. (2016), the effect of the cyber crime has to lead the policies of the company to be changed by the help of the proper structure to be involved in the process of data management. In terms of the data management, it has been seen that no other segments are being affected by the data eruption such as the business policy change. The data management policy is needed to be managed according to the data protection and fair usage of the data policies in the company.
These effects must have to be considered in terms of the proper usage of the data and their significant approaches to be there. The process of exaggeration in data is needed to be managed by the company management and their usage is intended to do be done with the help of the management.
Cyber security can be protected by using five tools. Firstly the office should have a secured hardware to protect an internal network of the office. Secondly, keep the spam email out of the mailbox and use ransom ware. It can also be prevented by using various strong anti viruses. In order to control the inappropriate data management one can take help by creating Cyber Resilience. By creating this one can manage its data appropriately.
The cloud technology can be used when the data is huge and cannot be secured in the system. This technology helps IT company to flourish. The privacy of the company should be secured only when it uses a strong protection firewall for the office network. There is various anti-viruses which can provide the security to the office network. The privacy of the office is a need to secure the trade secret of the company.
In a world of technology there is a various application for protection which consumes more space and it’s more time-consuming. In this case the new technology should be introduced for protecting the security of the system. This technology should not contain a huge amount of space in the system. Moreover the authentication of the hardware will help to protect the system from getting a cyber attack. The cloud technology is very helpful in storing the huge data. A new technology should be introduced where the antivirus can be kept in the cloud not on the personnel system. The artificial intelligence can be used to the system. This would help the system to consume less time. If a system gets the sense and power of using it intelligently, the system on its own can create the time calculation.
In the recent time the technology is totally focused on improving the artificial intelligence and cloud technology. The generation scientist is trying to build a robot which is based on the artificial technology. In the modern world robotic technology has become a new focus for the next generation scientist. Hence the cyber attack can be prevented if the people use to be aware of various techniques. The enhancement of the technology will help protect the cyber attack.
It can be concluded from the above study that cyber risk has become a new threat to the society. As the society is totally dependent on the digital technology in daily life necessity, the cybercrime is gaining its power. The unethical hacker tries to interfere with various government data. In order to get rid of the problem the government should introduce various new technology and hardware authentication. The cloud technology will also help the organisation to prevent the cyber attack. The invention of new technology will help to reduce the terrorist attack and stop the unethical hackers. The hackers used various tools to hack the system like proxy servers and anonymizers and to prevent this tools the organisation should create cyber resilience which would prevent the cyber attack. It will also provide a measure to get rid of the cyber attack and also helps to protect the system in future. The strong cyber resilience will lower the risk of the cyber attack. The cyber hackers produce various spam mail and send it to the email account of the organisation. This situation can be avoided by developing the strong antivirus which can detect this mail id and block it forever. The next generation of software inventor is trying to create a new application which can prevent the cyber hackers and cyber attack.
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