The Levels of Analysis
Discuss about the Behavioral Patterns Of Social Beings In Society.
In order to comprehend the complex actions and behavioural patterns of social beings in the society, psychologists have aimed to observe a unique range of factors. However, the various dimensional factors have offered an explicitly understood framework which aids to comprehend things in simplistic techniques that is regarded as ‘Levels of Analysis’ whereby the behavioural patterns of individuals along with its reasons and implications can be identified and evaluated at three vital levels namely biological, psychological and environmental as well as social level (Passer, Smith & Norris 2016). However, the framework of levels of analysis has been considered to have been involved in evaluating the daily course of human behaviour whereby the biological level of analysis examines the several chemical combinations, neural courses and structures and further aids humans to regulate their hunger or any other emotions. However, the psychological level determines the emotional level of humans along with the relative intentions of eating or being responsive. Furthermore, at the environmental and social level of analysis focuses on specific incentives and motivational patterns that involves the smell or appearance various kinds of food which may further act as an influential factor for eating or related to other cultural aspects that would impact the food preferences (Myers & Haslam, 2016). However, it is important to note that recent observations tend to demonstrate the increasing rate of interaction with nature and process of nurture interact whereby the biological competence tend to influence human behaviour and experiences humans undergo that affect human’s biological abilities. Thus, the significant implications of the framework of levels of analysis signify the biological, psychological and social aspects must be taken into consideration in order to attain a holistic understanding of human behaviour.
The psychological framework of levels of analysis has not only facilitated the way humans can interpret and evaluate the behaviour of others. Thus the levels of analysis have provided individuals with new and enhanced insights that would facilitate individuals to interpret the behavioural patterns and emotional level of the ones with whom they develop relationships. The level of analysis has aided my level of understanding whereby through the evaluation of psychological level I could effortlessly interpret the behavioural patterns of one of my college mate who revealed immense degree of shyness and possess high rate of introversion especially while engaging with unknown people. Feelings of attraction, intimacy and belonging have played a significant contributing role during the course of my college life which has been intensively been focused at the psychological level of interpreting framework. Here I would like to shed light on one of my previous experiences whereby I encountered a young woman in my history class and gradually developed a sense of attraction and belongingness. However, such feelings or emotions can trigger several intriguing questions such as “Where does this sense of attraction occur? Whether it is biological of has been developed. However, by thoroughly observing the levels of analysis in this course I could evaluate the causes and understandings of such emotions which further encompass a wide range of areas of subjects. This course has aided me to understand the various aspects of initial impressions, belongingness that includes various concepts related to beauty, sex as well as evolution. However, the recent range of studies have been shedding light on various areas of attraction and appeal, studies aim to focus on the way individuals develop pre-judgemental notions to the appearances of peers and associates prior to the establishment of any association. These notions have also been encountered by me whereby I have noticed many of my peers to make pre-judgemental attitudes and behaviours while interacting with people of various cultural backgrounds.
Understanding Behavioral Patterns
My earlier assignment associated to Learning Journal 1 has been capable of providing considerable degree of awareness and adequate knowledge with its competence to offer brief and distinct connection between the levels of analysis and my level of understanding in relation to the experiences and knowledge I have obtained. Furthermore, keeping the earlier understandings and techniques of Learning Journal 1 in consideration, I have aimed to improve my comprehensive skills and decree over the areas which have been covered in this course of Learning Journal 2. However, it is important to recognize the significant understanding and inclusive learning which I have attained while working on the previous learning course that has aided me to enhance my competence skills and understanding to value the subject areas which have been offered to us in this following Journal. The book ‘Individual in the Society’ has been provided to us while commencing the course which is considered as the foundation of this learning course. The book comprises of several chapters which deals with various areas related to social psychology, conformity and obedience, individuals dealing with sense of attraction and intimacy as well as aggression. It has come to my realization that the subjects related to self-identity and recognition, acts of prejudice and attraction or intimate associations would facilitate my knowledge and awareness and aid me in my personal life experiences and behaviour. Furthermore, this course of learning journal 2 has also assisted me to perceive the societal issues and complexities that would aid me in my personal life experiences.
One of the significant topics covered in this learning journal is ‘Self and Identity’. The concepts associated to this subject has recently received great degree of global awareness and perceptive which individuals possess for themselves. The sub topics comprising this subject are related to spotlight effects and illusion of transparency, sense of self-concept as well as self-esteem. The perception of self-concept has developed a sense of interest within me while intending to obtain a greater degree of social understanding in order to perceive the world as well as ourselves. The aspects which increased my level of interest and knowledge towards these subjects as they essentially deal with the beliefs and notions about oneself that further aids to organize and assist individuals to in developing the knowledge of self-relevant knowledge and information (Myers & Haslam, 2016). The sub topics associated with concepts of social interface which further relies on individuals who develop the knowledge of their and other identities. Aspects related to social conception and recognition is considered as a comprehensive observation as they underpin the daily life patterns of every individual. As a result, gathering dynamic understanding through the dimensions of self identity, self recognition, and social-conception along with the concepts of spotlight effects have led to attain comprehensive awareness of the topic in a generalized manner (Myers & Haslam, 2016).
The Psychological Framework
At this juncture it is significant to understand that the essential factors of self-conceptualization being positioned on the field of psychology have provided great degree of assistance to observe the way individuals acquire the ability to improve their competence level with the plethora of such knowledge associated to psychological health conditions. The level of awareness while studying these topics have revealed the way certain conventional and modern perceptions of self have experienced certain rapid shifts whereby the previous thoughts were associated with dimensions of secularization whereby it has been perceived that religious perceptions and ideologies requires to be considered as an intentional concern that has no specific obligation on others belonging to the society with other factors like education and knowledge that would lead to the societal development and mobility (Myers & Haslam, 2016). “Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can use to change the world” –this famous quote stated by one of the most recognized leader Nelson Mandela has revealed the way an increase to the level of awareness aids individuals to observe their own identities. Furthermore, effective leadership skills can be developed through well-established as well as influential sense of self-awareness and identification (Holt et al., 2015). Certain factors regarding “Spotlight Effect” has revealed the way individuals at have experienced certain situations which have led to high rate of embarrassment and discomfort. This factor of ‘Spotlight effect’ had once led me face an embarrassing situation where I gathered perceptions of my performance in a debate regarding the approach I chose to speak about the particular subject and the way others would perceive it.
It is important to note that observing the concepts of self-concept and awareness covered in Learning Journal 2 has aided to recognize the way this current cohort segment has been immensely engaging themselves into the domain of self-awareness and self-esteem. It must further be noted that the sub topics covered in this chapter has revealed potential threats and challenges for generation who have been preoccupied with certain fantasies of unobstructed accomplishments and idealistic aims and objectives which in the future will fail to provide effective outcomes in our lives.
Factors associated to forms of discrimination have always attained a significant level of understanding in recent times with the increasing rate of prejudice and discrimination in the society. Although the elementary understanding of racism, stigma and dominance have previously been attained by me but it has eventually been established that these terminologies comprise greater level of implications and fundamental implications which have been highly prevalent through the conventional and modern ideologies existing in human society. The areas of associated with racism, intergroup behaviour and bystander effects have gathered my attention as these areas comprising of other essential underlying significance will facilitate me in developing my daily experiences.
The acts of prejudice and discrimination comprise of several facets, which is one of the reasons I intend to shift my concentration in order to gather an enhanced level of understanding on this domain. The lectures offered by our supervisor have highlighted certain areas of these acts which were previously not been given adequate significance. As a result, these areas have my raised my level of concern towards the implication of prudence and hostility which have increased the rates of discrimination and inequity in the society as well as the rest of the world. The concepts associated with stigma have affected the level of dignity, self-esteem and welfare of individuals. Stigma along with its impact on self-stigma has been encouraging certain level of derogatory and disparaging stereotypes and consequently generates unconstructive emotional responses (Myers & Zinkiewicz, 2016). The learning course 2 has further enlightened my knowledge based on several forms of inequity and discrimination based on factors associated to racism, bystander effects, age and ethnic backgrounds. The in-depth understanding of these subject areas have led me to gather knowledge about the way homosexual men and women have been experiencing widespread rate of inequity and discrimination based on factors associated to sexual identity. At this juncture, I must highlight certain critical social activist movements which have been taken place in Australia in recent times whereby social activists have been shedding light on the ways individuals must start perceiving others with nationalism rather than viewing individuals on the basis of their skin colour or ethnicity. Furthermore, the marketing domain has often demonstrated acts of sex stereotypes, sex roles as well as acts of ambivalent sexism towards women (Myers & Zinkiewicz, 2016). Advertisers of vintage times and contemporary days have perceived women as subjects associated to positive labels such as benevolent sexism and hostile prejudice. On the other hand several advertisements have demonstrated women as mere objects solely associated with household chores and liabilities.
At this juncture, it is essential to note that the factors associated to ethnicity, racism and sexism have not posed such implication in the Australian society. However, certain observations have exposed the increasing rate of criticisms and accusations of few ethnic groups who have been facing certain upsetting circumstances in recent times due to the growing rate of injustice and inequity (Myers & Denson, 2016). Certain other aspects associated with the crucial implications of sexism and sexual orientation whereby individuals promoting such acts are facing immense rate of bullying and harassment further hampering their level of peace and thus losing the harmony towards the society where they live. Recent reports stated in the workbook have explicitly revealed the way around 50% of homosexual men and women have been experiencing hostile situations in NSW from the opponent groups (Myers & Denson, 2016). The lectures and notes on these subjects have undoubtedly facilitated the level of my awareness as the generation to which I belong has been persistently developing notions that result in demeaning the older generations because of their inclination towards prejudiced or decisive characteristics towards concepts of sexual orientation and racism.
Self and Identity
Humans tend to tend to seek association and belonging of others in various situational contexts. However, we, humans with the aim of experiencing ultimate pleasure and reliability from others develop the need to develop associations with others to have proper sustainability in our lives. Dynamics of attraction, physical appeal, familiarity and associations along with various forms of .love and affection have increased the level of my inclination and attention towards these areas ((Myers & Haslam, 2016). Relationships have the tendency to undergo certain alterations and despondency when we tend to develop sense of affection and attraction with others as a result it has come to my realization that as social breed my rate of interest has lied towards these topics.
Dynamics of intimacy and attraction have been regarded as one of the significant concepts of this chapter which states the varied range of positive feelings and emotions towards others through friendly associations, fondness, and appreciation along with feelings related to love or lust. Smile or cheerful facial expressions have often been referred as attractive or appealing that often produce evolutionary beneficial outcomes. Thus leaders like US President Barack Obama has always posed a cheerful and positive behaviour while delivering speeches and at other political events in order to produce optimistic and encouraging outcomes. Factors associated with passionate and empathetic feeling of love have explicitly been demonstrated in this course. However, the lectures given Sternberg’s three factors of love related to intimacy, commitment with the intention to sustain the association regardless of complexities that may take place. Furthermore, this topic has explicitly observed the varied forms of love like passionate as well as compassionate love. However, I believe that the Passionate Love Scale measuring the degree of love vary with the characteristics of individuals and the degree to which sincerely compassionate couples have the tendency to demonstrate the scales of love. However, in recent times individuals often reveal high rate of inclination towards personality characteristics which develop a sense of attraction and belongingness towards their partners. The lectures on contemporary relationships have revealed the increasing rate of apathy towards their partners which as a result leads to the damage of the relationships and resulting breakup. However, certain non-interactive factors related to love have also been contributing a crucial role in cases of disintegration of love and breakups among modern couples (Myers & Karantzas, 2016). The desire for liberty and freedom from a distressful relationship urges one of leaving his or her partner. However I believe no individual shall be involved in any upsetting or aggressive relationship and further has the authority to live life in one’s own way. Furthermore, the concept of Sternberg’s Love Triangle that has been evaluated in this discussion reveals the persistent complexities and issues some relationships undergo which results in getting involved with other individuals that form a complex triangle of three persons (Myers & Karantzas, 2016).
Furthermore, focusing on the concept of Love Triangle is often perceived as an ideal form of love with the amalgamation of intimacy, healthy and satisfied romantic association (Myers & Karantzas, 2016). However, reports state both men and women in particular value the intimacy component in any association.
At this juncture, I must recognize and further acknowledge the highly enhanced observation and awareness I have attained by exploring this learning course that has aided me to change my perceptions. The subjects related to prejudice and discrimination, affection and intimacy along with self-identity as well as the sub topics associated with it have facilitated my level of awareness and have provided me with better understanding rather than their elementary connotations and insights. The lectures, subjects and notes covered in Learning Journal 2 has further casted light on the serious and concerning societal matters which previously were beyond my domain of awareness and knowledge. Lectures and the insights gained from the areas associated with attraction and intimacy has aided me to develop my insights towards forming association with my family and close ones and learn about the limitations one needs to draw while involved in a relationships. Developing awareness on areas related to inequity, discrimination has guided my ideologies which would further aid me in my future societal actions. Furthermore, observing the concepts and ideas of self-identity has not only assisted me to learn about my own skills and abilities and further developed my level of confidence and dignity. Thus, I must acknowledge this learning course for transforming my inner abilities and competencies and would also aim to help my peers develop similar forms of understandings and knowledge.
Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., Vliek, M., Passer, M. W., & Smith, R. E. (2015). Psychology: the science of mind and behaviour.-. LondonMcGraw-Hill Education9780077169848.
Myers, D. G. & Denson, T. (2016). Aggression: Hurting others. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 235-270). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
Myers, D. G. & Haslam, N. (2016). Behaviour and attitudes. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 116-145). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia.
Myers, D. G. & Haslam, N. (2016). The self in a social world. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 73-114). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia.
Myers, D. G. & Karantzas, G. (2016). Attraction and intimacy: Liking and loving others. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 272-321). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia.
Myers, D. G. & Zinkiewicz, L. (2016). Prejudice: Disliking others. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 190-233). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia.
Passer, M. W., Smith, R. E., & Norris, K. (2016). The science of psychology. In T. Griffin (Ed.), 101557: The Individual In Society, (3rd ed., pp. 5-34). North Ryde, Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia
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