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The Significance of Hiring the Right Employees

Discuss about the Foundation of Management There is Only One Best Way to Manage.

There is only a best way to manage organizational goal is to hire those employees who best demonstrate KSA that is Knowledge, Skill, and Abilities. The author of the study stated that the organizational goals are best obtained when the hiring in the organization done in an effective manner. It is important for HR mangers to focus on the hiring of those employees who best demonstrate Knowledge, Skill, and Abilities in order to achieve the organizational goal in a more effective and efficient manner. The main aim of an organization is to focus on the goals and objectives of the organization to fulfill in a limited time frame. The author of the study stated that for the successful organization it is important to look up on each and every factor of the organization that influence on the organization. After studying one of the empirical researches it has found that the first step that is done by the organization is to focus on the hiring in the organization. It is very important to hire the right person of the right job to have a timely completion of goal in order to have a sustainable environment of organization. It has been discussed in this article that the best way to manage the organization is to be focused upon the right hiring of employees in the organization who best demonstrate the KSA that is Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.

To hire the right person for the right job is one of the most important tasks that need to be focus with all of the efforts. It is the main duty of the HR manager to hire the right employee to the position with a proper match; this mean is that the hiring person skill and abilities must match with required position in order to have a task done in proper manner. This will ensure the success of the organization, this will provide the surety that organization task have been getting done by the right person which gives us advantage of organization sustainable development. The author of the study stated that in order to have competitive advantage it is the first requirement of the organization to fulfill their entire stated goal in a proficient manner and this could only be done one the right employee will be hire for the right position. This is due to the reason that the employee will demonstrate his best effort one the hiring decision is accurate and proper which mean that the requirement of task will be best match with the skills and abilities of the employees that has been hired for the required post (Oluhan, 2017).

KSAs: Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

KSAs are the knowledge, skill and abilities that a person possess in a way to perform their respective task and duties in a best manner. Is very important for the HR manager to evaluate and assess the person’s capabilities that they must demonstrate prior to their listed job descriptions. It is the most significant decision that is required to reference while hiring. This is very important to recognize for making the final selection in order to meet the organization goal in more effective manner. This also requires a proper training and couching system in order to polish the employee’s skills, knowledge and abilities (Cheney, 2016).

Knowledge is one of the main and important components of KSAs. This is very necessary to have a proper and useful knowledge to perform any task related to their prior job description. Knowledge basically focusses on the actual understanding if any concept. Knowledge is something that is related to theoretical framework, and this frame work is required to have a proper practical implementation of any particular task. Knowledge is basically information related to any task or subject that is required for taking the hiring decision, which is required to apply on the work function in order to have the better performance. The author of the study stated the knowledge is an important factor that relates with t5he theoretical framework which is significant to analyze to have a practical implementation of any prior task related to their job and this needs to be polished time by time in order to demonstrate as best as an individual can (Kasper, 2016). For example while having a communication processes it is required to have a proper understanding of the structure, content, composition and grammar and knowledge of general accounting procedures and principles.

Skills are defined as the proficiencies and capabilities that are developed through actual experience and training, skill basically reflects practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge.  The manual and technical proficiencies that are usually acquired or learn through any specific training are consider as skills. Skills should be observable and measureable. Skills are the most important factor that is required to perform any particular task and mangers are working on the incorporation of identifying best possible skills a person can demonstrate. It is very important for the organization to hire those of the persons who best demonstrate its skills so that the task could be done in the best possible ways that will be beneficial to the organization in order to have sustainable development. The author of the study stated that it is very important for the organization to hire those employees who can perform their duties in a proficient manner to best demonstrate their skills perspective to their prior task related to their jobs (Palmer, 2014). For example in the context of written communication skills to communicate appropriately that is best understandable by the audience, in critical thinking or problem solving skills required for collecting and analyzing the complex data, skills that are required for analyzing and organizing technical data. It has been found that the skills are the manual or technical proficiencies that are required to perform the task in best possible manner in order to have effective and efficient result which is helpful in obtaining the organizational goals (Kay, 2015).

The Importance of KSA in Effective Management

Abilities are defined as the capabilities that need to bring in in order to perform the situation or particular task. Abilities have often been confused with skill but they both are entirely different and have their own important difference and significance. Along with knowledge and skills the role of abilities has been very significant to analyze. It has been found that the organization tends to identify those employees who best demonstrate the abilities with knowledge and skills. The author of the study stated that the abilities are the capabilities that are required to demonstrate in order to have the best performance to utilize in a way to perform particular task or situation in order to generate best measure outcomes. In order to complete a specific task or to perform any observable behavior it is significant to apply various skills and knowledge that demonstrate the present capacity in a way to complete or perform a task. The person’s social and personal attributes may also relate with the abilities. The attributes are tending to be acquired or imitate without any formal instruction. The abilities basically endure the talents that are required to do a specific task related to job. The author of the study stated that the abilities are something which is relates with the employees personal and social attributes that are required to perform the particular task ensures sustainable development of the organization (Macgregor, 2013). For example in the context of communication ability to communicate effectively in both written and oral form, or the ability to perform or handle difficult or stressful situation, or the ability to follow instruction and so on.

It has been concluded at the end that the best possible way to manage organizational goal is to hire the right person for the right job by focusing on the employees that best demonstrate the KSAs that is knowledge Skill and abilities. It is the most significant decision that is required to reference while hiring. This is very important to recognize for making the final selection in order to meet the organization goal in more effective manner. The KSAs that is knowledge Skill and abilities are very important to analyze in order to have effective and efficient result by achieving the organizational goal in a best possible manner. Learning is essentially data identified with any undertaking or subject that is required for taking the procuring choice, which is required to apply on the work so as to have the better execution. Abilities are the most essential variable that is required to play out a specific undertaking and troughs are dealing with the consolidation of distinguishing most ideal aptitudes a man can illustrate. The capacities are the abilities that are required to show with a specific end goal to have the best execution to use in an approach to perform specific assignment or circumstance keeping in mind the end goal to create best measure results. With a specific end goal to finish a particular assignment or to play out any noticeable conduct it is critical to apply different abilities and learning that exhibit the present limit in an approach to finish the task in best possible manner in order to have a proper advantage.


Oulahan, R.V., 2017. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities.

Cheney, P.H., Hale, D.P. and Kasper, G.M., 2016. Knowledge, skills and abilities of information systems professionals: past, present, and future. Information & Management, 19(4), pp.237-247.

Palmer, K. N., Ziegenfuss, D. E., & Pinsker, R. E. 2014. International knowledge, skills, and abilities of auditors/accountants: Evidence from recent competency studies. Managerial auditing journal, 19(7), 889-896.

Kay, C., & Moncarz, E.2015. Knowledge, skills, and abilities for lodging management. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 285-298.

McGregor, E. B. 2013. Strategic Management of Human Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Workforce Decision-making in the Postindustrial Era. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

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