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Landfill Method in Waste Management

Discuss about the Waste Management System.

The objective of this paper is to develop a proper understanding of organizational structure and management practices of projects, which influence on how environmental issues are managed in a construction management. The actions and procedures, which are required to control waste from its inception to its final disposal, are known as the overall process of a waste management system (Guerrero et al. 2013). The overall process of a proper waste management system includes collection, transportation, treatment and proper disposal of waste by with a proper monitoring system.  In order to evaluate this particular point, the roles of the construction manager have a significant impact while solving different kinds of key environmental issues. There are certain limitation which need to analyze in an effective manner in order to evaluate the roles and responsibilities of the construction manager towards the process of proper waste management system. Although there are opposing arguments, construction managers should develop a proper waste management system by improving the way of waste control, transporting waste a lawful place to avoid fines and penalties and recycling.

The role of the construction manager should manage the overall waste management system by controlling the waste with a proper way, which includes recycle, recover and proper waste management as well as disposal system (Laurent et al. 2014). Some of the key attributes which majorities of the construction manager’s follows is to maintain a proper project management system, planning, price management, and point in time management, excellence management, and safety management. On the other hand, it is equally important for the managers to follow a proper waste management procedure with will evaluate all the major activities. For example, United States is the only country, which is responsible for producing nearly 220 million tons wastes every year. The number emphasis the maximum amounts of waste produce by a country every year. However, it one of the world’s pollution free country, because of the fact that the government and the environmental association have invested a lot of funds with the view of developing numerous methods of a proper waste management system. A proper waste management system concludes the solution, which is a rather complex issue for different industries, which includes the construction issues (Marshall, Rachael and KhosrowFarahbakhsh 2013).

Landfill is the most popular methods of waste management used today in the construction industry. This is one of the most hygienic methods of managing wastes in the construction industry. This is a process, which focuses concentration on burying the waste in the land. Different kinds of landfills found in the different corners. This is a procedure, which eliminate odors and dangers of waste before it is been properly disposed (Habib et al.2013). Nevertheless, there are certain drawbacks, with the application of this particular management system, due to lack of space available and strong presence of methane with different landfill gases, which can cause abundant pollution issues.

Incineration and Combustion Waste Management System

Incineration and Combustion Waste management system is one of the modern applications of a proper waste management system, which will incorporate a special type of waste disposal system, towards converting the solid waste into residue and gaseous products (Puig et al. 2013).  In construction industry, the majorities of the waste generated are in the solid form. With the application of these particular methods of waste disposal, the volume of the solid wastes gets reduces to more than 30 percent of the actual size, which decreases the space and reduces the stress of the landfills (Arena and Umberto 2012). It is one of the modern and unique methods, which are used by majorities of the construction managers with an objective to develop a proper solid waste disposal system (White Dranke and Hindle 2012). The overall process of this particular waste management system is known as thermal treatment.

The notion of the thermal treatment contributes as one of the most effective parts in the waste management procedures as it mainly deals with the non-recyclable and non-reusable waste in the environment. There are certain challenges in the environment with the view of finding a proper solution for non-recyclable and non-reusable waste. Thermal treatment is the ultimate solution for this particular problem in the environment, in order to maintain the greenery of the surroundings.

Recovery and recycling is one of the most effective methods of solid waste management system, which is mainly used in the construction industry. With the use of this particular waste management system, concludes certain economic benefits cost saving and profit maximization, reduced demand for landfill places, better resource management, image enhancement and productivity (Coelho, André and Jorge De Brito 2012). If the construction wastes are managed in a proper manner, it will bring a proper aspect of benefits. Recycling is a method, which are used to converting the solid waste products into new products, which will prevent the application and consumptions of fresh raw materials. The ideas behind recycling the construction waste will be benefited in certain manners, which decreases energy practice, decreases level of landfills, decreases air and water contamination, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and defend natural resources for future use (Lu et al. 2012).

All the above waste management system contributes as one of the significant parts in the construction industry. It is one of the most important aspects of the construction managers to maintain a proper waste management system, which will reduce different kinds of environmental issues. For example, Sydney is a city, which is continuously growing, constructions happening all the time. Nevertheless, with the application of a proper waste management system it reduces the percentage of pollution and considered as one of the cleanest city around the globe. There are certain rules and regulations developed by the government in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city (Yuan Hongping 2012). Beside that majority of the construction managers transfers the waste to a lawful place, which avoid fines and penalties, as there are some compulsory rules and regulations developed by the local municipality (Puig et al. 2013). Construction managers around the globe need to follow certain rules and regulations with the view of maintain a pollution free environment. In developed countries like Australia, New Zealand, United States of America and United Kingdom, there are potentially big fines and penalties involved in unlawful waste dumping procedure. If waste illegally dumped, may harm the environment the maximum penalty is around $ 2 million or more. In order to avoid these fine and penalties, majority of the construction managers follows all the basic rules and regulations in a proper manner, towards protecting the environment (Coelho, André and Jorge De Brito 2012). There are certain positive aspects towards imposing fines and penalties in the waste management system. It will allow all the construction managers to follow the basic ruled and regulations. However, effective management of waste also requires coordination action of the government, business and professionals groups and activities (Lu et al. 2012).

Recovery and Recycling


Waste cannot be simply thrown anywhere; it needs to be managed in a proper manner. It is important to create awareness among the people that throwing waste could be saved. The objective of the essay is to highlight what are the different kinds of waste management system, adopted by different constructive managers in order to develop a sustainable solid waste management system. Although recycling is one of the key measures which will evaluate a proper waste administration system. Arising excellence of life and high rates of resource expenditure and consumption pattern puts a negative impact on the urban surroundings, which generates wastes far beyond the capacity.  Majority of the sites are now grappling with the problems of high volumes of solid waste. On order to find the right solution for the problem, the role of the construction managers contributes one of the most significant aspects in the overall process. However, these problems in the construction sites provided a window of opportunities with the view of findings different kinds of alternative solutions.

There is a demand for a proper waste management system. The report is supported with real facts and an example, which concludes what, is necessary steps adopted by the construction managers with the view to find the best alternative solutions for the problems. However, different researches concluded that people are in the favor of using green products. This increases the awareness among the people for developing a green and a pollution free environment. All the specific roles and activities of different construction managers are highlighted in a proper manner and the most significant part is the use of proper waste disposal system by analyzing all the crucial factors of the environment. 

Reference List

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Coelho, André, and Jorge De Brito. "Influence of construction and demolition waste management on the environmental impact of buildings." Waste Management 32, no. 3 (2012): 532-541.

Guerrero, Lilliana Abarca, Ger Maas, and William Hogland. "Solid waste management challenges for cities in developing countries." Waste management 33, no. 1 (2013): 220-232.

Habib, Komal, Jannick H. Schmidt, and Per Christensen. "A historical perspective of global warming potential from municipal solid waste management." Waste management 33, no. 9 (2013): 1926-1933.

Kelessidis, Alexandros, and Athanasios S. Stasinakis. "Comparative study of the methods used for treatment and final disposal of sewage sludge in European countries." Waste management 32, no. 6 (2012): 1186-1195.

Laurent, Alexis, IoannisBakas, Julie Clavreul, Anna Bernstad, MoniaNiero, Emmanuel Gentil, Michael Z. Hauschild, and Thomas H. Christensen. "Review of LCA studies of solid waste management systems–Part I: Lessons learned and perspectives." Waste management 34, no. 3 (2014): 573-588.

Lu, Xiaowei, Beth Jordan, and Nicole D. Berge. "Thermal conversion of municipal solid waste via hydrothermal carbonization: comparison of carbonization products to products from current waste management techniques." Waste management 32, no. 7 (2012): 1353-1365.

Marshall, Rachael E., and KhosrowFarahbakhsh. "Systems approaches to integrated solid waste management in developing countries." Waste Management 33, no. 4 (2013): 988-1003.

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White, Peter, M. Dranke, and Peter Hindle. Integrated solid waste management: a lifecycle inventory. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.

White, P., Dranke, M. and Hindle, P., 2012. Integrated solid waste management: a lifecycle inventory. Springer Science & Business Media.

Yuan, Hongping, Abdol R. Chini, Yujie Lu, and Liyin Shen. "A dynamic model for assessing the effects of management strategies on the reduction of construction and demolition waste." Waste management 32, no. 3 (2012): 521-531.

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