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The Framework of Energy Policies

Describe the key global challenges and issues facing the world oil and gas industry and the impact of UNFCCC meetings of COPs (conference of parties) in 2002 on oil producing country (Belize).

At the starting point of the second decade of the 21st century, the gas and oil industry policies influence different types of aspects global warming. Belize is a small country of United States of America, and its major export is oil producing. Due to the development of infrastructure, the rate of energy consumption is rapidly increasing. In addition, the traditional sources are being dried up, and market uncertainty is sensed all over in the world due to the wave of oil price. As a result, in order to maintain our daily lifestyle, we burn more fuel of fossils. In terms of burning fuels, the temperature level of the earth’s atmosphere is continuously rising. We need to identify techniques that we be able to get the benefit as much as possible from the energy assets accessible to our communal requirements and our financial to give out in the at hand and within a reasonable time-frame as cost-productively as possible. In other words, while at the same time moderating desolates of energy value instability and the natural effect impacts of fossil fuel use? What part would we be able to play to guarantee to prospect time is has not yet dispatched toward reduced ways of life or even mass tragedy gave the method should be prickled and utilized energy now. However, they give steady provisions of expert and spotless energy? Moreover, which kind of chances would to manufacture from our remarkable circumstances as a general energy of nation in the request surrounding territory of Central American? Effective and reasonable energy needs to be produced, and manufacture usefulness inside in the system of energy supply chain(s) by utilizing "successful standards plus elegant arrangement structures". Actual reason for the achievement along these lines needs to display a draft National Energy Policy System (NEPF) that puts Belize on a way to vitality productivity, manageability. On the other hand, this is entirely talking not an arrangement archive, but rather maybe an archive that gives arrangement proposals to strategy producers and in a suitable situation party’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different arrangement instruments that can be utilized to accomplish approach destinations. It is consequently a proposed guide of how quick and where we have to go, as well as it also concludes how we can arrive and what it will take for us to arrive.

Energy Efficiency

Energy is a basic element for development, flourishing and social value inside also, across over countries. Many studies proved that when doubt in creating nations and rising economies, individuals who have admittance to critical edge types of energy, for example, power. In other words, additionally have access to better financial open doors and better social insurance administrations along with better training.

The expenditure of energy to society is enormous. In other words, energy production and distribution process expend assets, acquire misfortunes (of energy), and can bring about trouble and harm to people. Apart from that, the environment got tremendous damages due to the pollution of gas and oil industry. In a specific manner, some of these procedures utilize a lot of regular assets, for an example land and water. However, it is bringing about the elimination of individuals and abundance. In addition, energy supply procedures are frequently remarkably contingent on basic inputs that must be sourced from distant suppliers or that might be rare supplied. Apart from that, along these lines depiction the area, and by expansion, the economies are more powerless against external price shock and supply conflicts (Jones, 2011).

Energy efficiency

The phrase energy effectiveness is utilized inside of a contracted circumstance. In last few decades the efficiency of energy concluded efficiency of supply-phase energy. On the other hand, the effectiveness of changing over an element of information force is playing a significant role into valuable power. Nowadays, the energy efficiency center is moved towards converse surface of range due to ending-utilized efficiency of energy. Apart from that, effectiveness of energy is best knowable and considered for a whole energy production network or the whole energy division (de Sépibus, Sterk and Tuerk, 2013).

Energy sustainability

Sustainability includes three types of significant key measurements: A procedure or production network used for a specific power structure is measured financially reasonable if advantages of power makes a difference to deliver. Another twist of advantages is that provides help to meet the economy as an entire. It is environmentally practical on the off chance that it causes insignificant trouble or harm to individuals and the environment over the long run. On the other hand, it is socially convenient on the off chance that it enhances a base that not damaging the livelihood aspects of deprived people and other edges of the humanity. In other words, it either by furnishing them with more prominent openness to and moderateness of advanced energy shapes or by creating financial movement inside of their groups (Spilsbury and Spilsbury, 2012).  

Energy Sustainability

The link between energy sustainability and climate change

The vast majority of present day power is causes from fossil energy like oil, coal and organic gas. In addition, flaming of fuels of fossil also produce to deliver electrical energy, such as in planes for transport vehicles, marine vessels and in modern engines. They discharge a huge volume of gas into the earth’s atmosphere. There many harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are discharged from those processes. Carbon dioxide occurs automatically from us in the earth’s biosphere and environment. The biosphere of earth stocks up the carbon dioxide from incorporate trees and creatures, mud, seas, astound and fossil petroleum stores. In addition, the rate of carbon dioxide increased from the atmosphere of earth keen on biosphere and seas and elsewhere of earth’s biosphere and according to part of the common cycle of life seas are going into atmosphere of earth. In other words, the convergence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of earth had been stayed decently consistent. Moreover, streams all through the fossil fuel stores specifically had been unimportant as this development through the years awaiting the Industrial Revolution occurred. On the other hand, it had been begun blazing fuels of fossil. On the other hand, to maintain the global temperature, the gas and oil industry prevent the sequences of events and reduce the organic wastages (Spilsbury and Spilsbury, 2012). Moreover, they have reached successfully to the level of consensus that plan supportive actions to cut back our use of fossil fuel. Apart from that, the activity to remove or reduce all in all GHG is released from the fuel of fossil, it should be taken as the initiative to burn and even capture and sequence the sources of GHGs, which already exist in the atmosphere of the earth. On the other hand, according to the protocol of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, all nations should have the aim to fight against the Global Warming. In addition, to stop risky environmental intrusion along with the system of climate, each and every nation should pay more attention to the stabilization of the conservatory gas attentiveness inside the environment of earth.

In the year 2005, the Kyoto Protocol was introduced by the UNFCCC, which defined a legally and formal compulsory harmony stuck between 191 nations and entrusting the convinced associates to diminish their emission of the greenhouse gasses with the help of specified target levels (de Sépibus, Sterk and Tuerk, 2013). On the other hand, the certain innovative implications might be applied by different countries. In addition, the ‘flexibility mechanism’ is provided by the Protocol of the UNFCCC. One of the significant factors of ‘flexibility mechanism’ is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (Jones, 2011).

The Link between Energy Sustainability and Climate Change

The gas and oil industry has been faced many economic challenges and environmental issues. In the last few decades, the global economic growth is rapidly increased but created much considerable pressure on the gas and oil sectors. Moreover, the geopolitics, extreme weather condition and other potentially disorderly factors which influence problems for the gas and oil industry. On the other hand, the countries contain small power over the availability of contribution and cost to their most important manufacture system. In addition, these types of systems have cost market to introduce generation systems that are adaptable. Therefore, these systems are including forms that can be naturally balanced or reconfigured to utilize an alternate or to create an alternate output. The outputs depend on two different factors such as asset accessibility and economic situations. On the other hand, the yields of huge scale creation systems might on occasion price extra to create additional value for business sector is wagering to recompense for parties. Whenever, in some circumstances happen, adaptable schemes might be changed by utilizing an alternate lower costing data, on the other hand, create alternate more attractive outcomes.

Fossil fuels keep on commanding energy supplies, meeting more than 80% of the anticipated increment in essential energy request in this scenario. In other words, oil remains the single biggest fuel, with 66% of the expansion in oil use originating from the vehicle division. On another hand, Request comes to 92 Mb/d in 2010 and 115 mg/d in 2030, and the common gas request becomes speedier, driven for the most part by power period. It overwhelms coal as the world's second-biggest essential energy source before 2015. According to the situation, the offer of coal in world essential interest decay a small piece with interest development planned in China and India. Apart from that, the atomic force's piece of the pie decays possibly. As well as hydropower remains in widely stable condition. In the case of hydro renewable that includes followed issues such as biomass, geothermal, sun oriented, the wind, tidal and wave vitality, will stay level at 11%.     

Securing dependable and moderate energy will rely on satisfactory investment. The rate of investment in creating unprocessed petroleum generation limit in the Middle East and it is especially crucial for world energy markets. In other words, the current rates of investment in not high enough area to meet the difference that is relied upon to open up between worldwide oil interest and oil production limits in different parts the world. On the other hand, without earnest and sizable increments in Middle East investment which is a setback underway limit will develop. In addition, costs will rise and turned out to be more unpredictable to the long drag financial obstruction of both makers and customers. According to a report of the UNFCCC, under-investment likewise expresses brief security dangers. The rather low level of extra oil generation limit right is affected by any surprising loss of supply. As well as it has come about because of numerous years of under-investment in gas and oil industry (Spilsbury and Spilsbury, 2012).

The Impact of UNFCCC Meetings on Belize

This collaboration influences the case for enhancing market conditions. On the other hand, for more powerful components of these relationships enhance trading data between oil makers and shoppers. Moreover, the instability encompassing the standpoint for worldwide energy markets has rarely important. Therefore, the length of time that the world economy keeps on expands their business. So, we can show confidence about interest for oil, what's more, different types of energy will increase due to that reason. The rate of development in essential energy needs and the blend of energies will rely on upon what move governments choose to make to control interest.

According to this conference of parties, some major decisions regarding national communication had been taken in this meeting such as 10/CP.2, 2/CP.4, 8/CP.5 etc. During the process of reviewing the guidelines to prepare the national communication some Annex and non-Annex I had been introduced by UNFCCC to the parties. On the other hand, Belize is included in non-Annex I parties and it should implement these guidelines in order to improve their objectives, priorities and national circumstances. In addition, the operating entity of financial mechanism is managed by these guidelines to improve the national communication. The main objective of these guidelines is to provide sufficient information to bring out implementation plan and process of non-Annex I parties including Belize (unfccc, 2003).

Implementation and effect of decisions on Belize

In order to improve the national situation, Belize implemented strategies and measurements such as adaptation to climate change. As well as, they provide transparent and well developed methodologies to reflect their present financial condition. As Belize belongs from non-Annex I parties, so they had to obey decisions and many adverse effects occurred to make suitable inclusion in their communications.  


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should call this types useful meeting in every year and aware every nation about the dangerous impact of gas and oil sectors. The earth’s atmosphere is continuously damaged due to the air pollution. The rate of carbon dioxide is increased because the oil and gas industry burn fuels. In order to reduce the rate of temperature of the atmosphere, UNFCCC introduced some energy policies which are very effective in the climate change. The decisions of UNFCCC seriously influenced the financial condition of Belize because it belongs non-Annex I parties. In addition, the decisions were used to improve the national communication of Belize.


de Sépibus, J., Sterk, W. and Tuerk, A. (2013). Top-down, bottom-up or in-between: how can a UNFCCC framework for market-based approaches ensure environmental integrity and market coherence?. Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management, 3(1-02), pp.6-20.

Jones, I. (2011). Engineering strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Spilsbury, R. and Spilsbury, L. (2012). Fossil fuel power. New York: PowerKids Press.

unfccc, (2003). REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES ON ITS EIGHTH SESSION, HELD AT NEW DELHI FROM 23 OCTOBER TO 1 NOVEMBER 2002. 1st ed. [ebook] UK: FCCC/CP/2002/7/Add.2. Available at: [Accessed 5 Apr. 2016].

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