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Discussion about Society and Language for The Social Structure

Discuss about the Society and Language for The Social Structure.

The social network is considered as the most important element of the society which is made with the help of the social structure. The social structure is helpful in defining the aspects related to the specific country. To analyze and study the social structure at the technical level, the graph theory, statistics presentation, psychological studies and the other process are helpful in providing the suitable feedback. The social network circle is helpful in studying the relationships between the individuals, organizations and even the entire society. The further discussion and the conclusion are derived in the paragraphs below.

There are various criteria identified in the social network, which are named as the Micro, Meso and the Macro level. Apart from this, there are various categorizations of the languages that are identified. These categories are named as the standard language, Socio speech varieties and Socilects, regional varieties and many more aspects. By these varieties, the identification of the social network can become possible. The social network is mainly related to the coordination of the friends, family and the relatives in the mutual manner. By developing this social circle the suitable connectivity aspects can become possible. The social network also gets expanded with the help of the virtual network, which are identified as the Facebook, Twitter and the other social media websites. As Malaysia is the combination of various different communities, so the changing of the social circle is essential to identify on the wide level.(Rao, 2012).

There are two terms which are helpful in explaining the social network; these are considered as the density and the Plexity. Both of these aspects help in defining the social network in an appropriate manner. In terms of density, the potential of the connected people in the community is identified on the large scale. If they are connected to each other than the connection is considered as stronger and more rigid.  The loosening and tightening of the network totally depend upon the interconnection and the coordination of the people residing in the society (Hanneman & Riddle, 2010). In reference to the people of Malaysia, the school and the small organizations are categorized in the category of the tight density while the big offices and the University of the Country are considered in the category of the loose density because the interaction among the people is very often and they also doesn’t believe in interchanging their views.

Factors that influence social network circle

Similarly, the other term which is helpful for the discussion is the Plexity. With the help of the Plexity, it becomes possible to coordinate with each other in an appropriate manner. The coordination and the interaction with each other matters a lot. The Plexity can be identified in two manners: the Multiplex and the Uniplex (Anugerah, 2011). In the Uniplex, the coordination or the interaction can be done with the individual person and in case of Multiplex; the interaction can be done with the multiple people to manage the suitable coordination among the people for the processing. In reference to Malaysia, the coordination can be done appropriately for the single level or on the multiple levels at a time. The major aspect which is identified with the help of the terms (i.e. Plexity and Density) will be that the looseness and the tightness will be totally dependent upon the methods used for interaction and the appropriate process of communications.


By analyzing the social network circle and the aspects related to it, it is clearly shown that coordination and interaction among the candidates plays the important role in making the communication successful. Plexity and Density are the two factors which influences the social network circle both in the positive and negative manner. It is recommended that to improve the social network circle in Malaysia, the appropriate methodology should be followed in an appropriate manner and the linguistic approaches should also be improved simultaneously to generate the appropriate output.

To manage the public discourse in an appropriate manner and to manage the suitable conversation, the standardized language can be used. The standardized language is also identified as the standard dialect or standardized dialect. These standardized dialects are considered as the most appropriate methods of the interaction to share the personal aspects. The further discussion defined below will be helpful in identifying the major areas related to the standard language and the specific nature related to it.

The social aspects of the modern language are first studied and identified by the Japanese and Indian linguistics in the year 1930. The standard language which is selected for the discussion is the Malay Language, which is considered as the pluri- centric language too. The reason behind selecting the language is that the Malay culture and the variations in the language provides the most appropriate approaches to research and find out the alternatives too. The regulators for the Malay languages are the Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.  The standard dialects are the Malay Bahasa only, by which the standardization of the suitable language can be identified easily. The other reason for selecting the language is the prominent role of the language and diversified feature of the language in the social networking of the Malaysia (Srhir, 2012).

Discussion about Standardized Language

The language plays the most prominent role in exchanging the views from one standard to the other at any level. In the social linguistics contrast, two terms are identified which can be used easily which are known as the micro and macro features.

While selecting the language or doing the standardization of the language, the suitable language policies are taken into consideration. The standardization of the language considers various steps. Before making the language official, some of the major steps are taken into consideration. These steps are the selection, codification, elaboration and making it useful, so that it may be accepted by the candidates easily. If the appropriate steps are taken into consideration in the selection of the language, then it becomes possible to manage the suitable language for the local people. The standardization of the language can only be done on the basis of the language policies and the suitable planning process (Foley, 1993). The policies and the planning can be identified on the basis of the socioeconomic factors of the country. The language planning & policies target the population and also tries to identify the basic needs of the population. For an example, after studying the basic information about the school kids, the planning for the standardized language is done.

For selecting the standard language, the planning aspects are identified and the major languages from the present structure get selected. The Malay language exists in the classical, modern and the standard variety. From these provided languages, the selection of the suitable language may be done easily. The modern variety of the language mainly based on the Johore Riau Dialect. After selecting the suitable language for the people, codification is identified as the next step. For the codification, the suitable steps are taken into consideration and the appropriate strategy is planned according to the suitable socio environmental factors. The suitable linguistic and the acceptance aspects are defined in the appropriate manner. The suitable surveys and the generation of the appropriate reports will be helpful in making the language more successful and useful for the usage of the people. There are various standards and the aspects defined for coding of the standard language, following which the codification can be done. Apart from this, the suitable grammar and the punctuation is also defined which are helpful in making the language more unique and standardized. For making the acceptance of the language and for making it elaborate, it is essential to make it easier and comfortable, so that it may easily be adapted by the people without any problems and issues. For accepting the process, the appropriate functions are identified which are named as the identification of the requirement of the people, the ways to express the views related to the language and the identification of the environmental factors for the development of the language. By using all these aspects, it becomes easier to manage the technical process related to the standard language.


By assuming the summary, the major ideas about the selected language are identified in an easiest manner. In Malaysia, there are various languages which are being identified on the wide level, but the reason of selecting the language is the popularity and the requirement according the social and the economic aspects. Apart from this, the importance of the language in the social network is also defined by providing the suitable examples and the appropriate process on the wide level. It is recommended that the process selected for the language selection should be well defined. The planning and policies should be up to the mark and well recognized. As the adaptation of the languages and its modification as per the requirement are quite hard, so it is essential to adapt the most suitable language as per the requirement.

Anugerah, R. (2011). Ethnicity and Social Networks. Scribd. Retrieved from

Foley, W. A. (1993). The Role of Theory in Language Description. Walter de Gruyter. Retrieved from

Hanneman, R. A., & Riddle, M. (2010). Introduction to social network methods: Centrality and power. In R. A. Hanneman, Introduction to social network methods. University of California, Riverside. Retrieved from

Rao, V. (2012, October 14). An Introduction to Social Network Analysis. An Introduction to Social Network Analysis. Retrieved from

Srhir, A. M. (2012). Language planning, standardization and dynamics of change in Moroccan Arabic. Universitat de Barcelona. Retrieved from

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