Analyse the overall liquidity position for each of the two companies in 2018 as compared to 2017. Calculate the values for two liquidity ratios to help support your answer and justify why you have chosen these ratios. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the ratio values.
Calculate the Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) for each of the two companies in 2017 and 2018. Using your answer, analyse the efficiency of each of the two companies in managing their working capital in 2018 as compared to 2017. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the CCC values.
a. Analyse the sources of finance for each of the two companies in 2018 as compared to 2017. Use two capital structure ratios to support your answer and provide an explanation regarding the changes in the composition of the sources of finance for each enterprise. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the ratio values. b. Assume that the average debt ratio for the Capital Goods industry in 2018 was around 50 per cent. What can you infer about each of the two firms’ current capital structure and gearing (leverage) effect in 2018 as compared to the industry average?
Using the DuPont method, analyse the profitability of each of the two companies in 2018 as compared to 2017 from a shareholder’s point of view. Based on your calculations, explain the main reason(s) for the change in the profitability for each company over the two years. Note: ensure that you analyse in this question, not just describe the ratio values.
In light of your analysis in questions 1 to 4, what is your team’s final recommendation to Paramount Investment Fund, with regards to the potential of investing in any of the two firms? Discuss the basis for your recommendation.
Liquidity Position Analysis
The present study is based on a comparative evaluation of NRW Holdings Limited and Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited by computing their financial ratios and comparing with industry standards. Overview of both the companies is as follows:
NRW Holdings Limited
NRW Holdings is well known for providing the diversified services to the resources, civil infrastructure, energy, and urban development areas. The company is operating with a team of nearly 2000 industry-experienced employees as a civil and mining service provider. Moreover, they have boasted a solid position for carrying up multifaceted projects in a demanding environment (Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2017). NRW Holdings is a group of leading business that supply services like civil construction and mining in Australia as a whole. The Group is composed of Brisbane based civil and mining services business, Golding NRW Civil and Mining based in Perth, Perth based maintenance and manufacturing provider AES Equipment Solutions. Further, the cited company is one of Australia’s largest drill and blast companies.
The liquidity ratio assists the company to evaluate the liquidity position so that the company can determine its capacity for the payment of the long-term debt obligation as well as the short-term debt obligation. There are many types of liquidity ratio, by which the company can ascertain the liquidity position. Among the various ration, in this current study ratio and the quick ratio has been considered to evaluate the overall liquidity position of the company (Wahlen, Baginski, and Bradshaw, 2014).
Current ratio determines whether the company can meet its short-term obligation of the debt as-as when they arise. In other words, through the current ratio company can evaluate about its resources and whether the resources are sufficient for the payment of the short-term liability of the company (Yu, & et al. 2014).
The quick ratio, which is also known as the acid test ratio, measures the company’s capacity to pay off its short-term debt in a more comprehensive manner. It determines how fast the resources of the company can meet its current liability.
Calculation of the liquidity ratio of NRW Holdings Limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Current Ratio |
Current Assets/Current Liabilities |
Current Assets |
206.631 |
116.098 |
Current Liabilities |
186.035 |
83.206 |
Current Ratio |
1.11 |
1.39 |
Quick Ratio |
Current Assets-Inventory/Current Liabilities |
Current Assets-Inventory |
184.154 |
99.81 |
Quick Ratio |
0.99 |
1.19 |
Calculation of the liquidity ratio of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Current Ratio |
Current Assets/Current Liabilities |
Current Assets |
702.594 |
312.737 |
Current Liabilities |
180.666 |
117.902 |
Current Ratio |
3.88 |
2.65 |
Quick Ratio |
Current Assets-Inventory/Current Liabilities |
Current Assets-Inventory |
499.954 |
151.494 |
Quick Ratio |
2.77 |
1.28 |
From the above analysis, it has been seen that the current ratios of both the companies is greater than one; it means that the liquidity position of the company is good and company can meet its short-term liability as when the liability arises. However, the current ratio of reliance worldwide corporation is much higher than as compared with the NRW holdings limited, which shows that the RWC Company was not using its current asset in an effective manner.
Further, the quick ratio of the NRW holdings limited in the year 2018 was less than as compared with the year 2018. It means that the company for payment of the current liability depends on the inventory (Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2018). Moreover, the quick ratio of the RWC Company was also significantly higher as compared with the NRW holding limited. Although the high quick ratio indicates the good liquidity position of the company, but on the other hand too much high quick ratio indicates that the company was not using its short-term asset in a better manner.
NRW Holdings Limited Liquidity Ratio Calculation
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that the liquidity position of both the companies is good however the RWC company is much liquid as compared with the NRW holdings limited. On the basis of this, it is also observed that the RWC Company was not utilizing its current asset in an effective manner (Annual report of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited, 2018).
Cash conversion cycle ascertains about the management of the working capital of the company. Through the cash conversion, Cycle Company can determine the gap between the purchase of the inventory and the receipt from the debtors of the company (Marlin, and Geiger,2015).
The formula for cash conversion cycle= Inventory turnover ratio in days+ Receivable turnover ratio in days- payable turnover ratio in days
Calculation of the cash conversion cycle for NRW Holdings Limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Inventory Turnover Ratio |
Cost Of Sales/ Average Inventory |
Average Inventory |
Opening Stock +Closing Inventory/2 |
Cost Of Sales |
116.374 |
48.112 |
Opening Inventory |
16.288 |
16.538 |
Closing Inventory |
22.477 |
16.288 |
Average Inventory |
19.3825 |
16.413 |
Inventory Turnover Ratio |
6.004076 |
2.931334917 |
In Days |
61 |
125 |
Receivable Turnover Ratio |
Credit Sales/ Average Account Receivables |
Average Account Receivables |
Opening Debtors +Closing Debtors/2 |
Credit Sales |
685.431 |
344.56 |
Opening Trade Receivables |
53.034 |
36.507 |
Closing Trade Receivables |
120.699 |
53.034 |
Average Account Receivables |
86.86 |
44.77 |
Receivable Turnover Ratio |
7.89 |
7.69 |
In Days |
46 |
47 |
Payable Ratio |
Cost Of Sales/ Average Account Payable |
Average Account Payable |
Opening Creditors +Closing Creditors/2 |
Opening Trade Payables |
52.026 |
44.405 |
Closing Trade Payables |
127.73 |
52.026 |
Average Account Payables |
89.88 |
48.21 |
Payable Ratio |
1.2948 |
0.99 |
In Days |
282 |
366 |
Cash conversion cycle for the year 2018= 61+46-282
= -175 Days
Cash conversion cycle for the year 2017= 125+47-366
= -194 Days
Calculation of the cash conversion cycle for Reliance Worldwide corporations limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Inventory Turnover Ratio |
Cost Of Sales/ Average Inventory |
Average Inventory |
Opening Stock +Closing Inventory/2 |
Cost Of Sales |
452.413 |
349.471 |
Opening Inventory |
161.243 |
119.109 |
Closing Inventory |
202.64 |
161.24 |
Average Inventory |
181.94 |
140.17 |
Inventory Turnover Ratio |
2.49 |
2.49 |
In Days |
147 |
147 |
Receivable Turnover Ratio |
Credit Sales/ Average Account Receivables |
Average Account Receivables |
Opening Debtors +Closing Debtors/2 |
Credit Sales |
769.38 |
601.693 |
Opening Trade Receivables |
109.727 |
94.964 |
Closing Trade Receivables |
204.92 |
109.73 |
Average Account Receivables |
157.32 |
102.34 |
Receivable Turnover Ratio |
4.89 |
5.88 |
In Days |
75 |
62 |
Payable Ratio |
Cost Of Sales/ Average Account Payable |
Average Account Payable |
Opening Creditors +Closing Creditors/2 |
Opening Trade Payables |
97.91 |
64.76 |
Closing Trade Payables |
167.68 |
97.91 |
Average Account Payables |
132.79 |
81.34 |
Payable Ratio |
3.41 |
4.3 |
In Days |
107 |
85 |
Cash conversion cycle for the year 2018= 147+75-107
= 115 Days
Cash conversion cycle for the year 2017= 147+62-85
= 124 Days
On the basis of the above calculation, it has been observed that in the case of NRW holdings limited in both the year, the cash conversion cycle was negative. A negative cash conversion cycle provides an indication that the company receipt by the debtors of the company was much earlier than the payment by the company to its suppliers (Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2017). It means that the company is financing its activities of the business through the credit taken from the supplier. It is good for the company, as the company financing its activities as an interest-free rate by borrowing through the supplier.
On the other hand, in the case of the RWC Company cash conversion cycle was positive. However, the conversion period in the year 2018 was less than as compared with the year 2017 (Annual report of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited, 2018). The period of the cash conversion cycle in the year 2018 was 115 days, which indicates that the company takes 115 days to convert its inventory into cash.
- The position of the debt and equity of NRW Holding Limited
2018 |
2017 |
Total Equity |
$ 272.643 M |
$ 199.073 M |
Total Debt |
$247.544 M |
$132.493 M |
- The position of the debt and equity of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited
2018 |
2017 |
Total Equity |
$ 1324.019M |
$ 204.746 M |
Total Debt |
$861.925 M |
$395.041M |
Capital structure ratio- for analysing the capital structure of the company, debt-equity ratio and the interest coverage ratio has been considered.
Calculation of the ratio of NRW Holding Limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Debt to Equity Ratio |
Debt/ Equity |
Debt |
247.544 |
132.493 |
Equity |
272.643 |
199.073 |
Total |
520.187 |
331.566 |
% of debt |
0.4758 |
0.3996 |
% of equity |
0.5242 |
0.6004 |
Debt to Equity Ratio |
0.91 |
0.66 |
Interest Coverage ratio |
Earnings before interest and tax/ Interest Expenses |
Earnings before interest and tax |
42.944 |
29.26 |
Interest Expenses |
6.869 |
5.733 |
Interest Coverage ratio |
6.25 |
5.10 |
- Earnings before interest and tax are calculated by adding the finance cost in the profit before tax.
For the year 2018= 36.075+6.869=42.944
For the year 2017=23.527+5.733= 29.26
Calculation of the ratio of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited
Amount In Million $ |
Particulars |
Formula |
2018 |
2017 |
Debt to Equity Ratio |
Debt/ Equity |
Debt |
861.925 |
395.041 |
Equity |
1324.019 |
204.746 |
Total |
2185.944 |
599.787 |
% of debt |
0.3943 |
0.6586 |
% of equity |
0.6057 |
0.3414 |
Debt to Equity Ratio |
0.65 |
1.92 |
Interest Coverage ratio |
Earnings before interest and tax/ Interest Expenses |
Earnings before interest and tax |
111.1 |
101.298 |
Interest Expenses |
11.911 |
5.061 |
Interest Coverage ratio |
9.33 |
20.01 |
- Earnings before interest and tax are the operating profit of the company.
On the basis of the above analysis, it has been observed that, in the case of the NRW holdings limited both the debt-equity ratio and interest coverage ratio was more as compared with the year 2017. It indicates that the company was managing its business activities by the external source of finance. In the year 2018, the company through the debt funding acquired the asset (Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2018).
On the other hand, in case of RWC Company, was moving towards to facilitate business activities through the internal source of finance as the proportion of the debt and the interest coverage ratio in the year 2018 was less than as compared with the year 2017 (Annual report of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited, 2017). Along with this in the year 2018, the equity portion was significantly more than as compared with the year 2017.
Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited Liquidity Ratio Calculation
The average debt ratio of the industry in the year 2018 was 50%. The debt ratio of the NRW holdings limited and the RWC company, in the year 2018 was .91 and .65 respectively. It has been seen that the normally the capital structure of the industry comprises with the equal debt and equal equity. However both the companies followed the different strategy in their capital structure and in the capital structure of the NRW debt position was more than as compared with the RWC Company.
DuPont Method is the analysis, which breaks the return on equity into the three parts. It calculates return on equity by considering the net margin, asset turnover ratio and the equity multiplier (Ardalan, 2017). The net profit margin indicates return on the basis of the total revenue of the company, asset turnover ratio ascertain the efficiency of the company for enhancing the revenue of the company and the equity multiplier measure the debt capital structure of the company, by comparing the total asset of the company with the shareholders equity (Valickova,, Havranek, and Horvath, 2015).
ROE (DuPont formula) = (Net profit / Revenue) * (Revenue / Total assets) * (Total assets / Equity) = Net profit margin * Asset Turnover * Financial leverage
Calculation of the ROE of NRW Holding Limited
Particulars |
2018 (amount in $M) |
2017(amount in $M) |
Net Profit |
42.166 |
28.527 |
Revenue |
685.431 |
344.560 |
Total Asset |
520.187 |
331.566 |
Equity |
272.643 |
199.073 |
.15 |
.14 |
- ROE= (42.166/685.431)*(685.431/520.187)*(520.187/272.643)
= .06*1.32*1.91
- ROE=(28.527/344.560)*(344.560/331.566)*(331.566/199.073)
Calculation of the ROE of RWC Limited
Particulars |
2018 (amount in $M) |
2017(amount in $M) |
Net Profit |
75.101 |
64.103 |
Revenue |
769.380 |
601.693 |
Total Asset |
2185.944 |
599.787 |
Equity |
1324.019 |
204.746 |
.06 |
.31 |
- ROE= (75.101/769.380)*(769.380/2185.944)*(2185.944/1324.019)
- ROE= (64.103/601.693)*(601.693/599.787)*(599.787/204.746)
= .31
The above profitability of the companies is computed by the DuPont analysis. The profitability of the NRW holding limited was constant. In the year 2018, there is a slight increase in the net profit ratio. However, the asset turnover ratio of the company increased in the year 2018, which indicates good asset utilization by the company.
In the case, RWC limited the performance of the company was not good on the basis of the profitability analysis. All the ratios in the year 2018 were less than as compared with the year 2018.
On the basis of the above evaluation, it has been evaluated that overall the performance of the RWC company was not as good as compare with the NRW holding limited. It will be recommended to the investors to invest in the NRW holding limited, due to the good financial performance of the company.
Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2017. [Pdf]. Available through <>. [Accessed on 18th October 2018].
Annual report of NRW Holdings Limited, 2018. [Pdf]. Available through <>. [Accessed on 18th October 2018].
Annual report of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited, 2018. [Pdf]. Available through <>. [Accessed on 18th October 2018].
Annual report of Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited, 2018. [Pdf]. Available through <>. [Accessed on 18th October 2018].
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