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Overview of The Theory of Multiple Intelligences


Discuss about the Benefits If Someone has fully Developed Intelligence Skills.

The theory of multiple intelligences which was developed by Dr. Gardener in 1983 in Harvard University has given that IQ is nothing when we can have the people may be tested on far more levels of intelligence.

Everybody is conceived having the seven insights. All things considered, all understudies will come into persons with various arrangements of created insights. This implies that every individual will have his own particular one of a kind arrangement of scholarly qualities and shortcomings. Thus of course there might always be very different sets of multiple intelligences developed in a person. And these might give different benefits to each at organizational level of personal level. The essay discusses about the benefits in detail of the multiple intelligence theories. There can be many learning styles that can be found inside one organization or one human being. Children learn from the childhood at different levels and might have spate skill sets like the example of a dancer. (Gardner & Hatch, 1989). For instance, an artist can exceed expectations in his specialty just on the off chance that he/she has 1) in number melodic insight to get to the varieties of the music, 2) relational knowledge to see how he can really exhibit his/her moves which can make the group of audience so glad and sprightly, and 3) real kinesthetic insight to give him all the nimbleness and developments which makes him a fruitful artist. (Lazear, 1992). For instance, the instructor can recommend that a particularly musically a smart child find out about the progressive war by making up a melody about what happened. This can be personally for a student or any human for that matter. Similarly an employee can logically be very good but not good with intrapersonal skills which might not make him a good team player.  (Birchfield et. al, 2008)

Rather, Dr. Gardner proposes eight levels of multiple intelligence theory which can be applied on any of the humans. (Gardner, 1983)These are the multiple levels of intelligences which can give so many more notions:

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence-- this is where we deal with patterns, numbers and logical thinking. This is way too helpful at the level of organization where you need to work on some onsite challenges which needs immediate logical thinking.

Linguistic Intelligence-- this deals with mastery at the language and having your command over it. This is even the reading in between the lines part. This is also to gauge meaning and even remember information easily because you understand the language really well.

Spatial Intelligence-- gives one the ability to control and make mental pictures with a particular true objective to handle issues. This insight is not restricted to visual areas –this even helps you at the level of organization to remember essential information or look into some.

Musical Intelligence-- includes the capacity to perceive and form melodic pitches, tones, and rhythms. This even lets you study the people at the organizational level which lets you understand their mood a lot and thus understand and show some help or sympathy or empathy. (Brothers, 1989).

Different Levels of Multiple Intelligences

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence-- is the ability to use one's mental abilities to sort out one's own significant improvements.

Interpersonal intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence &Naturalist intelligence-- incorporate relational insight - the capacity to comprehend and observe the sentiments and expectations of others- - and intrapersonal knowledge - the capacity to comprehend one's own emotions and inspirations. (Fisher & Ashkanasy 2000).  These two insights are separate from each other. By and by, as a result of their nearby relationship in many societies, they are regularly connected together.

All these intelligences actually give a lot of benefits at individual level and as well as at the organizational level.

It is vital to have a solid feeling of mindfulness also. For instance, I frequently advise my business understudies to record the employee meet-ups. We tape their practices and prompts and after that play the meeting back for them. I know it is in some cases exceptionally agonizing to watch oneself on video, yet this sort of activity is precious in perceiving the effect of one's own associations with individuals. This is quite useful as far as the part of benefits is considered. Thus this being one of the benefits at the level of organization, if you have all your multiple intelligences developed, it helps you to manage people well and develop their levels efficiently.

Maybe you don't know that you gaze vacantly at nothing in particular when you don't have a clue about the response to an intense question, or that you tap your toes when you are anxious, or that you sit amateurishly in a seat, or that your handshake is sodden and limp. This is also because inter and intrapersonal intelligences needs to be developed and thus such intelligences help if developed at the time of interviews. It is certainly organizational as well, because a persona who has an eye for such things will always be able to judge also very better and can be very good at selecting. (SinceBodily-Kinesthetic level is there)

Emotional Intelligence insight can't be retained from a book; it should be sustained through practice.(Career advice, 2013)  It is one thing to think about the fitting practices and feelings one must display, yet it is totally an alternate mammoth to apply that information in the privilege relevant circumstance. (Thorndike, 1920). One approach to analyze you is through a straightforward test. Here only the benefit of you being Interpersonal intelligence and Naturalist intelligence (Martin, 1995)

David Goleman has fantastically made sure that how emotional intelligence models can be used as common concepts for the basis of these intelligence. And EI also helps to refer to the abilities and the basic concepts to regulate our emotions which help us develop our intelligences. The major domains which we talk about are self-awareness, management of self, social awareness and the relationship management domain. (Goleman, 1995a)

Some of the benefits at the individual level will be as follows:

The intelligences such as inter and intrapersonal intelligence help you to watch how you react to stress and even handle it. (Spectator, 2012) Moreover paying attention to your actions is something it develops very quickly. Paying attention to your actions and the start of an internal dialogue rather than automatically criticizing is also there through nature smart intelligence and makes you intra- smart which is a level of multiple intelligence.(Özdemir, 2006)

Benefits of Multiple Intelligences at Organizational Level

Learn what exactly your intentions are: This can be done if you have few of the intelligences fully developed

Constructive ways to deal with negative moods and feelings: If you are your body and feeling smart, as per the Gardner’s intelligence model, you can achieve a lot in terms of controlling your emotions at the right moment.

Be especially mindful of non-verbal correspondence, for example, the tone of your voice, eye contact, and outward appearances

Make a round of continually searching for the silver covering and the lessons to be gained from disappointments or troublesome circumstances

Listen more than you talk which is also considering intrapersonal intelligence and being environment smart


Organizations have regularly looked to help understudies build up a feeling of achievement and self-assurance. Through the essay we understood that be it linguistic or mathematical intelligence level, all of them combined to make one set which actually makes sure that a human has fully developed skill set which can help them immensely in their general life. Moreover there can be many learning styles can be found inside one organization or one human being. And the humans learn from the childhood at different levels and might have spate skill sets like the example of a dancer as mentioned above. Everybody is conceived having the seven insights. All things considered, all understudies will come into persons with various arrangements of created insights. This implies that every individual will have his own particular one of a kind arrangement of qualities and shortcomings. Thus of course there might always be very different sets of multiple intelligences developed in a person. And these might give different benefits to each at organizational level of personal level. This essay has discussed that in detail and we can surely ponder on things like how these skill sets can help us individually and correct implementation of multiple intelligence theory. Also as mentioned by David Goleman as well that emotional intelligence is one such intelligence which actually answers a lot of questions when we notice other people. (Davies, et. al, 1998). And these intelligence levels do a lot help in it, if we understand the meaning of each and every intelligence in detail.


Birchfield, D., Thornburg, H., Megowan-Romanowicz, C., Hatton, S., Mechtley, B., Dolgov, I.,& Burleson, W. (2008). Embodiment, multimodality, and composition: Convergent themes across HCI and education for mixed-reality learning environments. Journal of Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 2008, Article ID 874563.

Brothers, L. (1989). A biological perspective on empathy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 146(1), 10-19.

Career advice (2013) Minding your E's and Q's (

Davies, M., Stankov, L., and Roberts, R.D., (1998) Emotional intelligence: In search of an elusive construct. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75(4) 989-1015.

Fisher, C. D. & Ashkanasy (2000). The emerging role of emotions in work life: an introduction, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21: 123-129.

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind. New York: Basic Book Inc.

Gardner, H., & Hatch, T. (1989). Multiple intelligences go to school: Educational implications of the theory of multiple intelligences. Educational Researcher, 18(8), 4-9.

Goleman, D. (1995a). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.

Lazear, David. (1991). Seven ways of teaching: The artistry of teaching with multiple intelligences. Palatine, IL: IRI Skylight Publishing Inc. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 382 374)

Lazear, David (1992). Teaching for Multiple Intelligences. Fastback 342 Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappan Educational Foundation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 356 227)

Martin, W.C. (1995, March). Assessing multiple intelligences. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Conference on Educational Assessment, Ponce, PR. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 385 368)

Özdemir, P., Güneysu, S., & Tekkaya, C. (2006). Enhancing learning through multiple intelligences. Journal of Biological Education, 40(2), 74-78.

Spectator, H (2012) Minding your Es and Qs at work.

Thorndike, E (1920). A constant error in psychological ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology, 4, 25-29.

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