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You and your ‘team’ (student group) will operate the restaurant, forecasting and making decisions based on your business plan (developed in class time as a group) and specific strategies you feel are appropriate for your plan. Just like the real world, each period yields the results of previous decisions. As a group you will make furtherdecisions based on the reports and outcomes from the previous period.

To explain the importance of the simulation to your assessments for this unit consider the breakdown and purpose of each assessment.









Quarter 1

At the end of the first 4 months (quarter - January to April inclusive) you will

year 1 –

have results to base research on. As in the real world, certain information


and results of previous decisions, necessitates research and gathering of

research and

information to make informed decisions for the future.

your results

Assessment 1 provides an opportunity for this research and is due at the end

to make

of week 4.


Your simulation and decision making will continue past this, providing


opportunity to use your research for further strategic decision making.



End Year 2 –

The culmination of the 2-year trading period set down for the simulation (in

SIM301 Assessment 1 Brief 2018

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using your

business this may be a time stipulated for an overall review).

data and

You will analyse the results of the simulated operation and consider what


worked and what did not. This report requires evaluation of all decisions

made over this period; the ones you tried, changes you made to strategy

and what the results were.



Pitch for

Based on your assessment 2 review, it’s time to pitch to hotel management

for support for your future plans and initiatives.



Every business needs to develop and grow to maintain a return for its

based on the

investors. In this case, the business is the restaurant and the investors are

end of all

the hotel managers (responsible to the owners of the property).

trading over

As a group, use all decisions and outcomes measured, and recommend a

2 years.

strategic future direction for your restaurant. It may be a new opportunity

or a continuing direction needing additional resources; to demonstrate how

important this direction is to the future of the restaurant, use all information

in your pitch to your managers.

To engage the owners/managers your pitch needs to be:

compelling and worthwhile to support well considered strategic


based on a thorough analysis of your trading data and

understanding of future trends and changes to your business.

As part of the management team of the restaurant (in your simulation) you have been using your business plan to make strategic decisions for your operation. After these months of trading you now have results available to examine.

As always in business you must consider how these results inform future decisions. Your career as a manager is determined and affected by the results you produce; the more you understand (through research and analysis of results) about strategies which work, the more likely you are to succeed in business.

Colin Chester the hotel’s CEO, has emailed you, his management team, with his concerns.

Send To: F&B team – restaurant

Subject: Please advise

Hi team,

We need to stay ahead of trends and be ready to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. I have been doing my research and am worried about these areas, and how they might impact on the restaurant:


I found this quote and wonder if we fully understand what this means for the restaurant.


“A new ‘marketsphere’ has emerged – a technology-driven borderless world with fragmenting media


and diverse customers resistant to traditional push marketing is now a reality.”


Moutinho, L., & Vargas-Sánchez, A. (2018). Strategic management in tourism. Wallingford, Oxfordshir:



Does an online presence matter in today’s restaurant business and subsequent marketing efforts - how

does this can help or hinder outcomes of a restaurant?


I have been reading more and more about the importance of staff training and this article has made me


think about our approach to training.



Staff training, does this matter for the success of the restaurant and why?

Please consider these questions, select one which works best with your current strategy and business plan.

Then research contemporary thinking in industry and create a report explaining how this could impact on your business plan and directions chosen for the restaurant.

Once you have chosen your main area (above) I’d like a report which investigates the following five main areas:

  • Identify at least onebusiness/organisation successfully implementing strategies which relate to our restaurant.
  • Briefly explain this business and why you believe their strategies are successfully working to address demands.
  • For that business, outline at least twostrategic management elements relating to their establishment and growth, and provide examples from their past to support your selection. Justify your responses.

  • Briefly discuss at least twoemerging trends (consumer, economic, social, technological, political, etc.) related to your topic which are likely to impact on the restaurant industry in the future.
  • Consider the identified trends as potential opportunities for growth and recommend at least twonew growth strategies our restaurant can implement in the future to improve their market share/revenue.



You are working as a team to run your simulated restaurant and need to start researching to prepare the report to answer Colin’s questions. Any research made in your chosen area will help you and the team make sensible decisions in future periods in the simulation.

Initial Struggles of Attica Restaurant

Strategic management is highly effective in monitoring and analyzing organizational goals and missions. In the high competitive environment, implementation of strategic alliance is highly effective in gaining an edge over other organizations. In addition to this, by employing strategic management tools an organization is able to keep up with the high competitive and ever changing market. In the fast-paced world, it has noticed that in the fast-paced world organizations need to keep up with the expectations and demands of the target market. Strategic management helps the organizations in gaining the competitive advantage as well as enables the organizations to understand the demands of the business market in which it is operating. In addition to this, the strategic management tools enable the organizations to understand the present organizational situations and position. Hence, it is helpful in the process of deciding future strategies that might be helpful in deciding future strategies for the organization. Moreover, it is helpful in understanding the cross functional organizational decisions and also helps in the process of implementation of these decisions. The report hence will analyze the strategic management elements that has been implemented in the Attica restaurant. The restaurant is one of the most prominent one in the country. In the initial stages, the organization did not succeed in gaining the present popularity. Along with the implementation of multiple significant strategic changes, the organization has been able to rise to being one of the most prominent dining spaces in the world. Hence, the organizational strategies that have been helpful in the process of succeeding have also been analyzed in the present report.

Attica is one of the most popular fine dining restaurants of Melbourne Australia. The organization has won multiple awards and has won several prominent awards. The fine dining restaurant that has been regarded as one of the most prominent eateries of Australia has also been listed amongst the top 50 restaurants of the world. The restaurant that has been initially opened by Dr David Maccora and his wife Helen, had failed to grab the attention of the customers. Afterwards, the owner appointed two chefs consequently the company failed to succeed. In the year 2005, the organization has appointed Ben Shewry, as the chief chef of the restaurant (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). From then onwards the restaurant has witnessed a significant success. At present, ben Shewry is the head cook as well as the owner of the organization.

Organizational Strategies Implemented by Ben Shewry

During the initial stages if the organization, it has been noticed that Attica faltered in gaining the desired popularity. However, in the year 2005 the present owner and head chef has taken up the responsibility of the organization in order to help the organization to reach to its desired goal. Moreover, the chef has noticed that the organization is facing issues regarding the staff training and understanding the demands of the customers. Hence, Ben Shewry took up multiple strategies that will mostly be effective in changing the organizational environment.

The primary strep that Ben Shewry took is to revamp the leadership skills and introduce teamwork. Ben Shewry noticed that the employees of the organization are lagging behind in the process of taking up proper understanding of the both demands of the customers as well as the instruction of the supervisors. In this regard, it can be said that, Ben Shewry has been successful in understanding the need of implementing successful organizational communication. It has been noticed that the organization was losing its effectiveness as a result of lack of communication. This as creating a direct effect on the customer service (Hill, 2017). Hence, Ben Shewry revamped the communication and leadership process of Attica. Instead of depending on the hierarchical way, it has introduced and implemented the method of free communication amongst the employees and the leaders. Moreover, the organization focused on teamwork. This has been helpful in the process of understanding the demands of the customers. In this regard, it can be said that the organization has understood the importance of communication as one of the important tool in implementing organizational effectiveness. Hence, in the initial stages of organizational change, Ben Shewry has been able to understand the need of communication in building a harmonious organizational environment.

Another important aspect of bringing the organizational change is ensuring the quality of the products. Ben Shewry noticed that previously the organization was lagging behind due to the inconsistency in the quality of the food and services (Renz, 2016). Ben Shewry noticed that the organization was suffering due to the constant changes in chefs and other employees. Hence, the organization focused on hiring skilled employees as well as worked towards retaining them. In this regard, Ben Shewry has come up with multiple workshops and employee training programs. In addition to this, the organization focused on high level services and in time delivery of the ordered items (Eden & Ackermann, 2013). The overall focus on the quality of the food products and the better service experience has been immensely helpful for the organization. Moreover, the organization has focused on the process of maintaining the nutritious aspects of the foods. Ben Shewry have mentioned that the restaurant puts emphasize on the freshness of the food and other ingredients that are used in the preparations.

Revamping Leadership Skills and Introducing Teamwork

Ben Shewry has mentioned that the organizations aims at making economic growth that can be regarded as minor growths. Ben Shewry mentioned that the organization is not aiming at economic improvement that cannot be termed as high aimed strategy (Grunig, 2013). However, Ben Shewry has also mentioned that the organization is looking forward to and working towards achieving economic growth in every day.

Though the organization has taken up and implemented multiple strategies, it can be said that the organization still has ample scope of betterment. In this regard, the strategies that have been implemented by Ben Shewry can be analyzed. It can be understood that the strategies of communication and leadership can be implemented more effectively. From the analysis of the organizational strategies it can be said that the organization needs to take up initiatives in order to make the ideas and views of the employees (Rothaermel, 2015). This will help the organization to motivate the employees as well as make them feel included. While analyzing the strategies of maintaining the quality of the products and services it can be said that the organization needs to focus on the process of delivering fresh foods. Moreover, it can implement the strategy of using organic food products while preparing the dishes (Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes, 2015). The most important aspect of the strategic management is aiming at higher economic growth. It has been mentioned by Ben Shewry that the organization aims at smaller economic margins. This is holding back the organization to achieve significant growth.

One of the most important aspect in maintaining an organizational growth. In the context of Attica, it can be said that the organization needs to keep up with the emerging trend of online marketing. As per the present scenario, it can be understood that the consumers are preferring restaurants that are coming up with the opportunities of placing online orders. Hence, the organization needs to focus on it (Lasserre, 2017). In addition to this, it has been monitored that the restaurants are coming up with dishes with that are prepared with organic ingredients. Attica can focus on the usage of organic ingredients as well.

In this regard it can be said, the restaurant can implement strategies that focus on the organizational communication and leadership qualities. In addition to this, it should focus on being quality consciousness. Moreover, the organization needs to focus on online marketing and delivery of food products.


To conclude it can be said that the organization has implemented multiple strategies that can influence in the future growth. The process of free communication and leadership qualities has been immensely helpful in achieving significant growth.


Eden, C., & Ackermann, F. (2013). Making strategy: The journey of strategic management. Sage.

Grunig, J. E. (2013). Furnishing the Edi?ce: Ongoing Research on Public Relations as a Strategic Management Function. In Public Relations and Communication Management (pp. 41-66). Routledge.

Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning.

Hill, T. (2017). Manufacturing strategy: the strategic management of the manufacturing function. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Lasserre, P. (2017). Global strategic management. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H., & Zentes, J. (2015). Strategic international management (pp. 978-3658078836). Springer.

Renz, D. O. (2016). The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management. John Wiley & Sons.

Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill Education.

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