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Enabling Technologies of Cloud Computing

Discuss about the Virtualization and Cloud Computing.

This report discusses about the term cloud computing and its six enabling technologies and the three technological innovation which is used to construct the cloud computing solution. It further discusses about Platform as a service and some of its providers. This report further discusses about the kinds of services provided by the clouds and its description. It further discusses about t kinds of hardware and software computing problems can be solved using each of the cloud delivery models and its description.

The report finally discusses about the term Multitenancy and how does cloud computing provide them. It also enlists the four important charactestics of cloud computing and also provide four reasons why cloud computing application is better than a non-cloud application in solving an equivalent problem.

Cloud computing is the technology in which the data and programme are stored in cloud allowing to access the data anytime and from anyplace (1). The computer hard drive has limited space and store few gigabyte of data which can be only accessed through computer but using cloud computing we can store infinite amount of data. According to the research of Nasuni till 2017 1,073,741,824 Gigabytes of data is stored in cloud.

The six enabling technologies of cloud computing is:

  • Service Oriented architecture and web services
  • Autonomic computing
  • Utility and grid computing
  • Hardware virtualization and multi core chips
  • Virtualization platforms like Xen, KVM, VMware, Virtual Box, Hyper-V
  • Virtualization technologies and components

With introduction of cloud computing there has been paradigm shift towards services oriented architecture from application oriented architecture. Web service is the service offered to a electronic device through another electronic device and sharing the data and information through world wide web (2). Service oriented architecture is defined as the collection of web services to communicate with each other which involve exchange of data or exchange of services between to perform some activity.

Autonomic computing are the computer models which are patterned on the human nervous system. Just like the nervous system of a human works without the conscious input of the individual the autonomic computing system will control the various functions without the input from the user (3). The goal to develop a autonomic computing is to cut down the time taken by users to solve system difficulties and also automatically update the system software whenever needed in order to save time.

Utility computing is the process in which the computing service is provided to the customer on demand on rental or metered basis (4). The basic principle behind utility computing is that the customer can access to the unlimited computing solutions through internet or a VPN and the provider manages all back-end infrastructure and computing resources management.

Service oriented architecture

Just like a grid which are interconnected to form a structure, in grid computing various computer are connected through a parallel nodes to form a network where each computer work on a same task to reach a common objective functioning as a supercomputer (5). Grid computing is formed to solve the bigger task where each task is divided among members.

Virtualization is the technology in which the data, software programme is stored in the cloud instead of real hardware to create a virtual version of operating system, network, CPU, server, storage devices (6). Through virtualization of data it can be accessed from any place reducing the effort of user to carry the hardware to everywhere. Virtualization and cloud computing seems to have mutual function but there is a significant difference between both the technologies, virtualization is a technology which stores the data online whereas cloud computing provides the service after the data is stored online through virtualization (7).

With introduction of virtualization various softwares like Xen, KVM, virtual box and Hyper V are using the technology which is utilized for running hypervisor which is software or hardware which run virtual machines.

The three technological innovation of cloud computing is:

  • Linking systems of records with next-generation systems of engagement
  • Using clouds technology to bring innovation in business
  • Automating services in a hybrid cloud environment

Linking systems of records with next-generation systems of engagement:

Companies are storing their database such as HR, finance, logistics into the cloud storage which provide them infinite space to store their data which can be accessed from anywhere. Storing the data into the cloud allows them to integrate the companies data to social platform like email, Face book, twitter which will connect to the employees, customers in better way (8).

Platform as a Service which is simply referred to as PaaS, is one of the category of cloud computing which provides a platform and environment to enable the developers to build various applications and services  over the internet (9). The PaaS services are provided in the cloud which can be used by the user through their web browser. The top ten PaaS provider companies are:

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Sales Force
  • Long jump
  • Windows Azure
  • IBM smart cloud
  • Open shift
  • Cloud foundry
  • Google
  • Cloud bees
  • Engine Yard

One of the leading provider of cloud services Amazon Web Services have developed various product in different field some of fields and their products are:

Mobile Services:

AWS Mobile Hub: Its main function is to build test and monitor the mobile apps

Amazon API Gateway: Its main function is to build ,deploy and mange API(application program mming Interface: a programming interface through which the software can exchanging their data).

Autonomic Computing

AWS Mobile SDK: Its main function is to develop mobile software development kit.


Amazon S3: Its main function is to analyze ,collect and store data at massive scale irrespective of the format.

Amazon EBS: its main function is to block storage of EC2(Elastic compute cloud which allow business to run their application programme in AWS)  

Amazon Elastic file management: its main function is to manage the file storage of EC2.

Game Development:

Amazon Game Lift: its main function is to host the cost effective, fast game servers.

Amazon Lumberyard: its function is to provide a cross platform for 3D games.

Before cloud computing the company faced the big challenge of storing their huge data base into hardware which has limited space (10). Therefore they use cloud computing technology as it has enough space to store all its data moreover if the data is stored in cloud there is no need of carrying the hardware everywhere as it can be used from anywhere and anytime.

Earlier, companies has to buy, build, and maintain the software despite having huge costs. SaaS(software as a service ) which is the product of cloud computing given companies an different solution .Using SaaS companies just have to subscribe to services built on cloud with the help of the Internet. The SaaS is beneficial in many ways:

SaaS is available on every computer and can be used anytime and anywhere

SaaS applications are very cost effective thus can be used by every companies

In SaaS all the software is in upgraded version thus reducing the pain of company to keep their software updated.

Multitenancy is defined in which a single instance of software programme is used by multiple persons where each are called tenants (11). A multitenant  architecture is the type of application which is typical with SaaS implementations which is product of cloud computing.

  • It is an on-demand self service in which customer can evaluate and store the data without any person interaction
  • It contain the broad network access with reachability and platform options
  • It provide a multi tenant environment
  • It must be a measured service, metered by performance with a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Four reasons that cloud computing is better than non-cloud application:

Backup: using non cloud application backing up the data is always complex and time consuming but using cloud application  the cloud automatically dispatches the data to the location with the assurance that neither security, availability nor capacity are issues.

Recovery of the data: In non cloud application if the hard drive of the computer is destroyed there is no way the data can be recovered but if the data is stored in cloud the person data is not destroyed and can be easily recovered (12).

File storage: the hard drive space of the computer is always limited thus company faces huge difficulty in storing the data but the cloud has infinite space which can store any amount of data

Data Accessibility: if the data is stored in the cloud then it can be accessed from anywhere and anytime thus reducing the pain of carrying the hard drive to everywhere.


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