1.Critically analyse the role of different stakeholders and the influence of their perceptions on development and management of sustainable practice within organisations.
2.Create effective strategies and methodologies for successful implementation of sustainable management practices.
3. Critically evaluate the contemporary sustainable practices and models used by major corporations to suggest strategies for improvement.
Examination scheduling is an imperative and one of the repeating managerial activities for every educational institute. The exam scheduling systems helps in organizing examination for the students that decides when, where and how exanimation is to be directed for different departments. Developing a good examination schedule that will fulfils the expectations of the student or the candidates, instructors and the organization administration is an extremely troublesome task because of the constrained resources for the task. The system of automating examination process helps to reduce the delay for the declaration of examination results. The process of automating examination will make the whole process of examination more scalable and more dynamic. The pen paper process of examination is very slow and the result of such examination takes much more time. In some of the universities or colleges, the process of examination even takes months for processing. There are more disadvantages of using the conventional method of using pen and paper for examination. The conventional method leads to error, takes much more time, wastage of resources, and makes the examination system inefficient. The storage process of the conventional method of examination is much more because of the space scarcity.
The process of exam invigilation can be made automatic with the help of online exams. Candidates even sitting at remote location can give the examination and monitor the technique of using Remote Proctoring. The process of remote proctoring is a method, which mainly authorizes, monitors appearing of candidates, and authenticates the exam from remote location. Examinees can appear their examination from anywhere they like to. The system takes the control of web camera attached. The remote systems can be monitored in such way and can save the streaming of the user and the activities that are carried out on the screen. In any educational institute in which the students are divided into multiple departments, which are thusly part into multiple faculties, there will be a substantial number of courses that as it were either inside a faculty or in a department of students [3]. Given the way that the issue is so huge and that total information by any one individual is impossible, it might be attractive to decentralize the framework with the exam scheduling that contention between the available resources, at that point the resources assuming liability for inner conflicts then the divisions completing the procedure off giving each as much control over their own spaces as is conceivable.
Functional Requirements
Presently it is important for the organizations to improve the student experience by producing the balanced exam timetables so that they can have enough time to prepare. The application also needs to optimize the use of the available exam room. In addition to that, it is also important to deploy the available human resource (invigilators and staff) across multiple campuses or on a specific day of scheduled exam [4]. An efficient exam scheduling system must allow collaborative and efficient, multiuser workflows. This is important as the system may be used for multiple campuses of an institution. According to the different authors of previous researches, it is suggested that, a mathematical programming model should be utilized in order to formulate a sophisticated problem of scheduling exams while maintain and mitigating different issues in the manual exam scheduling process.
An efficient exam scheduling system can help in reduction of the cost spent by the administrations in order to hire invigilators and external space to allocate seats for the students in the exam. As opined by the researchers Di Pietro (2012) if an exam scheduling system is capable of creating an early draft of the proposed exam schedules then it enables the administrators of the institutions to understand required predicted space for making the enough sitting arrangements. With this draft the institution can plan go forward in order to carry out successful and cost-efficient exams for the institutions. The authors Papaioannou, Athanassopoulos and Kaklamanis (2017), tried to address the issues like the limited availability of classrooms for the examinations, Better flexibility for the student’s in their choices of courses which also increases the complexity of managing the exams for students having different combination of subjects.
The following report consists of aim and objective of literature review on the exam scheduling systems as well as a detailed literature for the subject. This report shows the importance of automating examination process in examination process.
The main aim of this literature review is to find out the main functional and non-functional requirements for a. exam scheduling system.
The main objective of this paper is to analyse the main functionalities of an exam scheduling system, which can make the process of complex exam scheduling an efficient and easy process while avoiding the errors that are faced in manual process.
Finding out the issues that acts as the constraints in the formulation of the scheduling the exams for different departments of which the students may have the different courses.
Non-Functional Requirements
Management of examination is one of the most important aspects of academic in the life cycle of student. The institutes of education mainly spend a lot amount of resources to make the examination process smoother and easier. The process of handling the system examination system in a traditional way has may critical steps before and after the examination and publishing the result is another difficult job to maintain. Many processes have to be set to declare the result in maximum of 30 to 60 days after the procedure of examination is completed. There are many advantages of using the automation system for examination. The automatic process saves the cost of managing the process of exam, the whole logistical activities can be deleted for management of exam centers, the invigilation process of examination can also be simplified, and entire activity can be logged by the system which helps in auditing.
Developing and managing conflict free examination schedules represents a troublesome task because of restricted resources like time and available examination rooms. The primary goal in the examination scheduling issue is none of the students can take more than one examination at any given time period [4]. These issues can be viewed as the one of the most important complexities in the functional requirement and must be mitigated in the completely developed scheduling system.
Issues with Traditional Method of Examination
The main problem in the traditional scheduling applications is, these applications straight way examines the enormous amount of student data enrolled for a course in order to check student conflicts and avoid the constraint violations in the database during the scheduling of the exams for the student [3]. The process of exam planning and scheduling in higher education institutions is considered as a high-profile and very time consuming task that must try to balance between the expectations and available resources at the institutions. Traditional method of examination is very much complicated and time taking as well. The process of traditional method of examination that is done through pen and paper mainly continues for a long time and also gives mental as well as physical strain for the people who gives the exam. For giving examination conventionally, the examinees have to visit the exam centre and give the exam. More time is required for taking the examination in a traditional way. With traditional method of examination, tampering is done and fake certificates are made without online verification of the results. So, the conventional method of using pen and paper examination leads to unfair practices.
Exam scheduling system acts as a Decision Support System while guaranteeing the accompanying imperatives to be fulfilled
- No student from any departments sits for more than one examination in the meantime of the scheduled exam.
- None of the students should take more than one course in inside a day.
- It is important to achieve maximum as well as optimum use of the available building and rooms in order to ensure that limit of individual rooms is not surpassed whenever all through the examination session [2].
- Students from more than one course can be accommodated inside single room in order to optimally use the available resources.
- Duration of examination period are not surpassed.
- Lecturers are considered when relegating invigilating sessions to them in different rooms.
- One of the invigilators is the instructor who are the professors of the subject in the available exam rooms.
As opined by,Papaioannou, Athanassopoulos and Kaklamanis (2017) an efficient Scheduler application can be helpful in lightening the workload load by empowering departmental scheduling of the exams. The departmental scheduling ensures that the resource data (such as number of rooms, count of invigilators) is required only once by the scheduling system. The system must be capable of re-using theses resource details in subsequent exam scheduling tasks [1]. The system must be able to auto-allocation of the seats by using the pre-defined schemes provided by the user and automatically making suitable sitting arrangements for students who will appear for the exams.
In the traditional system of examination, the students have to enroll their names in their respective university. Traditional method of examination was feasible when there was less number of students enrolled in the universities and there were also less number of courses taught in those universities. But, the present situation is changing rapidly and the number of students in the universities are increasing day by day increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio which leads to different inefficiencies to handle the processes related to examination. By implementing the automation system of examination, the human intervention is minimized by the adoption of Information and Communication Technology because all the technologies promise the storage in a compact way and also provides retrieval of data very fast. Tuteja (2016), has stated the Information and Communication Technology as a technology that are mainly used from the administration of the student to different administration resource in education institution where the administrative subsystems include personnel administration, resource administration, student administration, general administration, and financial administration. The education institutions manage the general administration and the communication. () elaborates the possibilities and the uses of information and the use of communication in many educational institutions. The Information and Communication Technology has evenly changed the nature for administration in institutions that deal with higher level of education. The process, in which the information is stored, retrieved, processed and transferred in generally increased with the effectiveness of managers and efficiency by using the technologies of ICT. Many authors suggested that the integration concept of examination system in any university brings robust, transparent, scalable, and e-governance solution in examination system.
Different ways to schedule exams used by institutions
There are various ways, by which the candidates can appear their examinations that are carried online. The ways of online examination are:
- Examination Center-
Most recruitment entities or education institutes mostly calls the candidates at some particular examination center for appearing the examination where usually there are some invigilators to inspect the process of examination. This type of examination can usually happen in a monitored environment. Usually high stake examinations are recommended for this type of online examination as it provides security. The cost for managing such type of exam is very high. The cost of invigilation process and cost of infrastructure is added in the cost of examination process.
- Appearing for exam on device that is web enabled-
In this type of online examination, the candidates have the flexibility to appear the examination from any device like laptop, personal computers, mobile and all such devices which has web enabled in it. This type of online examination has less security because there is a chance for the student to take help from other people while proceeding with the examination process. However, there is possibility to avoid such type of cheatings with the help of technology to make the system secure. Two such type of technology security is explained which can mitigate the cheating process for appearing the examinations that are done on web enabled device.
Technology for secure browsing- Generally, this technology helps the system to have a secure process for examination. When there is conduction of examination, the candidate will have to open a browser. For that, the browser that will do the examination process will have to secure the browser from any other websites. Only the examination process will appear on the screen. This will avoid the user to open other websites for helps during the time of examination. Secure Browsers can disable the sharing of other applications that run on the device, which generally includes screen sharing, remote connection, and many more.
Capturing the images of the students- The photographs of the remote candidates who are appearing the exams at distant places are mainly captured while the exam is on process. Snapshots of candidates who are sitting for the exam are taking by web cam at regular intervals during the exam. Track of the candidate is kept in that way and the candidates can be monitored preventing them to take help from any other external sources.
- Timer for online examination-
This technology for online examination is generally conducted in a way where each questions in the question paper is visible to the examinee only for a particular period of time for which the time is set. The candidates will have to attempt the question within that particular time frame. The system is arranged in such a way that if the time is elapsed, the next question that is synchronized will be appeared automatically and the examinee will not able to get to the previous question. Setting up the timer for online exam, prevents the user from question navigation while appearing the examination. There is a pre-defined sequence for the examination that is to be held. The candidate has to follow that specific pre-defined sequence of the examination. The timer also has another advantage. It prevents the candidates from taking help from other person, books, or some online sources. As the time is static, the examinee does not find time to fetch help.
There are many advantages of using the online test series. The advantages are:
- Easy Configuration-
The System for online application does not need any type of extra software and hardware. This is because it can be accessible from any type of browser and the system does not need a separate server for implementing. The series of online test is very interactive and the interface of user is very well designed which looks like actual test. Multiple examinations can be taken by the examiner at the same time. The subjective questions and the level of difficulty can be defined and analyzed by the examiner.
- Scalable-
With the platform of evaluation and testing, plenty of questions are generated and are also evaluated and the candidates are given a series of such question as test. This prevents the candidates from cheating, and automatic techniques are used for to identify the QA threads, questions that are generated, and seems like actual questions to the examinees.
- Instant Analysis and Result-
Analyzing the result is a very difficult job for the examiner because it takes a huge amount of time. By the online examination system, the student will get their actual marks and the whole process will take less amount of time. The performance of the student can be accessed by the online test results and the student can be monitored personally.
- Strong and weak area of the candidate can be analyzed
There are automatic ways which shows the analysis of the candidate who appears for test with the automatic examination system. The system is able to show all the areas the candidate is good in and critically analyze the academic career of the candidate. The system also shows on which area the candidate has to put more effort.
- Cost effective-
Much flexibility is given to the process on online test. The cost of conducting a pen and paper is much more when compared with the online examination system. The system of online examination is also cost-effective because many examinees can avail the test at the same time.
Steps in scheduling the exams while defining the constraints
- Identification of the all possible constraints in the scheduling of the exams. After this grouping them according to the order of soft to hard constraints for the scenario.
- Selection of the hardest constraint for the scenario and find as well as apply solution for those constraints.
- Check for the constraint if it is satisfied by the applied solution.
- If the selected constraints are satisfied through the application of the solution, after this iterate the complete process for other constraints in order to improve the solution as well as optimal use of the resources.
- If the available solution is found to be final solution for the scheduling a problem, therefore apply to the constraints until every constraint for the scenario is satisfied.
In addition to that, other authors addressed the conflicts like, offer of multiple courses in a single semester, sharing of the rooms for two exams that are scheduled simultaneously, Invigilators Assignment to the different exam rooms (whether to assign faculty lecturers as invigilators or the graduate students as invigilators). In addition to that, assignment to designated exam-periods to operate and manage the exams in an organized manner.
An exam scheduling system must perform well in the scheduling process of huge number of exams where a large number of students will give their exam. The complexity also increases when there are students who have registered for multiple papers in different departments [3]. In this scenario, it is possible that the runtime for the application gets extremely slow.
Comparison between automatic examination system and traditional examination system
Parameter |
Online System of Exam |
Traditional Based Exam |
Security |
Much more security and flexibility is provided by automatic examination system because the examinee can get random questions of same pattern at the same time. |
It is very difficult for the examiner to print different question paper for each and every student and there is a great chance of leaking the exam paper while transporting the examination paper to different centers. |
Processing of Result |
The results that are published online are mostly accurate and are instant. |
There are many overheads that are accompanied with the verification of result and answer in this system. The answer verification is very difficult and processing of result is very huge process and there is much possibility to make mistake. |
Center of Examination |
There is no such headache of center for examination in online examination process. Candidates from remote areas can appear for the exam from anywhere under the surveillance camera. Therefore, there is a possibility to that the candidates can appear for the exams from different location. |
To take exam conventionally, there should be arrangement of classroom, answer sheets and question papers. |
Subjective Questions |
There are limitations for online exams because subjective exam cannot be conducted by this process. |
Subjective methods can be handled carefully in traditional methods. |
Cost of Examination |
The cost of examination is very less in online examination method. |
The cost is method that is much more traditional. |
Supervisor |
There is no need of surveillance in online based examination because there is presence of web camera. |
There should be present of supervisor at each and every room where the examination is held. |
Researchers explored another graph colouring constructive approach with hyper-heuristic for tackling examination-scheduling issues utilizing progressive hybridizations of four low level graph colouring heuristics. The graph records all examinations according to the level of hardness and complexity and guarantees the most complex exam to be planned is scheduled first. This technique was viewed as basic but then proficient approach yet endures issues in taking care of more elevated complexities in examination planning. Graph coloring techniques has the impediment which dismisses hard imperatives, for example, students cannot take two examinations successively at a given time duration.
Another method to solve and develop the application is using the Travelling sales man algorithm. This approach uses list generation process to eradicate the conflicts in the scenario where one or more students have to sit for more than one exam in the same session. We found that the most important issue in this approach is quality of the exam schedule which is produced that depends on relative position of courses selected by the students depends on the available time periods for the exams.
As one of the most important non-functional requirement, the administrator (Top level management of the institution) will be able to set deadline for the professors or tutors to enter the date for scheduling an exam on a given day. Insertion of a specific time for an exam will be used as constraint which limits other users to schedule an on a given day and at a particular slot in a day [1].Consequently, after a certain time developed application would not allow the users to insert any new exam for a given time period. It will be only the administrator who can modify the constraints after the due date and consequently more options emerge on how the framework would adapt to this circumstances.
In case of having a small number of course and subjects, one of the alternatives to run the developed system in order to create the entire timetable for the exam to simply amend the table with the manually generated room allocation system [4]. Creating timetable and schedule for the exams is not reasonable because of time and complexity of the process.
Primary features of an exam scheduling system
1.) The application should be able handle the scheduling of large exam planning complexities. With the complex cross-school or campus enrolments (no of candidates can be as high as several thousand), the arrangements and planning should be precise and vigorous.
2) The data entry operation should be easy to complete, in addition to that, the enlistment information, framework parameter setting, constraint binding and other scheduling requirements should be easily processed.
3) Faster processing of the queries related to schedule an exam. It is expected that the runtime for the application should be between couple of minutes for a sizable exam [1].
4) It is also recommended that the application should have the drag-and drop features. In addition to that, checking of the constraints should be completed in minimum time so that the complete process can be completed in minimal time.
5) The application should be able to integrate with different third party tools for exporting the developed schedule and to have the statistics of the developed schedules [4].
For the reporting purpose, the exam scheduling framework should be able to transfer the developed exam schedule to the used legacy database system assuming there is already a database is operating, so that the existing detailing apparatuses can be utilized for the understudies and staff to get to the exam plan.
This era is an era where technology is playing its role to its highest peak. Most of the lives of people depends on the technology of information and communication. The use of automatic examination system mainly helps the functioning of administrative be better and also enhances the teaching function of the university. The tool of Information and Communication Technology is efficient, reliable, and transparent in examination system. Information and Communication Technology when integrated with examination system gives endless results. User-friendly interface is one of the most important features for an exam scheduling system. In addition to that, it is also important to manage the system parameter setting, constraint checking; and scheduling requirement specification. The application also needs to be fast enough so that administrators can draft a schedule for planning and solution searching if there is any conflict in available resources and developed draft. Advanced integration with third party tools and other reporting tools for exam schedule statistics and output of the scheduling. Reporting module of the scheduling applications provides capabilities to upload exam schedule reports in to the used databases for the applications. In addition to that, the application must be able generate various exam timetable reports by retrieving the data from the application. Therefore, from the above discussion it can be stated that Automatic Examination System with the integration of Information and Communication Technology is very effective and efficient for the system of examination and also renders convenience for queries that are on-line.
AWE commonly known as Agile Web Engineering is a methodology that is generally based on the Manifesto of Agile Software Development. The main aim of Agile Software is promoting the best way that is used for developing the software and also helping others to develop the software. The developers generally value many things through the work of development. The values that the individuals gain are 1) Interaction of individuals over tools and processes 2) Software that normally works on comprehensive documentation 3) Collaboration of customer through contract negotiation 4) Responds to the change over a plan, this means that if the developers values the item on right, they should also value the items on the left more [13]. Two examples who follow this rule is McDonald and Welland. These two companies are aware of the fact that the developers and respective organization should play a role for a successful outcome of the project by considering that the methodology can carry the project on a secondary impact. The developers of a software believes that Agile path can highlight all the shortfalls of the Monumental processes against Agile which indicates that the developers are generally being misguided by the documentation proposed in the Monumental process. So, according to the developers, AWE (Agile Web Engineering) is generally considered as the best method to develop a software.
The components of AWE are mainly separated in seven phases along with one deliverable including the Web Application. The seven stages of AWE are:
Business Analysis- The goal of business analysis is extracting some of the problems that mainly address the Web Application. There is a need for Web Application to define the objectives of the defined business, for being successful in its domain. The objective that are involved are generally based for gaining the competitive edge in a business and gain some other advantages that are equally important. The problems that are considered as the toughest problem are to be handled first that allows all the potential changes that are to be made [8]. The application of automatic examination system is usually needed for carrying the examination process smoothly and makes all the processes that are involved to carry out the examination run easily. The traditional method that is used for examination procedure is generally a hectic one and takes much time for completion. The conventional system of examination is very much costly as well because of selecting a center and providing all the stuffs to the students for giving the examination. The automatic online system that is to be made makes the system easy and save a lot of time for the examiner. The result checking for the online examination system is also easy when compared to the conventional method of examination process.
Requirements Analysis- The requirement phase of business analysis is generally two-tired. The requirement analysis in first stage indicates the work of the proposed solution, which is commonly known as functional requirement [12]. The second stage involves the non-functional requirements, which describes the constraints that are involved to complete the solution. The constraints that are included for addressing the performance are issues, security vulnerabilities, and usability concerns. The planning test should be started by the team so that the criteria can be determined for developing the actual product.
Functional Requirements- The application that is being proposed for online examination system is basically done on Oracle APEX. The application that is to be designed can improve the system of examination and makes the process easy [7]. With the automatic examination system, candidates are able to give the exams from anywhere and the questions are generated automatically. There is also a less headache of calculating the results after the examination. The application is capable of calculating the marks automatically and gives feedbacks to the candidates on which topic or on which area the students have scored high marks. This lessens the burden of the examiner as all the processes are generated automatically in the system.
Non-Functional Requirements- There is no much issue in making the system for automatic examination because the system is tested on every phase after being built. Before implementing the system, the system is tested many times as examination indicates the future of the candidates [10]. The only issue that arises in this system is that the system does not work with subjective questions. Only examinations that contains objective questions can be solved by the system of automatic online examination. Drawings, tables, and maps are not possible to implement in this proposed system.
Design- A design that is made high level is independent on the details of lower level of implementation. The design phase is considered as a core phase of software development as the system is proposed and designed in this phase. The system until now is only described literally, but in the design phase, the system gets a structure [9]. The major issues that are faced while building the web application is described in this phase. The issues involve portability, redesign, and scalability problems. The issues that are generally addressed by the system should have the highest preference and should be given attention to mitigate those issues.
The system that is design is done on Oracle Application Express (APEX), which is a development on web-based and it, is a development tool that is generally available with Oracle Databases and is also available in Cloud Services of Oracle Database. The logic that is behind the PL/SQL is recommended by Oracle. The script file that are involved with the automatic examination system, maintains the packages, procedures, and functions of the system [5]. This is done because the system has to be run on a single source code. The schema of Oracle APEX holds the engine of APEX that has many tables and lines of PL/SQL. The tables that are involved in the engine have meta-data along with the installation. The system has many buttons, pages, shared components, items, and regions, which are involved in the meta-data of APEX.
Implementation- The implementation phase is considered to be a phase of low level. Agile Web Engineering generally suggests paired programming for building the web application. This is because the paired programming provides features of extensive testing from different developer’s perspective [14]. The implementation of the system is easier if the system is break down in to smaller parts as it will be easy for testing and the deliverables are also easy to maintain.
Testing – Testing phase mainly involves weather the system that is built satisfies the requirements of the project. All the features that are involved in vital determination of the requirement of the project are done in testing. The non-functional testing can be assessed at minimum that is the performance of the application, compatibility of the system on all other browsers, scalability for the audience and finally the security of the application.
Evaluate- The plan for evaluating a process is generally guided by the requirement and the business analysis. The evaluation consists of end-user usability, which is considered to be an evaluation that leads in better understanding the problem space [11]. The analysis phase have the feedback and the cycle to analyze, to design, to implement, to test, and to evaluate generally repeats. The process of evaluation is time consuming and an expensive task to maintain. All the iteration that are involved in AWE does not need evaluation. The system that will be developed can have evaluation process after the system is being implemented.
Deploy- The web application that will be designed, implemented, and evaluated generally comes in deployment stage. The web application that is made is deployed under trial version in the scenario of the real world. The performance of the system can be evaluated overall and the defects of the system are recorded. The defects that are being evaluated are improved and then the system will be revised.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that AWE gives a systematic steps of all the procedures and a detailed structure of the web application that is to be made successfully. The maintenance and the deployment of the system is also described in the AWE [6]. To correct misunderstandings, hidden problem, risks, and indentify the objective of AWE methodology is quite a difficult job in the AWE methodology. All the iterations involved in the system should focus the problem and also correct such problem.
Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues- A vast amount of unstructured involving images, texts, audios and structured content involving database records are available easily to the user in worldwide. This is the greatest advantage of web in the world of digitization. The environment of web is also used for unethical purposes such as coping the content from the web. This ethical issue is related with the Web. The issues that are related with the accessibility of the web application should also be taken care of.
[1]G. Di Pietro, "EXAM SCHEDULING AND STUDENT PERFORMANCE", Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 65-81, 2012.
[2]M. J. Cheesman, P. Chunduri, M. Manchadi, K. Colthorpe and B. Matthews, "Student Interaction with a Computer Tablet Exam Application Replicating the Traditional Paper Exam", Moblie Computing, vol. 4, no. 0, p. 10, 2015.
[3]E. Papaioannou, S. Athanassopoulos and C. Kaklamanis, "EFFICIENT COURSE AND EXAM SCHEDULING USING GRAPH COLORING", IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, pp. 51-51, 2017.
[4]M. Tuteja, "Flight Recommendation System based on user feedback, weighting technique and context aware recommendation system", International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2016.
[5] Virpura, Digvijay, and Priya Swaminarayan. "Survey on Life Cycle Management and Version Control in Oracle Application Express." International Journal 5, no. 3 (2017).
[6] Ahmed, Riaz. "Introduction to Cloud Computing and the Application Project." In Cloud Computing Using Oracle Application Express, pp. 1-8. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2016.
[7] Scott, John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Map Integration." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 477-510. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[8] Melo, Claudia de Oliveira, Jonathan Moraes, Marcelo Ferreira, and Rejane Maria da Costa Figueiredo. "A Method for Evaluating End-User Development Technologies." (2017).
[9] Scott,
[1]G. Di Pietro, "EXAM SCHEDULING AND STUDENT PERFORMANCE", Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 65-81, 2012.
[2]M. J. Cheesman, P. Chunduri, M. Manchadi, K. Colthorpe and B. Matthews, "Student Interaction with a Computer Tablet Exam Application Replicating the Traditional Paper Exam", Moblie Computing, vol. 4, no. 0, p. 10, 2015.
[3]E. Papaioannou, S. Athanassopoulos and C. Kaklamanis, "EFFICIENT COURSE AND EXAM SCHEDULING USING GRAPH COLORING", IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, pp. 51-51, 2017.
[4]M. Tuteja, "Flight Recommendation System based on user feedback, weighting technique and context aware recommendation system", International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, 2016.
[5] Virpura, Digvijay, and Priya Swaminarayan. "Survey on Life Cycle Management and Version Control in Oracle Application Express." International Journal 5, no. 3 (2017).
[6] Ahmed, Riaz. "Introduction to Cloud Computing and the Application Project." In Cloud Computing Using Oracle Application Express, pp. 1-8. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2016.
[7] Scott, John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Map Integration." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 477-510. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[8] Melo, Claudia de Oliveira, Jonathan Moraes, Marcelo Ferreira, and Rejane Maria da Costa Figueiredo. "A Method for Evaluating End-User Development Technologies." (2017).
[9] Scott, John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Oracle APEX 5.0 Charts Inside Out." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 73-144. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[10] Ravikumar, Y. V., K. M. Krishnakumar, and Nassyam Basha. "Database Downgrades." In Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods, pp. 547-563. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2017.
[11] Zarei, Reza, and Alex Kuo. "Design and Development of a Web-Based Self-Monitoring System to Support Wellness Coaching." In ITCH, pp. 401-406. 2017.
[12] Scott, John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Lifecycle Management." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 359-402. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[13] Brooks, Jeffrey. "Release and Team Utilization Planning Application." (2014).
[14] Iacob, Nicoleta Magdalena. "Data security for e-learning platforms." Knowledge Horizons. Economics 7, no. 1 (2015): 85.
John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Oracle APEX 5.0 Charts Inside Out." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 73-144. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[10] Ravikumar, Y. V., K. M. Krishnakumar, and Nassyam Basha. "Database Downgrades." In Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods, pp. 547-563. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2017.
[11] Zarei, Reza, and Alex Kuo. "Design and Development of a Web-Based Self-Monitoring System to Support Wellness Coaching." In ITCH, pp. 401-406. 2017.
[12] Scott, John, Nick Buytaert, Karen Cannell, Martin D’Souza, Doug Gault, Dimitri Gielis, Roel Hartman et al. "Lifecycle Management." In Expert Oracle Application Express, pp. 359-402. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2015.
[13] Brooks, Jeffrey. "Release and Team Utilization Planning Application." (2014).
[14] Iacob, Nicoleta Magdalena. "Data security for e-learning platforms." Knowledge Horizons. Economics 7, no. 1 (2015): 85.
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My Assignment Help. (2020). Exam Scheduling Systems: Importance And Requirements. Retrieved from https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/am808001-development-of-exam-scheduling-system-for-organization-administration.
"Exam Scheduling Systems: Importance And Requirements." My Assignment Help, 2020, https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/am808001-development-of-exam-scheduling-system-for-organization-administration.
My Assignment Help (2020) Exam Scheduling Systems: Importance And Requirements [Online]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/am808001-development-of-exam-scheduling-system-for-organization-administration
[Accessed 13 March 2025].
My Assignment Help. 'Exam Scheduling Systems: Importance And Requirements' (My Assignment Help, 2020) <https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/am808001-development-of-exam-scheduling-system-for-organization-administration> accessed 13 March 2025.
My Assignment Help. Exam Scheduling Systems: Importance And Requirements [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2020 [cited 13 March 2025]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/am808001-development-of-exam-scheduling-system-for-organization-administration.