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Overview of Communication Models


1.Effective Communication plays an Important role in helping Individuals and Organizations achieve their goals.

2.Communication barriers appear throughout the movie.  In class we discussed 4 communication barriers.  Define in your own words 3 of the possible 4 communication barriers and provide examples of their impact on 3 characters in the movie.

1.Communication models are used to depict the ideas, concepts or thoughts of an individual with the help of pictorial representations and diagrams. The models help in the clear understanding of the concepts. Effective communication helps in the success of an individual in various aspects related to his life. This is an interpersonal skill and helps in learning the way by which the communication of a person can improve. Communication process between individuals involves the encoding and decoding process (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). Encoding refers to the conversion of any information from a system to the other system with the help of codes. Codes include symbols, letters or signs. The code and the system are related to each other and this together makes the communication process more effective. In the process of communication, the encoder acts as the source of information and encodes the information or the message properly within his mind and thereby sends the coded information to the receiver. After receiving the message, the receiver interprets it with the help of his own intellect levels and his experience as well. The source of this process is the main part of the communication and the communication process is incomplete without him (Gelles, Moitra & Sahai, 2014). The next part of this communication process is the receiver or the decoder of the message. Communication is a continuous process and this comprises of the source of the information and the destination as well. Decoding refers to the ability of the receiver of the message to decode or interpret the message sent by the source or encoder according to the understanding and the intellect level of the decoder. The decoder interprets a message easily if the information sent by the source is clear and simple. The receiver will further send the message to the sender or the source and the communication process continues in this manner (Harley, 2013). The message sent by the source should be accurate, clear and meaningful and it has to designed in such a way so that the readers, listeners and the viewers are not confused or mistaken. Encoding refers to the formation of the message and decoding refers to the audience or listener of the message that has been encoded. There are many factors that negatively impact the encoding and decoding process of communication. The main problem occurs when the process of encoding the information is poor (Jandt, 2012). The message fails to create the right effect and fulfil the objectives of the communication. This includes the poor phrasing of the words which can completely change its meanings. This problem can also occur in case of the translations of the messages when there is a language difference. The problem can also occur from the part of the decoder and the way by which he interprets the messages. In this case the message that has been sent by the source is clear, however, the process of the interpretation of the message is incorrect or the message has been received in a different manner (Laghari & Connelly, 2012). The other issue in the encoding and decoding process is the failure of the medium by which the message has been sent. The medium of communication acts as an important factor in the communication process. The signals that are sent by the communication medium can be faulty which can result in the failure of the process. The noise or disturbance in the communication process can also act as factor that influences the effectivity of the communication. The loud noise can affect the ability of the receiver to listen to the message. When J.B. started his journey with Vivek and Amit, where Amit was appointed as his interpreter, the three factors that are discussed above have affected their journey (Robson & Robinson, 2013). They joined J.B. after he arrived India and was finding the place and the environment quite different from where he belongs. Though Amit was his interpreter, still there was huge communication gap between them and this has led to many misunderstandings between them.

Encoding and Decoding Process

2.There are four different types of barriers of communication which includes semantic barriers, personal barriers, organizational barriers and emotional or psychological barriers. Semantic barriers include the bad way of expression of a message where the language of the communication is a barrier. The difference in the meanings of the words and the way they are translated or interpreted is also a barrier in communication (Shrivastava, 2012). The assumptions made by the receiver of the messages and the clarification given by the sender is a factor that affects the communication process. The technical jargons that are used in the communication process and the body language of the sender is another barrier in the communication. The emotional barriers include the evaluation of a message without thinking about the contents of the message or making decisions before receiving the messages. The attention of the receiver of the message towards the contents or information in the message acts as a barrier as well. The message that has been sent can also be lost in the process of transmission and the trust factor of the receiver of the message is a barrier as well (Sutter & Kieser, 2015). The other types of barriers that are likely to occur in a communication process are the personal barriers, which includes the barriers of communication that is related to the superiors in the organization and the subordinates as well. The barriers faced by the subordinates is related to the authority of the superiors and the challenge posed to them and the lacking confidence of the subordinates. The barriers that are faced by the superiors include the lack of willingness of the superiors to communicate and the lack of importance given to the ideas and suggestions of the superiors by the subordinates is another personal barrier. In case of the three main characters of the movie, that is, J.B., Rinku and Dinesh the semantic barriers have a lot of impact (Trenholm, 2017). The difference in the language spoken by them and the different meanings of the words is a barrier for the three characters. The faults in the translation of the message that is communicated is also an important barrier. The psychological emotional barriers have also impacted their process of communication. The evaluation of the messages before listening, the lacking attention of the characters towards each is an important factor in the process of communication. The trust level between the characters is also quite low because of the differences between them, which also acts as a barrier in the communication process (Turaga, 2016). The personal barriers also influence the communication process of the three characters in the movie. The relation of the superiors and subordinates, that is, J.B. and two the boys and the level of communication between them acts as a barrier between them (, 2017).

The incident in my life where I overcame a communication barrier is as discussed further. I have faced many communications related problems with my superiors in the organization where I am working. The problem occurred as I have newly joined in the organization. The main problem that I have faced is the in this process is to communicate my problems to the superiors of the organization. I was facing some major problems regarding the work process in my organization. However, I was unable to share these problems with my superiors or my colleagues as well. However, in the due course of time I have tried to coordinate with my superior in the organization and further share my problems with him. From there on my superior has also been supportive with me and helped me in understanding the work process of the organization and adjust to the environment as well.


Austin, E. W., & Pinkleton, B. E. (2015). Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns (Vol. 10). Routledge.

Gelles, R., Moitra, A., & Sahai, A. (2014). Efficient coding for interactive communication. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(3), 1899-1913.

Harley, D. (2013). Scholarly communication: cultural contexts, evolving models. Science, 342(6154), 80-82.

Jandt, F. E. (2012). An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community. Sage Publications.

Laghari, K. U. R., & Connelly, K. (2012). Toward total quality of experience: A QoE model in a communication ecosystem. IEEE Communications Magazine, 50(4).

Robson, A., & Robinson, L. (2013). Building on models of information behaviour: linking information seeking and communication. Journal of documentation, 69(2), 169-193.

Shrivastava, S. (2012). Comprehensive modeling of communication barriers: a conceptual framework. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 6(3), 7.

Sutter, M., & Kieser, A. (2015). How consultants and their clients collaborate in spite of massive communication barriers. International Journal of Business Communication, 2329488415613340.

Trenholm, S. (2017). Thinking through communication: An introduction to the study of human communication. Routledge.

Turaga, R. (2016). Organizational models of effective communication. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 10(2), 56. (2017). million dollar arm - YouTube. Retrieved 16 November 2017, from

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