The right utilisation of the human resources in an organisation definitely improve the level of efficiency of the work force. That impact positively on the achieving of the organisational aims and objectives. Creating healthy relationships inside the organisation is the key of maintaining stability of the work forces. So, involving proper behaviours within an organisation underpinned with motivating the workforce is an essential aspect for any organisation.
This research is focused at an existing problem concerning the security which regards lack of motivation to work and not enough efforts to be corrected.
The objectives of the research include:
- Analysing the motivational level needed for the security staff at Tesco, Seven Sisters, London.
- Understanding the disbalance of the level of motivation needed and level of motivation provided to the security officers at Tesco, Seven Sisters.
- Making recommendations about ways of increasing the motivation level for the security officers, which to improve their productivity
For the research was used the non-probability and convenience sampling method, which is a time saving and cost-saving way of conducting a research. For the gathering data from the security officers, was used survey. Also, for the analysis method was used statistical analysis of primary data. The study indicated that the organisation has provided health and safety work place, possibilities for incrementing of the salaries as a job satisfaction. Still there is a high rate of turnover, which was a result of lack of non-financial motivations and low appreciation of their hard work. The non-financial motivators could be benefits such as medical benefits or family security plans.
The recommendations that was made are, to help to be increased the level of motivation by:
- Providing security for the security workers and their families.
- Providing regular breaks.
- Sharing positive outcomes for the organisation.
It is well known that motivation could affect any single aspect of the business. The level of motivation is a basic factor for the future growth of the organization. The power of motivation is that it is capable of increasing the job satisfaction and productivity, thus it is likely to help in achieving the organizational goals. The main aim of the research is to decide the factors that affect the job satisfaction level of the security staff in Tesco, Seven Sisters branch through examining the motivational factors used by the management.
Motivation was discussed and analyzed by various researchers, they considered motivation as the individuals' ability to do an activity conditioned by actions to satisfy needs. The motivated individual performs in a goal-oriented behavior (Yusoff, Kian & Idris 2013). Individuals need motivational factors either intrinsic or extrinsic to achieve their individual needs and the business goals as well. The increasing level of competition among organizations and among the individuals within organizations requires devoting high attention to motivation in business management. Different theories have emerged to explain motivation, including the content theories that analyze the individual needs and the process theories that discuss the cognitive processes in the mind of the employee and causes motivation. This research will discuss both types of theories through the analysis of the content theories, including Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and the expectancy theory of motivation as an example of the process theories (Parijat & Bagga 2014; Ruck, Welch & Menara 2017; Zeffane 2010).
The following section discusses the importance of the study, the research aim, research questions, the literature review, the research methodology, data interpretation and analysis, research ethics and research limitations and areas of further consideration. Finally, it discusses the research findings.
The contemporary business understands that the external and internal environment, also the organizational culture and behavior play essential roles in the growth of the business. Employee motivation is among the major factors that play a vital role at the workplace (Burton 2012).
Successful leaders can increase the employee satisfaction level and positively direct their attitude towards increasing their productivity. Leaders can use different motivational tools either intrinsic or extrinsic to fulfill the employees' individual needs. The motivating leader attitude towards the employees increases their level of trust (Ruck, Welch & Menara 2017).
The performance management is created to influence the employees to act according to the organizational goals. The employees, mostly need freedom of close supervision to be able to create their self-efficacy (Markos 2010).
This research aims to measure the impact of using different motivation incentives on the job satisfaction level of the security staff at Tesco, Seven Sisters, London.
The research questions are:
- What are the hindering factors of motivating the security officers of Barking Tesco, London?
- What is the accepted level of motivation for security officers of Barking Tesco, London?
- To what extent does the workforce motivation factors impact the motivation level of the security officers of Barking Tesco, London?
- What are the motivational strategies to be adopted to influence security officers of Barking Tesco, London in order to enhance their productivity?.
Motivation has been extensively researched due to its importance at the workplace, on the employees' performance and organizational success. Leaders have to realize the importance of motivation that requires a clear understanding of the employees' behavior to find the best ways of influencing them. Motivated employees are satisfied and highly engaged to the workplace and their satisfaction is positively reflected on the way they deal with customers that matter that enable organizations to achieve their goals (Faizul, Aminul & Islam 2014).
Effective leaders create a trust culture among the organization that increases the employees' confidence in them. The leader traits are very important to create a supportive environment (Zeffane, 2010; Ruck, Welch & Menara 2017). Employee empowerment is considered among the motivational tools used by the leaders that increases their level of satisfaction (Burton 2012).
Different theories have dealt with motivation and provided analysis to ways of motivating employees and their impact on their overall satisfaction and performance, as follows:
- Herzberg’s two-factor theory:It analyzed employees' job satisfaction by differentiating between two major sorts of motivators; the intrinsic factors and the extrinsic (hygiene) factors. According to the theory, intrinsic factors really contribute to the level of job satisfaction of the employees. They represent the job content factors that provide the employees with durable jobs. They can intrinsically increase their satisfaction with the work outcomes. The intrinsic factors involve recognition, achievement, growth and advancement. Satisfied employees are internally motivated, engaged in their workplace and efficiently fulfill their tasks to achieve the organizational goals (Yusoff, Kian & Idris 2013; Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl & Maude 2017; Dartey-Baah & Amoako 2011).
The extrinsic factors level of contribution has a lower impact on employees' motivation. They only share in preventing the occurrence of dissatisfaction at the workplace and they are generated by people around the employees. They involve external work conditions, salary, promotion, relationships among employees and supervisors (Dias et al. 2016). The employer's failure of satisfying the extrinsic factors leads to increased employees’ job dissatisfaction.
This theory is criticized for its high concern to the internal factors on the expense of the extrinsic factors, because employees might prefer factors, including the workplace conditions and salary to other factors like recognition (Yusoff, Kian & Idris 2013).
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: This theory assumes that individuals can decide their needs. It involves five consecutive levels of individuals' needs. It begins with a physiological need, including eating and drinking. The second level represents the need for security to feel safe. The third level reflects the belongings and love needs through recognition and appreciation of other people. The fourth level reflects the need for self-esteem. Finally, the fifth level is self-actualization (Jerome 2013; Kaur 2013).
- Expectancy theory: Vroom created this theory that assumes that individuals realize that certain actions should result in a certain outcome. When the individual has the chance of choosing between two outcomes, his choice is built on his belief that a certain outcome will happen (Parijat & Bagga 2014)(Estes & Polnick 2012; Nimri, Bdair & Al Bitar 2015).
The theory also assumes that maximum certainty includes its subjective certainty of a specific outcome. This means that employees at the workplace will be satisfied when certain motivations take place (Haque, Haque & Islam 2014).
Employees trust in their workplace and in colleagues, also the employee delegation and position define their role within the organization. This point is relared to the fourth level in the Maslow pyramid of needs that represents self-esteem (Zeffane 2010; Kiatkawsin, K & Han 2017).
Employee engagement to the workplace is highly associated with their level of satisfaction or they will leave their workplace and join another organization that fulfills their needs (Omar, Jusoff & Hussin 2010; Gruman & Saks 2011).
The expectancy theory is criticized for its complexity and involvement of many factors. Although it has a point of view, managers may not rely only on it alone and tend to use other theories to create a complete practice in reality. It represents core value with a high probability of occurrence at the workplace, but it should consider the human traits and pattern of behavior that could elect the subjective factors to the objective factors (Parijat & Bagga 2014).
There are key factors for motivating employees that should be considered by employers, they could be stated according to Brown & Hewitt (2014) and Ajmal et al. (2012), as follows:
- Extrinsic rewards: Using the extrinsic factors of motivation for their role in keeping the minimum levels of employees' satisfaction. The reward strategy by organizations should start from the organizational goals to employees' needs.
- Intrinsic reward:Employees are highly influenced by the intrinsic rewards for their satisfactory impact on their recognition and respect by peers and seniors.
- Employees’ commitment: Employees' commitment level is a function of the perceived organizational support. It is capable of reducing the turnover rate by influencing their level of satisfaction.
- The position of the employees: It reflects the empowerment level of the employees, their income level, position and respect at the workplace. The high level of autonomy of the employees significantly affects their level of satisfaction.
- The relationship with superior:The good relationship between the supervisor and the employees is likely to improve the communication and increases trust among them.
There are different philosophies that could be used in research, including the positivism, interpretivism and pragmatism. The positivist paradigm of scientific investigation requires objectivity of the researcher and independence of individual opinions. It assumes that the facts exist in the real world and the researcher should find them. Unlike the positivism, the interpretivism paradigm of scientific investigation involves the cognitive knowledge of the researcher in conducting the research which results in subjective and biased results. While the pragmatism philosophy focuses on the external practical applied research that integrates different perspectives to help in data interpretation (Xian & Meng-Lewis 2018).
The adopted research philosophy is the positivism paradigm of scientific investigation, the researcher seeks the reality of data that are used to complete the research in order to achieve the appropriate outcomes (Rajasekar, Philominathan & Chinnathambi 2013; Xian & Meng-Lewis 2018).
This research uses the deductive approach that aims to theory testing. It began with the theory, determination of the research variables and their measurements. Then, the questionnaire was developed to be used as a data gathering tool. Followed by primary data collection to be used in measuring the relationship between the research variables of the phenomenon of investigation, which is the impact of the motivational tools used by TESCO management on the job satisfaction of the security staff.
There are two major kinds of primary data that could be used in social research, they are the qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The positivist philosophy and the deductive approach require using the quantitative method of data collection. It requires objectivity in data collection, where the researcher follows the natural way of observing the real world phenomenon. It follows the top down approach, according to the deductive approach (Kuha 2011).
The survey method is considered an effective tool that helps in data gathering from a large volume of respondents that represent the sample unit of the research. There are several ways of conducting the research, including the personal interview, telephone interview and questionnaire (Hirzalla & van Zoonen 2017).
The researcher has created the questionnaire that used closed questions. This method requires careful selection of the questions to accurately measure the research variables. The logical order of the questions should be followed and limited answer options should be provided. The question's wording should be clear to help the respondents easily understand the researcher's aim. The considerations that were incorporated in designing the questionnaire involved, keeping it short, asking simple and clear questions, using close-ended questions and using dichotomous (yes/no) and multiple choice questions.
This research is a descriptive research that helps to analyse the data and theories to achieve the accurate result of the research. It uses the imperial investigation of the phenomenon of interest which is the job satisfaction of security officers of Barking Tesco, London, the United Kingdom in relation to the used tools of motivation by management (Flick 2013).
The population of the research refers to the group of individuals that share common characteristics and directly connected with research. This research considers the security officers at Tesco, Seven Sisters that represent the population. The sample size represents the selected people to be a part of the research. In this case, 10 security officers of Barking Tesco, London, United Kingdom were selected to answer the research questionnaires.
The convenience sampling or the availability sampling is the sampling method that was applied in this research. It is considered the type of non-probability sampling method. It involves data collection from the populated members that meet certain practical criteria and conveniently available. Also, the homogeneity of the sample units is important in the targeted population to ensure that no deviations will occur in the analysis of the research results (Etikan, Musa & Alkassim 2016).
The quantitative data analysis takes place after data collection, it is meant to measure the quantities that result in a set of numbers. The presentation of the results is shown in tabular and graphical formats. The statistics summary, frequency distributions and the relationships between the research variables are all represented. The results of the analysis could be generalized to the population (World Health Organization 2014). This research considers primary data analysis, statistical analysis of frequency with inferential analysis method. These methods helped in analyzing the collected data from the security officers of the organization.
The accessibility issue that the researcher faced during conducting data collection, is represented in the difficulty of completing the questionnaire by the security officers. Since Barking Tesco is a big organization, the security officers have limited time to complete the survey because they are always on duty. Thus, the researcher needed to prepare the questionnaires and provide the sample unit suitable time to fill them. Another issue is represented in the necessity of personal distribution of the questionnaires to the security guards because they cannot fill them online. This issue was also time-consuming and more costly compared to the online survey.
There are certainly ethical issues in conducting social science research. The personal data of the respondents are confidential and should not be used for other purposes except the desired research. Also, the researcher should make sure that the questions within the survey are clear and that the research method is clearly explained to create trust. The research results should be consistent with the used research method to be generalized to the population (Harriss & Atkinson 2011).
The overall job satisfaction of the security officers at TESCO reveals that 40% strongly agrees that the job is satisfying, the respondents who agree and disagree represented an equal percentage of 20% for each of them. The overall job security of the security officers at TESCO reveals that 30% of them strongly agrees that their job is secure, 30% of the respondents agree and only 20% of them disagree that their job is secure.
Regarding the monetary incentives, 40% of the respondents agreed that the salary increment motivates them to work harder compared to 30% who disagreed. Although, 60% of the respondents disagreed that the financial incentives are more effective in motivating them than the non-financial incentives and only 30% agreed to this.
Regarding the management attitude towards the security guards, the majority of the respondents agreed that the management provides a good physical environment for working with 70% compared to 20% who disagreed. Also, 50% of the respondents agreed that the management of Tesco really interested in motivating them compared to 30% who disagreed.
Regarding the possible ways of motivating security officers, the results show that both of the health benefits plan for the entire family and providing bonuses at regular intervals represent the most favorable incentives with 30% percentage for each of them. While in the second priority came the monetary incentives and the life insurance with 20% percentage to each of them.
Regarding the need for a family security plan of each security officer, the majority of the respondents agreed with 60% and only 10% disagreed.
The limitations of this research are time limitation, financial limitation and space limitation. The research only took place within the time of implementing it and the researcher is not responsible for further updates that might occur in the future. The financial limitation affected the way of conducting the research and the scope of the researcher. The research could have been comparative in nature, if it involved survey answers of security officers of different organizations. This research is limited in space as it took place in Tesco, Seven Sisters, London.
Leaders have to realize the importance of motivation that requires a clear understanding of the employees' behavior to find the best ways of influencing them. The leader traits are very important to create a supportive environment. Motivated employees are satisfied and highly engaged to the workplace and their satisfaction is positively reflected on the way they deal with customers.
The intrinsic factors are the factors that really contribute the level of employees job satisfaction Satisfied employees are internally motivated, engaged in their workplace and efficiently fulfill their tasks to achieve the organizational goals. But the extrinsic factors level of contribution has a lower impact on employees' motivation. They only share in preventing the occurrence of dissatisfaction at the workplace.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory assumes that individuals can decide their needs. It involves five consecutive levels of individuals' needs. Vroom created the expectancy theory that assumes that individuals realize that certain actions should result in a certain outcome. The theory also assumes that maximum certainty includes its subjective certainty of a specific outcome.
The adopted research philosophy is the positivism paradigm of scientific investigation, the researcher seeks the reality of data that are used to complete the research in order to achieve the appropriate outcomes. This research uses the deductive approach that aims to theory testing. The positivist philosophy and the deductive approach require using the quantitative method of data collection. It requires objectivity in data collection. This research is a descriptive research that helps to analyse the data and theories to achieve the accurate result of the research. The convenience sampling or the availability sampling is the sampling method that was applied in this research.
The overall job satisfaction of the security officers at TESCO reveals that 40% strongly agrees that the job is satisfying. The overall job security of the security officers at TESCO reveals that 30% of them strongly agrees that their job is secure.
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