This is an individual report on the Strategic Issues faced by a particular business or organisation and your Strategic Recommendations on how to address them. This report asks you to undertake an assessment of the major strategic issues the business or organisation faces over the next 3-5 years. It also asks you to articulate the strategic analysis tools/frameworks that you envisage being most useful for your analysis and your evaluation to ensure relevant strategic information is espoused on the Strategic Business Unit or organisation. Importantly, the main task involves; identification of the main strategic issues and well-conceived recommendations succinctly and professionally structured.
Overview of the Australian Seafood Industry and Seavory's Solution
Health is one of the important aspects of every individual. People also want to have a healthy body and even mind. In this case, Australian has a concern for the health, and it is predicted to continue over the next five years in Australia (Remedios, 2018). Most of Australian have chosen healthy food including vegan food, sugar-free and non-MSG food. In addition, the demand for seafood predicted to grow in the Australian market. The 2.4% growth in demand for seafood is predicted to continue driven by the population growth of 8.5 billion by 2030 (Everblu, 2018). As per the view of Hobday et al. (2016), demand for fishery products is likely to increase more in the future with the increase in population.
Seavory is made of 100% pasteurised Blue Swimmer Crab that are wild caught in the pristine waters of the Java Sea. This product is predicted to be the main role in the Australian Health and Natural food market. It is because Seavory does not contain any chemical and also, Seavory is Blue Swimmer Crab that handpicked and sorted that used pasteurisation process that will make the consumer easier to use the pasteurised Blue Swimmer Crab on cane instantly.
Due to the demand for quality seafood as well as blue swimmer crab is predicted to increase (Everblu 2018). Thus, Seavory has come to the Australian market to fulfil the demand of the market. As well as because there is rarely an industry who has pasteurised blue swimmer crab product, Seavory wants to meet its customers want. Another objective of the organisation is to increase the income of the company by 10% in the coming year along with that capital base of the organisation. The organisation is also aiming to increase the customer base of the company is the Australian market with 52%.
Current major issues of the company are as follows:
- Low brand awareness in the Australian market
- Consumer hard to find the product in the convenience store (because have not sold in the convenience store like Woolworth, Coles and Aldi)
- High demand in the Australian market but company sometimes cannot meet the demand since the shipment from Indonesia to Australia take times
- Handling technique of Seavory is complex
- Chance of rotten products is high
- The capital base of the company is decreasing. As a result; the company cannot meet the requirement of the consumers
- Product variance of the company is less whereas; product variance of its competitors is more.
- The company is also facing some management related problem, which is affecting the work culture of the organisation.
- Employment satisfaction of the organisation is decreasing the reason that the company is not increasing the salary of the employees
- Skilled employees of the company aredeclining. In other words, the workforce of the company is not active.
In the year 2017, the GDP of Australia is $1333.42 billion (, 2018). This is comparatively high than comparing with the previous year. Thereby, it can be said that with an increase in GDP rate the per capita income of the consumers of Australia is increasing. As a result, the income of Seavory is likely to rise more in the future.
On the other hand, an inflation rate of Australia has also increased in the quarter of 2018, which is 2.1 and the inflation rate was 1.9 at the end of 2017 (, 2018). As per the opinion of Stevens et al. (2018), with an increase in inflation rate sale of product and services also increases. Thereby, it can be commented that it will increase the income of the seafood industry and also of Seavory. Moreover, it has been seen that demand for seafood in Australia is increasing with increase in population. However, Seavory can increase its product variance for a growing customer base. However, war or conflict may affect the business of Seavory. One of the competitive advantages of the company is political stability, which is strong in Australia. Change in political factor affects the industry and its activity. Therefore, Seavory can maintain stability in their business.
Factors Affecting Seavory in the Australian Market
Seafood demand in Australia has increased over the last 30 years (Remedios 2018), and it is predicted to increase in the following years.It is proven that the market for seafood in Australia is growing and imported of seafood increases to fill the demand and fill the gap between the high consumption and supply available (ABARES. 2018).
It will make high opportunity for Seavory to entering its product to the Australian market. An inflation rate of the country is increasing this can be said as, one of the good signs for the company. As per theopinion of Crona et al. (2016), the poverty rate of the country is decreasing. Therefore, it can be commented that the living standard of the consumers is increasing. In 21st Century demand for seafood is increasing and likely to increase more in future. Moreover, with an increase in demand the company can implement new strategies, which for the wellbeing of the organisation.
There are some social factors that could impact on the relative success of the Seavory in the Australian market. The essential factor is the Australian population is becoming a concern for the health and fresh food. As per the view of Bhatt et al. (2016), ethnic diversity is increasing demand for seafood variance, and the competition level is also high in Australia. It has been seeing that middle-aged consumers are demanding fishery products more than teenagers. Thereby, this factor is increasing the business opportunity of Seavory. In addition, view of media for fishery products is changing the taste and preference of the consumers. Overall, it can be commented that change in lifestyle is increasing business opportunity for the company in the market.
Technological factors like cybercrime or hacking are likely to affect Seavory more. The reason behind this is that the third party can easily access the confidential information of the organisation. Furthermore, the change in technology and communication has created a big challenge for the company. Thereby, it can be commented that technological barrier may affect the operating activity of the company is future. Business information of the company can easily affect and confidentially the competitors of the company may use business strategy. As per the opinion of Barkin et al. (2018), technological improvement develops the infrastructure of the company along with that. It also makes the business more effective and efficient. Implementation of new software will decrease standard errors and make the process more efficient. Moreover, real-time information about the stock can be known and immediate actions if required can be taken. As a result, inflow and outflow about the stock can be known. Hiring skilled employees may increase the overall performance of the organisation along with that it may also increase confidentiality (Ravindran & Jaiswal 2016).
Seavory's Resources and Competitive Advantages
Change in climatic condition is likely to increase demand for fishery products. As per the opinion of Hamilton-Hart & Stringer (2016), demand for fishery products increases in a rainy season more than comparing with summer or winter. The reason behind this is that the cost of fishery product is less at that time, with a decrease in price demand for a product increase. Fish are the natural resources of the environment. However, Seavory utilises the material for manufacturing other product. For instance, the left material of one product is utilised for manufacturing other product (Sommerfeldt & Yang 2017).Moreover, for preventing global warming, the company has implemented various strategies, which can be said as a good sign for the company.
Australia has strict legal for selling food as well as importing food. Food legal is one of the crucial things that every food business if the food business cannot meet any legal for food certificates, the business cannot sell any food product to the Australia market. Thus, before exporting product to the Australian market, Seavory should meet a lot of legal that already determined by Australian Law and Legal. Some of certified that Seavory already has before entering the Australian market are HACCP (Food Safety Assurance System), BRC Food Certificate (Food global standard and safety) and Halal Certificate.
Resources of Seavory:
- Machines that used to pasteurised the crab meat after handpicked by the labour’s and put to the cane
- Chiller for put ready to ship products
- The only Raw Materials, Blue Swimmer Crab that wild caught from the sea
- Business Capital; Top management; Middle management including labours and customers.
Distinctive resources of seavory: Physical, financial and human factor of the company and in which way it is benefiting the organisation has been discussed in the table below.
Distinctive resources of seavory: Capability of the company in utilising its resources is clear from the table below.
Machines, Blue Swimmer Crab (Raw Materials) |
Using the machine to pasteurised Blue Swimmer Crab, Marketing and Promotion of the brand |
Managing cash flow, increase wealth (revenue and profit for the company) |
Top management, Middle management including Labors, Customers |
Handpicked Blue Swimmer Crab, Maintaining the labours do their job until reach the company's objectives and how the company build and maintain a good relationship with stakeholders. |
Valuable –The resources of Seavory is valuable as it met up the need of the organisation. As per the opinion of Intarakumnerd, Chairatana & Kamondetdacha (2015), with an increase in the price of the products the demand for those goods decreases. The reason behind this is that customers preferable move towards substitute foods. The organisation is increasing in demand for the product by serving quality product to the customers (Stevens et al. 2018). Thereby, this can be said as one of the competitive advantages for the company.
On the other hand, the valuable resources of the organisation are increasing. As a result, demand for the products of Seavory is increasing in the business market. In other words, it can be commented that the company is capable of defending all the threats related to resources.
Rarity –Some of the products of the company is hard to find in the market. Thereby, it can be said that one of the competitive advantages for the company. However, some of the crab related products are not easily available in the market. Therefore, this is creating a challenging situation for the company. As a result, the customer base of the company is increasing. As per the opinion of King et al. (2015), serving unique products to the customers is increasing the performance of the company and implementing of various strategic resources may develop the organisation more in future. In other words, it can be commented that the rarity of the organisation is increasing competitive advantage for the company.
Imitate– Products of Seavory is easily available in the market, but there is a difference between the qualities of the product with its competitors. As per the opinion of Barkin et al. (2018), fishery products are easily available and very common thereby, creating customers is very hard. However, it can be commented that temporary competitive advantage of the company. The reason binds this is that substitute product of the company is easily available in the market. Excluding some of the products, it can be said that all the products of Seavory are available to its key competitors and the products of the company is easily compared with the products of other organisation.
Organised – an organisational system of the company is not organised as; result sustainability of the company is not strong in Australia. Moreover, the capital structure of the company is not stable to meet all the operating activities of the company. As per the opinion of Alkaya & Demirer (2016), the work culture of the organisation motivates the employees and makes it more effective. However, in the case of Seavory, it can be said the morality of the staffs is less. As a result, it is affecting the business negatively. Thereby, it can be commented that this factor has an unused completive advantage. Moreover, the IT department of the company is not capable enough to make the organisation effective as well as, the HR department of the organisation is not capable enough to hire and promote skilled employees. As a result, the workforce of the company is not much effective (Cooke et al. 2016).
It can be commented that the strategies of the company are not much effective and the business may suffer a loss in the future. Moreover, it can also be commented that the products of the company are easily available to its competitors and customer loyalty for the seafood industry is low in Australia. As per the opinion of Wheelen (2018), implementation of the strong strategy is important for the company it will increase the viability of the organisation in the business market. It is seen that the workforce of the company is not strong and it reduce the development or growth of the business more in the future. Thereby, it can be recommended that the HR department of the company must set some criteria after considering the activity of the organisation. This will help the company to hire skilled candidates from a large pool of candidates. In addition, implementing an incentive system will increase the motivation of the employees and employees will serve more quality service to the employees. Moreover, it has also been observed that the quality of the products is high, but competition in the Australian market is high. In order, to increases sustainability, the company can allow discounts to the customers most of the customers of the company purchases from the stores from where they get discount.
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