Answer: It is quite often being said that the management accounting and financial accounting differs in a number of ways, the former being forward looking and the latter being backward looking having a post facto analysis. Though both of these have the common end objective of better future for the organization, however, management accounting is much broader than the financial accounting (Dichev, 2017). Management Accounting is meant only ...
Answer: Subjugating global challenges, such as rapid population growth, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and destruction of ecosystems, requires engineers to play a leadership role by ensuring that they consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of their decisions. This necessity has prompted focus on the role of engineering management in achieving a sustainable future. The need to build a more sustainable, ...
Answer: Introduction Sainsbury is the leading supermarket chain organization in the United Kingdom. It was founded in Holborn, the United Kingdom in 1869 by John James Sainsbury and his wife. Currently, Sainsbury has 1,423 grocery stores in the UK, in which total 815 were convenience stores. This paper is highlighting importance of practical training and evaluation of after training and executing programs of training for the staffs in Sainsbu...
Answer: Introduction Schizophrenia is chronic and a cognitive disorder that is characterised by hallucinations, delusions , thought disorders, avolition, poor expression of the emotions, social withdrawal, suicidal tendency and other cognitive difficulties that significantly affects the way a person behaves and believes. It usually appears in the early adulthood or the late adolescent period. There are generally five types of schizophre...
Answer: Introduction The recent years have seen the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) increase at unprecedented rates. So far, the developmental condition is listed among the major cases of mental disorders in various parts of the worlds including the UK, US, and India. Note that the incidence rates in the mentioned regions are 1 in 64, 1 in 68, and 1 in 150 respectively (Kuriakose & Lahiri 2017). Such a realization is quite d...
Answer Fingerprinting of gold Gold fingerprinting is a technique for categorising a specific component created of gold, grounded on the impurities it encloses (Liu et al. 2008). The process adopts a qualitative approach from the unusual patterns created by the small and trace element impurities present in gold. The production of the Golden Bullion Bank offers an efficient means of determining the source of gold. It is usually used ...
Answer: Introduction: Immigration firms generally comprise of lawyers, which are involved in the immigration. A legal Immigration lawyer is one who can defend a person’s case in the case of deportation. They can also provide information about work visas in other countries for a short period of time. Many organizations employ Immigration Firms, so it is easier for them to transfer employees abroad if the case be (Gilpin, 2018). The follo...
Answer: Option 1 Cost benefit analysis is used for providing a comparison between the benefits and total costs of executing a project or venture (Boadway, 2016). The technique assumes that monetary value can be placed on all the benefits and cost of the programs. Discounting is the process that has been used tocalculate the anticipated costs and benefits of the project throughout the whole life span of the project for converting the fut...
Answer: Overview of local markets and analysis: The market of Malaysia is well diversified with a large variety of products in electronic field which is a result of globalization. In addition to this, the technological level in the world is moving forward with the introduction of High Definition Television with crystal clear images. As per the opinion of the World Bank, the economy of Malaysia is an open market and the economy is well diversi...
Answer: Introduction Development in internet has brought a dynamic change in the shopping culture of people and the business operations around the world. Initially, supermarkets and the retail shops were the best practises for consumers to buy products, but due to development in the technology in recent years have created a new online platform for retail stores from where consumers can easily buy a product with the help of internet. Online sh...
Answer: African American Women in Prison The United States is known for its crowded prisons. While the population of the United States is only about 5% of the world population, it houses more than 20% of the incarcerated people in the world (Campbell, Michael, Matt and Joshua, 183). The 1980s saw a dramatic change in the nature of crime laws and the number of people being imprisoned (Kubrin, Charis and Carroll, 18). At the start of that decad...
Answer: Introduction There are two types of organisations i.e.for-profit organisation and not for profit organisation. not for profit organisations are usually known as non-profit organisations or NPO. Non-profit organisations are established in order to provide social services by introducing several programs for the citizen of a country. Economic definition of non-profit organisation is different. Non-profit organisations use their surplus o...
Answer: Considering the present situation where the ecological wellbeing of Earth has been affected on account of man’s indiscriminate economic activities, governments and legislations have become focused on regulating environmental impacts of organizations. Therefore, organizations in order to comply with the established legal frameworks and also to exercise their social responsibility properly have to devise efficient approaches toward...
Answer: Introduction Dr. Pepper Snapple Group is a brand owner, distributor and distributor of non-alcoholic beverages in USA, Canada and Mexico. By 2006 it was the only non-alcoholic beverage company in USA which did not produce branded energy drinks by 2006. As part of the company’s corporate business strategy, the senior management came up with a decision to explore market in the beverage industry. At the beginning of September Mr. A...
Answer: This assignment focuses on the influence and impact of social groups on the interpersonal relationships. Moreover, it is concerned with how such groups create changes in interpersonal relationships and bring an enormous change. A group is not a pairing of two individuals. It is sharing of each other’s thoughts, beliefs and actions which when channelized properly will grow better. Socio-psychology is a discipline that uses m...
Answer: Affirmative A sex offender registry is referred to a system which is designed by government authorities in which details regarding sex offenders is included to ensure that they are able to keep track of the activities of sex offenders (Harris & Socia, 2016). This list assists the authorities in ensuring that the offenders are continuously monitored to avoid any potential crimes. This list also includes details regarding those sex ...
Answer: Introduction The report mainly focuses on the different kinds of approaches related to human resource management which will be appropriate for effectively handling the various problems. The assignment will discuss the different issues which have been faced by the organization in such a manner that has reduced the overall efficiency of the firm in a negative way. In the case study, this was being seen that there were differe...
Answer: Introduction The study is focused towards the essential analysis and evaluation of qualitative data analysis. The focus will be towards understanding the essence of qualitative analysis for evaluating research subjects. The technique used in the research is empirical phenomenological analysis. The study has been made to understand how qualitative analysis can help towards effectively understanding a given subject matter. Empirical phe...
Answer Scenario: Emergency in a Tropical Resort 1. Since the weather forecast of cyclone is true emergency alert has to be executed. The emergency ring should be blown to reach the information of impending storm and cyclone to every guests as well staffs in the hotel. All windows and doors should be locked and latched. Necessary arrangements should be made if in case power goes off. All the electrical machines needed to be unplugged. Some tec...
Answer: Introduction Human resource management is the management of human resources which is aimed at maximizing the employee performance in an organization. Wesfarmers is an Australian based company whose human resource management has contributed to its success in the industry. Currently, Wesfarmers is listed as one of the largest company in Australia. Human resource management dramatically benefits Wesfarmers (Hendry, 2012, p. 33...
Answer: This section could lead to a researcher for getting theoretical data with respect to the research issue. It could also be imperative for the accomplishment aim and objectives of the research in the least time and cost. Furthermore, it is evaluated that there are certain sources that are considered by named books, journals, offline and online sources, and magazines. It could lead to the firm to get the data with respect to the research ...
Answer Introduction Capitalism is an economic situation whereby the ownership of capital goods is left in the hands of private individuals. The production of goods and services are dependent on the market economy instead of it running through central planning. In the modern world, most countries practice mixed capitalist whereby there is some kind of state regulation of the businesses and industry. Workers in one hand do not spend their entir...
Answer: YouTube is one of the greatest online platforms where creator effectively showcases their talent and generates revenue. The purpose of this assessment is to analysis revenue generation activity using YouTube. In order to understand revenue generation process, a YouTube channel i.e., PewDiePie has been selected to understand strategic relationship between Patreon, PayPal and other revenue vectors in a systematic order.  ...
Answer: Introduction The article that I choose for the critical appraisal for the qualitative analysis is “Beginners in prescribing practice: Experiences and perceptions of nurses and doctors” by Lim North & Shaw published in 2018. The article provides insightful information on the perceptions and experiences of nurses plus doctors towards becoming professional prescribers. The article was appropriate for the study since it ca...
Answer: Exploratory Data Analysis was performed for the given data set in Rapid-Miner software platform (Andrews, Sanchez & Johansson, 2011). In the process of EDA the data file was bridged with the select attribute to exclude variables like id, date for their nominal and ordinal property. Variable Zip code was also excluded from the analysis as descriptive for the variables were redundant. The select attribute was then joined with the r...