To what extent has our understanding of organisations and management progressed since the beginning of the 20th century in theory and in practice?
Historical Perspective
The purpose of this essay is to analyse the change taking place in the modern business organization and to present before the ideas evolving in managing the organization. With the change the work process and advancement in the technology and innovation, modern organizations are changing the way of getting work done. Organization behavior is an extensive subject that looks into the management process to manage the overall process. Identification of major trends in the management and organizational changes is imperative to coordinate the functions in an effective way. The central part of an organizational theory is to develop the management thinking and to manage the changes accordingly (Booth, 2015). It helps in viewing the interrelationship between the different theories of management and organizational changes. A proper understanding of the organizational behavior is necessary for gaining attention. The management theories have developed by the time. The systematic development of the management thinking is seen as a significant tool ensuring the associated structure. The development of organizational theories in the modern context has helped in managing the situation. Organization as a machinery has come across major changes by overshadowing the past way of carrying out the business function. Change is still considered as unusual factors whereas stability is a normal factor taking place in an organization (Bradley, 2016).
The modern organization still focuses on exploration of existing advantage. Corporations nowadays are focusing on the shareholders for gaining competitive advantage. The rise of industrial revolution with a new mean of production and organization the owners depend on others for meeting targets. The goals of an organization are to optimize the output by generating specific set of instructions. The essay focus on understanding changes in the organisations and management since the beginning of the 20th century (Bridges and Bridges, 2017). It focuses on the organizational growth and development and different stages of growth in the structure at different time period. The report examines the organizational changes and development in Wilmar International Limited founded in 1991. The activities include oil palm cultivation; edible oils, refining oil and consumer pack edible oil processing (Corporate Profile, 2017). Changes in the organizational structure and business process are carrying out the business process in the most effective way due to the advancement of technology and innovation (Cameron and Green, 2015).
The change in the modern business organization and development is connected with the growth and development. The historical perspective was connected with world of small towns, small businesses, and agriculture to an industrialized network. The rise in the middle class in the previous time was responsible for early incarnation. A progressive push beside corrupt political bosses and the finance capitalists were hoarding oil and steel industry. Historically the progress in the field completely depends upon the changes in the way of conducting business. There was progress in the industrial prospect after 20th century due to an excess pressure. The evolution of management theory by F.W Taylor was a landmark in industrial growth. Ever since the evolution of various theories, the main focus is to understand the Organization development (OD) and its progress. The study of flourishing organizational change and performance management has developed as an important function. The emergence of these theories has led to an in-depth study in the 1930s. During this time-period the psychologists realized that organizational structures and processes influence worker behavior and motivation (Cummings and Worley, 2014). These rapid changes in the organizational growth and development have changed the entire learning, knowledge management and alteration of organizational norms and values. There has been an aggressive stimulation in the process of organizational growth has become important. An organization is a socially constructed phenomenon. The Organizations are a tool created to achieve means. In a complex structure it is a paradoxical phenomenon. This is challenging for both the organization and an individual to understand the overall concept of organizational development. Metaphor is a primitive force throughout which humans generate connotation by via one element of experience to appreciate one another (Daft, 2014). Use of dissimilar metaphors guides an individual to broaden explanations and theories from perspectives. This provide with a convinced view of the organization by discovering the implications of different metaphors. This allow in gaining a better understanding towards the organization. Machines have become a central part of our lives. They influence every aspect of individual day-to-day activities. Like, in a machine every part is important and its role is clearly been defined. Similarly, in an organization it is important to works together in order to meet the result. The employees of the organization have been working carefully on their assigned tasks to gain effectiveness. A majority of the organizations today can be seen as an effective way to operate in a mechanical way. The Image of an organization takes time to establish itself. Any failure in the implementation of policies in an organization is harmful in gaining competencies. The systematic development of the management thinking is seen as a significant tool ensuring the associated structure. The development of organizational theories in the modern context has helped in managing the situation (Demirkan, Spohrer and Welser, 2016).
Sociological Viewpoint
The sociological viewpoint of an organization indicates the conflict element which may lead to a change required in the organization. The changes taking place in the organization with respect to the entire organizational issue through the lens of unfair labour laws, employment practices and the various allied issues.
With no intention to create an injustice to the rest of the people and customers across the world, Wilmar International plays a major sociological role in stipulations of substitute as a viewpoint to allow the people to fetch more employment. The change management process in the organization act as an important tool to impart justice and honesty to the customers. This has led to the provision to employment to many. In terms of the employment policies in the current context, The Company is paying attention to the elders are concerned, the elderly people working at the organization. This is acting as an important tool to benefit the terms of the organizational growth. The Wilmar International as an organization is meeting the individual requirements especially after its changed management policies (Gibbons, 2015). The organization has worked effectively in planning its cultural requirements. They are focusing on implementing better opportunities for catering people from different cultural background. Apart from this, the organization is also looking into improving the working condition by synchronizing the efforts of employees and paying them according to working hours, employment practices, etc. The organization in the current context has implemented effective change management policies helping better growth opportunities. Health and safety issues are also given importance by designing a better growth and opportunities prospect. Environment and ecology are important aspects important for functioning in a well coordinated environment (Gollenia, 2016). The change in organizational growth and progress has helped in managing the activities in mutual cooperation. . Change is still considered as unusual factors whereas stability is a normal factor taking place in an organization. The modern organization still focuses on exploration of existing advantage. Corporations nowadays are focusing on the shareholders for gaining competitive advantage. For gaining effectiveness, the purpose of gaining organizational growth and development is to meet the target with a focused approach (Sustainability, 2017).
The rational and technical approach is related with the wide growing approach dedicated to management of technical issues. This is a better way through which an organization can gain better results and can focus on incorporating growth structure. Wilmar is focused on incorporating a formal approach towards growth and development of innovative technology. It understands the fact that the organization does need an effective technology and innovation for gaining growth. It is important for managing organizational growth and development (Palmer, Dunford and Akin, 2009). The rational and technical approach towards organizational growth is necessary to manage the changes. The company by the time has incorporated changes as per the changing scenario. It understands the importance of updating better technology and support system in order to gain competencies. In a short time the company has gained fame in term of technology base. They have incorporated an effective technology and mechanism to meet the regular needs of the customers. The process in all help in meeting the organizational goal established to meet the imperative target (Rothwell et al 2009). Wilmar is a world famous brand looking onto the growing needs of the customers through consistent innovation and technology development. This has helped in gaining competency and managing the activities in order to meet the result. This is necessary from the point of view of rational thinking and a better planning process. This process will allow in managing organizational goal. The purpose of an organization is to catch up with the changing growth structure and to develop competencies in alignment with the international strategies. This will help in improving the overall growth structure and will allow in managing the task for a longer time-period. The organizational change management and development is effective in meeting the targets in order to gain perseverance. With evolution of new organizational structure and culture, there has been better growing opportunities for the business to work in alignment with the organization (Storey, 2007). These objectives are important for meeting the long term sustainable goals and drawing the attention of the international organization. These rapid changes in the organizational growth and development have changed the entire learning, knowledge management and alteration of organizational norms and values. There has been an aggressive stimulation in the process of organizational growth has become important. The rapid industrialization has increased the overall capacity of the company in meeting the target. This is evident from them point of view of organizational growth and advancement in terms of delivering result (Turner Parish, Cadwallader and Busch, 2008). Role of each individual attached to the organization has changed creating a wide range of opportunities to perform well. It is due to the wide scope of the organizational performance and widening opportunities that is creating better results for the entire segment related to the organization. Excessive competition in the market is contributing towards aggressive policies implementation. A huge amount of competition in the market is affecting the mode of conducting business. Globalization has changed the complete way of doing business. Even a small company has managed to expand its business across border. The easy and liberal policies by the government have helped in creating better opportunities overseas (Weiner, 2009).
Rational Technical Perspective
Political background is important to be understood while implementing the organizational theories. While developing a better connection in between the organizational goal and objective it is important to focus on primitive activities. These activities contribute in gaining competencies. The political background in Singapore is favourable for organizational growth and development. In such condition it is favourable for the companies in meeting the organizational target (Pinder, 2014). This is effective way for an organization to manage the business activities. The political intervention plays a significant role in meeting the organizational targets. This is affecting the organizational in attaining growth and progress. Strict political norms are dangerous for an organization. They act as a barrier for an organizational development. Wilmar has absorbed the political structure in a short time-period. They understand the importance of growth and development and the purpose of stimulating a good culture. These activities are important for gaining competencies on a long run and in managing the business functions. Theories of organizations play a vital as well as integral part in terms of building up a foundation for the change of the organization involved (Miner, 2015).
The psychological changes in the organization management are imperative from the point of view of customer understanding. The purpose of an organization is to gain competencies as per the needs of the customers. It is evident from the point of view of the customers to gain the expectation and to meet the set target. This is effective in gaining competencies and to deliver better result. The expectation of an individual is to manage the growth and to deliver the better result through a focused growth approach. The psychological satisfaction is important for the organization in meeting the targets based on long-term sustainability. Thus Wilmar is quiet evidently focusing on attaining better result through a wide approach. The changes in the organizational structure are evident for gaming market competencies (Greenberg, 2013).
The organizational structure and growth is important for meeting the long term sustainable culture. This is important in managing the organizational target and competencies for managing result. The political intervention is important in meeting the target and to manage the changes according the necessities (Burr, 2015).
The culture inside the organization is important to manage the organization. It is evident to focus on the cultural background and to focus on attaining better result through implementation of policies. The cultural background of the organization is important to meet the pre-defined goals. This provides employee with a better culture and an opportunity for the employees. It is necessary for the organization to manage the activities to meet the possibilities. The purpose of Wilmar is to manage the activities and to provide an effective environment. This will help in managing the activities in gaining better results (DuBrin, 2013). Organization behavior is an extensive subject that looks into the management process to manage the overall process. Identification of major trends in the management and organizational changes is imperative to coordinate the functions in an effective way. The culture advocacy and ability to manage the changes is important in maintaining long-term sustainability. The culture inside the organization provide with better advancement in opportunities. In managing the culture it is important to manage the challenges imposed by the external environment (Greenberg and Colquitt, 2013). These changes are playing a tough role in gaining competencies. A better organizational culture helps in fostering organizational growth and strength. They help in managing an effective culture and foster development on a long run.
The national culture is supportive in term of gaining growth and competencies for supporting organization supports. This provides with a better opportunity to the business organization. The culture plays an important role in stimulating growth and sustainability. This provide with a better opportunities in gaining competencies. It is important to manage the business activities in a strategic way. This is to gain long-term sustainability and to manage the competencies in long-term sustainability. Change is still considered as unusual factors whereas stability is a normal factor taking place in an organization. The modern organization still focuses on exploration of existing advantage. Corporations nowadays are focusing on the shareholders for gaining competitive advantage. These changes are important for meeting out the target and to develop better opportunities in order to manage sustainable growth and management (Bolman and Deal, 2017).
This structure allows management, employee and the customers to see the changes as the organization. This is an important part in gaining competencies and adopting a competent culture in order to make advancement. In today’s competitive scenario, this has become evident to measure the changes taking place in the surrounding and to adopt the changes accordingly. Each characteristic attached to an organization plays an important role in meeting the organizational goals. This helps in meeting the target and to organize the features according to the organizational capabilities. The symbolic behavior of an individual is important to manage the diverse activities. These activities are important for managing the organizational activities as per the condition. These activities allow the organization in meeting the target and to follow the objectives accordingly. This is important for meeting the effectiveness and to manage the activities in order to manage the goal. This is the primary function of an organization in the context of cultural changes in the organizational background. These changes allow in managing the organization in order to attain better growth opportunities and to develop effective prospect on a long term. These sustainable changes taking place in the environment are important for an organization in order to implement a change.
To conclude, the purpose of defining the term, ‘progress’ is to understand the importance of organizational change and management. This is important from the point of view of defining and exercising progress in any organization in order to implement a change. Change Management is consequently, the necessity in today’s competitive scenario. The organizational management helps in implementing the changes which may be included in the form of vision and goal of the company. The organization is complying with the duties that are entailed in the process. In addition, the objectives of the change management and leadership are to engage in regular efforts. This signifies a deep promise of the organizations which behavior change management. Wilmar enables the display of top management and support from each and every individual from the organizational structure. Consequently, development is guaranteed throughout the procedure of change management in the organizations. In the era of change management and development the purpose is to ensure growth and consistency. During this the organizational structures and processes influence worker behavior and motivation. These rapid changes in the organizational growth and development have changed the entire learning, knowledge management and alteration of organizational standard and principles.
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