Discuss about the Accounting and Finance for Time Series Analysis.
The purpose of this report is to show the various aspect of the reflective learning process involved in execution of a project. The attendees of the report include Ismail, Tianzhu, Yang and Mark. The report states about the various type of the problems encountered while the formulation of different types of the project tasks. The various types of the agenda collected while doing the project is shown based on the table format prepared for the different types of the meetings held all throughout the project. The agendas of the meeting clearly mentions about the various type for the particulars of the project including then date and the time duration taken to the conduct the individual project work. The project agenda also mentions about the persons involved while conducting each research objectives. The various types of the findings of the meeting are linked with the different type of the agendas of the meetings, which clearly states about the findings of the report in details. The various type of the issues found in the report shows the different types of the problems and the issues encountered while execution process of the project. The report also states about the various type of the objective of the individual, performers of the project. The attendees of the project are able to learn about the various type of the concepts based of the several findings included in the meetings of the project such as drafting of the presentation report, positive feedback , editing of the draft report, modification made in the project plan. The report also provides the various types of the findings from the suggestions, obtained from the various type of the teaching, and materials required of the project.
Difficulties and Problem Resolution during the Project
Meeting 1
The group members who took part in this meeting were Ismail, Tianzhu, Yang, Mark. The agenda that we discussed in the first meeting included the academic background, work history, academic and personal strengths. To carry on the project successfully by allotting task to every group member as per their capabilities we decided to know each other. All of us shared our academic and personal strengths and discussed details of our work history.
Meeting 2
We used Dropbox software in this meeting for setting up shared areas. Belbin was responsible for setting team roles. Wesam had the role of team worker, mark was the co-coordinator, Yang was implementer, monitor evaluator, Tianzhu was completer-finisher and team worker and Ismail was a specialist and resource investigator. We decided to set some team rules for maintaining cordial task completion during the project. These rules included reaching in time for meetings and the one who arrives late would pay 50p as printing fee. Moreover, we should all respect the ideas of fellow group members and always prepare along with setting issues to discuss for the next meeting. We planned to prepare presentation of 5 minutes in our next workshop.
Difficulties and Problem Resolution during the Project
Meeting 3
We decided to conduct a meeting with our project supervisor. Major purpose of this meeting was to know each other in aspects of all our academic background, work history along with individual weaknesses and strengths. Additionally, all of us discussed our team roles with the supervisor describing the tasks those are to be done by each of us during the project. In guidance of the supervisor, we prepared a brief outline of the project and prepared various questions those we discuss on the first meeting with our client to address any problem regarding the project completion.
Meeting 4
We conducted a second meeting with our supervisor to discuss certain issues regarding the project. The supervisor reminded us about conducting a meeting with our client who assigned us the project. We realized that the questions to be discussed with the client were not that efficient so we decided to improve our set of questions. We discussed the details of the issue regarding admin stuff and the aims of the project brief we prepared. The key problem was the setting the brief of the project those were to be resolved in the first meeting with the client.
Meeting 5
We conducted first meeting with our client where in consideration to the supervisor’s suggestions we decided the question time and summarized the questions to be discussed with the client. Issues we faced regarding variance analysis, training package and research completion were discussed. The problems in project brief were struggle with the concept of variance analysis, staff just following list of variance other than considering significant variables and increasing excuses of “sap solution” training package not effective. We discussed solutions to such issues were to find out the reason for failure of the training package and realizing the materials of training techniques provided to us by client.
Meeting 6
We to repeat the team rules that we should follow during the project conducted this meeting. We summarized the issues and the solutions regarding the training process and lack of knowledge of staff on variance analysis. We considered the supervisor’s suggestions such as understanding the Bombardier spreadsheet, selecting suitable theories and evaluating the supporting evidences along with percentage of staff satisfaction. We separated the tasks into two parts to make project easier. In the first part, we will introduce variance analysis, its importance and the relevance to know sap. In second part, we will choose some staff those are interested in learning new things and want to take sap training. We analyzed the data and PPT provided to us by the client and then mailed to supervisor explaining major pints of the project.
Meeting 7
In this meeting we uploaded all our research information, discussed the variance and training techniques for adults, prepared a draft questionnaire and emailed some major issues and solutions discussed in this meeting to the supervisor. We planned a training package for adults that will train the material team on the ways to conduct the variance analysis. In the questionnaire, we planned to ask the staff same questions repeatedly without self-learning. We decided to offer training to 30-50 people and 3-4 days for every group. We shared all these decisions with our supervisor.
Meeting 8
In this meeting, we decided to work on the draft proposal of the project. In addition, all our team members decided to improve the questionnaire by including several major aspects in the questionnaire. Based on the issues discussed on the meeting we emailed the decisions made in this meeting to our supervisor.
Meeting 9
In this meeting, all our team members discussed the recommended regarding for the tasks of the project. We decided to offer feedback based on the suggestions that were provided to us by our supervisor on the draft proposal, regarding questionnaire improvement, recommendations on variance analysis as well as training procedures to adults. We evaluated the issue of faulty training practices and prepared solutions to offer a better training package training to the adult members. We planned to take an advice from the supervisor and client about the design of the project plan for our client.
Meeting 10
In this meeting, all our team members decided to improve our draft proposal and continued to improve the contents of our questionnaire. Along with this, we designed a project plan for our client and emailed the same to our supervisor. Our team member prepared a table of tasks and its duration of completion along with mentioning the ongoing work on each task. We asked for confirmation on certain tasks of the project where we offered suitable recommendations and made major changes. Based on the progress on the tasks of the project our team members’ also provided an estimated time for final project presentation to the client and preparation of final report. The proposed project timeline will guide all our team members to complete all the tasks in the predefined time.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 11, the overall feeds back that has been provided by the client mainly portrays the limited amount of research conducted by the business process. Furthermore, the clausal approach used by the company in delivering reliable information directly to its client is also in questions. In addition, the overall Gantt chart presented by the company to its client is also the main concern for the meeting. Moreover, the loopholes in designing the Gantt chart mainly depict the lack of knowledge and experience of the company for conducting the particular task. The low clarification and reduced information that has been conducted by the company to its client is also the main agenda for the meeting. Lastly the method used by the company in making adequate meeting schedule and finding a timeline for the assessment could be effectively disused in the meeting.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 12, the limited time allocated for the meeting could not be helpful in solving queries of the supervisor. Furthermore, evaluation of the new suggestion for the project plan in the meeting could help in reducing the limitation of future growth prospects. However, the discussion in the research areas could help the supervisor to make adequate decision in the final project plan. Moreover, the limited time allocated for the meeting could not help in calculating questions presented by the client or the supervisor regarding the latest project.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 13, the overall updating that is required for the new project could be effectively discussed. Moreover, the prepared question for the meeting with the client could not help in answering the queries raised in the meeting. Thus, the limited amount of information might reduce trust of the client on the company. In addition, discussing on the email mainly helped in analysing the problem that was faced by the supervisor with its work group. Furthermore, this discussion in the meeting could help in reducing any kind of mismanagement that has been conducted by the supervisor.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 14, the limited time allocated could not be sufficient to review and discuses major questions and research areas that could be focused for the new project. Moreover, the limited time used for discussing questions and research area could not be helpful in making adequate suggestions, which could be helpful in improving the output of the new project. In addition, emailing problem that is haunting the activities of supervisors are also discussed in this meeting.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 15, is the feedback that the client has depicted to be reviewed and implemented in the new project. Furthermore, the main problem that has been identified by the client is low impact of authority and business communications process. This the review from client feedback could help in increasing authenticity of the new project. Furthermore, the confirmation of two signoff forms could also help in approving the validity of the new project.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 16, the limited time allocated for the meeting could not help in successfully clarifying and drafting reports for new areas of research. Moreover, the overall updating that is required for the new project to reduce its limitation could not be successfully implanted by the client. In addition, the overall email group to supervisor is also effectively evaluated in the meeting. Furthermore, the clarifications needed by the client could be effectively mentioned in the drafting process to reduce client’s complaints and increase viability of the new project.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 17, the overall start of draft report without the clearance of client comments could eventually reduce the effectiveness of the report. Furthermore, the evaluation of email that is used by the super visors has effectively analysed, which could be used to deliver required information to employees of the company.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 18, the continued drafting of the report could eventually help the supervisor to make adequate adjustment. Furthermore, the design of the draft presentation could only be prepared after the completion of the draft report. However, the completion of the overall draft is subject to the accommodation of all the client requirements. The overall time allotted for completing the draft report is not substantial to meet the overall requirements of the client. This in turn might reduce the effectiveness of the draft report and presentation that is to be prepared in the meeting.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 19, the overall feedback of the draft presentation that is been prepared for the client for review. This meeting mainly evaluates the information that has been depicted in the draft presentation. Moreover, the review and suggestion on the draft presentation could help in minimizing any kind of loopholes or mistakes that has been conducted while preparing the presentation. Furthermore, this meeting could also evaluate the overall accumulation of client review, which has been increased in making adequate adjustments.
After reviewing the agenda for meeting 20, the overall editing process could be effectively conducted in the meeting. Moreover, the editing process could help the draft presentation to be effective and according to the specification of the client. This editing process might effectively help in making adequate changes that are required and could help in fulfilling requirements of the client. However, without effective analysis on the reviews provided by the client the draft report and presentation could lose friction and increase trust gap between client and the company.
In the meeting 21, we found several problems related to the drafting of the project plan as there were several types of the conflicts associated with the previous plans of the report. The agendas also states the various types of problems encountered while presenting the project as the project was facing lot of time due to delayed operations. The drafting of the shows the representation of the various types of the reporting, which was done, based on PowerPoint presentations. In meeting, 22 the problems and the finding of the various types of the report were found in the basis of the problems identified through the drafting plan. It was also found then blame was reported to the management of the organization clearly stating about the various types of then time constraints and the number of activities which had to be successfully executed for the completion if the project.
In meeting 23 it was found that the various types of the problems identified in the report was addressed to the supervisor with the email service. In the meeting, 24 it was found that the client gave then positive feedback based on then modification suggested for the project. The meeting also suggested about the various type of the project plan relating to the suggestions provided in the meeting, which states about improvement in the teaching process and the various type of then reasons for which the culture of the workplace is blamed. In meeting 25, the final draft plan was prepared which clearly stated about the various type of the necessary update, which was made to the action plans of the project. The project also provided the various type of the necessary services to then clients which included the emailing of the modified project plan and the necessary changes which was made in the project. The preparation of the assessment of the project report states about the final agendas, which is proposed for the final action plan of the project and the success of the project. The final meeting number 26 states the editing of the activities in the library. The total duration for the meeting was conducted for a time of three hours. It was also found that the final meeting included all the participants of the project planning.
Based on the several types of the analysis conducted on the research topic it was found that the maximum amount of the time was spent on the analysis of the presentation data. The several presentations created as a part of the project stated about the various types of the existing issues needed for solving the different research problems. The major problems were identified in the supporting evidences of the varied types of the research of the roles and the staff satisfaction of the employees. The findings of the report also stated about the different types of the problem related to the ownership effects of the different clients and the associated theories. The report also states about the various type of research problem on training techniques implemented for the adults. It is further required to analyze the training of the various type of the solution with sap. The problems identified can be resolved by the introduction of the variance analysis, the various type of the learning objective and what the client’s needs to know.
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