Answer: Introduction The purpose of the following report is to review a business case study of Mormor Magda’s ice cream and their performance in Swedish ice cream industry (, 2019). As their business journey was not smooth and full of difficulties, this report will discuss organisational issues and try to provide recommendations to mitigate existing and future challenges. Overview of the case study Angela Hafstrom decide...
Answer: Answer 1 The requirement in the given case scenario is to design an organizational structure (Long & Singh, 2006). The five contextual variables that affect the recommendation for strategy designing of organization includes: Work specialization - Firstly to form the corporation, it is important to divide the responsibilities according to expertise or field-requirement level. This refers to forming various subdivision in which spe...
Answer: Part 1: Select Subcontractors It is very important to select the best subcontractor when implementing a construction project because subcontractors play a very vital role in successful completion of these projects (Hartmann, et al., 2009); (Marzouk, et al., 2013). This task involves evaluating and comparing four quotations submitted by four different companies for formwork and concrete works. The purpose of this evaluation i...
Answer: Introduction Marriages of diverse countries or ethnic groups have been observed separately as an illustration of society and family life with limited scope. Authors have noted that economic, cultural along with political factors have contributed to the development of marriages. According to Pande (2015), arranged marriage implies to the type of marital union where bride and groom have been selected by third party instead of each other...
Answer: Introduction This research paper begins with a brief description of the company profile of Huawei with their corporate profile and descriptions of the products and their geographical coverage. This is followed by an in depth description of the retail offline business of Huawei, which is a recent business endeavour of the company. An analysis of the customer segment and market competition have been conducted in the report. The theoreti...
Answer: Background of Multinational Product Corporation Last year, it acquired the ownership of new type of Golf Club, which was invented by a retired machinist The machinist produced only few sets of the clubs, although his glory spread across the globe The company has numerous divisions and departmental units, offering choice to the clients and the customers to select their preferred brands The Corporation plans to set up new branches ...
Answer: Part A Nonlinear quantizes µ-law and A-law compander in MATLAB A-Low Compander: This type of non-linear quantization is used in Europe and in which sample bit value is equal to 12 bit. It is defined by an equation which is given below in which A is a compression constant and for Europe value of A is equal to 87.7. Where x- normalized integer value, and A- compression parameter According to characteristics of this commander...
Answer: Introduction Constant abdominal pain and diarrhea may be an indication of a serious underlying medical problem (Smith & Shimp, 2014). The pain experienced by a patient suffering from abdominal pain and diarrhea can be as a result of numerous factors that range from indigestion to intestinal infections. Therefore, it is important to identify the possible causes of all the symptoms so as to aid in medications and possible tips of pr...
Answer: Current Market situation Currently, the market situation of a2 Milk Company is very good in New Zealand and in other markets. It holds 10% market share in New Zealand dairy industry. In the year 2017, the global market of a2 Milk has reached to a value of US$ 4,410 million. As of 2016, the revenues of this organization are AS$337.3 million that has been increased from previous year (The a2 Milk Company 2018). Internal Analysis ...
Answer: Strategic issue and recommendations The extensive analysis of the business external environment, business internal environment, business positioning, analysis is done in this report. That analysis has provided some important insight to the current report. From those insights some important issue for the Apple Inc is identified in this current report (Ghemawat et al., 2010). Those issues are analysed in details in the following section...
Answer: Identifying skills Examination of the Position Descriptions (PD) The job chosen is the Occupational Therapist (OT). An OT has the responsibility of providing suitable accessibility to occupational therapy intervention that involves enabling people of all ages to live life at maximum by assisting to adjust with disease or disability and promote health. They offer quality, organised and client centred OT services. Identification...
Answer: The principal issue while examining control is that of definitions, for one can't manage something without right off the bat characterizing it. Be that as it may, the term robot is specialized and includes an extensive variety of utilizations that have next to no in like manner. Because of this, it’s difficult to build up a uniting collection of standards appropriate to a wide range of mechanical applications, rather unique guide...
Answer: Step 1 Activity (describe/name the activity, task or process with the associated risk) Step 2 Hazards (describe the hazard) Step 3 Potential risks (describe consequences and impacts of the risk) Step 4 Existing controls (describe existing risk control measures in place) Existing Risk Score If relevant Step 5 Action required Hierarchy of Controls ...
Answer: Introduction: A project is any unique undertaking that is managed and conducted by people in order to meet fixed goals within parameter of decreased cost and increased quality. The considerable factors of the project are precise objectives, prescribed resources, budget, schedule, quality measures and functions within the life cycle. The following sections discusses various factors that measures and determines project’s success, ...
Answer: Sales Details Azu Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Number of Units 6000 7000 8000 9000 Selling Price per Unit $  ...
Answer: The main purpose of this paper is to develop a customer oriented marketing plan for the special nutritional energy bars introduced by Kelloggs Australia, namely the Special K Protein bars, which is a relatively new product in the Australian market. It would thus require adequate market research followed by a robust marketing plan to establish itself as a forerunner in the Australian emerging food market. In the emerging food sector, en...
Answer: Four Human Resource Management (HRM) Methods Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) Technique The technique allows the employees to bring their own devices and gadgets at the workplace to carry out the professional tasks and activities. The technique makes sure that the employees are provided with enhanced flexibility and the option of remote working. It may help the organizations to improve the work-life balance of the resources and ca...
Answers: 1. a) Cov (x, y) = -89/8-1 = -89/7 = -12.71 b). The covariance between years of experience and salary is -12.71. A negative covariance implies that the variables are inversely related (Stevens, 2012). c) = -12.71/2.45 x 5.24 = -1 A correlation coefficient of -1 is an indication that for every positive increase in years of experience there is a negative decrease of a fixed proportion in the salary (Cohen and Kohn, 20...
Answer: Introduction Maersk Doha stacked at the Portsmouth Marine Terminal in Norfolk on October 1 leading to the shutdown of the main engine. This was around 0630. This particular vessel was actually scheduled travel or sail at 2100 but there was postponement from the early evening until evening so that changes could be made on the plan of stowage. The staff of engineers actually took advantage of this time to carry out some repai...
Answer: Introduction System is composed of different procedures that are brought together to complete a particular designated task within a specified period of time while information system is just a software used to give a particular data to it’s users. Information system in most organizations are managing and processing data as soon as the users request for the data. It can as well be used for planning long term activities in an orga...
Answer: Introduction Arnott’s biscuits is one the leading biscuit manufacturer of Australia ( 2019). This report will put its emphasis on Arnott’s Tim Tam biscuits which is rightfully the most popular biscuit of Australia. The company plans to expand further to markets that are characterised by high income elasticity (Markusen 2013). The product is already a market leader and the following strategi...
Answer: Part A 1.a.The requirements of both existing Australian standards on revenue recognition and the newly issued international accounting standards by the IASB (International accounting standards board) are the same. There were certain drawbacks in the existing standard on revenue recognition which has resulted in an inconsistency between the company’s reported revenue. To be more specific when the company recognized revenue of the...
Answer: “Tell us what it is to be a woman so that we may know what it is to be a man. What moves at the margin. What it is to have no home in this place. To be set adrift from the one you knew. What it is to live at the edge of towns that cannot bear your company.” The above quoted lines of Toni Morrison which she delivered at her Nobel Prize Acceptance speech in 1993 speaks volume about the nature of her literary works and the th...
Answer: Contribution to the field The aim of the author is to study the model of the relationships of the buyers and suppliers. The paper also shows the exploratory modelling of how the trust impacts the relationship between the buyers and the suppliers. The author used the concepts of the supply chain management. The data used in the report is 164 dyads of the sellers and buyers which is used as a sample from the cross section of indus...