Big Five personality traits model
Discuss about the Terminal Values and Religious.
Personality refers to the differences between people in characteristic patterns of feeling, behaving, and thinking. Different people different personality traits. A person’s character trait reveals itself during various situations depending on the behavior manifested. Self-awareness is an essential element to decision making. Individuals who are self-aware have the capacity to recognize themselves as separate entities from the environment and other people. To achieve self-awareness, an individual needs to develop an understanding of themselves. To maintain professional life in the professional life and achieve set targets it is crucial to have adequate knowledge of your personality and personality traits. The Big Five personality traits commonly known as Five Factor Model (FFM) is a model use to describe the human nature. It uses standard language descriptors of human personality (Andreassen et al, 2016, p.290). This report also uses the Rokeach Value Survey which is a value classification instrument alongside the five-factor model to understand how personality influences the day to day decisions human beings make. The purpose of this essay is to determine how the five elements of self-awareness influence professional life in the workplace using the Big Five personality traits.
The model has five dimensions with no strong preferences. The five dimensions are; extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The independent researchers who developed the model studied relationships to group traits and determined the underlying factors of personality. All the Big Five personality traits have two separate but correlated aspects that reflect a level of character under the large domains. The aspects include assertiveness and enthusiasm for extraversion, withdrawal, and volatility for neuroticism, openness, and intellect for understanding, politeness, and compassion for agreeableness and lastly orderliness and industriousness for conscientiousness. Openness to experience shows the magnitude of intellectual curiosity. Conscientiousness refers to being dependable and having a liking for arranged behavior. Extraversion involves positive emotions and being social. Agreeableness includes compassion and cooperation while neuroticism refers to the nature of going through unpleasant feelings quickly.
Self-awareness plays a critical part in a successful career and achievement of goals. The workplace environment offers a lot of challenges to an employee whether a manager or an employee. An employee has to deal with personality traits, different behaviors, feelings, and attitudes while at work and remain productive. People are most likely to match their actions with their set standards when made self-aware. A self-aware individual will focus their attention on themselves, evaluate and make a comparison of their current behavior to their internal values and standards. Systematically, self-awareness develops from birth through the life span. It is a major factor in the development of the inferential process.
Achieving the set organizational and personal objectives is not an easy task and both employees and managers have to maintain a self-aware state. The achievement of set goals and objectives requires the coordination of different personality traits. An individual should stay alerted and not be carried away by particular character traits and personalities and forget what the ultimate goal is. Self-awareness has many key elements that concern professional life. In this report, the five elements of self-awareness I have considered include; personality, leadership, decision, power and politics, emotional intelligence and values and motivators. The report uses the Five Factor Model to analyze how these factors influence professional life and achievement of set targets.
Character attributes influence the behavior of employees in the organization. My personality type is proactive personality. A proactive nature ensures that I identify opportunities, take actions, create positive change and show initiative wherever involved (He and Van, 2015, p. 130). Essential insights into my personality demonstrate that I am open to experience, I sympathize with others what they are feeling. My personality would suit a long and blossom career life. Having the drive to achieve and the constant flow of ideas would act as a morale to strive and achieve set targets. Being compassionate means, I would always help my colleagues whenever I can, and I would also cover for my fellow employees who are sick or have emergencies and do the best for my company. The Rokeach Value Survey proved to be an eye-opener. Obedience and responsibility ranked in number two and five respectively in my instrumental values. Compliance creates a personality trait that adheres to the rules and regulations of the workplace. Obedience shows that I follow rules to the later, and I am open to taking heed of any professional advice given to me either by a manager or a fellow employee.
Responsibility shows that I would be an employee who takes care of the Company’s property. As a responsible employee, I would ensure that my colleagues and I do not break, destroy or steal company property such as uniforms and even the tools we use to serve our customers. My personality strengths would make me maintain professionalism in the workplace as I achieve the set achievements. The five-factor model and Rokeach value survey showed me my strengths but also my personality weakness. My weakness was that I always came out too loud and vocal even when not necessary. This is a personality trait that can easily land me in trouble with my employers. The hospitality industry thrives on the first impression hoteliers create to the guests. In this field of profession, it is not always wise to be too vocal and strong while airing out views. This may create a wrong impression to guests and even push away colleagues.
Personality Traits
Values are a person’s judgment or standard of behavior. Individuals have different values that they hold onto in life. Values that a person holds onto influence the behavior, attitudes and perception they portray. Through values, an individual can interpret n action as right or wrong (Glaz, 2015, p.1025). Usually, people do not want to be associated with behavior that goes against what they believe in. The Big Five personality model showed what type of values that I have that can help me remain professional in the workplace and at the same time be an achiever. I am a highly conscientious individual as I am always prepared, get work done quickly to the highest standards, and I am very patient. Being able to accomplish tasks in time will help me achieve the set targets and improve in professionalism. The hospitality industry is very delicate, and a person has to be self-aware at all times. Being an industry where guests come from all over the world, it is easy to get caught up embracing different negative values. I hold self-respect highly and make sure that I do not erode my personal values by engaging in the strange behavior. I am a corrupt free citizen who always aspires to embrace the values the society holds high. Corruption is a vice that is quickly spreading to every industry including the hospitality industry. Through my values, I will influence my colleagues and other staff to embrace the values the society expects of us and not erode our culture. In this process we will maintain professionalism, achieve the set targets and become global citizens.
Motivators are factors that cause or incite a particular action. In organizations, employees require being motivated. Motivation may emanate from inside a person or from the management actions. Self-motivators include setting goals and striving to achieve them, Taking the right level of risk and actively seeking out opportunities. There are two main types of motivation namely intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation depends on the love and societal expectation while extrinsic is driven by a need for something i.e. money. Amongst my instrumental values in the Rokeach Value Survey, ambition ranks in the first spot. As an ambitious person, I am personally motivated to achieve what I set as targets for myself and the organizational goals and objectives. Through ambition, I would influence other staff to set personal goals and remain motivated as the achievement of the set targets acts as a morale booster.
Values and Motivators
Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity of being aware and able to control and express your emotions (Raj and Uniyal, 2016, p.99). Emotional intelligence holds the key to a personal and professional, successful life. People express themselves through emotions. Emotions include; anger, disgust, surprise, happiness and joy. Emotions are a source of the attitude we portray about something. If a particular object makes you happy always, you will develop a positive attitude towards it. Emotion intelligence plays an integral part in career choice. Interestingly, most top achievers and performers have the ability to manage their emotions during pressurized situations and remain calm and control. The ability to control your emotions is essential to passing interviews and having a healthy professional life.
The choice of a career in the hospitality industry is largely influenced by my emotional intelligence skills. The Big Five personality model showed that I am self-aware, and thus I do recognize and understand my emotions and moods well that can help me strike a good rapport with the guests, fellow colleagues and even managers. I can self-regulate my impulses and disruptive feelings such as excitement and anger. The hospitality industry does not require a temperamental nature. Thus I would be suitable for my career choice.
Leadership can bridge the gap between management and employees. If applied well the body can utilize both managers and leaders and coordinate their actions for the purpose of achieving set goals. The hospitality industry is no different. A good leader will motivate the employees since leading is from the front unlike management. One unique quality of leaders is the ability to take risks as it is commonly put forward, strike while the iron is hot. As I have an extraversion trait, I tend to mingle a lot with people, start conversations, I feel comfortable around people, and I make better ethical decisions and always full of ideas. Leadership is all about striking the right rapport with a united people and channeling their efforts towards the achievement of a shared goal. As a leader, I would share in the strategic objectives of the organization. Hoteliers have to set the bar higher and strive to achieve it to become market leaders.
Since I am a person of the people and I like to exact my full effort on any task I am handling. I would provide direction for my fellow employees on any issues that face the organization. As I like working with people, I would also be involved in the tasks assigned thus acting as a role model for the employees. In the Rokeach Value Survey, the goal of equality ranks number three amongst final values. Equality is a fundamental element in great leadership. For I value equality, I would turn the organization around and create a single unit that believes in team spirit. Team spirit is crucial in keeping the group together as a unit with team players who are ready to fight tooth and nail for the organization to achieve profits. I am a born, trained and experienced leader in the making who has the required techniques to inspire fellow employees and influence them towards the achievement of our company’s objectives.
Emotional intelligence
Power and politics are two pillars that hold and drive an organization forward. Through power and politics, organizations get things moving. Powers are the ability to influence the behavior of others at will. Often in organizations, politics gives people power. Power and politics depend on people. Without people to exercise your power upon, the power becomes useless thus power is developed through others. Organization politics is critical to the development of an ideal workplace. Employees use politics as a tool to champion for their rights and want. Through policies, employees give the power to fellow employees who are seen to have the best interests of the employees at heart. Through power, employees reduce the stressors available in the workplace and help the organization achieve its set targets.
As I am a soft hearted person who is interested in people the Big Five personality trait model shows that I am agreeable. Since agreeable is a social habit I would, therefore, be a good politician in the workplace, and I can use the power bestowed upon me to make changes in the organization for the better. As a manager or a leader in the workplace, I would champion for the rights and needs of my fellow employees, rally them behind the organizational goals and objectives and ensure that there is a better rapport between the employees and the management. The hospitality industries require a person who has both formal and base power. Since I am still in the process of equipping myself with the necessary professional knowledge to have official power, I am equipped with personal power. This power comes from my ability to take time out for others and blending in well with people. A person of the people will inherently have some power and influence over these people.
With power, I would ensure that the firm adheres to the laid down labor regulations. Labor relations issues are the primary cause of industrial unrests in many industries. By ensuring the management conducts all labor issues according to the government regulations, I would help my organization create a good image, attract investors and dodge many lawsuits (Hammack and Pilecki, 2015, p. 373).
Both employees and managers have to make judgments in the workplace. Planning is the process of laying down future-oriented strategies to achieve a particular goal while decision making is the act of choosing the best set of solution for a problem from many alternative solutions. Decision making is a critical part of planning. Effective planning involves making the right personal decisions and organizational decisions. Good decision-making technique depends on a person’s character traits and values and most importantly the personality of the individual. Good decision makers always end up making great leaders. For the purpose of these report, I considered two theories namely the Organizational Process Model and Rationality in decision-making theory. The organizational process model involves making decisions according to the procedures and systems the organization has. The Organizational Process Model theory is relevant in that it helps organizations to develop choices that suit them appropriately i.e. in decentralized authorities; participative decision making is the best (Lulin, Yiranbon and Asante, 2016, p. 5). Rationality decision-making theory states that effective decisions have to be made rationally. The importance of this approach is that it provides the necessary steps to make a rational decision. To make sound decisions a person has to collect the relevant information, analyze, evaluate and make a choice.
In making a decision regarding a career choice, I used the Rationality decision-making theory. I had to gather information about what I wanted in life the most. Though I had many alternatives, I chose to become a Tourism and Hotel professional. Factors such as the job market, competition, career development and reward packages influenced my decision. The Big Five Personality trait model shows that I have a high conscientiousness and open to experience. I am always full of excellent ideas and understand things quickly. Having plenty of ideas enables a person to become a good planner and a decision maker. The tourism and hotel industry has a lot of traveling and cites seeing which builds a magical experience for anyone. Since I am an adventurous person, I would not have settled on anything less.
In conclusion, it is necessary for an upcoming professional no matter the field has adequate knowledge about their personality. Personality and self-awareness are keys to a fruitful and happy professional and personal life. Emotional intelligence is not only important in relationships but also in the work environment (Scaffidi et al, 2016, p.375). Many people with high intelligence quotients have failed to get jobs during interviews because they could not control their emotions. Self-awareness, personality, and emotional intelligence are important factors to any employee. The workplace has a lot of stressors that only a self-aware and emotionally intelligent person can handle and remain professional to achieve the set goals and objectives.
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