Manufacturing the green scare Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Why Islamophobia Is So Dangerous relationship between the Muslim world and the United States.
The root of Islamophobia in AmericaGlobal Islamophobia.
Relationship between the Muslim world and the United States and the root of Islamophobia in America.
Root causes of Islamophobia
The above quoted of Jean-Jacques Rousseau during the time of the French Revolution in the 18th century speaks volumes about the nature of the present day world. One of the major issues that the greater section of the human population is facing at the current moment is the fact that they are being unable to lead their lives the way they want (Silva 370). It is significant to note that it is not only the social conditions of the present day world or the other kinds of extrinsic factors inhibit the individuals from leading the kind of lives that they want but at the same time it is also seen that the opinion or the bias of the society towards some of the ideas or ideologies followed by the various sections of the society also affects the lives of the people and inhibits them to lead their lives according to their own wish in a significant manner (Silva 370). The concept of Islamophobia is pertinent to note in this particular context and especially in the context of the current world scenario and to a great extent inhibits the Muslims from leading the kind of lives that they want in the various nations of the world. Islamophobia is one of the most common evils that the people who follow the religion of Islam have been subjected to in the recent times (Austin 87). A pertinent cause of this factor can be attributed to the increasing number of crimes that the world faced committed by the people belonging to the Islamic faith (Austin 87). However, at the same times it is significant to note that the number of hate crimes related to the Muslim people all over the world has at the same time increased in a substantial manner. Islamophobia entails a prejudice as well as a sense of animosity for the people related to the religion of Islam (Ali 51). Islamophobia is not only affecting the lives of the Muslim people but it is also inhibiting them to lead their lives in the normal manner since the prejudice against the Muslims has increased in a significant manner post the 9/11 attacks due to the negative portrayal of the Muslims in contemporary media. This essay will discuss about the adverse effects that the concept of Islamophobia had on the lives of the Muslim people and will also show the dangers of such practice.
Effects of the 9/11 attacks
Islamophobia or a strong prejudice and a feeling of animosity for the people related to the religion of Islam are nothing new in the history of the world (Ekman 1988). It is significant to note that even in the 11th and the 12th centuries during the time of the emergence of the religion of Islam the people related to the religion of Christianity waged a war against the followers of Islam, which is commonly called by the name of “Crusade Wars” (Ekman 1988). However, the prejudice against the followers of the religion of Islam have grown in a substantial manner in the recent times in the various Western countries of the world like the United States of America (USA), Canada and others particularly in the context of the increasing terrorism incidents that the world is facing at the current moment. One of the most important recent incidents that have changed the outlook of the people from the diverse parts of the world and particularly of the people of the nation of USA is the terrorist activities of 9/11, that is, the bombing of the World Trade Center (Duss et al. 67). It is significant to note that in particular terrorist activity 19 militants belonging to the terrorist organization of al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and bombed the World Trade Center. The incident not only destroyed property worth of more than $10 billion but at the same time killed 2,996 people, injured many more people and scared the lives of millions of people from all over the world (Duss et al. 67). In addition to these, the terrorist activities of Osama bin Laden has also contributed in a significant manner in shaping the feeling of animosity as well as the hatred of the various people of the world towards the Muslims or the followers of Islam.
The basic precepts or the concepts of the religion of Islam are very different from the ones related to the other religions of the world and this contributes in a significant manner towards the culture as well as the lifestyle followed by the people who follow the religion of Islam (Morgan 65). Thus, it is generally seen that majority of the times a person who is a follower of the religion of Islam can easily be distinguished from the followers of the other religions. For example, in the representations of the Muslims in the popular media it is seen that a Muslim man keeps beard and have a dressing style of their own whereas a Muslim woman is required to wear hijabs and the kind of dresses that covers her entire body from her head right to the toes of her (Morgan 65). The dressing style followed by the people related to the religion of Islam and also the practices upheld by them is the thing that not only distinguishes them from the other people of the world but at the same time creates a sense of difference among the others. It is seen that people are not very open to the things that are different to the things or the practices that they follow and thus a sense of dislike as well as distance normally arises among these people and this dislike or distance in term contributes to the feeling of hatred or animosity that the people of the Western countries like USA, Canada and others feel for the Muslim people (Beydoun 1463). Another general reason that is being attributed as one of the reasons for the animosity that the people of the Western countries normally feel towards the Eastern people is the fact that the immigrants who go to these countries on a temporary often end staying there on a permanent basis and in turn limits the opportunities that they have in a significant manner (Beydoun 1463). In addition to these, the idea that they belong to a superior white race have been ingrained in the minds of the people of the Western countries since the traditional times and this in turn gets manifested in the various kinds of prejudices that the people from the other ethnic groups had to face in the various Western countries (Love 54).
Prejudice in educational institutions
A poll conducted by the “YouGov” in the year 2015 revealed the fact that more than 55% of the people of USA and Canada hold unfavorable opinions towards the Muslims and their way of life (Huffpost). Furthermore, another interesting statistics revealed by the FBI of the United States of America in the year 2018 reveals the fact that although various kinds of hate crimes have got reduced in the nation in the last three years yet at the same time the various kinds of hate crime crimes committed against the Muslims have increased in a significant manner (CNN). Another important factor that has contributed in a significant manner towards the prejudice that the people of the Western countries hold towards the Muslim people is the negative portrayal that the popular media generally gives not only to the Muslims but at the same time to the various Islam countries of the world like Pakistan, Afghanistan and others (Huffpost). It is significant to note that most of the news channels as well as the electronic media generally provide a portrayal of these nations as a land of savages wherein the people are used to all kinds of cannibalistic activities and all imaginable cruelties are being perpetrated by the people of these nations (Islamicity.Org). However, this is far from the actual truth since recent events like the Paris shooting (2015), terrorist activities perpetrated by the American people in the nation of America itself and others clearly indicate that the common factor among all the terrorist activities of the world is not religion but the personal grievances and sense of injustice that the world has committed against them of the terrorists involved in the process.
The menace of Islamophobia is not only affecting the present lives of the people related to the faith of Islam but at the same time it is affecting the future prospects of these people (Rauf 51). For example, one of the most pertinent effects of the process of Islamophobia is the discrimination or the prejudice that not only the adults Muslims face but at the same time the Muslim children face the same kind of prejudices as well (Rauf 51). One of the most important places wherein the seeds of the future thought process as well as the ideologies about the future are being fostered in the minds of the children are the various educational institutions (Walker 95). However, it is seen that even in these places as well the Muslim children are face not only prejudice from the various members of the educational institutions but at the same time from the fellow students as well (Mohiuddin 145). This particular process is likely to scar the minds of these children for the rest of their lives and have adverse effects in the later part of their lives since it is seen that the ideas that the children form during their formational years are most likely to stay with them for the rest of their lives. Thus, it can be said that this particular process affects the normal growth as well as the development of the children related to the faith of Islam in a significant manner.
Negative portrayal in the media
The prejudice that the Muslims are receiving at the hands of the people is affecting the normal life of these people in a significant manner. Research have shown that the people who are subjected to various kinds of prejudice as well as bias are not being able to meet the most basic emotional necessities of their lives in the most effective manner and in many cases are often being deprived of some of the most basic opportunities that they deserve (Tillman 21). It is significant to note that one of the most basic psychosocial needs of the various human beings is that they should be able to fulfill the normal activities of their lives in the best possible manner (Tillman 21). However, the prejudice as well as the animosity that they are receiving at the hands of the society is significantly impairing them to fulfill these basic requirements (Artan-Bayhan 234). This in turn not only causes a significant amount of dissatisfaction among them but at the same time causes a feeling of being at victims of injustice (Artan-Bayhan 234). And this in turn leads many if these individuals to resort to various kinds of cruel as well as violent activities in the later part of their lives.
An interesting example if the prejudice that the people of the Western countries hold against the Muslims is manifested in the article of the National Post entitled “Let’s worry more about violent Islamophobia’s _ and less about writers who fear being called the Islamophobia” written by Jasmine Zine. In this article it is seen that there is a debate between two people, namely Zine and another lady named Kay about the concept of Islamophobia (Zine). It is seen that Zine is defending the Muslims and is of the viewpoint that the prejudice as well as the discrimination that the Muslims are receiving at the hands of the society is totally unjustified whereas Kay is totally against the Muslims (Zine). It is significant to note that this particular prejudice that the people of the Western countries have for the Muslims is not only limiting the prospects that these people have but at the same it is discouraging the Muslims to make the most of the opportunities that they have. It is significant to note that Donald Trump, the present President of the nation of the USA in his election campaign said that “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” (The Spectator). These kinds of statements from the national authorities of the nations are significantly affecting the prospects of the Muslim people. Furthermore, it was seen that post 9/11 especially the Muslims were subjected to various kinds of harsh treatments and many of them were detained in the detention centers without any strong evidences. Moreover, in the recent times it also seen that the visa norms of the various countries of the world like USA, Canada and others have become much more stringent especially for the Muslims. However, the recent achievements made by people like Amaney Jamal, Lina Khatib and others and the contributed towards the development of the national governments of the various nations of the world point otherwise (Islamicity.Org).
Discrimination against Muslim children
The United Nations requires the various nations of the world to follow the precepts of the various legislations passed by it the Equality Act, Anti-Discrimination and others (The Spectator). However, at the same time it needs to be mentioned that the treatment that the Muslims are receiving at the hands of the society as well as the national governments of the various nations of the world is totally against the above mentioned dictums of the United Nations. Furthermore, these kinds of activities on the part of the people of the Western countries especially the various hate crimes is not only affecting the lives of the people but at the same building inside these people strong feelings of dissent as well as injustice which is getting manifested in the increasing number of terrorist and criminal activities that the world is facing at the current moment.
To conclude, Islamophobia is one of the most common problems that the Muslims are facing in the various Western nations of the world currently. The concept of Islamophobia has gained popularity in the light of the various terrorist activities that are being organized as well as conducted by the Muslims, especially the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. It is significant to note that these incidents not only kill millions of people from the different nations of the world but at the same time destroys properties worth of billions of dollars every year. It is in the light of these events that the concept of Islamophobia has gained prominence and the Muslims are being subjected to various kinds of harsh treatments as well as prejudice of the societies of these nations of the world. However, it is significant to note that these incidents are affecting the lives of the innocents Muslims in a significant manner and they are not being able to fulfill the normal requirements of their lives in the most effective manner. Furthermore, these acts of prejudice as well as discrimination cause a feeling among these individuals which in turn propel them to resort to violent actions and thus such hate crimes as well as prejudices against the Muslims needs to be stopped and even the dictums of the United Nations says so.
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