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Sustainability Issues

Discuss about the Sustainability Strategy of Amcor Limited.

A business is sustainable only when it follows its responsibilities and thinks for the community as a whole. Sustainability is the act of balancing. Sustainability is an integral part of business, it defines the relationship between an entity with the community, by coordinating the activities to ensure that the business plays its role in giving back to the community in which they work and live in. Sustainability allows the business to fulfill the needs of the present without compromising on the well-being of future (Crowther & Aras, 2008).

There are various sustainability issues that a business can address like, Environmental sustainability that includes investigating climate change due to activities of the business, reducing the wastage, controlling the gas emissions, management of wastage disposal, using renewable sources of energy  or energy saving,  reducing pollution by taking appropriate measures.(Jackson, Ones, & Dilchert, 2012).

Social sustainability can be undertaken by developing the structure of the community, efforts to promote education or employment opportunities, by promoting women empowerment in corporate sector (Dujon, Dillard, & Brennan, 2013).

Economical sustainability refers to using the existing resources of the company efficiently and effectively so that they continue to function profitably over a long period of time. In true sense, it is making the most out of the resources in the most responsible way. The goal by undertaking economic sustainability is to ensure that the business remains profitable over a long period of time; a profitable business will remain stable and will continue to function over a longer period of time ( Ikerd, 2012).

The environmental, economical and social sustainability together form the three pillars of a sustainable business model.

Sustainability Strategy is very essential for a business to work on ethical and moral grounds and also develop and uplift the community in which they work and live. Sustainability in business is by considering the environmental impact by the business activities conducted, claiming social responsibility towards the society and proceeding towards the future in a sustainable way by optimally utilizing the resources. When a business involves all the factors into their values and works on implementing them, it is called sustainability strategy. The most important part while designing the strategy is to see that it aligns with the core business strategies. If the economical, social and environmental strategies do not align with the core business strategies then there are very low chances of the business implementing them, or even if the implementation is made it will not be a profitable or successful idea for the business to undertake (Werbach, 2013).

Components of a Sustainable Business Model

Key points while designing the Sustainability Strategy for the organization includes several factors that have to be considered. A framework has to be designed so that the strategies align with the core values and business strategies. If this part is done right, then it is most likely to be a success for the organization, if not, then the organization might incur some losses and waste resources

The most important aspect of this is the recognition of the business to be a more sustainably developed organization. A company should realize that they need to have a proactive approach towards addressing the sustainability issues then a strategy could be formulated. The next part is to link all the employees, stakeholders and managements with the sustainability goals. The communication should be two way while formulating the strategy. Another important aspect is to analyze that the business strategies and values align with the objective of sustainability undertaken. Addressing the right environmental issues, social issues and economical issues which will impact the business in a positive way is crucial. All the risks and opportunities associated with the issues are to be thoroughly considered. The cost analysis of undertaking the projects related to sustainability should be done before hand, so as the business can allocate funds in advance and the expenses could be justified.

Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility is also a similar framework as to sustainability. In all these practices business undertakes activities that in turn increase its goodwill in the market. Good practices and ethical behavior, implementation and following the regulations laid down by statutory bodies, working for the betterment of the community and towards saving the environmental damage, paying heed to the concerns of the stakeholders, employees and all the people associated with the organization. This credits the firm as a socially responsible entity along with giving it a competitive advantage to it. The investors would like to be associated with such entities which are ethical and responsible. The employees of such organization would be proud and benefited by the practices. The suppliers and customers would like to be associated with such an entity.

One of the theories of Corporate Social Responsibility is Triple Bottom Line, which is an assumption that an organization is already a part of a moral community and thus it has to fulfill its responsibilities ( Savitz, 2012). The company has to weigh its actions on the three scales for long term sustainability, which are independent in nature, economic, social and environmental. According to the economic sustainability only those actions are justified that have both long term and short term benefit. Only action that has short term benefit but is long term harm should be refraining from being done. The social sustainability suggests that a company should work for a whole society. i.e., its actions should make benefits for the whole society than just for itself. Environmental sustainability suggests that resources are not infinite and the company should be cautious while using them, optimal usage and renewal sources should be used. There should be minimal damage done while conducting the activities of business.

Key Points to be considered while Designing Sustainability Strategy for an Organization

To measure the real sustainability a framework has to be built that lists some factors and it needs to be judged by the company’s management and they should evaluate their position in the market. For reducing the environmental impacts the firms should find the best innovative solutions to reduce the damage. For being socially responsible firms have to establish best human resource practices and policies and should invest in risk and opportunity management. For economical sustainability firms should try to reduce the cost of input along with maintaining the quality and standards set by the market. For being economically responsible the firm could also use renewable sources of energy in its production, supply, transportation, sourcing of raw material and distribution. The firm also has to consider that it is a part of a society and it should work for the society as a whole. This framework when aligned with business values, mission and vision could really change the position of the business in the market in a positive manner (Rauscher  & Momtaz , 2013).

About Amcor, it is a responsible front runner in the packaging industry. It supplies solutions to various manufacturing units, like, / health care, personal care, food & beverages, home & tobacco. Global presence is in more than 40 countries, it employees more than 29000 people. Social, Economic & Environmental Aspect undertaken at Amcor are initiatives like, Smarter- preserving without preservatives is to tackle global problem of food wastage. Lighter- where green house gas emission is reduced by 26%, energy consumption by 23% and raw material saving is done by 25%. Safer - an initiative where medicines are delivered safe under difficult conditions to the remotest areas of Sub-Saharan Africa (Amcor at a Glance, 2016).

Amcor has an Accommodating approach. It is a part of Australian Packaging Covenant, and adheres to the regulations laid down (Orora Packaging Australia Pty Ltd, 2016). The current sustainable strategies undertaken at Amcor in the environmental aspect is lighter – an initiative that reduces the energy consumption by 23% while the process of activities is going on, it also reduces the environmental damage done throughout the process by reducing the green house gas emission to 26% and also serves the economical aspect by reducing the raw material used throughout the process by 25%. In fulfilling the social aspect, an initiative called safer was launched where medicines were made to deliver in the remotest areas of Africa. Economical aspects that were initiated were fresher and smarter. Through smarter, tackling the problem of global food wastage and by Fresher reduction in the distribution cost was aimed along with optimally utilizing the resources available.

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

The core values of Amcor are Safety- Taking care of all the entities associated with the company. Integrity – Honesty and Ethical business practices, the foundation of the relationship is trust. Teamwork- Believing in making a difference by being together. Social Responsibility- Community and Environmental needs are being taken care and Innovation- Desire to find the best way to do a task (Our Core Values, 2016).

Value alignment of Amcor is the mentioned value Safety aligns with their approach. The company aspires to have “No Injury” goal (Workplace, 2016). The stated value Integrity is taken care of seriously. A positive environment is created to achieve sustainable growth (Economy, 2016. Teamwork- working to bring a positive change as a team and Social Responsibility – Giving back to the community is always considered cardinal (Environment, 2016) (Community, 2016).Innovation- desire to improvise and bring revolution is contemplated (Marketplace, 2016).

Amcor has taken numerous initiatives. With the higher strength to serve market at its roots Amcor should capitalize on it. Until now their focus has been only on packaging changes that could be beneficial, but they should also utilize their strength to spread more literacy, generate more employment and create consciousness on Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Innovative sustainable ideas that Amcor could consider that also aligns with their business goals could be a vision for sustainable packaging. All the packaging materials utilized should be sourced responsibility. Throughout its cycle of life, it should be effective and safe along with meeting the parameters set by market in terms of cost, performance, benefit and safety standards. The sources of energy used should be renewable throughout the process of sourcing, transportation and manufacturing. The design of the product should be such that the materials and energy is fully optimized. Amcor should consider eliminating the negative impacts related to the packaging industry in terms of disposal. Managing the waste is usually a challenge faced in packaging industry, if this waste management is done effectively through a loop system, i.e., by reusing the waste in some form, or reducing the dependency on non reusable raw material used in manufacturing or by recycling the waste as a source material for another utility product it could reduce the negative consequences for environment and societies.  A possible smart design will eliminate the negative factors and would be a step forward for Amcor towards attaining their goals of sustainable development.

The strategy could be formed for this, dealing with waste management – closed loop systems could be implemented. Where packaging material is recovered and its disposal is done categorically, either it should be reused or recycled. This strategy would also promote employment opportunities, development of infrastructure used in recovery, and most importantly conservation and optimal use of resources.

Triple Bottom Line Theory of Corporate Social Responsibility

In terms of performance and cost, packaging material is the main input in cost factor that should be sourced from renewable resources. There may be an additional cost in the transition process for shifting from one packaging pattern to another, but there would also be saving when considered for long term , in terms of reduced regulations, reduction in environmental damage management cost and in the long term this new packaging would be more sustainable.

A firm gets a competitive advantage by following the corporate social responsibility framework and by implementing the strategies for sustainable development. Amcor has the capacity to undertake various aspects of CSR and fulfill its responsibility. The above stated strategies in sustainable packaging ideas would help Amcor is achieving its objective of being a sustainably developed corporation. It will also create a feeling of trust and admiration in the minds of the stakeholders, financers and of loyalty in the employees associated with Amcor. Amcor is an ethical business which follows its responsibilities and has long term sustainable plans. It has to adopt a few more strategies to fully become a company that thrives on fulfilling its responsibilities and by leading the path of sustainable development.


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Crowther, D. & Aras, G. 2008. Corporate social responsibility. (Online). Retrieved 09 September, 2016, from corporate+social+responsibility+ebook&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit3onsz_fOAhVIqo8KHVFVCR0Q6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

Dujon,V., Dillard, J., & Brennan, M.  2013. Social Sustainability: A Multilevel Approach to Social Inclusion. UK: Routledge.

Economy. 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

Environment. 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

Ikerd, J. 2012. The Essentials of Economic Sustainability. US: Kumarian Press.

Jackson, S., Ones, D., &  Dilchert,S. 2012. Managing Human Resources for Environmental Sustainability. US: John Wiley & Sons.

Marketplace. 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

Orora Packaging Australia Pty Ltd, 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

Our Core Values. 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

Rauscher, R.  & Momtaz , M. 2013. Sustainable Communities: A Framework for Planning: Case Study of an Australian Outer Sydney Growth Area. US:Springer Netherlands

Savitz, A. 2012. The Triple Bottom Line: How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too. US: John Wiley & Sons.

Werbach, A. 2013. Strategy for Sustainability: A Business Manifesto. US: Harvard Business Press.

Workplace. 2016. Retrieved 9 September, 2016, from

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