Discuss about the 4G Wireless Network for Network Technologies.
Wireless network technologies have survived for several generations in the form of 1G and 2G services which provided restricted services. Clients of 2G as well as 2.5G are requesting for better quality data, media and voice services as they have in wired network. However, the data rate needed for this is high, which is likewise beyond the third generation network capacities. This inspired the exploration of the 4G wireless networks. 4G wireless network vision brings numerous portable and wireless systems and the purpose of this study is to find out complete knowledge about 4G wireless network. There is a basic distinction between wireless network and wired network. Wireless systems are PC networks which are not associated with any sort of links. The utilization of a remote system empowers ventures to maintain a strategic distance from the unreasonable procedure of bringing links and connections among different locations. The premises of 4G wireless networks are named as radio waves, which is a physical level system execution. 4G wireless networks have diverse overlapped networks. This study is organized with the help of various articles, scholars articles and research papers and journals. In this study various articles, research papers are used to prepare this report about 4G wireless networks various types of wireless parts which will offer an expensive service for the clients, so that every client can easily communicate with the assistance of these architectures and networks. Clients won't just have the capability to use web services but also the capability to utilize the other services such as voice as well as some other everyday applications. 4G wireless network help in enhancing the services and help the users to acquire an extensive variety of services and data. The 4G wireless network is restricted in some areas therefore, this study is restricted to find out how 4G network works in rural areas because it restricted to search for rural areas 4G network communication system, its architecture.
4G Wireless Network
First generation versatile wireless frameworks were presented in mid-eighties as well as second generation frameworks presented after the 1980s and were planned essentially for the transmission of the voice (Abdeljebbar & Kouch, 2014). The underlying frameworks utilized simple recurrence modulation whereas another model and also the consequent portable frameworks use computerized correspondence strategies with TDM, FDM or the CDMA (Barken & Bermel, 2004). The third era remote frameworks which are simply getting presented on the planet markets offer impressively higher information rates as well as permit noteworthy enhancements over the wireless 2G frameworks (Barnes & O'Farrell, 2002). 3G wireless frameworks were proposed to give voice as well as paging administrations to give intuitive sight and sound including video chatting and web access and an assortment of different administrations. However, these frameworks offer WAN network of about 384 kbps crest rate as well as constrained scope of 2 Mbps (Chen, 2014). Hence giving broadband administrations might be the real objectives of the wireless 4G frameworks. 4G telephones should be much quicker, yet that is not generally the situation. There are such a variety of innovations named as "4G," wireless technology thus numerous approaches to actualize them, that the term is verging on aimless (Barnes & O'Farrell, 2002). International Telecommunications, a principles body, attempted to issue prerequisites to make a framework 4G wireless network yet they were overlooked via transporters, and in the long run the ITU threw in the towel. 4G advancements incorporate HSPA+, WiMAX, as well as LTE (Barken & Bermel, 2004). Reliability of portable communication is one of the hottest topics nowadays. The growth of 4G wireless network is booming with high speed because of cutting edge and emerging technologies it provides (Gobjuka, 2005). Present times are only the beginning for conveying 3G wireless communication frameworks, 4G Wireless networks. Flow times are the ideal starting for conveying 3G versatile correspondence frameworks, trek research on the coming era of portable interchanges (Hurley, 2006). This paper concentrates on the topic of 4G wireless network from a specialized point of view. After a brief survey of the improvement history and status of versatile correspondences and related 4G network points of view, after this a general 4G wireless network highlight structure taking into account the portion idea of mix, in hitch to key components of the three targets are portrayed in subtle element (Jaloun & Guennoun, 2010). The ideas of both outer and inside assorted qualities of every objective are characterized to delineate the causes and arrangements of the versatile component. The presence of 4G Networks in today's innovation-driven society is imperative markers of headway and change (Hurley, 2006). 4G network systems, are intended to encourage enhanced remote capacities, system speeds, and visual advancements (Jaloun & Guennoun, 2010). It is foreseen that as these systems keep on thriving, the interest for cutting edge related innovations will likewise develop, in this way making new options for clever innovation clients to surpass their craved desires (Hurley, 2006). The accompanying dialog will assess the present condition of 3G Networks and will look at the future capability of these systems in extending innovation based abilities for shoppers and businesses alike (Jaloun & Guennoun, 2010). This study display a general vision of the 4G systems beginning by showing a portion of the key components they will give, and afterward talking about key difficulties the specialists and sellers are endeavoring to determine, lastly quickly portraying a portion of the proposed answers for these issues. 4G wireless network is the phrase utilized to portray the 4th generation wireless networks (Jaloun & Guennoun, 2010). 4G wireless network is a next platform from 3G wireless network, which is presently the much broad, fast speed network. 4G wireless network is only accessible in few limited areas (Hurley, 2006). While each of the 4G wireless administration is known as"4G," the basic innovation is not similar (Fledderus, 2005). Sprint, for instance, utilizes WiMax advancement for their 4G framework, while Verizon organization uses an innovation named as a LTE. Regardless of what innovation is at its back, 4G wireless network is intended to convey speed (Ganesh & Pahlavan, 2002). Overall, 4G wireless networks should be anywhere in the range of four times much speedier than today's wireless 3G systems. Some organizations said that the 4G wireless WiMax system can provide download speeds are 10 times speedier than the wireless 3G network connections, with velocities about 10 megabits for every second (Gobjuka, 2005). 4G wireless networks is a 4th era of remote correspondence. 4G wireless network is a stage up from the wireless 3G network, which is at present the most far-reaching, fast speed administration (Glisic & Veiga, 2009). 4G wireless network is just accessible in restricted territories. While still being developed, the establishments for the substitution of the current system is right now being built and researched by the phone business and other technological designers (Hurley, 2006). The general goal of the system is to give an exhaustive and safe Internet Protocol arrangement with much quicker information speeds than the past eras. The 4G Wireless network is a secure and protected and secure and numerous services can be done by using it. It provides the complete fulfillment of clients requirements (Gobjuka, 2005). 4G wireless advancements have numerous key contrasts in correlation with 3G wireless network and also with earlier wireless advancements. A key characterizing element is a way that 4G wireless systems will work altogether relies upon TCP or IP design as well as suite of conventions (Ganesh & Pahlavan, 2002). This configuration choice is planned to drive expenses down like IP has turned into the universal decision for the data networking crosswise over heterogeneous advancements. It will likewise result in opening up and what was already a limited cellular market limited to generally couple of vendors (Glisic & Veiga, 2009). Nonetheless, one outcome in moving to the open arrangement of correspondence conventions is the expected increment in security concerns contrasted and 2G wireless networks and 3G wireless networks. Noteworthy consideration has been provided to security outline amid the advancement of both WiMAX as well as the LTE measures (Gobjuka, 2005). However, because of very open nature as well as IP-based foundation for the wireless 4G network, it creates the impression that further huge consideration should be given to comprehend and concentrate on the safety issues. The errand of securing 4G networks and frameworks is a testing one (Hurley, 2006). The architects of 4G remote frameworks have a plenty of safety innovations and past wireless safety encounters to draw (Fledderus, 2005).
1. 4G Wireless Network
Low Handoff: Handoff delays the services as well as it likewise creates misfortune to the data communication. Therefore, Handoff should be overseen for the effective communication (Abdeljebbar & Kouch, 2014).
Access: Access is the vital thing within the 4G wireless network because it offers connectivity or networks to the clients as well as it also offers end services to clients (Agarwal & Agarwal, 2014).
Network: Network ought to be of multiple services with the goal that it won't only provide the fundamental access, however, additionally offers a widespread range of different services or applications to the individuals who will require voice as well as other services (Ganesh & Pahlavan, 2002).
Broadband: 4G wireless network integrates utilizing the top end platform as well as it is likewise cheaper and successful to utilize, additionally it can be effortlessly maintained (Alaoui, 2012).
Security administration: For achievement of the 4G wireless network, the essential aspect is protection or security and to ensure that the wireless networks are sheltered and secured (Barken & Bermel, 2004).
The 4G wireless networks has a diverse scope of models such as:
- Ideal systems
- Crossbreed systems
- Heterogeneous systems (Chen, 2014)
The 4G wireless networks often support the worldwide roaming as well as end-to-end administration or services within wireless networks, additionally, these usually rely on the QoS issues (Potter, 2004). The bandwidth and the capacity for the wireless 4G network should be several times more than the wireless 3G network to fulfill the business needs. The 4G relied not only on the version and speed, however, totally for its quality and the service (Saboji & Akki, 2010). The major distinction between the wireless 4G network from the previous generations wireless network is that in wireless 4G network both the data as well as voice and can easily sent, however, in previous generations networks voice and a small quantity of information can be easily sent. The 4G wireless network can be used with the DSL (Seddigh, Nandy, & Makkar, 2010). The individuals throughout the entire world might be profited as well as can utilize for communication because its quality and service are efficient. With the help of wireless 4G network business managers and users can do business from anywhere and at anytime and with better speed as well as with better reliability (Smith, 2005). The individuals who never utilized wireless 3G network can directly bounce on wireless 4G network because it is helpful with good speed. It will be based on the network IP technology (Saboji & Akki, 2010). The people who have not yet used the 3G can directly hop on the 4G as it is more useful and of good speed. It will be based on the network IP technology. 4G is more useful than Wi-Fi. Within Wi-Fi, network distance matters as well as it surely accessed in the slow path. However, the 4G wireless network is faster as well as it can easily access from anywhere with effective cost. (Sridevi, 2012).
2. Reliability
The quantity of access wireless networks in private or public business as well as in home areas is expanding day by day. To set both services and users from dealing with several diverse access advancements, confirmation strategy, as well as network peculiarity, these elements ought to be hidden from the users (Swedenburg & T. Pflum, 2010). Then again, the qualities of the specific access wireless network being utilized do make a difference. End users such as a need to have the capacity to utilize an exact network depend on sure determination criteria like expenses and speed (Strebe, Perkins, Moncur, & Strebe, 2000). Service suppliers will require access to particular wireless network attributes to be capable to upgrade their services, as well as might have some needs for instance guarantees minimum delay (Swedenburg & T. Pflum, 2010). For the end user, it implies that in many situations user won't be aware of the services utilizing in diverse methods in wireless networks simultaneously. This includes concepts such as seamless roaming as well as VHE. Another thought is that clients need to manage the utilization of the accessible networks, particularly when this utilization accompanies a cost. This includes a basic leadership procedure which might be guided through the strategy management equipment, with backing from end user gadgets as well as the wireless networks (Varshney, 2012). Another sort of joining is like private, private as well as home networks. The 4G wireless network has not achieved much attention till now, at least surely not up to the level users expect required for next generation wireless networks (Varshney & Jain, 2001).
Users may question that why they require 4G wireless network if 3G wireless networks are functioning admirably (Wheat & McCullough, 2001). It is a direct result of fundamental two reasons that first one is considerable development in a general number of endorsers and the second reason is the substantial interest of innovative information services like information, sound, picture or video services (Zahariadis, Grüneberg, & Celetto, 2010). These two components are sufficient to bring a generous bottle neck within mobile communication administrations (Munro, 2007). Despite the fact that the anticipated information rate is about 2Mbps in a wireless 3G network, the genuine information rates are slower, extraordinarily in crowded ranges and whenever the network is very congested (Zahariadis, Grüneberg, & Celetto, 2010). Further, the information rates likewise rely on the client's movement and area not surprisingly expected, the information services like sound and multimedia are going to assume modest part as well as will overwhelm the cellular activity rather than a voice in the future ("Wireless Quality-of-Service support", 2006). In such situation, the present wireless network 1G and 2G frameworks will immerse as well as will have no space to survive. Additionally, the interest for expanding information rates prompts higher band width necessities (Wheat & McCullough, 2001). These elements cause the cell business to build up a typical standard for a framework which mostly works to conquer every restriction forced by the past cell advancements (Munro, 2007). The normal components of 4G wireless networks are higher information rates approximately 100Mbps, higher transmission capacity prerequisites of a request of several MHz, a lot of administrations like information, sound, video and so forth (Zahariadis, Grüneberg, & Celetto, 2010).
3. Technical Perspective
4G systems being so worthwhile to clients it likewise confronts some potential issues in genuine. They are Security, QOS, Handover.
Security: In this, advanced world security is an essential perspective in correspondence systems (Agarwal & Agarwal, 2014). As the 4G wireless network is not utilized for just correspondence but it gives diverse capacities like a web service which is to be highly secured (Alaoui, 2012). So user ought to evaluate as well as understand the distinctive security dangers of the 4G wireless systems such as IP ridiculing, User ID robbery, DOS, Intrusion assaults which might bring the loss of data and spillage of the data which is considered as risk for network clients ("Wireless Quality-of-Service support", 2006).
QOS: QOS is more vital for 4G systems as users realize that media transmission is an ongoing correspondence like Voice over IP and video spilling continuously traffics nature of administration is critical as clients ought to gauge a few variables like piece rate, jitter, delay, bundle drop likelihood to maintain a strategic distance from system clog inaccessible data transfer capacity successfully ("Wireless Quality-of-Service support", 2006).
Handover: Handovers is characterized as the exchanging of portable hubs from one access point to other in the current system or to an alternate network. 4G network systems confront parcel of difficulties while handover in today's correspondence frameworks (Munro, 2007). Specifically, if a versatile client is experienced handover process from correspondence frameworks like GPRS to the WLAN around then there is a potential danger of correspondence which makes the portable client miserable (Varshney, 2012).
In spite of the way that the possibility of 4G exchanges shows much ensure, there are still confinements that must be tended to. One significant obstacle is working locale. Notwithstanding the way that frameworks are ending up being more pervasive, there are still various locales not served (Barken & Bermel, 2004). Nation domains and various structures in metropolitan districts are not being served well by existing remote frameworks. This constraint of today's frameworks will endure into future periods of remote systems (Barnes & O'Farrell, 2002). The development that is being made by 3G network frameworks is giving the general populace unlikely yearnings of reliably on, continually available, wherever, at whatever time correspondences. The all inclusive community must comprehend that but quick data correspondences will be passed on, it won't be relative to the wired Internet in any occasion not at first (Barken & Bermel, 2004). In the occasion that measures are not taken now to right perception issues, 4G network organizations are sent, there may be a great deal of disappointment associated with the association of the development, and acknowledgments could get the chance to be negative. On the off chance that this some way or another figured out how to happen, neither 3G network nor 4G network may comprehend its most extreme limit (Barnes & O'Farrell, 2002). Another limitation is cost. The rigging required realizing a front line framework is still greatly expensive. Transporters and suppliers need to orchestrate intentionally to guarantee that expenses are kept sensible (Chen, 2014). The ascent of 4G network flexible advances was birthed from the relentlessly changing and growing customer essentials past the state of the present compact advances set up and its predecessors like 3G network as well as 2G network frameworks (Fledderus, 2005). In an approach to keep up a key separation from outlandish and insufficient 3G network approach and diagram, 4G structures were created and took off, putting 3G frameworks in contention (Ganesh & Pahlavan, 2002). 3G network flexible development was not prepared for giving heterogeneous organizations and between works inside frameworks (Fledderus, 2005). Along these lines, highlights like the ability to work effortlessly with uniform quality at better speeds across over various frameworks give 4G network the edge more than 3G network and following advances. Despite these, the 4G network is totally IP-based engaging voice, data, intuitive media, Internet get to, and illuminating to be open to the customer constantly(Ganesh & Pahlavan, 2002).
4. Key Differences
As users realize that 4G systems are heterogeneous systems and they provide diverse capacities to network administrators and administration suppliers (Manning, 2009). So to give security 4G wireless networks present security portals which secure the networks of diverse areas (Jaloun & Guennoun, 2010). For creating the security in wireless 4G systems users ought to embrace a model created by ITU named as X.805 Bell lab protection model which is comprised of with three security levels, three high-security planes as well as with eight safety measurements (Hurley, 2006).
A noteworthy issue in wireless 4G network is to develop high bit rates accessible in a bigger part of the mobile, particularly to clients in an uncovered position in the middle of a few base stations (Glisic & Veiga, 2009). In the present research, this concern is tended by full-scale assorted techniques, also named as group cooperative hand-off, as well as by beam-division different access (Fledderus, 2005). Pervasive systems are amorphous and nowadays entirely speculative idea where the client at the same time associated with a few wireless access advancements and can consistently move among them (Gobjuka, 2005). These entrance advancements can be Wi-Fi and UMTS or any new future access technology. Incorporated into this idea is likewise smart radio to productively oversee use transmission power as well as range, in addition, the utilization of routing conventions to make a pervasive framework of networks (Hurley, 2006). In reality, in the first half of the year 2002, the 4G wireless network is a theoretical system and a discourse point to mention the future requirement of the worldwide rapid speed wireless frameworks that will surely interface with the wired backbone network consistently (Potter, 2004). Continous expanding and better wireless communication builds up the desires and the interest of users in 4G wireless networks. 4G wireless networks surely work on capacity as well as limits likewise have few crucial period (Smith, 2005). The reconfigurability should be possible at any level, and it will be valuable for the system supplier. This gives a choice between the substitute systems and is based upon every one of the issues (Potter, 2004). Re-configurability of the 4G wireless network should be easily done at different levels, as well as it will helpful for the wireless network provider and the client viewpoint. This gives the selection among the different networks as well as relied upon all concerns (Varshney, 2012). These 4G wireless network frameworks will offer numerous features for clients as well as it will provide the end-to-end wireless network. These 4G systems will provide many features to the users and it will provide end-to-end connectivity. Accessing, roaming as well as few dynamic elements are extremely useful and obtained at very low cost (Sridevi, 2012).
In this study, it has been concluded that 4G wireless networks are produced with various aspects and benefits. The pace of 4G network might be fifty times higher than the 3G networks. The normal transmission bandwidth of wireless 4G network is around 10Mbps. 4G network has choices of 3-D virtual reality, the capability of feeling at the occasion regardless of the possibility that user is physically present or not. Clients easily interact with individuals, products as well as think about the places when the real world and digital world merge. This study concludes that 4G wireless network provides numerous benefits to the clients. The 4G wireless network will provide support and access for verification processes, security,various bill payments, as well as supports clients having specific mobile systems. There are numerous benefits in the 4G wireless network, for instance, Speed, expenses, and the Security. Therefore, 4G wireless network or system will be a prevalent mode of communication. 4G can be envisioned like an incorporated wireless network that empowers consistent roaming between many technologies. The promising 4G wireless network can support intelligent multimedia administration with extensive bandwidths, as well as high bit rates. This study helps to know that 4G wireless network turns out to be economically accessible for every user. The 4G wireless network is used by numerous industries such as Ericcson, Nokia, Siemens AG, and Alcatel. In this study, it has been concluded that work on wireless 4G networks has begun on academic as well as an industrial level for instance WWRF has Nokia, Ericcson, Alcatel, and Siemens. The NSF has declared a project that calls for recommendations that might look at concerns involved in the wireless 4G network. Multimedia traffic with the help of 4G wireless network will be surely dominant in future. In future modified IP surely be the global network or system layer protocol. The 4G wireless network is the 4G wireless communication network. The 4G wireless network is the next stage of the 3G wireless network, which is presently most broad and rapid wireless network service. However, the 4G wireless network is just accessible in few areas. While still being developed, the establishments for the substitution of the current system is now being investigated and built by the wireless network industries and technical engineers. This study explains that the general objective of the 4G wireless network is to give an exhaustive as well as secure Internet Protocol arrangement with quicker information speeds than past generations. A 4G wireless network is required to give a secure and comprehensive as well as all-IP dependent arrangements where facilities, for instance, ultra-broadband web access, IP communication, gaming administrations, and streamed media might be given to clients.
This study recommends that the endeavors have been done or made to diminish various technologies to single worldwide standard. It has been recommended that the anticipated 4G wireless system has to offer to provide standard services which should be embraced globally through its key idea of coordination and integration. Future 4G wireless networks should be supported to different IP multimedia services and applications to permit sharing of assets among various clients. There should be the low unpredictability of implementation as well as a productive means of the transaction between the wireless infrastructure as well as in end clients. The 4G wireless network surely provides guarantee that satisfies the goal of personal communication and personal computing. It should help to fulfill a dream that reasonably gives high information rates everywhere on a wireless network. In each era, whenever there is any type of default, 4G wireless network surely gets rid of this. In all recommendations for the 4G wireless network, the CDMA spread spectrum radio technology utilized in the 3G wireless network as well as IS-95 is replaced and neglected by OFDMA additionally frequency-domain comparison schemes. This is joined with MIMO, for instance, multiple antennas, productive channel allotment as well as channel-dependent is appointing.
Wireless World Research Forum |
National Science Foundation |
Digital Subscriber line |
High Speed Packet Access |
Ultra Mobile Broadband |
eXtended Global Platform |
Time division multiplexing |
Frame division multiplexing |
Code division multiplexing access |
Terminals |
forming or situated at the end or extremity of something |
Personalization |
design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements |
Extensive |
covering or affecting a large area |
Virtual Home Environment |
Accompanying |
be present or occur at the same time as |
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Agarwal, A. & Agarwal, K. (2014). The Next Generation Mobile Wireless Cellular Networks – 4G and Beyond. AJEEE, 2(3), 92-97.
Alaoui, S. (2012). Towards Future 4G Mobile Networks: A Real-World IMS Testbed. International Journal Of Next-Generation Networks, 4(3), 31-43.
Barken, L. & Bermel, E. (2004). Wireless hacking projects for Wi-Fi enthusiasts. Rockland, MA: Syngress.
Barnes, C. & O'Farrell, N. (2002). Hack proofing your wireless network. Rockland, MA: Syngress Pub.
Chen, H. (2014). The Research on Robust Detection Method for Mixed Network Architecture in 4G Networks. AMM, 513-517, 2320-2323.
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KALITA,. (2010). A New Algorithm of Self Organization in Wireless Sensor Network. Wireless Sensor Network, 2(1).
Kaur Gondara, M. & Kadam, S. (2011). Requirements of Vertical Handoff Mechanism in 4G Wireless Networks. IJWMN, 3(2), 18-27.
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My Assignment Help. (2017). Essay: 4G Wireless Network For Network Technologies." (47 Characters). Retrieved from https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/4g-wireless-network-network-technologies.
"Essay: 4G Wireless Network For Network Technologies." (47 Characters)." My Assignment Help, 2017, https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/4g-wireless-network-network-technologies.
My Assignment Help (2017) Essay: 4G Wireless Network For Network Technologies." (47 Characters) [Online]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/4g-wireless-network-network-technologies
[Accessed 28 March 2025].
My Assignment Help. 'Essay: 4G Wireless Network For Network Technologies." (47 Characters)' (My Assignment Help, 2017) <https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/4g-wireless-network-network-technologies> accessed 28 March 2025.
My Assignment Help. Essay: 4G Wireless Network For Network Technologies." (47 Characters) [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2017 [cited 28 March 2025]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/4g-wireless-network-network-technologies.