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Significance of Customer Experience

This report emphasizes Samsung’s mobile phone and examines its customer experience approach and strategy in the marketplace of the United Kingdom. The client achievement approaches to evaluate the marketplace profile purposes and motives for using Samsung's mobile phone to graph the customers' journeys over numerous stages are also addressed. This report has also explained the mechanism of Omnichannel marketing and the significance of involvement and personalization.

Customer experience usually describes how a client observes communication with your corporation or brand. Each and all the solo communication pay to the customer experience whether a client approaching in interaction with your company physical store or digital e-commerce platform of the company. In nowadays international marketplace customer is extremely educated and authorized. They partake in numerous choices to shift to other companies if your corporation doesn’t satisfy the requirements which customers are looking for in the market (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016). A decent customer experience for the client safeguards that the client will partake a long association with the corporation and an optimistic word of mouth between other persons. An effective customer experience can result in grate competitive advantage for the brand.  The two important differentiators for the corporation can be low costs or greater customer experience (Rahimian et al. 2020).

In the year 2020, Samsung's marketplace share of the international smartphone marketplace was at around 21% with Apple and Huawei as its nearby competitor. In the year 2020 alone, the South Korean corporate sold an additional 267 million smartphones internationally (Laricchia, 2022). In the present smartphone market if we look out there are very big competitors of the Samsung brand such as Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, oppo, vivo, one plus, etc. So, competition in the market of the smartphone is too high as customers can easily switch to another brand if not satisfied with one of the brands. Therefore, the importance of customer experience plays a significant role for the Samsung brand to retain the old customer and to also attract new customer base with mouth-to-mouth marketing which is only possible when the current customer base is happy with the price, brand quality, and customer service of the company (Mihardjo et al. 2019).

A customer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal consumer founded on marketplace study and real information regarding your current customers (An et al. 2018). Certain applications for Samsung clients Personas in the marketplace of UK comprises include;

  • Motivations for the use of Samsung mobile – The mostly of individuals are stimulated to use Samsung phones due to the android app ecosystem, office productivity, Samsung dex, long-lasting battery, its fast biometric, and Knox security. These reasons have led to clients becoming loyal to the business (Yulianda and Handayani, 2015).
  • Samsung's mobile phone solutions have pains – the major issues with mobile phones comprise capacity complications, battery failure, and the contest for downloading rates on numerous devices. Though, Samsung resolved these issues with Galaxy Note 10 variations such as better-quality constancy, battery life, and storage. In the visual monitor, for instance, Galaxy A80 has fingerprint recognition technology, which improves the security of admittance to telephone data (Jie and Hasan, 2017).

Customer Persona Creation

Table 1

Demographic segmentation


Target customer age

Samsung's target audience is individuals from age 15 to 45 who trail the latest technology trends.


Samsung target both male and female groups as number of both male and female user are almost great.

Socio-economic Position

Samsung basically targets every group of low income, medium class, and high-class earners (Ruiz et al. 2020).

Client Journey

Awareness phase

Consideration phase

Decision stage


Clients can gain data and information’s from the company websites and Google Search regarding the Samsung mobile phones, among numerous.

Founded on the motivations and obstacles they were able to overwhelm from Samsung's smartphones, the clients regulate.

The utmost current data regarding the products are delivered by the men, middle-aged, and high-income earners. Moreover, the company also provides information through social media marketing and other marketing strategies.

Feeling and needs

Customers will still do what they perceive contingent on their opinions and needs, which differ with diverse customers. For instance, if they need a phone which has a good security system.

Formerly, having any choice clients perceive at their prospects and feelings, 

The customers need to purchase or not found on them

needs and

feelings. For

example, maximum

persons have purchased mobile phones from

Samsung corporations for

entertaining and


Potential opportunities for improvements

Possible methods exist

to progress client

loyalty and originality

Samsung phones can take into account variations contingent on their customers' needs and emotions.

When the client travels, willpower will be taken on which probabilities to take up.

Omnichannel marketing is the incorporation and collaboration of the numerous channels corporations use to communicate with customers, with the aim of making a constant brand experience (Nguyen et al. 2022). This channel comprises the physical stores (Shops) and digital channels (Websites and applications) of the companies. The aims of an omnichannel marketing approach are to make a suitable, all-in-one user experience for customers that proposes numerous chances for fulfillment.  An omnichannel approach might provide customers the options to discover and buy online, in-store, or a mixture thereof such as “purchase online and pick up in-store”. At present time most of the industries are leveraging omnichannel approaches, comprising healthcare, retail sector, finance, technology, etc (Shankar and Kushwaha, 2021). In the omni channel approach organizations advertise their product and services according to specific customer preferences and also companies try to focus on customers' personalities and desires. Omnichannel marketing carries all your sales networks together and combines your information streams so that you can effortlessly get a tactical view of your promotion efforts, take an extra holistic method to market, and foster a collective ethos in your advertising department.

In a retail show which has been hosted by the National Retail Federation, Samsung corporation was front-and-center at the occasion that attentive on restructuring the omnichannel experience. One of numerous innovative goods exhibited at the occasion was their facial recognition software from EyeQ. This technology initials the in-store shopping experience, using shopper-aware digital shows that communicate with customers, modifying the content to every, and even identifies and replies to emotion. From the commencement of the buying path to the final deal, their booth demonstrations offered technology that communicates with clients in-store and digital stores (Insight, 2016). Samsung has updated its sales channel and networks timely while analyzing the growing competition from the big competitors like Apple and Xiaomi. Primarily, Samsung sold their smartphone through the offline channel, in which the manufacturer sold straight to the customer, then also sold to big hypermarkets, sold to the retailer who further sold to customers (Park and Kim, 2018). In their offline sales, Samsung has contributed to direct and indirect sales of smartphones. Samsung has adopted single and two-tier methods for consumers.  Samsung has around 2,389 first-tier suppliers across 216 worldwide bases (spread among 74 nations), the opportunity of Samsung’s supply network is definitely vast. Samsung also delivers its clients even after-sales assistance over its service centers, mainly when they understand that they are cantered and price-sensitive on their clients (Shamout and Elayan, 2020). Samsung has around 100 authorized support centers in the UK market.

Customer Journey

Moreover, Samsung also has its own websites which also promote its products and comprise of blogs that promote the Samsung products. Samsung websites also promote its other product together with a smartphone such as Tv, Home appliances, laptops, etc. Customers can purchase any smartphone of Samsung through their websites also. Samsung has also introduced its shopping application in the market which also provides a better experience to their customer in purchasing any products. Therefore, the practice of the offline and online podium by Samsung Mobile is vital and significant as this improves customer communications with the brand and products and consequently the smooth Journey of clients (Rezwan et al. 2018).

Performance metrics are described as statistics and data illustrative of corporate actions, capabilities, and inclusive quality. There are many dissimilar forms of performance metrics, comprising sales, profit, return on investment, client contentment, client reviews, individual reviews, complete quality, and status in a market. Performance metrics can differ significantly when observed over dissimilar industries. Performance metrics are essential to a corporation’s achievement. It's significant that corporations choose their main performance metrics and emphasis these extents since these metrics support guide and measure a corporation’s success. Key success factors are only valuable if they are recognized and pursued. To partake in an effective client experience, it is significant to monitor and improve customer experience activities. Some of the Customer experience metrics which are significant are;

Table 2 - CX Performance Metrics

Customer Experience performance metrics


Client satisfaction (CSAT)

It allows corporations in identifying the satisfaction of the customers from their smartphone, customer service, and communication. CSAT is a very good instrument if you need to measure if a client is pleased with one-time communication. It is utmost frequently used in client service (or customer support). CSAT can also effortlessly familiarize themselves with the specific requirements of their corporations. 

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The trustworthiness of the customer connections in the corporation can be retrieved. NPS is the most selected customer experience metric company adopted in the whole international market. About two-thirds of all corporations are using it to describe where they position in relation to the client experience.

Customer churn

It helps to evaluate the overall well-being of the business's customers by identifying the rate of customer abandonment.

Client effort score

It lets corporate to identify the other means of providing a modernized customer experience by recognizing client friction opinions.

Visitor Intent

It supports the corporation to modify its website to fit its customer’s requirements.

Few of the other performing metrics to include the Samsung smartphone brand for customer experience include;

Samsung smartphones can adopt the practice of using visitor intentions, which will support them identify the demands of their customers using robust competitiveness of further smartphone organizations for instances such as Huawei and Apple, holding extra customers. It saves the information related to why websites or pages have been opened by the person. The company is also going to deliver its customers what they require to make the most of the customer experience flawlessly. The mind of the visitor's intention is understandable over online reviews, consumer reviews, and public reviews (Ozturk and Gogtas, 2016).

Customer effort scores will permit Samsung mobile phones to raise their susceptibility and competencies significantly, as they frequently do so throughout client service come across or afterward purchasing. Moreover, the customer effort score will support the Samsung smartphones brand to evaluate the satisfaction of customers and recognize the pain points which can upsurge customer experience (Florea et al. 2018).

Omnichannel Marketing

To deliver the assurance of customer trustworthiness, the Samsung smartphone business gives importance to customer involvement the top importance. “It teams up effectively and technically for excellence, for instance, quality, guarantee service, and retail and problem management. Also, over the voice of customer control, return material approval, and process change notification (PCN), Samsung organization puts their efforts to deliver first-class client service”. In connection with Samsung's smartphone, Apple deals a better customer experience. Apple stabilities its monetary performance by upholding its place (Straker and Wringley, 2016).

Moreover, millions of person-organization into Apple shops each month with the motive of performing with few of the smoothest and coolest customer devices and computer gear the technical world has to propose. From the Apple Watch to iPhones to MacBook Pros – the gadget itself reflects, and so any appointment to a store already holds the potential of an experience. Customer Service is a too great deal at Apple. As they partake in a secret handbook for their client support experts, named the Genius Training Student Workbook. Those who’ve gone over the guide will notice the repetitive practice of the word understanding – more precisely, the 3 Fs of empathy – Feel, Felt, Found. Furthermore, whensoever a client has to go visit an Apple Store to have a repair done, they get an appointment to safeguard whole satisfaction by an Apple Intellect. Basically, they emphasize constructing client relationships and providing the best experience.

Apple has identified that customer experience is vital since their needs are well encountered. Also, Apple’s purchaser service is at an emotional phase where all employees struggle to attain satisfaction with the forecast of the product that is their main purpose. Apple also highlights that iPhone will work better with apple iWatch and iPod. By providing the smooth working of their product together they also enhance customer experience and enhance the chance of customer return for future.  Though, the dissimilar reasons that directed the development of these segments are identical, irrespective of the differences of the Customer experience systems (Lemon and Verhoef, 2016).

Apple and Samsung are both involved in repetitive preparation and meeting with their employees. These training initiatives let employees deliberate how their choices influence the experiences of clients. In the performance of the customer experience method, Customer experience management performs the main role. Primarily, the Customer experience valuation must have a system displaying its efficiency and the performance measures to evaluate and track. Furthermore, it supports shifting culture and the company's understanding of customer experience. Finally, it also delivers the financing for Customer experience projects and assists as the final conclusive body. It also discourses administrative and corporate governance worries (Mollah, 2015).

Listen, think and do

Both Samsung and Apple gather their clients' contributions and take the vital phases to enhance their customer experiences when interacting with their products. They all collect intelligence and address customer problems on time from different networks.


Both the organization corporates operate transparently, attractive to novel customers while upholding present customers. Social networking has since aided industries in numerous manners pertinent to their goods to communicate straight with customers.


Samsung company has recently presented CX personalization. Personalization has supported customers make their choice easier founded on their needs, as it proposes clients suitable selections (Anshari et al. 2019).


Apple and Samsung are also adopted and follow the simple and accurate resolutions that can be unstated and used by numerous persons. Important intent needs no enormous campaigns or multifaceted declarations of the goals. Both have rudimentary and real-world circumstances, Comprising competence and consideration.


In the marketplace of the United Kingdom Samsung mobile brand has met with numerous theatrical competitions from others smartphone manufacturing brands such as Apple and Xiaomi. Moreover, this report has examined the mapping of the customer journey of Samsung in which it has been concluded that Samsung has targeted the people aged 21 to 55. Furthermore, Samsung has also covered all types of income class people such as low, medium, and high-income class. Samsung has an effective customer CX strategy since Samsung's strategies have a strong understanding of what their customers need and how they must be attaining their aims through their outstanding customer experience strategy. This strategy should be fruitful if Samsung is talented to retain its existing clients for a longer period of time. Because of this, Samsung's proportion is more creative and competent, resulting in a decreased employee turnover rate. This corporate main mission is to improve customer relations both in-store and online by improving its numerous delivery approaches 


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