Analyzing Concepts of Disability, Illness, and Behavior in Relation to Health and Social Care Service Users
Understand perceptions of health, disability illness and behavior
1.1 Analyse concepts of disability, illness and behaviour in relation to Health and social care service users.
1.2 Assess how perceptions of specific needs have changed over time.
1.3 Analyse the impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on the ways that services are made available for individuals with Specific needs.
People living with certain disability or illness needs care and support for the well-being purpose and health restoration. Understanding and perception regarding the responsibilities and duties in this regard are important because it required attributes of diverse demands in conjunction to health and social care. The scope of disability, illness and behavior contains any degree of physical harm, infirmity and malformation that is caused by birth, injury, accident or illness. To be more specific it included teratogenicity, gene defect such as color blindness, birth defect such as autism, specific disorders like epilepsy, Alzheimer, other complications such as paralysis, hearing and speech defect (Boardman, 2010). Other than this, it also includes the learning disability and language in-proficiency, mental disorder. It is well known that the disability itself brings in many complicacy and limitations, whereas the attitudes of people also creates many barriers. The scope of treatment and support thus includes equal services, interaction, opportunity, facilities and membership in all regards. It is hence the responsibility of health and social care professional lies with respect to understanding the specific and diverse need, requirements, professional duties and communication skills, that are necessary to maintain the harmony and good state of mind cum health in the community. Arranging for special care services, assessment and identification of associated risk, clinical decision regarding specific intervention and treatment regime are crucial for meeting such challenging demands. The urgency of the responsibilities also lies in context to the public policies, institutional guidelines and ethical concern, which should be followed and made into practice during the course of regular routine health care practice (Harrison, & Gill, 2010, pp.242).
With the time, the science and technology have emerged and presented several easy as well as suitable means for health restoration and health management. Not only from the technical direction, the improvement is also focused on increasing the competencies and skills for the health care professionals in conjunction to understanding the need as well as the responsibilities. The more clear example can be obtained with respect to the development of nursing theories and legislation for the care and specific requirements of disabled person. Thus, in other words, it can be said that with time, there is an increased efforts from health care sector to meet the requirements and necessaries of physical and mental disabled person. The objective of these efforts are concentrated towards the objective of obtaining positive output of the care services and meetings the community demands for the services (Edvardsson, 2011, pp.327).
Another important consideration is the availability of specific training and education modules for meeting the specific care demands. Consider the scenario of 1980s, the concept of palliative care, old age people support, machines for hearing and vision aid are not available at the footsteps. On the contrary, nowadays the social care and welfare groups are being appointed by the government agencies and referrals of specific professionals are being made by nurses and other health care professionals. To the end, these prospects helps in ensuring that sufficient measures and necessary requirements are arranged for this part of the community, with improved instrumentation, better second and third generation drugs, more robust approach of clinical judgment and decision making process, risk assessment criteria, record making and ease of sharing the clinical views (Gilmore, 2011).
Assessing How Perceptions of Specific Needs Have Changed Over Time
Public policies, regulatory framework provided by the local, national and international settings, legislation are playing a part to ensure that necessity measures and attributes are taken in order to surplus the need and requirement of health care services for disabled and challenged people. Disability and Discrimination Act 1995 (Section 21 a, b, c), Rights of way use and demand study 2001, are some of the examples of the legislative framework that are build keeping in view of such needs. Likewise, the regulatory and ethical framework of the health care settings, are working in the direction of increased competencies for the health care professionals, including training and education, implementation and change process, sustainability of the implementation with the help of monitoring, record making and maintenance, evidence based research and use of wisdom are the contained within the scope (Harpur, & Bales, 2010, pp.363).
Consider the case of specific allergy, medication need, physical limitation, disability with respect to any specific disease or disorder, all of the cases have a requirement of specific and focused care. Thus, the knowledge of the particular ill characteristic is necessary for each health care professional. This on the other hand, will ensure that professional requirements have been marked upto the limit, as well as the health aspect of the community is also safeguard with precise care practices.
Understand how health and social care services and systems support individuals with specific needs.
2.1 Analyse the care needs of individuals with specific needs.
2.2 Explain current systems for supporting individuals with specific needs.
2.3 Evaluate the services available in a chosen locality for individuals with specific needs.
With respect to the given case study, it can be revealed that the concern is child abuse as well as violence. Pertaining to the situation, either there could be some psychological problem associated with mother of Baby P, or boyfriend of Baby P’s mother, which leads to abuse and physical violence to the two years old boy.
The care and specific need in this regard was the protection and care of Baby P, and talking appropriate care with respect to hurts and injuries. Not only this, it was also essential for the social care workers to identify the concern and need of counseling with mother and other concerned person living with baby P. The specific need include care and sincere support for the medical checkup, intervention and accurate analysis of the intervention report, appropriate communication with various health care professionals from different settings and organizations as mentioned in the case study. Furthermore, the specific care also include a separate place for the growth and development of Baby P, so as to avoid the violence and unavoidable abuse related circumstances. As revealed at the end of the case study that the interrogation bring forward the report of rape by Barker, which is needed to be avoided by taking appropriate counseling and shift of Baby P and his mother, in case there are sufficient interrogation and evidences. The mark of bruises and injury marks at head are the witness of serious abuse to small child. Without the implementation of necessary measures and care by the community health workers, such scenario could not progress with the result of death of Baby P (Street, 2013; Moylan, 2010, pp.53).
Analyzing the Impact of Legislation, Social Policy, Society, and Culture on the Ways Services are Made Available for Individuals with Specific Needs
The specific need in the current scenario include coordination with health care professionals and police officials to carry out necessary intervention. Furthermore, based on these interrogations, the situation and circumstances were necessary to be discussed and made explained to the social workers. Likewise, the lack of competencies of the health care professionals in this regard is also necessary for the wellbeing and appropriate care of Baby P. Lack of this coordination and sufficient care is the sole cause behind the deleterious health conditions.
On the contrary, consider the other face of the situation, where a more precise and robust medical checkup and careful intervention of the results is being carried out by the local health care settings. in such scenario, the information regarding the abuse and serious offence might have conveyed to the local health worker, organization as well as the police officials. This would have created sophisticated and careful environment for Baby P (Hamby, 2010, pp.734). Eventually, this would have leads to better condition and circumstances, where abuse against Baby P might have reduced, any abnormality in the psychological condition, emotional state of his mother as well as his in Barker can be checked and rectified with the help of local psychological councilor. It is also possible in such a scenario, the food habits and other hygienic requirements of Baby P is not being maintained in precise manner. Such matters could also be rectified and made in proper manner with the realization of appropriate professional responsibilities (Bugental, 2010).
With respect to the present case study, the prime service is provided by the community person. As for instance, it was found that the marks and sign of injury and hurt are being identified by community member, and was informed to the authority. This helps in taking necessary care or legislative frameworks that can be applied to the scenario. To the next, the service was provided by the local police and similar authorities, which helps in either arresting of the Baby P’s mother and Barker, and placement of Baby P in a separate environment for growth and care. Later on, it was also identified that the condition and situation was identified and necessary arrangement for the convicted case was arranged by the police officials. The mentioned two services are crucial as because apart from the health and social care, these support and interaction are necessary for the survival in the society (Hamby, 2010, pp.734).
Regarding the specific need and care related to health, the services are presented by the local health care settings. These health care settings helps in identifying the ill health conditions. The professionals involved in providing these services include, general physician, nurses, midwifes and pediatric specialist. It is noteworthy to mention that lack of the specific professional duties and competencies of the health care professionals in this case leads no improvement in the health and social aspects. Similar to the health care settings, the requisite care support was also provided by the childcare organization, which raises serious concern regarding the change of the environment necessary for Baby P. Similar to the lack of competencies and understanding of the professional role of health care settings, the same reason is existing in childcare organization as well. Lastly, the paramedical services (ambulatory) service was also discussed in the case (Cohen & Reporting, 2010).Understand approaches and intervention strategies that support individuals with specific needs
Explain the approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs.
Evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies for an individual with specific need(s).
Discuss the potential impact of emerging developments on support for individuals with specific needs.
The intervention and approach in concern to the specific needs of disabled, ill health condition and ill behavior person are very important. Notably, it is more important for the health care professionals and requisite personals to understand the competencies and professional attributes. This will not only ensure that specific and requisite care is being provided, but the wellbeing of the needy can also be addressed. Consider a case, where severe physical damage have occurred, it is necessary for the concerned health care professionals to identify the plan, the implementation and the evaluation of the necessary regime (Chan, 2010). For the ill health conditioned person, it is necessary to assess and identify the specific health issues and provide suitable treatment option and medical intervention. Similarly, for mentally challenged person, it is more important to understand their need and perception, so as to give favorable condition which is suitable, safe and pleasant. These approach are essential as because to boost the morale of the concerned individual, provides them satisfaction and necessary health related support.
Analyzing the Care Needs of Individuals with Specific Needs
To the other part, it is also important to take care of the communication skills. This include both the verbal as well as the non-verbal communication. These communication skills are important to understand and identify the specific need of the concerned person. Importantly, the same is also essential to discuss and share the information of the concerned issue among the health care professionals (Goodwin, 2012). For the part of government agencies and legislative agencies involved in making the framework and necessary guidelines, it is important to make flexible and suitable frameworks for the benefit of the needy and safety of the disabled persons.
Similar to the discussed parameters, it is more important to frame a strategy of intervention and care. The said concern is important as because it will help in devising effective and efficacious plans, necessary implementation and changes that are crucial of the care. on the other hand, the same is operative for the monitoring of the plans and make the whole scenario worthy for the benefit of the concerned person.
Apart from the given case scenarios, the specific need for the disabled person also lies in content to safety and assistive technology terms. Safety in this regard is important as it is focused with the effectiveness in measures for health restoration and health management. The concept of risk assessment and identification is par suitable in this paradigm, which ensures necessary care and intervention regime is available for the patients and needful person of the community (Rosenberg, 2011). Consider another circumstance where independent living is concerned, especially for the old age people. It is necessary to take care of the hygiene, cleanliness aspects, the medication and diet precaution, the consciousness and careful approach in educating them regarding the instrument in use and concern cautions. It is hence the role of supporting personals is not only concerned for the responsibilities related to medication and care, but is also considered to take care of the emotional need, psychological attributes and related diverse circumstances. Participation and collaboration among the various professionals in this regard is also crucial. This will ensure that the information regarding special care and need is conveyed to appropriate referrals and necessary measures are being confirmed (Thoits, 2011, pp.145).
Impact with respect to the support for the individuals with specific need is referred to the necessary care, treatment approach, strategy for the care and intervention plans and requisite services. It is obvious that the objective behind all such scenarios are concerned with the beneficial aspect of community health and wellbeing. To the other part, it is also concerned with the equality of individual members of the community, which helps in opportunities for assess to all in conjunction to health related care and services (Andersen, 2011).
The prime impact is the reduction and removal of the discrimination and negotiation of the disables, challenged and ill people in the community. These aspects of the society are being taken care by the legislative frameworks and the concerned local, national and international policies. Other than the ethical and legislative framework, the same work is also supplemented with the help of various health and social care agencies. Some of the example of these are special care center, childcare, mental health organization, telenursing, psychological counseling center.
Explaining Current Systems for Supporting Individuals with Specific Needs
Not to forget, the improvement in education and training system also plays crucial role in this regard. The credit of increase in the competencies of the health care professionals goes to the development of the support paradigm for the individual of specific need. The requirement of specific and diverse care, tends to the development of specific nursing theories, which leads to increase in the awareness, knowledge and evidences to support the corresponding care requirements among the professionals. It is hence, it was possible to make substantial effort for the wellbeing and effective management of health needs in the community (USDHHS, 2010).
Understand strategies for coping with challenging behaviours associated with specific needs.
Explain different concepts of challenging behaviour.
Describe the potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organizations.
Analyse strategies for working with challenging behaviours.
Challenging behavior demands for specific and understanding type of intervention. This in other words, can be said that precise and accurate measurement is needed to meet the diverse demands for any particular health concern. For the part of health and social care professionals, it is important to understand the emotional, psychological, physiological and other societal needs. The understand of this kind among the professionals can only leads to identification and implementation of appropriate measure. Concisely it will also help in making the paradigm more effective and supportive for the development of the concerned person (Barnes-Holmes & Barnes-Holmes, 2011, pp.4).
The challenging behavior often needs identification and assessment of concerned risk. These risks can be related to diet, medication, care and communication, depending upon the situation and concerned health scenario. These concerns are related to learning disabilities, dyslexia, amnesia, psychosis, autism and other physical injuries related to brain parts. It should be noted that in many a circumstances and cases the term challenging behavior is misinterprets as violence, aggression and irritability. Whereas to be more accurate, both of the issues are concerned with the challenging behavior, in case if the concern is consistent for longer period and is resulting in serious hazardous effect on life and mental state (Chandler & Dahlquist, 2014). It is hence the concept is concerned with biological, social, environmental and psychological state of individuals.
The impact of these challenges is related to the objective and concern of such organization, which is related to individual wellbeing and societal progress. To be more particular the present aspect of discussion can be oriented with respect to the care and services that are necessary to meet the care and service demands in conjunction to challenging behavior. For any concerned personal or health and social professionals, it is more important to have effective communication skills, strategies to handle and rectify the situation. common framework for related issues can be termed as behavioral strategies, which includes applied behavior analysis, operant conditioning and positive behavior support to the concerned person. Prior to the intervention and management strategy, it is important to build trustworthy relationship with the individual of specific need as well as their family members, friend or carer. Such relationship and partnership model will not only help in educating and managing the necessary strategy, but will also help in self-care, self-management for any specific and diverse need.
Evaluating the Services Available in a Chosen Locality for Individuals with Specific Needs
Other than this, as discussed in earlier section, the impact is also concerned with increase in competencies and learning for the professionals. The results of increased competencies and ideology related to the care is reflected with respect to positive patient outcome and corresponding wellbeing (Brownson, 2010).
Some of the key attributes to be incorporated in the strategies are related to educating, diet plan, and medication management, facilitation of suitable environment, caring for the emotion and psychological states, and consideration of any ethical concern. It is important to mention that challenging behavior is often accompanied with diverse situation and scenario. The emotional and psychological state is often unpredictable and unreliable for the professionals also, and hence there is equal demand of optimum care and management.
The strategies to meet the challenging behavior include certain key questions such as what are the challenging behavior, reason behind the challenging behavior, managing strategies of behavior. Apart from this, the scope also includes the linking between disability and behavioral attributes. In simple term any strategy in this regard should follow a cycle of (i) concerned problem, (ii) plan for the same, (iii) implementation and change needed and (iv) monitoring and evaluation. A support strategy based on the positive aspects of the individual have the maximum changes of achieving the positive results. On the contrary, it is also essential to think for the alternative plans and measures. These are important for the condition where changes and necessary implementation furthermore for the care is not suitable for the concerned individuals. last but not the least, it is more important that the care plan should have a timeframe and time limit associated with it, which will make the process effective (Chandler & Dahlquist, 2014).
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